Friday 1 September 2023

GEORGE CARLIN - some sort of an organizing intelligence

George Carlin was born in New York in 1937.

George Carlin's parents separated when he was two months old because of his father's alcoholism, so his mother raised him and his brother on her own.[9] 

His father died when Carlin was eight years old.[10]

Carlin said that he picked up an appreciation for the effective use of the English language from his mother,[13] though they had a difficult relationship and he often ran away from home.[14] 

He was expelled from Cardinal Hayes High School at age 15.


Carlin performed regularly as a headliner in Las Vegas, but in 2004 his run at the MGM Grand Las Vegas was terminated after an altercation with his audience.

His representative announced that he would begin treatment for alcohol and prescription painkiller addiction on his own initiative.


In a 2008 interview, Carlin stated that using cannabisLSD, and mescaline had helped him cope with events in his personal life.[10] He also stated several times that he had battled addictions to alcohol, Vicodin, and cocaine,[68] and spent some time in a rehab facility in late 2004.[69] 

When asked if he believed in God, he responded -

"There might be some sort of an organizing intelligence, and I think to understand it is way beyond our ability."[71]



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