Friday, 30 September 2022
Thursday, 29 September 2022
UK Conservatives Doomed

A YouGov/Times poll places Labour 33 points ahead of the Conservatives
Tory party would win just THREE seats under Liz Truss if an election was held today, as Starmer's Labour storms ahead with 33-point lead, new poll shows

Michael Howard is a former leader of the UK's Conservative (Tory) Party.
Michael Howard was home secretary at the time when the Baybasins came to the UK.
According to the Guardian, members of an international crime gang were allowed to come to Britain because their leader had links to Customs & Excise.
The evidence for this came out at an immigration appeals tribunal.
The Baybasin Cartel, a Kurdish gang, controlled up to 90% of the heroin which entered the UK.
Its bosses settled in the UK in the mid-1990s.
Gang members were involved in protection rackets and extortion in the UK, and were linked to up to 25 murders.
The gang's members were allowed to move from Turkey to London, allegedly after their leader, Huseyin Baybasin, agreed to tell Customs investigators what he knew about the involvement of senior Turkish politicians and officials in the international heroin trade.
Reportedly, Baybasin was encouraged by Customs to come to the UK and arrived via Gibraltar in either late 1994 or early 1995.
Michael Howard was home secretary at the time when the Baybasins came to the UK.
According to the Guardian, members of an international crime gang were allowed to come to Britain because their leader had links to Customs & Excise.
The evidence for this came out at an immigration appeals tribunal.
The Baybasin Cartel, a Kurdish gang, controlled up to 90% of the heroin which entered the UK.
Its bosses settled in the UK in the mid-1990s.
Gang members were involved in protection rackets and extortion in the UK, and were linked to up to 25 murders.
The gang's members were allowed to move from Turkey to London, allegedly after their leader, Huseyin Baybasin, agreed to tell Customs investigators what he knew about the involvement of senior Turkish politicians and officials in the international heroin trade.
Reportedly, Baybasin was encouraged by Customs to come to the UK and arrived via Gibraltar in either late 1994 or early 1995.

aangirfan: HASHIM THACI.
Having come to the UK, the Baybasin Cartel ran their vast drug trafficking operation from London.
They and their relatives persuaded a number of politicians to support their attempts to obtain British travel documents.
Having come to the UK, the Baybasin Cartel ran their vast drug trafficking operation from London.
They and their relatives persuaded a number of politicians to support their attempts to obtain British travel documents.
Michael Howard was home secretary at the time when the Baybasins came to the UK.
Why did Howard release two dangerous gangsters?
Police are investigating Michael Howard's role in a royal pardon for two of Liverpool's most dangerous gangsters, John Haase and Paul Bennett, who were granted a royal pardon in July 1996 on Howard's orders.
The decision came 11 months into 18-year sentences.
The Metropolitan police is about to launch an investigation into the 'circumstances leading up to the granting of a royal pardon for these individuals'.
Was the Home Secretary duped into believing Haase and Bennett had provided vital information about arms caches across Liverpool, arms they had arranged to be planted themselves?
Michael Howard's cousin, Simon Bakerman, is an associate of Haase.
Bakerman was released from prison on the day Howard became leader of the Conservative Party in November 2003.
Bakerman received a three-year sentence in 2002 for running an illegal factory making amphetamine and ketamine pills.
Haase claims that Bakerman received large sums of money from Haase before the pardon was granted, though even his lawyers admit there is no evidence of where this money ended up - if it was paid in the first place.
The arms caches were a set-up, planted on Haase's instructions from a mobile phone he had smuggled into prison.
Witnesses from within Haase's organisation now claim that bribes totalling £4.5 million were paid by criminals to officials involved with the case.
Haase and his associates have often been held responsible for bringing gun culture to the streets of Liverpool.
One former senior Customs officer said there had been suspicions well before the release of the two men that the arms caches were an elaborate scam.
Haase was rearrested in 1999 and sentenced to 13 years for money-laundering and supplying firearms to fellow gangsters.
He is serving his sentence, but continues to wield a powerful influence from his prison cell, not least through his continuing claims that bribes were paid to help obtain his royal pardon.
Wednesday, 28 September 2022


Year-on-year % change in circulation
Daily Mail
−9 %
Mail on Sunday
−12 %
Daily Mail
−9 %
Mail on Sunday
−12 %
Tuesday, 27 September 2022
85 cents to pound .
Holidaymakers to US are offered just 85 CENTS to the pound when buying dollars at airport Bureaux de change in Birmingham and Manchester
Where to go in the UK?
Scotland – The Balmoral, Edinburgh
Scotland – The Cellar, Anstruther, Fife
AA Hospitality Awards
Monday, 26 September 2022

Rothschild and Mandelson
Lord Jacob Rothschild's close friend Peter Mandelson is advising the UK's Labour Party.

Is Liz Truss working for the CIA?
Letters of no confidence in Liz Truss 'already being put in', claims Tory MP
“They were all supporters of Truss and every one of them was shorting the pound.”
Liz Truss City backers 'made small fortunes betting against pound', report claims

Is Italy's new leader, Giorgia Meloni, working secretly for the Pentagon?

Goergia is well acquainted with the 'spooky' Steve Bannon.

"Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec (pro-Trump Pizzagate promoter) both come from Naval intelligence.[15][16]
"Bannon served as “special assistant” to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon.
"And, according to investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker, Bannon was indirectly associated with a Costa Rica-based stock swindler and cocaine trafficker whose network included former CIA, US military intelligence and Genovese mafia members.[17][18]."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
"Bannon served as “special assistant” to the Chief of Naval Operations in the Pentagon.
"And, according to investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker, Bannon was indirectly associated with a Costa Rica-based stock swindler and cocaine trafficker whose network included former CIA, US military intelligence and Genovese mafia members.[17][18]."
'Deep Politics' and Supranational Aspects of the Trump Era – Akamaitree wordpress...
Anonymous commented -
You could always add the fake Iranian demonstrations to this weeks news.
Bought and paid for psy-op demos in London, Paris and Tehran.
You could always add the fake Iranian demonstrations to this weeks news.
Bought and paid for psy-op demos in London, Paris and Tehran.

September 16, 2022 · by nomad · in Uncategorized · Leave a comment
“Russia, America and Britain, collaborated together at Nuremberg to fabricate the horror-illusion, which would enable the US/UK to gain the post-war moral high ground, even after incinerating the German cities with two million tons of bombs.”People were loath to believe that such a thing could have happened – until maybe after Iraq, when we saw how British-American… HOLOCAUST […]
September 16, 2022 · by nomad · in Uncategorized
[…] Treatments for Vaccine Recipients Dr. Shoemaker: [Ivermectin is] the only medicine that helps you fight if you’ve got a vaccine injury. It’s the key to a vaccine injury protocol. It’s time. It’s time. This is over because the science is strong. The science is huge, that ivermectin is the thing that should always be […]
September 14, 2022 · by nomad · in Uncategorized
The major newspapers? The once-young journalists? The last two and a half years showed them to be shills for what have been revealed to be genocidal imperial powers. They became media versions of sex workers, scheduling time to deliver blow jobs to whomever would write them the biggest checks. The once-young, West-Wing-style politicos? The last […]
September 12, 2022 · by nomad · in Uncategorized
Call-out the Thought Po-po By Cindy Sheehan Source: Cindy Sheehan Substack Before President Orange Crush broke every liberal on the planet, it wasn’t considered so tragic to have an opinion that differed from the prevailing narrative: in fact, in some cases, differing opinions were welcomed and supported. […] Now, though, instead of honest debate, or […]
Sunday, 25 September 2022
Richard Tomlinson and the Russians.

UK Conservative Cabinet minister's sons arrested over assault that left teen with fractured skull | The Sun
31% ministers in Modi govt have criminal cases against them.They r Rapist,Murderers, Kidnappers,Rioters #CriminalBJP trending #CongressiOnBail
Saturday, 24 September 2022
the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations .
Psychiatry is The True Shadow Government ~ Tavistock
'Unknown commented -
Putin’s Tavistock brainwashing; MI6 agent in KGB and Royal Arch Freemason.
'Putin and the KGB agents were trained alongside John Scarlett´s British MI6 agents – according to ex-MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson – and they were all initiated into the Royal Arch Freemasonry – Putin, too.
'John Scarlett was a Tavistock agent, and submitted his students to a thorough Tavistock brainwashing.
'Putin was working with Scarlett (The Eggman) as an MI6 agent in the KGB until he found out, that Scarlett could no longer use him – and wanted to kill him!'
'Putin needed safe passage for himself and his family out of a situation in St Petersburg which was rapidly deteriorating.
'Scarlett already had all of the information that he needed from Mr Putin, on the Royal Arch Freemasonry network.
'However, he agreed to take Mr Putin and his eldest daughter back to the UK and rescue his wife and younger daughter at a later date.

'Scarlett was to renege on this deal. Why?
'Scarlett was to renege on this deal. Why?
'MI5 (for reasons of their own) had decided to torture and then murder Mr Putin as soon as he set foot on British soil. He was dispensible. They had most of the information that they needed and were not going to honour any deal.
'The upshot of all of this, was that when Mr Putin learnt of British Intelligence’s real agenda, he called the deal off and returned to Russia.
'So far, so simple, except that there was one complicating factor: Royal Arch Freemasonry.
'Mr Putin had been part of the Russian Chapter and he had been sorely let down by his British counterparts. In addition, he had been under MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry Illuminati mind control since 1979 and had been one of their operatives within the KGB until 1994.'
What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?
Black Rabbit | Richard Tomlinson and the Russians 2014

Lord Kitchener. 1850-1916.
'Lord Kitchener was “on terms of the deepest intimacy” with Alfred Rothschild from the time of Kitchener’s first Egyptian years. (L, p. 158). He received valuable presents from this Rothschild. (L, p. 242).
'General Ludendorff said of Kitchener, in a letter on view in the United Services Museum in Whitehall:
'“His mysterious death was the work neither of a German mine nor of a German torpedo, but of that power which would not permit the Russian Army to recover with the help of Lord Kitchener because the destruction of Czarist Russia had been determined upon. Lord Kitchener’s death was caused by his abilities.”'
Gentile Folly: the Rothschilds
Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!
'The upshot of all of this, was that when Mr Putin learnt of British Intelligence’s real agenda, he called the deal off and returned to Russia.
'So far, so simple, except that there was one complicating factor: Royal Arch Freemasonry.
'Mr Putin had been part of the Russian Chapter and he had been sorely let down by his British counterparts. In addition, he had been under MI6/Royal Arch Freemasonry Illuminati mind control since 1979 and had been one of their operatives within the KGB until 1994.'
What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?
Black Rabbit | Richard Tomlinson and the Russians 2014
Lord Kitchener. 1850-1916.
'Lord Kitchener was “on terms of the deepest intimacy” with Alfred Rothschild from the time of Kitchener’s first Egyptian years. (L, p. 158). He received valuable presents from this Rothschild. (L, p. 242).
'General Ludendorff said of Kitchener, in a letter on view in the United Services Museum in Whitehall:
'“His mysterious death was the work neither of a German mine nor of a German torpedo, but of that power which would not permit the Russian Army to recover with the help of Lord Kitchener because the destruction of Czarist Russia had been determined upon. Lord Kitchener’s death was caused by his abilities.”'
Gentile Folly: the Rothschilds
Message for government.
Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Zionist Khazars!
The Rothschild crime family, self-described Jews (they are really ...
George Soros Revealing the evil deceptive ploys and tactics of ...
Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You'll Never Guess ...
The Rothschild crime family, self-described Jews (they are really ...
George Soros Revealing the evil deceptive ploys and tactics of ...
Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You'll Never Guess ...

ANJEM CHOUDARY (above) appears to work for British military intelligence.

The Arab Empire's version of Islam "was a radical call back to the basic values of the Torah and even talmudic stories."

Kind-hearted Callum Drew of Lacey Gardens School in Louth, Lincolnshire
Schoolboy uses his own pocket money to buy a rose for EVERY girl in his year at school.
Recently researchers at Cornell University concluded that men are never 100pc straight.
Recently researchers at Cornell University concluded that men are never 100pc straight.
By measuring eye dilation when exposed to both male and female solo pornography, they came to the conclusions that "straight people do not exist."
In 2016, YouGov found 43pc of 18-24 year-olds in the UK do not identify as entirely gay or straight.
Straight people don't exist

ANJEM CHOUDARY. All the extremist Moslems are mind controlled.

Mohamed aka Muhammad.

ANJEM CHOUDARY. All the extremist Moslems are mind controlled.

Mohamed aka Muhammad.
Prophet Mohamed's closest friend was Zaid, his male slave.
Mohamed's first wife was Khadija. She was was aged forty at the time of their marriage and 'well past her youth'. Mohamed was about fifteen years younger.
Handsome fifteen year old Zaid was the wedding gift given by Khadija to Mohamed.
Mohamed and Zaid became very close friends.
Zaid's family found their son and tried to rescue him.
Zaid told his family that he wanted to stay with Mohamed. Zaid said: "I would not choose any man in preference to Mohamed. He is to me both a father and a mother."
Reportedly, one historian wrote of Mohamed: "He often made (Ali) sleep by his side, and Ali enjoyed the warmth of Muhammad's body and inhaled the holy fragrance of his breath."
Mohamed, reportedly, said: 'Ali and I, fourteen thousand years before the creation of mankind, were one light. When Allah created Adam, he split this light into two, one of which I am and the other is Ali." (Salman)
Mohamed's first wife was Khadija. She was was aged forty at the time of their marriage and 'well past her youth'. Mohamed was about fifteen years younger.
Handsome fifteen year old Zaid was the wedding gift given by Khadija to Mohamed.
Mohamed and Zaid became very close friends.
Zaid's family found their son and tried to rescue him.
Zaid told his family that he wanted to stay with Mohamed. Zaid said: "I would not choose any man in preference to Mohamed. He is to me both a father and a mother."

Reportedly, one historian wrote of Mohamed: "He often made (Ali) sleep by his side, and Ali enjoyed the warmth of Muhammad's body and inhaled the holy fragrance of his breath."
Mohamed, reportedly, said: 'Ali and I, fourteen thousand years before the creation of mankind, were one light. When Allah created Adam, he split this light into two, one of which I am and the other is Ali." (Salman)

According to Ibn Ishaq, an early biographer of Muhammad, the Ka'aba was at one time addressed as a female deity.[18]
Circum-ambulation was often performed naked by male pilgrims,[19] and linked to ancient fertility rites.[20]

Reportedly, the Arab Empire hijacked the story of Muhammad and made vast numbers of changes.

Reportedly, the Arab Empire hijacked the story of Muhammad and made vast numbers of changes.
The Arab Empire's version of Islam "was a radical call back to the basic values of the Torah and even talmudic stories."
"Two of Prophet Muhammad's wives were Jewish.
"Muhammad clearly saw himself as part of the Jewish tradition. …
Muhammad bio

"Muhammad clearly saw himself as part of the Jewish tradition. …
Muhammad bio

The Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem, marks the spot from which Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven.[92]
Muhammad regarded himself as the last prophet of the Jewish-Christian tradition.
The Koran is based mainly on the Old Testament.
Muhammad required that his followers were kosher.
Muhammad required that his followers keep the fast of Yom Kippur.
Muhammad required that his followers be circumcised.
The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish Messiah.
Muhammad only fell out with the Jews when they refused to accept him as their prophet.

Joseph Smith
Reportedly, Muhammad said that God had spoken to him through the angel Gabriel.
Muhammad is a bit like Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon branch of Christianity.
Joseph Smith claimed that he was spoken to by an angel who directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed with a Judeo-Christian history of an ancient American civilization.
We have read the Koran and we have lived in a Moslem country.
"Petra was the place where Muḥammad lived and grew up and where he received the bulk of his revelation."
Mecca is the centre of a cult created after Muhammad .
'The Prophet came from Jordan'
Nona: Prophet Mohamed / Gay Moslems
Skeptic's Annotated Quran - Skeptic's Annotated Bible.
Labels: Americans, Andi Mack, Drew Lacey, gays, homophobia, Islam, Mohamed, Muhammad, Muslims