Bruce Greyson, professor emeritus of psychiatry and neurobehavioural sciences at the University of Virginia in the U.S.
Dr Bruce Greyson, a psychiatry professor, has spent 50 years studying near-death experiences.
He concludes that near-death experiences make people much happier.
He has written a book entitled 'After'.
Psychiatrist studies near-death accounts
Psychiatrist studies near-death accounts

Lorry Driver Al Sulivan died one morning.
Al then found himself looking down at his body on an operating table in a hospital.
He could see a surgeon 'strutting about the room with his elbows out, waggling and flapping his arms like a chicken.'
After being brought back to life, Al discovered that the surgeon did flap his arms.
Dr Greyson contacted the surgeon who confirmed that he did flap his elbows in theatre. He used his elbows to point at people and tools, to avoid touching anything.
During his surgery, Al became aware of his mother's presence beside him.
She had died in her 50s, 20 years earlier, and now she appeared much younger, the way he remembered her as a child.
'She spoke to him, and guided the surgeon's hands.
'Al was profoundly moved that she was watching over him, and during his recovery felt thrilled to know that he would see her again when he finally died.'
Holly, a 20-year-old student, was brought lifeless to the hospital in Virginia.
Dr Greyson took Holly's roommate, Susan, to an interview room down the corridor.
Holly regained consciousness the next day.
'Al was profoundly moved that she was watching over him, and during his recovery felt thrilled to know that he would see her again when he finally died.'
Holly, a 20-year-old student, was brought lifeless to the hospital in Virginia.
Dr Greyson took Holly's roommate, Susan, to an interview room down the corridor.
Holly regained consciousness the next day.
When Greyson spoke to Holly, she murmured: 'I know who you are. I remember you from last night.'
She told him she had 'followed' him and Susan down the corridor, to the interview room, and hovered over them as they talked.
Holly was able to recount the conversation exactly.
A fireman, who was blown off his feet in an explosion, found himself trying to help his comrades carry his own unconscious body to safety.
John Wren-Lewis was travelling in Thailand when a thief on a bus slipped him poison, to rob him.
She told him she had 'followed' him and Susan down the corridor, to the interview room, and hovered over them as they talked.
Holly was able to recount the conversation exactly.
A fireman, who was blown off his feet in an explosion, found himself trying to help his comrades carry his own unconscious body to safety.
John Wren-Lewis was travelling in Thailand when a thief on a bus slipped him poison, to rob him.
He passed out and his pulse stopped.
John was unconscious for seven hours, during which he had 'eternity consciousness'.
John was unconscious for seven hours, during which he had 'eternity consciousness'.
For the rest of his life, he found joy in everything.
'The discovery that I could positively enjoy a cold - not merely wallow in the indulgence of a day in bed, but get a kick from the unusual sensations in my nose and throat - was a big surprise,' he said.
'I also started to enjoy tiredness and the many minor pains that afflict a 60-year-old body.'
'The discovery that I could positively enjoy a cold - not merely wallow in the indulgence of a day in bed, but get a kick from the unusual sensations in my nose and throat - was a big surprise,' he said.
'I also started to enjoy tiredness and the many minor pains that afflict a 60-year-old body.'
Henry lived with his mother on the family farm.
Unable to cope after she died, he shot himself in the head. But, he didn't die.
Unable to cope after she died, he shot himself in the head. But, he didn't die.
While out of his body, he saw his mother again.
'Oh Henry,' she told him, 'now look what you've done.'
When he regained consciousness, Henry was relieved.
According to Dr Greyson, near-death experiences tend to lead to -
When he regained consciousness, Henry was relieved.
According to Dr Greyson, near-death experiences tend to lead to -
A fresh appreciation of life
The ability to 'live in the present moment'
A reduced fear of death.
Historical / spiritual curiosity ... things happening over & over again?
The Donald Trump scenario, all happened in almost exactly the same way, 132 years ago in France - even right down to the Capitol siege situation
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9
The Donald Trump of France, was populist Général Georges Ernest Boulanger (1837-1891), beloved by conservatives, hated by largely secular modernists:
- There was exactly the same talk of 'crossing the Rubicon' like Julius Caesar did to take control of Rome
- One evening in January 1889 after the French election, General Boulanger dined at the Café Durand, and tens of thousands of supporters gathered ready to storm the National Assembly, as on Capitol siege day 6 January 2021; the General hesitated, the chance for revolution faded, just as no Trump 'Storm' arrived
- There was exactly the same regret, that a beloved populist leader, with a mass of people in the streets ready to act, seemed to lose his nerve at the crucial moment
- There were exactly similar stories re the female partner of the leader, Melania for Trump (as Patrick Byrne related) and mistress Marguerite Brouzet (1855-91) for Boulanger, both reported as playing a key role in begging their partners not to risk their lives in an ultimate gamble for national power
- And there was exactly the same reaction by the establishment, of fury and revenge at a populist leader, who technically did not make a coup attempt ... Boulanger was forced into exile in Brussels, where in 1891 his mistress died of disease and he committed suicide over her grave.
Three photos - Boulanger & Trump; Marguerite & Melania; Boulanger and the Paris crowd in January 1889 who almost took over France
Related - Louis Condé's article on 'Clay Caesarism: The Failure of Trumpism and Boulangisme'
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