Kenneth Michael Pollack (right)
Kenneth Michael Pollack is Jewish.
Pollack is a noted former CIA intelligence analyst.
He has served on the National Security Council staff
A U.S. government indictment alleged that Pollack provided information to former American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) employees Steve J. Rosen and Keith Weissman during the AIPAC espionage scandal.
Film director Sydney Pollack was reportedly involved in buying arms and military equipment for Israel.
double life as an arms dealer / Hollywood producer was Israeli operative - Haaretz
Rabbi Kenny Pollack grew up in Los Angeles, CA and attended Hillel Hebrew Academy and YULA High School.
Sephardic Adventure Camp Seattle.
Eli Pollack, left, stands in front of a new United Hatzalah ambulance.
"The Israel Trauma Coalition arrived in Broward County this week and has been holding training sessions for community members, specifically aimed at teachers, counselors, clinicians, clergy, social organizations and first responders." - Avraham Friedman(Rabbi Chabad Coral Springs)
Here is Andrew Pollack showing a photo of his daughter Meadow.
Julie Phillips Pollack is the mother of Meadow Pollack.
"The Israel Trauma Coalition arrived in Broward County this week and has been holding training sessions for community members, specifically aimed at teachers, counselors, clinicians, clergy, social organizations and first responders." - Avraham Friedman(Rabbi Chabad Coral Springs)
Here is Andrew Pollack showing a photo of his daughter Meadow.
Above, we see Julie Phillips Pollack, carrying a very large gun.
Julie Phillips Pollack is the mother of Meadow Pollack.
Labels: AIPAC, Andrew pollack, Chabad, CIA, Eli Pollack, Julie Pollack, Kenneth Pollack, Meadow Pollack, Mossad, Rabbi Pollack, Sarah Pollack, Sydney Pollack
Hoaxer Sam Fuentes
What a load of Pollacks! Just like the official narratives for the Florida School False Flag, 911, 77, Orlando, Charlie Hebdo, USS Liberty, Kennedy assassination, WW2, MLK, Dr David Kelly, etc etc
Thanks Aang for cutting through the Pollacks...
the whole of them or so
Hi Aangirfan,
The name Pollack is most common in the United States, Germany and Israel, which you can see here.
Apparently it is an Ashkenazic form of the Czech word Polak, meaning "Polish person".
Some other famous Pollacks:
James B Pollack of NASA, after whom is named the Pollack crater on Mars, who researched the terraforming of Mars, nuclear winter and the extinction of the dinosaurs. The last two becoming a little too relevant these days.
Fred Pollack of Intel, after whom is named Pollack's rule, which estimates microprocessor performance improvement due to microarchitectural improvements. Also something relevant today with massively parallel kilocore processors and eventually our Final Invention, the self-redesigning computer. Something that maybe happens on every incarnation of this world, assuming we don't destroy it --- given the human appetite for destruction.
an upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction.
Anyway, digressing a bit there...
Seeing only what is beautiful on this page:
Meadow, really a sublime name for a girl. Beatific and tranquil.
And so endearing, the father and daughter photo there, the two of them fishing. More so if you have children of your own.
And Meadow's mother, with her AR-15 and golden hair.
In the midst of human error, it is good to pause sometimes and ask what sort of world we want our children to inherit.
And whether through our actions we are creating for our daughters and for our sons a paradise or a blazing pit of fire.
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Many thanks for this most interesting comment.
- Aaangirfan
Note that while others including Guatemala's ex Vice Presient Roxanne Baldetti and ex President-General Otto Pérez Molina,(aka 'Mayor Tito' of Maya genocide infamy),are locked up - the Argentine-Israeli mass muderer and war profiteer,Uri Roitman,who also was the main profiteer from the 'Agua Majica'or Israeli Magic Water fraud that claimed to clean the filthy water of Lake Amatitlan is given special treatment to get out of jail in the comfort of his no doubt luxurious Guatemala home or flee the country if he so wishes.Note also the close ties between Argentine military junta at the beginning of the 1980's and that of the Guatemalan genicidal military and that both worked closely with Israeli war criminals and murderers who remain 'untouchables'.
Through a sleezy incorpoation in the U.S. state of Florida Roitman also and perhaps still does,control the Guatemala passport business.All Guatemala news media remain silent about the unequal justice of allowing Uri Roitman to remain free while others in the case are jailed.It may well be that the U.S. wants to extradite ex VP Baldetti to the U.S. on trumped up drug trafficking charges for the sole reason that she has been the only one who has squealed on the relation between Roitman and ex President-General Otto Pérez Molina,(aka 'Mayor Tito' of Maya genocide infamy),who may also be implicated in the vicious murder of Bishop Gerardi.
Roitman Braier is known for the Lago Amatitlán,('Agua Majica' fraud) case, deals with the anomalous adjudication that was made with the Israeli company M.Tarcic Engineering Limited to perform the sanitation of Lake Amatitlán with "magic water" for a cost of Q.137.8 million. Tarcic Engineering Limited is owned by the also Argentine-Israelite and engineer Mario Salomon Tarcic or Mario Sholmo Tarcic.....
The address provided by GU-IS Corporation is the same as Mario Tarcic gives as a residence in Guatemala, while the physical address provided by M. Tarcic Engineering Limited in Guatemala is the same as it appears to private security companies linked to Roitman Braier......
A common thread is the dual nationality of Roitman Braier and Tarcic. Born of Jewish families in Argentina, they will later be formed militarily in Israel where they will swell the ranks of military intelligence structures. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the presence of Argentine and Israeli military advisers was common. The civil war involved them in counterinsurgency and repression. It is not strange then, that Roitman arrived in Guatemala at the end of 1979, and that one of his first contacts was Otto Pérez Molina.
Pérez Molina had a military formation as well as his close associates linked to the horizontal and generational structure known as "El Sindicato" - made up of officers who belonged to or came from the same military promotion - in the so-called School of Israel; contrary to what happened with their opposites, "La Cofradía", another vertical structure with a guild and intergenerational character made up of intelligence officers from the D2, G2 and S2 that were formed in the School of Taiwan......
The former Vice President of the Republic, Roxana Baldetti, said that the Ambassador of Israel in Guatemala, Moshe Bachar, was the one who recommended the company M. Tarcic Engineering Ltd., to provide the formula to clean the Lake of Amatitlan in nine months.
Then there is Jonathon Pollack NY kangaroo court appointed mediator in the dispute between Argentine government and the
international Jewish mafia vulture fund boss Paul Singer who even stole Argentina's classic sailing ship in Africa some years ago by exerting Israeli mafia's control over African
governments as well.
Mediator Pollack's pragmatism gets Argentina and creditors to deal
Apr 24, 2016 - In an interview with Reuters, Pollack recounted the relentless shuttle diplomacy, marathon talks, and late-night phone calls and emails that culminated in Argentina agreeing to pay billionaire Paul Singer's fund Elliott Management and three major holdout investors more than other creditors. “The Elliott deal ...
Then there is Joshua H. Pollack, who is editor of "The Nonproliferation Review".
He appears to be very unhappy because of the new nuclear weapons recently unveiled by President Vladimir Putin.
I have no information on Pollack's opinion on Israel's nuclear arsenal, though.
Min. 05:57
"Ashkenazic form of the Czech word Polak, meaning "Polish person"
No...Polak means 'polish man' in Polish as well !
"And so endearing, the father and daughter photo there, the two of them fishing"
yes, they KILLED big fish for fun, not out of hunger...
Bad karma : wake the heck up...
Julie Phillips Pollack would be the stepmother of Meadow Pollack. The real mother is Shara Yvonne Kaplan (Pollack). I assume they got divorced, Mr. Andrew Pollack and her so she went back to her maiden name. She lives in Highland Beach, Fl which is about 13 miles from Parkland. I assume Meadow lived with her father since he was closer to the school?
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