Mother Maha Elgizouli and her two sons Shafee (right) and his younger brother Mahmoud. dailymail.
In January 2018, Shafee Elsheikh was captured in Syria, according to Kurdish-led forces.
Shafee is said to be one of the ISIS 'Beatles', a group which 'beheaded hostages'.

The Beatles are said to have been involved in the fake beheading of the American journalist James Foley.
Shafee and Mahmoud are the sons of Londoners Maha Elgizouli and Rashid Elsheikh, a translator.
In January 2018, Shafee Elsheikh was captured in Syria, according to Kurdish-led forces.
Shafee is said to be one of the ISIS 'Beatles', a group which 'beheaded hostages'.

The Beatles are said to have been involved in the fake beheading of the American journalist James Foley.
Shafee and Mahmoud are the sons of Londoners Maha Elgizouli and Rashid Elsheikh, a translator.
The family has been described as being left-wing and liberal.
When Shafee was 11 years old, he joined the Army Cadet Force.
Shafee spent three years with the cadets, enjoying his time with the group.
Shafee supported Queens Park Rangers.

Jihadi John. Jihadi John warned his brother that he had been got at by MI5. Jihadi John said that MI5 "had wrecked his life".
Shafee has been described as being a 'kind and softly spoken' former faiground mechanic.
Shafee's eldest brother Khalid was sentenced to ten years in prison for possessing a firearm after the killing of a gang member involved in a dispute with the family.
At some point Mahmoud and Shafee appear to have been mind controlled by the security services, turned into sex slaves and then turned into members of ISIS.
Salah al-Bander, a former Liberal Dem councillor in Cambridge, raised the alarm about Shafee's journey to Syria in 2012.
But the authorities appear to have turned a blind eye.
Mahmoud is said to have been killed in Iraq.
Jihadi John's Accomplice Exposed As London Fairground Mechanic - BuzzFeed News
Security services 'failing' to stop British jihadis heading to Syria - Telegraph
One of the 'Beatles', Alexanda Kotey, is a Londoner raised in a Greek Orthodox family.
Below, is what we wrote earlier about mind-controlled kids.

Jack Letts, from Oxford, in the UK.
There is a belief that Jack Letts was mind controlled by the security services, used as a child sex slave, and then sent off to fight with ISIS.
In 2014, Jack travelled to Kuwait, but ended up in Syria.
Sally Letts says that her son Jack went to Syria to help kids in Syrian refugee camps.
Reportedly, Jack escaped from Raqqa in Syria and is currently being held prisoner by a Kurdish militia, called Asayish, in the Rojava region of Syria.

Jack and his father.
It is possible that much of the Jack Letts' story has been invented by the security services?
ISIS is believed to be run by Mossad, the CIA and other such security services.

Jack's parents, parents John Letts and Sally Lane. John is an organic farmer and botanist, with links to the BBC, and Sally, works in publishing.
Reportedly, Jack Letts has been sending text and audio messages, from his prison, to his parents in Oxford, and the 'spooky' David Rose of the Mail on Sunday has published these messages.
Jack Letts's last message was on 8 July 2017.
Jack Letts claims that Britain has done nothing to help achieve his release, and, has sent no one to visit him, even though the Kurds are supposed to be Britain's allies.

Jack Letts.
Sinam Mohamad, representing the Kurds, stated that:
1. The Kurds are 'willing to hand over prisoners of war to their original country after they are properly investigated'.
2. Britain has not asked the Kurds to send Letts home, and neither has Canada. Letts has dual UK/Canadian nationality.

Jack Letts.
'In a 1 June 2017 message to his parents, Jack reported:
"Two people from intelligence branch came and asked me questions.
"They said the questions came from England.
"It was 'What is the colour of your dad’s car? What is the first pet you had?'
"It's stupid, trying to check my identity after three weeks of solitary confinement."
'Jack claims that he has been tortured.'

Rory Stewart.
The spooky UK Foreign Office Minister Rory Stewart has said that the only way to deal with former British ISIS fighters 'will be, in almost every case, to kill them'.
The Letts's solicitor says he fears that UK the Government was using the Kurdish militia and its prisons as a 'black site' for UK detainees.

Jack Letts
21-year-old Jack Letts, from Oxford, 'is Jihadi Jack'.
Jack attended Oxford's Cherwell School.
A former school governor, who lives near Jack Letts' house, would call at the Letts's rented terraced house each Friday.

Kincora - 'sex slaves controlled by MI5'.
"No one can remember Jack Letts having a girlfriend...
"He would smoke the occasional cannabis joint...
"But he was too slight and gentle-natured to get into fights."

John Letts (right) on a BBC programme.
Jack Lett's father, John Letts, began his career 'helping to produce agricultural chemicals for U.S. multi-nationals'.
Neighbours describe John Letts as 'eccentric'.
Neighbours describe John Letts as 'eccentric'.
When he opened the door to the Daily Mail he was "holding a home-made animal mask to his face and speaking in a high-pitched, cartoonish voice."

In 2014, Jack and his family travelled to Georgia in the USA to visit his aunt, Julie Lovely.
She says that Jack would sometimes wear a flowing robe.

In Oxford, Jack attended Madina Masjid.
Jack came under the influence of Abdullah, who 'looks for young men' and 'gets them to meet him privately at his house.'
Jack came under the influence of Abdullah, who 'looks for young men' and 'gets them to meet him privately at his house.'
A source says: 'He doesn't even pray properly. He's always looking around, which is one of the worst things you can do.
'He twisted the meanings of the Prophet so they seemed to coincide with Jack's own revolutionary ideas.'
In other words, Abdullah may be an agent of Mossad or its friends.

Jack Letts. Northway Boys Under 10 team. Oxford.
Did the UK security services use Jack Letts as a child sex slave?
Jack Letts has connections to the BBC.
Did the UK security services then use Jack Letts as a mind-controlled assassin?

Jack Letts from Oxford, a centre of MI5 activity and child abuse activity.
In Tweets, Jack has referred to 'brainwashed soldiers'.

Above, we see 17-year-old Jack Letts during a family holiday in Morocco.
Morocco attracts many child abusers.
Morocco is a recruiting ground for the CIA and its friends.

Jack Letts is from Oxford.
The gang appeared to be protected by the authorities.
There is a suspicion that a blind eye is turned to the sex gangs because the gangs also recruit for ISIS.
The spooks allegedly like to create sex slaves.
Below, is what we wrote earlier:

Jake Bilardi was born in Australia in 1996.
When he became a teenager "he blew himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq in 2015."
Jake was a maths genius who founded a children's soccer charity.
He has been described as being kind, humble, shy and innocent.
Jake Bilardi / dailymail
Jake may well have been mind-controlled by the security services.
The security services mind control boys to turn them into sex slaves, and then into assassins and patsies.

Mossad is very active in Melbourne.
According to Der Spiegel, Australians are particularly attractive to the Mossad
Two More Australian Jews Recruited ....
Two More Australian Jews Recruited ....
Jake presumably knew that 9 11 was the work of the CIA and its friends, and that ISIS is run by the CIA and its friends?
So, why does 'Jake's blog' pretend otherwise?

Jake - prisoner of the spooks?
In Jake Bilardi's blog, which may well have been written by the security services, we read:
'I want to tell you how I came from being an Atheist school student in affluent Melbourne to a soldier of the Khilafah preparing to sacrifice my life for Islam in Ramadi, Iraq...
'I guess I was always destined to stand here as a soldier in the army of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
(Zarqawi worked for the CIA in Afghanistan and the Pentagon acknowledges Fabricating the 'Zarqawi Legend')

In Jake Bilardi's blog, which may well have been written by the security services, we read:
'Fearing possible attempts ... to prevent my departure I began drawing up a Plan B (targeting foreign consulates and political/military targets...)'
Not surprisingly, Plan B was not carried out; the spooks only kill innocent people.

Jake Bilardi co-founded the Soccer For Hope Organisation (SHO) which removes boys from the streets of Uganda and uses soccer as a tool to improve their lives
Jake's parents were divorced; Jake lived with his mother.
Bilardi is alleged to have converted to Islam in 2012, while still at school, shortly after his mother died of cancer.

Mossad uses Twitter.
Jake was recruited while at Craigieburn school in Melbourne.
The spooks reportedly use their contacts inside schools to recruits kids who are (a) sexually attractive (b) leading troubled lives.

Jake, or rather the security services, wrote in 'Jake's blog':
"It was from here that my research into al-Qaeda, Shaykh Usama bin Laden (May Allah have mercy upon him) and groups with similar ideologies worldwide began..."
Jake surely knew that Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA.

Before he left Australia, Jake 'communicated with an American journalist from the BBC'.
Jake then told his family he had a 'journalist' job lined up in Istanbul.
The BBC is said to be run by MI6 and its friends.
Jake Bilardi / dailymail
Above, we see a seven-year-old Australian boy holding a severed head.
This suggests mind control.

Above we see "the Stade de France bomber Bilal Hadfi".
The children are apparently mind controlled, first to become sex slaves for the western elite, and then to become bombers.
"A 13-year-old schoolboy is believed to be ISIS' youngest jihadist and has joined a 5,000-strong army of European teenagers in Syria."

"More than 140 schoolchildren were taken and 'brainwashed' into becoming suicide bombers for Islamist militants after being kidnapped..."
"A 13-year-old schoolboy is believed to be ISIS' youngest jihadist and has joined a 5,000-strong army of European teenagers in Syria."
"More than 140 schoolchildren were taken and 'brainwashed' into becoming suicide bombers for Islamist militants after being kidnapped..."

Kincora produced 'sex slaves controlled by MI5'?

Jihadi John
Jihadi John said that MI5 "had wrecked his life".
(Robert Verkaik’s ‘Jihadi John: The Making of a Terrorist’)

Michael Adebolajo
Michel Adebolajo was brought up as a Christian.

Siddhartha Dhar, above, then appeared in an ISIS video.
As a child, Paul Bonacci (above) was kidnapped by the US security services and forced to watch the sexual abuse, torture and the ritual murder of children.
Michel Adebolajo was brought up as a Christian.
His family became entangled with MI5.
Michael was then found guilty of murdering the soldier Lee Rigby in a Jihadi attack,

Siddhartha Dhar, above, then appeared in an ISIS video.
As a child, Paul Bonacci (above) was kidnapped by the US security services and forced to watch the sexual abuse, torture and the ritual murder of children.

Former actress Amanda Bynes (above) says she has been mind-controlled, via a microchip in her brain.
Amanda says of her father: "He's the one that ordered them to microchip me."

The butterfly is a symbol of CIA mind control used to produce sex slaves for the elite, and assassins.
Amanda (above) has written a series of tweets describing alleged sexual abuse from her father Rick.
Amanda Bynes Says Microchip in Her Brain.
Amanda is Jewish.

A young Jewish girl from France joined ISIS.
Jewish teen among dozens of French girls joining jihad in Syria

Samra and Sabina
In April 2014, two Bosnian girls from Austria, Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, travelled to Syria to join ISIS.
Once they arrived in Syria it is believed the girls were married off to Chechen gangsters working for ISIS.
These Chechens are believed to be mercenaries recruited by the CIA and its friends.
Police in Austria say that the girls' Facebook accounts were taken over and manipulated.
In the UK, schools are a chief recruiting ground for the security services.
Six former pupils of London's posh Holland Park School have joined ISIS in Syria.
The intelligence agencies grab children and torture them.

Lily Gaubert (centre) whose photo was used to represent Sandy Hook 'victim' Allison Wyatt
15-year-old Adèle is from the south of France.
According to an article in the Economist, some of jihadis may have worked for the French police or the army and some may be non-Muslims.
In Algeria, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) was the creation of French and Algerian intelligence.

Professor James Tracy points out that on 8 October 2012, the US government had a plan for a drill involving a 'Sandy-Hook-style' shooting.
Jewish teen among dozens of French girls joining jihad in Syria

Samra and Sabina
In April 2014, two Bosnian girls from Austria, Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, travelled to Syria to join ISIS.
Once they arrived in Syria it is believed the girls were married off to Chechen gangsters working for ISIS.
These Chechens are believed to be mercenaries recruited by the CIA and its friends.
Police in Austria say that the girls' Facebook accounts were taken over and manipulated.
Six former pupils of London's posh Holland Park School have joined ISIS in Syria.
The intelligence agencies grab children and torture them.

Lily Gaubert (centre) whose photo was used to represent Sandy Hook 'victim' Allison Wyatt
She has a Facebook page in which she presents herself as being a normal teenager.
In 2014, she disappeared.
Now, there is a Facebook page for Adele under the name Oum Hawwa, a jihadi who has gone off to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Now, there is a Facebook page for Adele under the name Oum Hawwa, a jihadi who has gone off to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Adèle has become Oum Hawwa.
70% of the French ISIS members "are non-believers; few have much knowledge of the Koran or Arabic, and many come from middle-class families."
French jihadists

France supplies the largest single contingent of European jihadis linked to ISIS. Almost a fifth are female.

Bernard Bajolet, head of France's DGSE external intelligence agency. At least one of his men reportedly works for al Qaeda in Syria.
France supplies the largest single contingent of European jihadis linked to ISIS. Almost a fifth are female.
According to an article in the Economist, some of jihadis may have worked for the French police or the army and some may be non-Muslims.
"Of the 130 families who have contacted an early-warning centre ... 70% (of the French ISIS) are non-believers, few have much knowledge of the Koran or Arabic, and many come from middle-class families."
French jihadists
France has a history of using 'double-agents' in Algeria.
French jihadists
France has a history of using 'double-agents' in Algeria.

Professor James Tracy points out that on 8 October 2012, the US government had a plan for a drill involving a 'Sandy-Hook-style' shooting.
drill-site-activation-call-down-exercise-plan (PDF)
The actual Sandy Hook 'school shooting' took place on 14 December 2012.
The actual Sandy Hook 'school shooting' took place on 14 December 2012.
The newly discovered Federal Emergency Management-Department of Homeland Security document reveals the plan for the 'Mass Casualty Drill.'
FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'
The plan, created on 8 October 2012, refers to the 'Mass Death of Children at a School By Firearms', followed by a 'Suicide or Apprehension of [an] Unknown Shooter.'
The date for the drill is marked '14 December 2012' on the document’s cover page.
On page 12 the event is scheduled for 13 December 2012.
The International Movie Data Base lists ABC News coverage of the Sandy Hook event, complete with “cast” including Kaitlin Roig, Paul Vance and Barack Obama, lists a broadcast date of 12 December 2012.
CONTINUED HERE: FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'

Fake page for Sondra.
Sondra Arquiett (aka Sondra Prince) was arrested in 2010 on charges of possessing cocaine and intent to supply.

How much of Elliot Rodger's Facebook page is fake?
Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said that Elliot Rodger had made videos on YouTube and posts on Facebook which made certain threats.[6][4]

How much of the Lanza Facebook pages are fake?

21 Yr. Old Mass Murderer.
FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'
The plan, created on 8 October 2012, refers to the 'Mass Death of Children at a School By Firearms', followed by a 'Suicide or Apprehension of [an] Unknown Shooter.'
The date for the drill is marked '14 December 2012' on the document’s cover page.
On page 12 the event is scheduled for 13 December 2012.
The International Movie Data Base lists ABC News coverage of the Sandy Hook event, complete with “cast” including Kaitlin Roig, Paul Vance and Barack Obama, lists a broadcast date of 12 December 2012.
CONTINUED HERE: FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is facing a lawsuit after setting up a fake Facebook account (above).
The fake Facebook account contained photos and other personal data from a New York woman's cellphone, used after her arrest.
The woman is Sondra Prince.
The DEA has very close links to the CIA.

Fake page for Sondra.
Sondra Arquiett (aka Sondra Prince) was arrested in 2010 on charges of possessing cocaine and intent to supply.

How much of Elliot Rodger's Facebook page is fake?
Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said that Elliot Rodger had made videos on YouTube and posts on Facebook which made certain threats.[6][4]

How much of the Lanza Facebook pages are fake?
Adam LANZA is Ryan Lanza.

21 Yr. Old Mass Murderer.

Sally Jones and her baby son Joe Dixon.
Sally Jones is said to be the mother of the Joe Dixon.
Does Sally belong to ISIS or SIS (MI6)?

11-year-old Joe Dixon of ISIS.
Joe has been described as being "a happy little boy who loved reading encyclopaedias and adored animals so much that 'he’d never even tread on an ant'."

Joe has become Abu Abdullah al-Britani (left)
Sally Jones is from Chatham in Kent.
Chatham has connections to the military.
MI6 (SIS) has used Ashford in Kent for training.
Oppressive State.

Sally Jones.
Sally Jones is the daughter of a lorry driver Alan Jones and his wife Jacky.
Sally Jones was still a girl when her parents divorced and aged ten when her father committed suicide after taking an overdose.
Jacky married the director of a haulage company.
Sally Jones was raised as a Catholic and attended Christian youth groups in her teens and early 20s.
Sally Jones became interested in punk music, and began drinking heavily.
She played bass guitar in an all-girl band called Krunch.

Sally Jones, who is said to have joined ISIS. sexy babe - Express.
Sally Jones became pregnant by her on-off boyfriend, labourer Jonathan Wilkinson.
Two years after their son was born in 1996, 29-year-old Wilkinson died from liver cirrhosis.
A neighbour says of Sally: 'She was a total hippy... She used to take drugs.'

Sally Jones and Joe when he was about 6 years old
Joe was born to Sally in late 2004.
Sally Jones's relationship with Joe's father was short-lived.
Relatives say that Sally suffered post-natal depression, started drinking heavily and often took to her bed.
Neighbours say Sally was in debt and constantly visited by bailiffs as well as local drug dealers.

Sally Jones.
According to neighbours, Sally boasted that she was a witch with the ability to practise black magic.
Reportedly, she spent hours each day on the internet.
Obsessed with the film Avatar, she used various different personas on several websites.
On one, where she refers to herself as 'Skya, Kentish witch'.

Sally Jones.
Sally Jones is the daughter of a lorry driver Alan Jones and his wife Jacky.
Sally Jones was still a girl when her parents divorced and aged ten when her father committed suicide after taking an overdose.
Jacky married the director of a haulage company.
Sally Jones was raised as a Catholic and attended Christian youth groups in her teens and early 20s.
Sally Jones became interested in punk music, and began drinking heavily.
She played bass guitar in an all-girl band called Krunch.

Sally Jones, who is said to have joined ISIS. sexy babe - Express.
Sally Jones became pregnant by her on-off boyfriend, labourer Jonathan Wilkinson.
Two years after their son was born in 1996, 29-year-old Wilkinson died from liver cirrhosis.
A neighbour says of Sally: 'She was a total hippy... She used to take drugs.'

Sally Jones and Joe when he was about 6 years old
Joe was born to Sally in late 2004.
Sally Jones's relationship with Joe's father was short-lived.
Relatives say that Sally suffered post-natal depression, started drinking heavily and often took to her bed.
Neighbours say Sally was in debt and constantly visited by bailiffs as well as local drug dealers.

Sally Jones.
According to neighbours, Sally boasted that she was a witch with the ability to practise black magic.
Reportedly, she spent hours each day on the internet.
Obsessed with the film Avatar, she used various different personas on several websites.
On one, where she refers to herself as 'Skya, Kentish witch'.

Abu Abdullah al-Britani, aka Joe Dixon, son of Sally Jones.
The Sun reported that Abu Abdullah al-Britani (Joe Dixon, son of Sally Jones) has appeared in an ISIS 'execution' video.
The boy is white, blue-eyed and aged around 11.
"Some 44 universities, 12 hospitals and three prisons helped out with the experiments."
The CIA tried mind control to create the perfect assassin - New York Post

Sally Jones (above) joined ISIS.
"A 1954 document details a CIA experiment during which two women were hypnotized and one was made to try to wake the other.
"When the first woman didn't stir, the other woman was ordered to 'fly into a rage and shoot her.'
"The entranced woman picked up an (intentionally unloaded) pistol, pointed it at the other woman and pulled the trigger before falling into a 'deep sleep.'
"Upon waking, neither woman remembered anything about the sequence."
The CIA tried mind control to create the perfect assassin - New York Post

The Moslem 'terrorist' Taimur Abdulwahab (above) had a JEWISH GIRLFRIEND
"Another time, a hypnotized woman was told to wait by a phone to receive a call.
"The person on the other end would mention a code word in the course of a normal conversation, causing the woman to pass into an undetectable trance state.
"The woman would then proceed to a location and plant an incendiary device hidden in a briefcase."
The CIA tried mind control to create the perfect assassin - New York Post

The original Michael Adebolajo, the friendly Christian boy, who was accused of being a Moslem terrorist.
"One hypnotist told the CIA in 1951 that he had used his powers to induce 'young girls to engage in sexual intercourse with him.'
"In 1952, another specialist said that with the correct conditioning, 'Individuals could be taught to do anything, including murder.'"
The CIA tried mind control to create the perfect assassin - New York Post

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive.
It has been widely reported that the US military tortures American children as part of mind-control experiments.
1. Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control.
In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages. (Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million)
Bonacci in his testimony referred to the involvement of top members of the US military and top politicians in child abuse.
The Washington Times reported that Paul Bonacci had access to the White House living quarters.

Johnny Gosch is reportedly one of those tortured by the US military. cremationofcare / Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million
Bonacci testified on videotape (5-14-1990) for Nebraska State Police investigator Gary Caradori:
"Bonacci said that while on a trip to Sacramento, he was forced at gun-point to commit homosexual acts on another boy before he watched other men do the same - after which the boy was shot in the head."
(Child sex rings linked to top Americans? Part 2)

Lt Col Aquino
Col. Michael Aquino is one of those frequently mentioned in cases relating to child abuse and mind-control.
(Michael Aquino, child sex abuse and the United States.)

Kurt Lewin
2. In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control.
(Cached )
In Germany, similar research was being carried out by the Germans.
There were many links between the fascists in Germany and the fascists in Britain.
For example, the Order of the Golden Dawn, a masonic-style secret society which had Aleister Crowley as a member, included German Nazis and British aristocrats.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

Mengele who reportedly worked for the CIA and helped to brainwash Oswald (aangirfan: Mengele, Oswald, the CIA )
3. Dr. Josef Mengele studied mind-control at Auschwitz. Children were tortured and sometimes died. (MENGELE, MOSSAD AND THE CIA).
One of Mengele's assistants was Berthold Epstein, who was Jewish.

How the Nazis treated children
4. During World War II, at Colgate University in the USA, Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University was working on mind-control.
(George Estabrooks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
5. After World War II, the U.S. military brought a large number of the top German Nazi scientists to the United States. The code name for this operation was Project Paperclip.
6. The CIA's Project Bluebird, approved by director Allen Dulles in 1950, had the aim investigating the possibility of controlling a person by using certain interrogation techniques.
In 1953, the CIA set up Project MKULTRA to study mind-control.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
The Nazis brought to America, after World war II, helped with this project.
The methods used to produce mind-control included 'electroshock'.
Operation Spellbinder was set up to create 'sleeper' assassins or 'Manchurian candidates'.

In the early 1960s, the US military began Project Monarch.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
With Monarch, torture is used to produce mind-control.
The people whose minds have been controlled are reportedly used by the military as sex slaves.
They can be used to blackmail politicians.
They can be used to infiltrate organisations.
They can be used to carry out assassinations or suicide bombings.

Jake Bilardi was born in Australia in 1996. When he became a teenager "he blew himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq in 2015."
Reportedly, when the military are looking for people whose minds they can control, they look for people connected to orphanages, foster care homes, families linked to military intelligence, families with adopted children, families interested in Satanism andfamilies involved in child abuse.
Reportedly, many of the mind-control victims come from families linked to certain forms of Catholicism, Mormonism, or charismatic Christianity.
Reportedly, victims are often found to have scars or marks suggesting multiple electrical prods and mutilation by knives, branding irons, or needles.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

MKULTRA victim Blanche Chavoustie
7. Names linked to US mind-control experiments include Dr Ewen Cameron, Lt Col Michael Aquino, a Jewish doctor named Dr. Gruenbaum and Dr. Josef Mengele.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Survivors of abuse under the Nazis remember Mengele torturing and killing a small child in front of a child he was programming.
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron was the former head of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations.
He carried out torture experiments on children at several locations in Montreal, including McGill University, St Mary’s Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute.

Cameron used the technique called 'psychic driving,' where children were kept in a drug induced coma for several weeks and given electroshocks, while electronic helmets were strapped to their heads and repetitive auditory messages were transmitted at variable speeds.
(Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, Bantam Books, 1989)
Many of the victims were abused children from Roman Catholic orphanages.
Project MKULTRA was publicly exposed in 1970, through lawsuits filed by Canadian survivors and their families. The CIA and Canadian government settled out of court.
(BBC documentary on Cameron Click here to watch. )
Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Aquino was connected with the Presidio Army Base day care scandal, in which he was accused child molestation.
Dr. Sydney Gottleib and Lt. Col John Alexander are also said to be linked to MKULTRA.

Fort Detrick, where the anthrax came from.
8. The Monarch mind-control experiments reportedly took place at the following locations:
Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Rochester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington D.C.), Bell Laboratories, Stanford Research Institute, Westinghouse Friendship Laboratories, General Electric, ARCO and Manking Research Unlimited.
China Lake Naval Weapons Center, The Presidio, Ft. Dietrick, Ft. Campbell, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Hood, Redstone Arsenal, Offutt AFB, Patrick AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB and Tinker AFB
Langley Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Tavistock Institute and areas in or by Mt. Shasta, CA, Lampe, MO and Las Vegas, NV.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

Bush at Offutt on 9 11
9. One well known victim of CIA mind-control is Cathy O’Brien, who refers to abuse by her father, forced prostitution involving top people, and working as a drugs mule.
( - Cathy O'Brien's website /Google Videos of Cathy O'Brien)
10. Paul Bonaci has testified about sexually-abused boys from Boy’s Town in Nebraska being taken to nearby Offutt Air Force Base, where he says they were subjected to mind-control programming.
Bonnaci remembers being flown, with other boys, from the Air Force base to California and Bohemian Grove. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Some victims were apparently murdered.

Offutt air force base
It is supected that Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi may have been mind-control victims.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton )
11. In 1992, Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a lecture entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, in Alexandria, Virginia. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Hammond referred to the Nazi connection and military and CIA mind control research.
He is one of many people who have spoken out.
The innocent Dylann Roof, used in a 'false flag' op. DYLANN ROOF PSYOP. The alt-right aims to mind-control harmless White Christian boys and turn them into Nazi killers.
Henry Kissinger is one of the brains behind Operation Gladio and the Strategy of Tension, both of which are designed to create fear, thus keeping the rich elite in power.

Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, is the link that joins up DYLANN ROOF, SANDY HOOK and Elliot Rodger. Nina Jacobson is the Jewish lady who turned Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games into an international mega-hit film.

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive.
It has been widely reported that the US military tortures American children as part of mind-control experiments.
1. Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control.
In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages. (Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million)
Bonacci in his testimony referred to the involvement of top members of the US military and top politicians in child abuse.
The Washington Times reported that Paul Bonacci had access to the White House living quarters.

Johnny Gosch is reportedly one of those tortured by the US military. cremationofcare / Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million
Bonacci testified on videotape (5-14-1990) for Nebraska State Police investigator Gary Caradori:
"Bonacci said that while on a trip to Sacramento, he was forced at gun-point to commit homosexual acts on another boy before he watched other men do the same - after which the boy was shot in the head."
(Child sex rings linked to top Americans? Part 2)

Lt Col Aquino
Col. Michael Aquino is one of those frequently mentioned in cases relating to child abuse and mind-control.
(Michael Aquino, child sex abuse and the United States.)

Kurt Lewin
2. In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control.
(Cached )
In Germany, similar research was being carried out by the Germans.
There were many links between the fascists in Germany and the fascists in Britain.
For example, the Order of the Golden Dawn, a masonic-style secret society which had Aleister Crowley as a member, included German Nazis and British aristocrats.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

Mengele who reportedly worked for the CIA and helped to brainwash Oswald (aangirfan: Mengele, Oswald, the CIA )
3. Dr. Josef Mengele studied mind-control at Auschwitz. Children were tortured and sometimes died. (MENGELE, MOSSAD AND THE CIA).
One of Mengele's assistants was Berthold Epstein, who was Jewish.

How the Nazis treated children
4. During World War II, at Colgate University in the USA, Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University was working on mind-control.
(George Estabrooks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
5. After World War II, the U.S. military brought a large number of the top German Nazi scientists to the United States. The code name for this operation was Project Paperclip.
6. The CIA's Project Bluebird, approved by director Allen Dulles in 1950, had the aim investigating the possibility of controlling a person by using certain interrogation techniques.
In 1953, the CIA set up Project MKULTRA to study mind-control.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
The Nazis brought to America, after World war II, helped with this project.
The methods used to produce mind-control included 'electroshock'.
Operation Spellbinder was set up to create 'sleeper' assassins or 'Manchurian candidates'.

In the early 1960s, the US military began Project Monarch.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
With Monarch, torture is used to produce mind-control.
The people whose minds have been controlled are reportedly used by the military as sex slaves.
They can be used to blackmail politicians.
They can be used to infiltrate organisations.
They can be used to carry out assassinations or suicide bombings.

Jake Bilardi was born in Australia in 1996. When he became a teenager "he blew himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq in 2015."
Reportedly, when the military are looking for people whose minds they can control, they look for people connected to orphanages, foster care homes, families linked to military intelligence, families with adopted children, families interested in Satanism andfamilies involved in child abuse.
Reportedly, many of the mind-control victims come from families linked to certain forms of Catholicism, Mormonism, or charismatic Christianity.
Reportedly, victims are often found to have scars or marks suggesting multiple electrical prods and mutilation by knives, branding irons, or needles.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

MKULTRA victim Blanche Chavoustie
7. Names linked to US mind-control experiments include Dr Ewen Cameron, Lt Col Michael Aquino, a Jewish doctor named Dr. Gruenbaum and Dr. Josef Mengele.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Survivors of abuse under the Nazis remember Mengele torturing and killing a small child in front of a child he was programming.
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron was the former head of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations.
He carried out torture experiments on children at several locations in Montreal, including McGill University, St Mary’s Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute.

Cameron used the technique called 'psychic driving,' where children were kept in a drug induced coma for several weeks and given electroshocks, while electronic helmets were strapped to their heads and repetitive auditory messages were transmitted at variable speeds.
(Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, Bantam Books, 1989)
Many of the victims were abused children from Roman Catholic orphanages.
Project MKULTRA was publicly exposed in 1970, through lawsuits filed by Canadian survivors and their families. The CIA and Canadian government settled out of court.
(BBC documentary on Cameron Click here to watch. )
Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Aquino was connected with the Presidio Army Base day care scandal, in which he was accused child molestation.
Dr. Sydney Gottleib and Lt. Col John Alexander are also said to be linked to MKULTRA.

Fort Detrick, where the anthrax came from.
8. The Monarch mind-control experiments reportedly took place at the following locations:
Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Rochester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Washington D.C.), Bell Laboratories, Stanford Research Institute, Westinghouse Friendship Laboratories, General Electric, ARCO and Manking Research Unlimited.
China Lake Naval Weapons Center, The Presidio, Ft. Dietrick, Ft. Campbell, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Hood, Redstone Arsenal, Offutt AFB, Patrick AFB, McClellan AFB, MacGill AFB, Kirkland AFB, Nellis AFB, Homestead AFB, Grissom AFB, Maxwell AFB and Tinker AFB
Langley Research Center, Los Alamos National Laboratories, Tavistock Institute and areas in or by Mt. Shasta, CA, Lampe, MO and Las Vegas, NV.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)

Bush at Offutt on 9 11
9. One well known victim of CIA mind-control is Cathy O’Brien, who refers to abuse by her father, forced prostitution involving top people, and working as a drugs mule.
( - Cathy O'Brien's website /Google Videos of Cathy O'Brien)
10. Paul Bonaci has testified about sexually-abused boys from Boy’s Town in Nebraska being taken to nearby Offutt Air Force Base, where he says they were subjected to mind-control programming.
Bonnaci remembers being flown, with other boys, from the Air Force base to California and Bohemian Grove. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Some victims were apparently murdered.

Offutt air force base
It is supected that Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi may have been mind-control victims.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton )
11. In 1992, Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a lecture entitled “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, in Alexandria, Virginia. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
Hammond referred to the Nazi connection and military and CIA mind control research.
He is one of many people who have spoken out.

Henry Kissinger is one of the brains behind Operation Gladio and the Strategy of Tension, both of which are designed to create fear, thus keeping the rich elite in power.
The alt-right is run by certain Jews said to be associated with Henry Kissinger.
The 'left' is also controlled by certain secretly 'right-wing' Jews.
The 'Kosher Nostra' aims to take harmless White Christian boys and turn them into Nazi killers.

Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, is the link that joins up DYLANN ROOF, SANDY HOOK and Elliot Rodger. Nina Jacobson is the Jewish lady who turned Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games into an international mega-hit film.
The mind-controlled tools of the alt-right are said to include the following young people:

Anders Breivik, a harmless Christian.
ANDERS BREIVIK is innocent.
Elliot Rodger allegedly killed six students near the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2014.
ELLIOT RODGER is innocent
Elliot Rodger is the son of The Hunger Games assistant director Peter Rodger.
Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
In this book, children are regularly selected to compete in a televised battle to the death.
Collins is from a military family.
Elliot Rodger - innocent patsy mind controlled

Above, we see the one photoshopped by the CIA and its friends?

Dylann Roof - No prominant moles?
There seem to be two Dylanns.

'Dylann Roof' - Prominant moles.
CHARLESTON CHURCH - Dylann Roof is innocent.
Christopher Harper Mercer, a 26-year-old 'white supremacist', allegedly killed nine people in Roseburg, Oregon in Oct, 2015.
Has Trump been mind controlled?
Mathieu, Alexandre and their father Raymond Bissonnette.
William Edward Atchison, a 21-year-old 'white supramacist', allegedly killed two students in a New Mexico high school in 2017.
Anders Breivik, in 2011, is alleged to have carried out the terror attack in Norway.
ANDERS BREIVIK is innocent.
Elliot Rodger allegedly killed six students near the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2014.
ELLIOT RODGER is innocent
Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
In this book, children are regularly selected to compete in a televised battle to the death.
Collins is from a military family.
Elliot Rodger - innocent patsy mind controlled

Above, we see what may be the original photo of the person said to be Dylan Roof.

Dylann Roof allegedly killed nine members of a black bible study group in South Carolina, in June 2015.

Dylann Roof - No prominant moles?
There seem to be two Dylanns.

'Dylann Roof' - Prominant moles.
CHARLESTON CHURCH - Dylann Roof is innocent.
Christopher Harper Mercer, a 26-year-old 'white supremacist', allegedly killed nine people in Roseburg, Oregon in Oct, 2015.

Alexandre Bissonnette allegedly killed six people at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Center.

Mathieu, Alexandre and their father Raymond Bissonnette.
Was Alexandre mind-controlled at a certain Quebec hospital?
William Edward Atchison, a 21-year-old 'white supramacist', allegedly killed two students in a New Mexico high school in 2017.
James Alex Fields Jr., 20, in August 2017, reportedly rammed his car into a crowd of counter-protesters at an alt-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing Heather Heyer, 32.
Kasab the patsy, blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
Examples of brainwashed assassins are said to include:
Sirhan Sirhan,who supposedly shot Robert F. Kennedy.
Mark David Chapman, who killed John Lennon.
Jared Lee Loughner (JARED LOUGHNER ~ MK ULTRA?)
Lee Harvey Oswald (who had a double)

The German Jew Kurt Lewin (above) became director of the Tavistock Clinic in 1932.
Examples of brainwashed assassins are said to include:
Sirhan Sirhan,who supposedly shot Robert F. Kennedy.
Mark David Chapman, who killed John Lennon.
Jared Lee Loughner (JARED LOUGHNER ~ MK ULTRA?)
Lee Harvey Oswald (who had a double)

The German Jew Kurt Lewin (above) became director of the Tavistock Clinic in 1932.
7 Mar 2015 - KURT LEWIN, TAVISTOCK, ISIS. The German Jew Kurt Lewin (above) became director of the Tavistock Clinic in 1932. (The Tavistock became the Tavistock Institute and now operates a $6 billion a year network of foundations). Lewin can be seen as being the brains behind ISIS and the torture of children.Aangirfan: TAVISTOCK AND CLIFF RICHARD; MOSSAD CONTROL
15 Aug 2014 - Kurt Lewin In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute, at Tavistock Square in London. He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached ). tavistockagenda. Sir Cliff Richard reportedly owned a company, Blacknight Ltd, which was registered ...Aangirfan: JIHADI JOHN AND TAVISTOCK IN HAMPSTEAD
26 Feb 2015 - JIHADI JOHN AND TAVISTOCK IN HAMPSTEAD. Jihadi John, above, was bullied and brainwashed into becoming an asset of MI5, reportedly. The following is a message sent to the Mail on Sunday by Mohammed Emwazi, known as Jihadi John. 'I'm a dead man walking': Jihadi John tells of paranoia at ...aangirfan: MIND CONTROL, SATANISM, 7/7, TAVISTOCK, CAROL ...
11 Dec 2011 - In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of theTavistock Institute. He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached ) In Germany, similar research was being carried out by the Germans. One well known victim of CIA mind-control is Cathy O'Brien, who refers to ...KIDS CONTROLLED BY SPOOKS
Labels: Adebolajo, Bilardi, Bissonnette, Breivik, cadets, Dhar, ISIS, Jack Letts, Jihadi, Jones, Mahmoud, MI5, MK, Roof, Sabina, Sandy Hook, Shafee, Tavistock
definitely does so
The Strange Case of Ted Gunderson
Is Satanism the religion of Washington?
we will never know
So much evidence.
BTW when I was researching the last death in the world from smallpox at Birmingham University UK in 1978, I came across evidence that MKUltra type experiments were conducted in 60's and early 70's. For example, medical students were given drugs and the effects on their handwriting was analysed.
Birmingham Uni has a large medical school adjacent, so making the campus perfect for these kinds of research.
It's 40 years since Ms Parker died and my research suggested spooks from UK, US and USSR were invovled. Notes made by former head of Ms Parker's trade union ASTMS, Clive Jenkins, showed he was aware of intelligence agency involvement.
There were other suspicious deaths as well. The academic leading the research into the smallpox virus supposedly cut his throat in his garden shed.
Since this time there have been dozens (maybe hundreds) of suspicious deaths among microbiologists.
The former smallpox isolation hospital where Ms Parker died in Catherine de Barnes, Solihull, is now converted into luxury appartments.
Josef Mengele – the Creation of a Myth.
Who is behind this FAKE GLOBAL pandemic? Who is making trillions of Dollars out of it?
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People.
British celeb paedophiles, 5 of them in one program. This is your life.
Jews Created Communist Red China .
The brave Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian writer who has been called the "Conscience of the 20th Century," served eight long years in the Soviet Gulag prison system. Today, he is hated by top-level Jews in America and around the world because he exposed the Jewish leadership of the genocide of 66 million Communist Gulag victims. Many victims were Christians.
Under Two Flags by Heinz Weichardt.
I like to emphasize the military participation of the Jewish part of my family because thiswas by no ways an exception but the norm, especially among the more well-to-do Jewishfamilies which strived to be Germans first .
Let's go back to Nazi terrorism. There were, as everybody knows, concentration camps. Who were theinmates? Mostly vagrants, bums and, yes, some obnoxious politicians of the leftist variety (come tothink of it, not a bad idea at all) who had previously caused the ire of the new rulers. Strangelyenough--hardly any Jews,
Berlin with my father, as a journalist in constant touch with the authorities (he had,
e.g., to attend, together with other journalists, confidential monthly meetings with Propaganda Minister Goebbels to obtain political directives and listen to pep talks) and aware of all nasty anti-government rumors, I had neither a single personal contact with anybody who had suffered physical harm from the authorities of the Third Reich, nor did I hear from anybody among my rather extended acquaintances that they knew of somebody who had.
Two men (believed to be Poles) then entered the room and grabbing one of the girls bent her backwards over the edge of a table and then proceeded to cut off her breasts before the eyes of the others. Her screams were accompanied by cheers and howls of approval from the Russians. The same fate awaited all the others each procedure becoming ever more cruel. More girls were brought in continually and out in the courtyard hundreds were clubbed to death, only the prettiest being led to the commissars office for torture, mutilation and death. A few days later when a German reserve tank unit from Cottbus temporarily recaptured the town they were utterly devastated by what they saw.
Survivors told of what they had seen. Mothers had to witness their ten and twelve year old daughters being raped by up to twenty soldiers, the daughters in turn witnessing their mothers being raped, even their grandmothers. In most houses in the town nearly every room contained naked and dead women with the Swastika symbol crudely carved on their abdomens. No mercy was shown to the women and girls. It is estimated that about 2,000 girls that had been in the RAD and BDM (League of German Girls) camps in and around the town were raped and murdered in the first few days of the Soviet occupation
Documented Torture of German POWs Before the Nuremberg Trials
Baron Paget of Northampton wrote in his book titled “Manstein: His Campaign and His Trial” (published by Collins in 1951) on page 109:
[The US Simpson Inquiry Commission] reported among other things that of the 139 cases they had investigated, 137 had had their testicles permanently destroyed by kicks received from the American War Crimes Investigating Team.
Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden – member of the commission investigating the accusations by Colonel Everett who reported that Germans did not receive fair trial, wrote in his book titled “American Atrocities in Germany“:
Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him, and beat him with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken. All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair.
Jew talks about Talmud and non jews-Christians.
No Evidence Of Genocide
One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83)
But the Germans in Lola's prison were slapped and whipped. And I'm so sorry to have to say it, but they were also tortured. The boy scout: the guards poured gasoline on his curly black hair and set it on fire. The boy went insane. The men: they were beaten with a Totschläger, a "beater-to-death." It's a long steel spring with a big lead ball at the end. You use it like a racketball racket. Your arm, your wrist, the spring: they deliver a triple hit to a German's face.
Lola didn't tell me, but the Germans in her prison were dying. I found their death certificates in Gleiwitz city hall. One of Lola's guards told me, "Yeah, the Germans would die." He told me, "I'd put the bodies in a horse-drawn cart. I'd cover them with potato peels so no one would see. I'd ride to the outskirts and, after I threw the potato peels out, I'd take the Germans to the Catholic cemetery. To the mass grave."
Latvia: Year of Horror, 1940 – The Year Assimilated Jews Turned on Their Neighbours.
Who are these Neo Nazis,
Its not what you don't know thats the problem its what you do know that ain't so.
Books that will tell you our real History -You wont find it in mainstream Fictional History Books ,
which is all the rest.. .. .... .. .... ... .... ... ....
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