Monday 5 August 2024

Southport - Aunt

'The aunt of nine-year-old Alice DaSilva Aguiar, who was killed in the Southport stabbing attack, has spoken of the family's "immense pain".'

'Laughing her ass off, that family is about to get paid nicely?' 



At 5 August 2024 at 23:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Video 2 mins and 42 secs of eh.......... absolutely f@#£ all. The riots in Plymouth are so bad - hundreds of riot clad Police Clowns doing ehhhhh nothing.

Quick, let's walk in a line in front of 6 dogs for authenticity. Add some shouting and loud voices then 1 man kicks plastic shield.

Ehhhhh that's it. Just like the fake 'pushed off' motorcycle yesterday, todays Polis' doing jack-shit video is worth a look for no other reason to show that there is no riots.

Just smoke and mirrors and misdirection.

At 6 August 2024 at 00:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 August 2024 at 00:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 August 2024 at 01:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was in South Africa a few weeks ago. Some truly astonishingly beautiful places. Will be going back in a few months.

Only problem with South Africa is the casual and ouvert racism, the sneering resentment and unapologetic and unashamed behaviour that accompanies this phenomena by a sizeable portion of the community.

Thankfully, however, not all South Africans are like this. The least racist, friendliest and some of the nicest, God fearing people (which surprised me) were contrary to what we were all told and led to believe, are in fact 'WHITE'. Unfortunately, however, that doesn't fit the Whitey bad dynamic.

Zola Budd no doubt suffered because of the fact she was white and had to carry the weight of the worlds media throughout her career. Unfortunately Zolas only crime was being white.

At 6 August 2024 at 02:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 August 2024 at 02:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 August 2024 at 02:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 August 2024 at 02:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 August 2024 at 02:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 August 2024 at 03:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘Ex-prisoners report sexual assault and starvation in Israeli torture camps’

“… [Abuse], starvation and humiliation … [are] part of a pattern described repeatedly in … [dozens of interviews] done by the human rights group B’Tselem.

“They described abuse so widespread and systemic that it must now be considered state policy, said the group’s executive director, Yuli Novak.

“Israeli jails had become ‘torture camps’ in which at least 60 Palestinian prisoners have died in detention …

“Prisoners said they were subjected to regular severe, arbitrary violence, including sexual assault …

“Other abuse and humiliation was constant, from starvation rations to denial of access to basic hygiene supplies …

“In a leaked letter [the Shin Bet head, Ronen Bar] says Israel is vulnerable in international courts to ‘well-founded’ claims of committing the war crime of inhumane treatment and violating the convention against torture …

“Musa ‘Aasi, a 58-year-old … said he heard guards beat 38-year-old Tha’er Abu ‘Asab to death in a neighbouring cell at Ketziot …

“Ahmed Khalefe, 42, a human rights lawyer … described pools of blood on the floor and watching jailers jump on the back and legs of an 80-year-old man …

“Atef Awawda, 54 … briefly shared a dirty, overcrowded cell with a paraplegic prisoner, Khalid Shamish, who had developed an infected pressure sore. ‘I saw maggots coming out of his back’, Awawda [said] …

“A month later Shamish had died …

“… Sari Huriye [was] ordered to strip by prison guards as he entered the jail …

“He spent 10 days in prison, enough to hear Abdul Rahman al-Maari die in agony in the neighbouring cell after a beating …”

At 6 August 2024 at 04:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A police dog sniffs a man's elbow while the policeman pretends to struggle against the force of the dog. The man seems to be leaning towards the dog. Behind this "action" the other police look bored and passive. This is the Daily Mail covering the deadly terrorist/lynching/apartheid fire riots of final cataclysmic doom.

At 7 August 2024 at 11:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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