Sunday 4 August 2024


 Anonymous comments on ''Two-tier policing'':

map of 13 major UK riot areas this weekend -

Keir Starmer speech screenshot

with the phrase he used -

'It doesn't matter'

[i.e., reason for rioting]

Paul Embery, trade unionist and media figure -

"Britain doesn't have a far-right problem.

Britain has a problem with a dominant liberal class that for years ignored legitimate mainstream concerns over economic injustice, crime and immigration, and is now experiencing the blowback."

Martin Luther King Jr. -

"Riots are the voices of the unheard."


When there is civil unrest in the West, more often than not it is planned & executed by the state. In the EU, they use agents in a disguise called Black Bloc, in the US they are disguised as Antifa. In the UK they are disguised as "Far Right". In the end it is always the state. The problem is that hot headed people love violence & join in.

"On-the-run Tommy Robinson suns himself at an all-inclusive five-star hotel in Cyprus while his foot soldiers run riot in violent protests across Britain "

Top Israelis see Cyprus as being part of Greater Israel.

Unknown commented on "Another Crisis Actor & Agency exposed?"



At 4 August 2024 at 23:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Video from Telegraph titled Police pushed off motorcycle.

The video is shot from 2 sequences. The first aspect it is ambiguous about the nature of his fall.

The second sequence is at circa 30 seconds. It is as clear as day......the clumsy officer drops/falls off his bike and wasn't pushed off by anyone. I don't suppose that makes a particularly good story though.

Equally, a Police motorcycle (lone Policeman) would never be deployed to a riot type situation - that's not what Police bikes are for. The bikes are part of Road Policing, do escorts, rolling road closures etc. Each force has not too many bikes at their disposal.

Just a thought

At 5 August 2024 at 00:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 August 2024 at 00:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr David Cohen said the riots are payback for the people of the uk supporting palestine
the people are demanding starmer resign

At 5 August 2024 at 19:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said... & now Plymouth


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