'Two-tier policing'

Is Britain being run by the Friends of Israel who have allowed in too many immigrants?
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post 'When there is civil unrest in the West, more often than not it is planned & executed by the state. ':
A key to the violence is the perception of 'two-tier policing', as the chair of UK Police Commissioners herself says, in quote below
A perception, backed by some videos, is -
migrant-heritage young men in the street, even with cudgels or knives - dealt with cautiously
white young men in the street, with weapons or not - dealt with roughly
Combine economic despair, with a sense people have of not being protected or treated fairly by police and authorities, and a feeling grows that one must fight, now or never ... there is a point that government threats merely fan the flames
Police Commissioner Donna Jones, chair of the UK Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC):
"The announcement of the Prime Minister’s new Violent Crime Units have led to an accusation of 'two tier policing', which has enflamed protestors who state they are battling to protect Britain’s sovereignty, & identity and to stop illegal immigration.
The only way to stem the tide of violent disorder, is to acknowledge what is causing it.
Arresting people, or creating violent disorder units, is treating the symptom and not the cause.
The questions these people want answering;
What is the Government’s solution to mass uncontrolled immigration?
How is the new Labour government going to uphold and build on British values?
This is the biggest challenge facing Sir Kier Starmer’s government ..."
map of 13 major UK riot areas this weekend -
Keir Starmer speech screenshot
with his phrase he used -
'It doesn't matter'
[i.e., reason for rioting]
Paul Embery, trade unionist and media figure -
"Britain doesn't have a far-right problem.
Britain has a problem with a dominant liberal class that for years ignored legitimate mainstream concerns over economic injustice, crime and immigration, and is now experiencing the blowback."
Photo of this -
Martin Luther King Jr. -
"Riots are the voices of the unheard."
Sky News journalist to Met Police chief: 'Are we going to end two-tier policing sir?'
GB News video -
'Met Police Chief SNATCHES microphone from journalist quizzing him on two tier policing'
Daily Mail -
''Two-tier policing' is a phrase used to described an impression that some protests and demonstrations are dealt with more harshly than others.
A fuming Met Police boss Sir Mark Rowley grabbed a reporter's microphone and chucked it on the ground this morning as he left emergency talks over Britain's riots crisis.
As he exited the Cabinet Office, the visibly angry Scotland Yard chief was filmed being asked by a Sky News journalist: 'Are we going to end two-tier policing sir?'
In the astonishing footage, Sir Mark was shown taking part of the microphone before throwing it to the floor as he headed towards a waiting car.'
Elon Musk has gone on the attack against Keir Starmer, retweeting photos of UK convicted persons, the cases showing gross legal disparities in treatment
One of his tweets contains only this hashtag
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