Saturday 11 May 2024

Middle Eastern Jews and Palestinians are genetically almost identical

Anonymous :

Gene research challenges claims that Jews are a special, chosen people

Middle Eastern Jews and Palestinians are genetically almost identical

“The paper, 'The Origin of Palestinians and their Genetic Relatedness with other Mediterranean Populations', involved studying genetic variations in immune system genes among people in the Middle East.

“… [The] team found no data to support the idea that Jewish people were genetically distinct from other people in the region.

“… [The] team's research challenges claims that Jews are a special, chosen people …

“Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East share a very similar gene pool …”


“Academics who have already received copies of [the journal] Human Immunology have been urged to rip out the offending pages and throw them away.

“Such a drastic act of self-censorship is unprecedented in research publishing …

“'I have authored several hundred scientific papers … and this has never happened to me before’, said the article's lead author, Spanish geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaiz-Villena …

“[Another scientist] said: 'If Arnaiz-Villena had found evidence that Jewish people were genetically very special, instead of ordinary, you can be sure no one would have objected …’”    
Sun 25 Nov 2001


At 12 May 2024 at 03:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 May 2024 at 03:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 May 2024 at 03:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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