Friday 10 May 2024

Big Boost For Palestine As UNGA Backs Membership Bid; U.S. Likely To Pla...


At 10 May 2024 at 23:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prof. Juan Cole on Israeli neo-Nazis

“… [The] Israeli government … is not an ordinary government.

“Benjamin Netanyahu … brought into the government … the Israeli equivalent of neo-Nazis …

“… Itamar Ben-Gvir [and] Bezalel Smotrich: these are not ordinary Israeli politicians.

“Ben-Gvir is a convicted racialist and inciter and terrorist …

“… [These] flamethrowers … openly talk about destroying Gaza … ethnically cleansing the Palestinians …

“[They] are themselves illegal settlers in the West Bank on Palestinian private property that they have stolen, and [they] encourage other people to engage in this theft [and] to attack ordinary everyday Palestinians …

“Ben-Gvir gave out guns in large numbers … in hopes of encouraging this kind of violence …

“… [They] have set the rules of engagement so that they will accept 15 to 20 innocent non-combatant lives being taken for every Hamas [figure] that they’re able to kill …

“… 70% of the deaths have been children and women …

“… [Joe Biden’s] aides are leaking to the press that he sees these civilian deaths every day.

“And [Biden] says, ‘okay’ …”

Juan Cole is Richard P. Mitchell Professor of History at the University of Michigan.


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