Le Pen, Wilders.
Unknown commented on "Wilders, Palestinians, Jordan"
Article from 2009 about Wilders
people researching his family in Dutch records

also how Wilders is shaped by the Dutch inability to deal with its colonial past in Indonesia
colonialists justified themselves by racialist extremism ... inherently contradictory with the ethnic mixing that occurred in people's families

'Geert Wilders' Indonesian roots define his politics, says anthropologist'
'Wilders' grandmother, Johanna Ording-Meijer, came from an old Jewish-Indonesian family ... Wilders lied about this in his 2008 biography'
Wilders' maternal grandfather, Johan Ording, was a colonial financial administrator who suffered bankruptcies and was fired in 1934 when on leave in the Netherlands ... denied a pension and reduced to begging for a time ... finally got a job as a prison director

It is suggested that 'Wilders is out to avenge the injustice done to his grandfather'
The mixed-race colonial Dutch-Indonesians, tended to be very 'Netherlands patriotic' and also very anti-Islamic in Indonesia ...
'Wilders' grandmother, Johanna Ording-Meijer, came from an old Jewish-Indonesian family ... Wilders lied about this in his 2008 biography'
Wilders' maternal grandfather, Johan Ording, was a colonial financial administrator who suffered bankruptcies and was fired in 1934 when on leave in the Netherlands ... denied a pension and reduced to begging for a time ... finally got a job as a prison director

It is suggested that 'Wilders is out to avenge the injustice done to his grandfather'
The mixed-race colonial Dutch-Indonesians, tended to be very 'Netherlands patriotic' and also very anti-Islamic in Indonesia ...
'many supported the Dutch Nazi party NSB in Indonesia in the 1930s'

But especially after the 1949 collapse of Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia, these mixed-heritage Dutch-Indonesians found themselves 'second class' when back in the Netherlands, put in the same 'foreigner' category as Turkish and Moroccan migrants imported for labour

Wilders is in a way 'doubling down' on the one side of his 'Netherlands heritage', symbolised by his odd hair dye of peroxide blonde ... this 'to step away from his Indonesian roots and hide his post-colonial revanchism ... classic Indo identity alienation'.

'That Wilders obviously operates in a post-colonial political dimension, without it being recognised, says a lot about how the Netherlands dealt with, and still deals with the colonial past.
'Keep quiet, deny, forget and look the other way have been the motto for decades.'
Argentina's president-elect, set to convert to Judaism, appoints neo-Nazi as solicitor general
‘Jewish’ Javier Milei has appointed ‘neo-Nazi’ Rodolfo Barra
In 1996, a news outlet revealed that Rodolfo Barra “was part of an organization … involved in an attack against a synagogue.
“Days before, investigative magazine Noticias had published a picture of him doing a Nazi salute *”
“Upon his resignation [in 1996], he left a phrase for posterity: ‘If I was a Nazi, I regret it.’”
Barra is also a member of Opus Dei. **
“After Milei's office confirmed the news … many were quick to point out Barra's past, especially considering that the president-elect has said he intends to convert to Judaism …”
* Photo: https://www.inforegion.com.ar/2023/12/01/rechazo-a-la-designacion-de-rodolfo-barra-por-sus-antecedentes-proximos-al-nazismo/
** https://www.inforegion.com.ar/2023/12/01/rechazo-a-la-designacion-de-rodolfo-barra-por-sus-antecedentes-proximos-al-nazismo/
You are not indigenous if you change your surname to look more ethnic.Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel. Born 1949 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Grandson of
Nathan MILEIKOWSKY/ Milikowsky from Krevo, who changed his name to
Netanyahu when he arrived in Tel Aviv in 1930.
Israeli Ministries will do anything to try and up the 'part Jew' population globally, because they know that they can't ever rule the world justifiably without constantly pushing that number up. No-one should listen to them.
Owen Jones ‘receiving death threats’ after questioning Israeli propaganda
“Now there's a new video on YouTube about [October 7] …
“It's a 25-minute monologue … by Owen Jones …
“Jones regards the IDF video as Israeli propaganda designed to justify the death and suffering that it has since rained down on northern Gaza …
“As the death toll of civilians, including thousands of women and children, mounted … public opinion across the globe has turned against Israel …
“It is true some Israelis were [killed] by the IDF …
“… [And] loudmouthed Israelis today … [are] calling for Hamas to be nuked …”
Jones claims that his critics “have unleashed a new wave of threats of death and violence on him.
“That is a disgrace and he deserves the full protection of the law …”
Owen Jones compares Gaza’s destruction to 2 Hiroshima bombs
“According to Jones, Israeli bombardment has resulted in up to 20,000 casualties and decimated over half of northern Gaza's infrastructure.
“He likened the scale of the devastation to the dropping of ‘2 Hiroshima bombs’ on an area he compared to East London …”
MSNBC cancels Mehdi Hasan show
Hasan ‘one of few Western commentators' providing balance to Gaza debate
“US news network MSNBC has axed The Mehdi Hasan Show hosted by British-born journalist Mehdi Hasan …
“The show’s cancellation prompted widespread outcry from journalists, lawmakers, and activists …
“MSNBC has been accused of perpetuating a pro-Israel narrative …
“British author and journalist Owen Jones referred to Hasan as one of the ‘few mainstream voices who challenge Israel's mass slaughter of Gaza’.
“Former Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth [described] Hasan in a tweet as an ‘honest, principled, and outspoken critic of Israel's conduct in Gaza’ …
“Prior to the cancellation of Hasan’s show, NBC was under fire for temporarily taking its Muslim anchors off the air, including Hasan, Ali Velshi and Ayman Mohyeldin, amid the Israeli offensive on [Gaza].
“Semfor reported that NBC denied the allegations that it was purposefully sidelining the trio and regarded its choice as pure coincidence …”
Gaza is ‘Textbook Genocide’
Holocaust scholar Raz Segal — associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University — offers a masterclass which is as chilling as it is urgent.
Very bad episode by Owen Jones after seeing the docu Bearing Witness. I have now observed several people who did see the docu and wonder whether it was doctored but also whether there were subliminal messages as those who watching it seem to have lost their normal perspective and sound very biased and accusatory. F.i. Israel used no rapekits on anyone. Said to be preferring finding ID's of victims. When having time the bodies were too detoriated to use a rapekit. Seems to me it is the first thing you do after such an event. The female hostage witness and some others claimed they were treated well by Hamas. Be'eri Kibbutz inhabitants, self confident combatants having no issue to defend against any Hamas attack. Strangely their heaviest weapons confiscated by Israel just prior. Hamas fighters down and dead in the very beginning. Some with hostages inside. Same witness It was IDF who shot my bound husband. When coming outside many civilians lying dead, probably caught in crossfire. Tankshelling one of the methods the IDF used. Even so of 1000 Kibbuts inhabitants 100 dead, 900 alive. Living close to the Gaza fence it comes with the territory. Those of one's people under siege, still trying to liberate them, prepared to sacrifice their lives, in all nations treated with respect and called Resistancefighters. Freedomfighters. The warcrime already being under Siege. Under investigation by ICC for several years. Noone expects these men, lacking an army, not to fight dirty. Menachem Begin boasted about his terrorism in Germany. Israel already aware of a planned attack for an entire year. Jacques Attali, predicted Ukraine would lead to WW III. Clearly failed. Now again a new try with the escalation of Gaza. A strong push to attack Iran. Bibi's promise to realise the Greater Israel Plan entails he has to win from several of the nations in the region. Those nations no fools and did not step in the trap. And the USA kept hesitating after initial threats. And no i am no fan of Hamas. I have seen docus about their ruling of Palestinians in Gaza. Extremist treatment of weddinggoers playing western music. Those billionair leaders abroad i also do not trust. In Sunni Islam Fanaticism is forbidden. Their leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin in my opinion a fanatic Muslim. That said as Scott Ritter says this was a military operation. But no soldiers when they arrive in the morning tells me the entire affair stinks. Personally i do not believe they fucked up i believe there was treason. Where were those soldiers. Or are those counted amongst the `1200 dead. Who killed them as Hamas did not. Whilst their only goal was to attack the military base. Why did the IDF commander ask to have a bomb dropped on the complex, whilst civilian securityworkers for that not working fence were inside.
Not even the Dutch know who Geert Wilders is. Yes his favorite country is Israel. He worked in a Kibbutz there, looking like a hippie. And yes he frequents their embassy regularly. And yes his party was paid by american jews. And yes he omitted to say he was of jewish descent. And yes he is married to a jewish hungarian wife. But that said he also spoke out against the war in Gaza and he says out loud what more than 2,5 dutch think. What scandinavian research has proven. Multicultural societies are not working and Cohesion is diminishing fast. What worries dutch more is the Mocro Maffia,murdering witnesses, brothers of witnesses and even lawyers and prominent journalist. Drugslab dumps everywhere in nature. Said to have infiltrated everywhere in municipal society. Most of his voters not on the same line where Islam is concerned. But with a waiting list for houses of 11 years for dutch people the fact that asylumseekers with status go first does not sit well. And strangely many of his voters are Maroccans, muslims. Who from the very beginning were against asylumseekers. What worries me much more is our WEF ex PM Rutte telling his successor she cannot go into a Cabinet with Wilders, because he may loose his envisioned NATO job. What disgusts me is the many demonstrations against him after he was democratically voted for. What also disgusts me is hypocritical parties refusing to go into a Cabinet with him and talks break down the first week. Fit for Kindergardens the lot of them. Promoting Woke, LBGHT, Climatechange, WEF and vaccinations. This man is loud, rude and sometimes shockingly so. But at least he speaks his mind whilst the rest are WEF Yeah nodders. And yes i was deeply sad that my Netherlands has sunk to this point of Intolerance. But also yes i understand, for Multicultaralism and the influx of asylumseekers tks to the Geneva Convention, the planned 25 million black afrikan immigrants, and the group of Woke terrorising kids at a Black Pete St Nicholas event whilst totally ignorant about the true historic background in Spain, again a festival i have not celebrated for 45 years with my kids, shock and irritate and worry me more than Geert Wilders does. Another thing is that the man is living in a virtual prison under constant surveillance due to the many threats made to his life. And now he won the election and the oh so tolerant woke left are making sure he will not become PM. So in the end knowing who pulls the strings at WEF i worry more about Left, investing another 28 billion in climatechange, the Netherlands only a tiny country, wants to give more money to Ukraine. than i worry about Geert Wilders. Have no illusion even most on the left have the same view on Maroccans and Turks as het speaks out loud. Multiculturalism very far from integrated. I just keep radiating kindness, hoping to strengthen cohesion. And there are moments i like my neighbours from far away origin than those whose ancestors already lived there. For Ultimately only Friesians lived in the Netherlands and they too came from elsewhere. We were 95 % of the worldgenepool, long before mass immigration. Wilders is no Trump and no Netanyahu. I do not think he is a Zionist. He is proud of Judeo Christianity as our roots. That makes him very undutch. Ignorant about the forced conversions to Christianity accompanied by genocide of the Celtic Tribes. Or as the Friesians said Rather dead than slave.
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