Saturday 11 November 2023

Ursula von der Leyen is a “murderer”

Unknown commented 

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen is a “murderer”, says Pakistan’s former human rights minister

‘Von der Leyen is a partner in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians’

Von der Leyen studied at the London School of Economics, closely associated with the late Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, who served on its court of governors.

Von der Leyen, whose stated ambition is for a “united states of Europe”, insists that the state of Israel made "the desert bloom".

This is widely recognised as an anti-Palestinian, racist, trope. It erases Palestinians’ history, and ‘suggests that the land was previously uninhabited or untended’.

A comment left on the website of Jewish Voice for Labour reads:

‘Ursula Von Der Leyen has an “interesting” family history with close links to slavery and connections/support for NATO. Not surprising that she expresses support for the apartheid state of Israel’


At 11 November 2023 at 11:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether or not she is a 'murderer', she certainly supports genocide, is an unelected apparatchik believing she has a right to rule. Europe needs fundamental reform and it has to abolish the European Commission, has to make legislation solely creatable by accountable, elected representatives and it has to stop the EU being the plaything of globalist corporate oligarchs.

At 11 November 2023 at 15:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the same Twitter X thread as above

Replying to
Berlin complaint charging attempted murder by @VonderLeyen bribery extortion so #Belgium blocks her prosecution
Report Von der Leyen helps send untrained #UkraineArmy to mass death for arms industry #EUCorruption profiteering

At 12 November 2023 at 05:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

==> Israel did 9-11, with help from the US gov. <==

The $WEJ declared WAR on the Gen-tiles 5784 years ago.

$WEJ-ism is Organized Crime, Masquerading as a Religion.
Murdering Gentiles ( in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Palestine, etc. ) is a KEY PART of the $WEJ "Religion".

Planet of the $WEJ - It's a HORROR Movie !

No Country needs Regime Change more than the JewSA.

At 12 November 2023 at 06:10 , Blogger Anon said...


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