Saturday 11 November 2023

Israel's ownership of the UK Labour Party?


Unknown commented 

Labour Friends of Israel and Sir Trevor Chinn

“There has been criticism of Sir Keir Starmer and other senior Labour figures over their failure to call for a ceasefire in Gaza …

“An investigation … revealed that 13 of the 31 members of UK Labour’s Shadow Cabinet have received donations from a prominent pro-Israel lobby group or individual funder.

“The list of recipients includes party leader KEIR STARMER, his deputy ANGELA RAYNER, Shadow Foreign Secretary DAVID LAMMY, and … LISA NANDY …

“These donations were provided by Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) … and Sir Trevor Chinn, a … long-time pro-Israel lobbyist.

“More than half of Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet are listed as parliamentary supporters or officers of LFI …

“LFI … was revealed during an undercover Al Jazeera documentary in 2017 to have close relations with the Israeli embassy in London …

“Eight members of Starmer’s shadow cabinet have received money from LFI to travel to Israel since being elected MPs. This includes DAVID LAMMY … WES STREETING … JONATHAN REYNOLDS … [and] EMILY THORNBERRY …

“A further recipient of travel funds is shadow chancellor RACHEL REEVES, who is currently a parliamentary vice-chair of LFI … LFI has also donated to WAYNE DAVID …

“STARMER received a £50,000 donation from Chinn during his campaign for the Labour leadership in 2020 – and failed to declare this until after he’d won the election.

“… Chinn has donated to eight other members of the Shadow Cabinet, including RAYNER, LAMMY, REEVES, STREETING … BRIDGET PHILLIPSON … LIZ KENDALL … [and] STEVE REED.

“LISA NANDY … has also accepted money from Chinn …

“The value of Chinn’s donations to Starmer and members of his shadow cabinet amounts to almost £200,000 …”


At 11 November 2023 at 22:07 , Blogger Anon said...

Anonymous has left a new comment

That funding is an untenable disgrace. 99% of us are NOT Jewish, and any Jew that thinks that 40% of a Party Cabinet should be Jewish-controlled needs a .... It must be made illegal for Jews to fund more than 1% of UK Parliamentarians and the punishment for ignoring that should be.... No tolerance of Jewish misfeasance.


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