Saturday 16 September 2023

Ronald Lauder


Anonymous -

HANNAH FLETCHER has mesothelioma, a terminal cancer caused by asbestos

British woman [HANNAH FLETCHER] can bring asbestos cancer claim in New York against Clinique and Estée Lauder

A court ruling in New York means a British woman can bring her claim against global beauty giants Estee Lauder and Clinique* that talc and face powder contained asbestos which caused her lethal cancer.

*Clinique is a subsidiary of the Estée Lauder Companies.

“Ronald Lauder is the youngest son of Estee Lauder, who founded her eponymous beauty company in 1946. He became the chairman of Clinique Laboratories in 1994 and still occupies that position today.”

Whitney Webb writes:

“One … famous client and friend of Roy Cohn is the billionaire heir to the Estee Lauder cosmetics fortune, Ronald Lauder … [He] is the president of the World Jewish Congress

“… [In] the early 1990s, Lauder would join a newly formed group that … has recently become of interest in connection with the Jeffrey Epstein scandal: the Mega Group [formed in 1991 by Charles Bronfman and Leslie Wexner] …

“… [Police] recently discovered an Austrian passport with Epstein’s picture and a fake name after raiding his Manhattan residence … Lauder, then-ambassador to Austria for the Reagan administration, would have been well-positioned to acquire such a passport …

“Lauder … has been alleged to have ties to Mossad, as he is a long-time funder of IDC Herzliya, an Israeli university closely associated with Mossad and their recruiters as well as Israeli military intelligence … 

"[The] strong connection between Netanyahu and Lauder during the time of the 1997 ‘Mega’ spy scandal is [also] important considering Mossad answers directly to Israel’s prime minister …”


At 16 September 2023 at 03:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Book of Enoch:

And Azazel taught mankind to make swords and knives and shields and coats of mail, and taught them to see what was behind them, and their works of art: bracelets and ornaments, and the use of rouge, and the beautifying of the eye-brows, and the dearest and choicest stones and all coloring substances and the metals of the earth. 2. And there was great wickedness and much fornication, and they sinned, and all their ways were corrupt.

The Book of Enoch brings Azazel into connection with the Biblical story of the fall of the angels, located on Mt Hermon, a gathering-place of demons of old.

Here, Azazel is one of the leaders of the rebellious Watchers in the time preceding the flood; he taught men the art of warfare, of making swords, knives, shields, and coats of mail, and taught women the art of deception by ornamenting the body, dyeing the hair, and painting the face and the eyebrows, and also revealed to the people the secrets of witchcraft and corrupted their manners, leading them into wickedness and impurity until at last he was, at Yahweh's command, bound hand and foot by the Archangel Raphael and chained to the rough and jagged rocks of Dudael (= Beth Ḥadudo), where he is to abide in utter darkness until the great Day of Judgement, when he will be cast into the fire to be consumed forever.

The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.
 Book of Enoch 10:8

At 16 September 2023 at 04:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 September 2023 at 13:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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