Friday 8 September 2023

GLOBAL ELITES - Environment

Unknown commented on "Cash strapped Brits selling their cars" -

RE: “At the same time many in small towns and countryside absolutely need a car”


In respect of the globalist elites pushing for ‘Net Zero’ (this new-ish phrase signifying a radical step change from the previous stated target of ‘sustainability’) their motivation is most certainly *not* any genuine concern for the environment; for the principles of conservation & stewardship of nature, in support of a cleaner, greener, more just world.

Not at all.

Such impulses toward conservation and socioeconomic justice, if the elites had them (which they most decidedly do *not*!) could be considerable admirable, depending on how expressed. (Often competing priorities & needs have to be balanced, and economic growth may sometimes be necessary to raise living standards for the nonwealthy, even at the expense sometimes of generating some pollution, noise & the loss of pristine landscapes, 
etc )

No, in fact, at the top, the global elites care NOT A JOT about the oceans, marine life rainforests, tree canopy, birds, polar ice cap, endangered species … and least of all about the mass of humankind: gentile, Muslim, Jewish or other.

Rather, the cynical drive to ‘Net Zero’ is about the gargantuan fortunes the global elites are obtaining (not earning) -

-from flogging goods & services compliant with the new ‘eco’ legislation & artificially constructed ‘eco’ opinion. 

Crooked laws, crooked tendering processes, crooked contracts, crooked monopolies, that embody crooked, nepotistic governance, & crooked, nepotistic business practices.

‘Net zero’ is equally about *controlling* the mass of humanity & squeezing we ‘peasants’ (the 99%) into ever smaller & tighter living spaces with fewer & lower-quality amenities, -

-in order that the global elite can enjoy 99% of the world’s geographical space & natural resources for themselves.

Further, it’s about degrading & humiliating we ‘peasants’ (the 99%), by pushing us to eat bugs, GM foods, laboratory ‘meat’,, and whatever else they tell us to eat, buy, wear & consume from one week to the next (‘for the good of the environment’) lol.

Communicating to us — the ‘peasantry’ — that we’re not worthy of flying abroad on holiday or indeed flying anywhere, for any reason…

That we don’t merit owning a car or travelling by means other than a pushbike…

That we don’t have a right to have as many kids as we desire…

That we have *no right* to want to live in a decent-sized house with a backyard or garden, close to amenities, and places of interest & beauty…

That we don’t deserve to heat & cool our homes to comfort level…

That we don’t merit eating a pork chop or another ‘taboo’ food group…

That we have no right to enjoy affordable fashion or other frivolous consumer goods as & when we choose to…

That watering our gardens on hot days is some kind of a sin, as evil as having kids, flying on a plane, driving a car, eating chicken or sliced bread, buying a plastic toy, or Christmas decoration, living in a house, taking a long shower, wanting to be governed by a sovereign & accountable national government, or turning up the central heating in winter so we don’t feel frozen.

The global elite want us ‘peasants’ to feel permanently guilty, to feel permanently *ashamed of ourselves* for merely existing & for (as they see it) ‘stealing their oxygen’, living space & natural resources.

For the global elites are convinced that only *they themselves* are entitled to be comfortable on this planet. And this by virtue of the fact that they are more brazen, devious, shameless, immoral and downright dangerous & violent.

‘Might is right’, is their belief system. Physical power, the power of money, plus guile, avarice, and treachery 
(psychopathy), marks out the ‘fittest’ who alone deserve to thrive & live comfortably on this planet… or so they believe.

Leave all of the comforts of the world to us global elites, ‘peasants’!

Even as ‘they’ need ‘us’ to continue generating their mind-boggling stores of wealth & luxury for them, they absolutely detest us. They know they need us, and they hate us even more for that.


At 9 September 2023 at 02:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9 September 2023 at 20:41 , Anonymous Margi Bingley said...

My selfish behaviour has been voluntarily modified. I don't use a hot water system. Haven't for 6 years. And I LOVE it. Meanwhile genuine concerns are verified by those who do care. eg 66 swans I am now looking after. They have sought refuge in the salty sea with stingrays for companions as the natural food dies off. Seagrass loss is at an alarming rate. I personally filmed that in the last 3 months where I live it has almost disappeared. The Tweed River estuary is suffering the same fate as the entire East Coast of Australia & one suspects this is world wide. "Seagrass meadows are being lost at a rate of around 7% annually, equivalent to two football fields every hour. This loss is attributed to many variables, including climate change, coastal development, pollution, overfishing, and other anthropogenic factors" jOeYk#:~:text=Seagrass%20meadows%20are%20being%20lost,overfishing%2C%20and%20other%20anthropogenic%20factors I have seen now 3 dead swans in 3 months, 2 dead turtles & one dugong. Quote: "there’s almost no seagrass remaining across most of previously mapped areas. James Cook University TropWATER Centre is leading the monitoring of 2300km2 of seagrass meadows – one of the largest and most important areas of seagrass in eastern Australia – in partnership with the Department of Environment and Science (DES). TropWATER Professor Michael Rasheed said there had been drastic reduction of seagrass when compared with previous extensive mapping. “Our boat surveys show there’s almost no seagrass visible in the 2m to 17m depth range for much of the deeper meadows, and these sites have previously recorded extensive areas of seagrass,” he said

At 9 September 2023 at 23:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how the Peasants are fighting back against the Coviet Union in the UK ..!great research,practical tools& some lively music,words&beats&
supplements! Viva La Peasantisti Resistance x


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