Friday 8 September 2023

2023’s Most & Least Educated States in America


1st Place – Massachusetts
When you think about it, it should come as no surprise that Massachusetts takes our prize position for the country’s most educated state – after all, it’s where you’ll find both Harvard University and MIT, two of the best educational institutions in the world.

50th Place – Mississippi
Not for the first time, the Magnolia State has ranked last in the US when it comes to education.


At 8 September 2023 at 05:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think any 'educational institution' could be described as 'good' right now if they are woke, lying through their teeth about Covid, climate change, Ukraine etc etc. They're just fading brands past their sell-by date....

At 8 September 2023 at 06:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Higher degree of brain washing doesn't need to be a good thing.


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