Friday 8 September 2023

Bankrupt English Councils

The 'vanity projects' that bankrupted English councils: From authority that funded tycoon's £650m solar farms - only for him to blow millions on a yacht, private jet and Bugatti - to town that wasted £750m on 'Singapore-style' skyscraper

 In recent years, town halls have begun declaring bankruptcy at an unprecedented rate, with Conservative-run Thurrock council issuing a Section 114 notice, which freezes all non-essential spending, in 2022, followed by Lib Dem-led Woking earlier this year. 

Labour-run Croydon and Slough also issued notices in 2022 and 2021 respectively, after Tory-led Northamptonshire's hand was forced in 2018, the first bankruptcy in nearly two decades following the demise of Labour-run Hackney in 2000. MailOnline can today reveal the remarkable spending that was allowed to be unleashed at these seven councils.


At 8 September 2023 at 05:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

People should look at cuts in income from Central Government's very hard to balance budgets if revenue cuts are in double digits a few years in a row.

At 8 September 2023 at 13:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

if our local council had invested in Bitcoin in 2012 ,just 1000 pounds we would all be multi million ..& thats if they shared it& had been completely honest ,transparent & genuine ..which they would have to due to the nature of the blockchain ..

At 9 September 2023 at 00:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birmingham is down to 42% of their population being white, explains the epic mismanagement. And all the money thrown away on the 6 feet apart stickers, hand sanitizer, masks, newspaper adverts and the rest of the paraphanelia to perpetrate the covidhoax.


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