Wednesday 6 September 2023

David Miliband


Anonymous has left a new comment on 'UK Column News - 4th September 2023':

Top Mandelson protege David Miliband angling for perpetuation of war in Ukraine

Miliband is expected to return to frontline U.K. politics next year in Keir Starmer’s first cabinet

David Miliband (DM) is extremely close to Jeffrey Epstein’s business associate and friend, Lord Mandelson. Indeed Lord Mandelson’s choice to take over from Gordon Brown as leader of the U.K. Labour Party was… David Miliband.

To that end, in 2010, Mandelson had his godson Joe Carbery act as DM’s adviser: helping DM mount his ill-fated campaign for the Labour leadership.

Miliband has remained very close to Jeffrey Epstein’s colleague: including through the Centre for European Reform (CER) that Miliband helped found, and to which Mandelson has ever since been a regular contributor.


Anonymous -

Clintons announce program for the Clinton Global Initiative 2023

“Today, President BILL CLINTON, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton announced the program for the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2023 …

“[They] will be joined by leaders from across business, government, philanthropy, and civil society, including …

“DAVID MILIBAND, President and CEO, International Rescue Committee …

“LYNN FORESTER DE ROTHSCHILD, Founder & Chair, Council for Inclusive Capitalism and CEO, E.L. Rothschild …


“Sponsors for the CGI 2023 Meeting include … PFIZER Inc …”




At 6 September 2023 at 23:39 , Blogger Unknown said...

Miliband took the Mckinsey shilling: there are consequences to that.....

At 7 September 2023 at 00:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clintons announce program for the Clinton Global Initiative 2023

“Today, President BILL CLINTON, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton announced the program for the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2023 …

“[They] will be joined by leaders from across business, government, philanthropy, and civil society, including …

“DAVID MILIBAND, President and CEO, International Rescue Committee …

“LYNN FORESTER DE ROTHSCHILD, Founder & Chair, Council for Inclusive Capitalism and CEO, E.L. Rothschild …


“Sponsors for the CGI 2023 Meeting include … PFIZER Inc …”


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