Putin secret meeting

An unannounced session took place on July 1, a week after 'the revolt' by Prigozhin and his Wagner army, according to French publication Libération, citing secret service sources
At 10 July 2023 at 17:05 , telemarkmono said...
perhaps prigozhin didnt know his mission or couldnt tell his soldiers outright that they arent in the business of beating zelensky, they are clearing the land for heavenly jerusalem/new khazaria and OBOR trade routes..i dont think progozhin himself is in the dark because he is doing mercenary work in africa, more land clearance for belt and road i think
perhaps prigozhin didnt know his mission or couldnt tell his soldiers outright that they arent in the business of beating zelensky, they are clearing the land for heavenly jerusalem/new khazaria and OBOR trade routes..i dont think progozhin himself is in the dark because he is doing mercenary work in africa, more land clearance for belt and road i think
100% Correct. Brought to you by BlackRock, JP Morgan and the shadow mob.
When you realise the area that has been earmarked for war is in fact a large construction site waiting in the wings and the two warring sides are fighting for the same cause, it then starts to make more sense.
Quick, let's lob some 20th century weapons at each other and kill some Goy in the process. Job done.
Sadly, the unnecessarily prolonged conflict and killing, ubiquitously described, even in the mainstream media, as a ‘meatgrinder’ does look like a satanic sacrifice of testosterone bearing adults. Ethnic cleansing at its most obvious. For us, the narratives from both sides are undoubtably a theatre, an illusion and distraction to realise a complicated and hidden agenda favoured by entities (I’m thinking of corporations and weird misanthropic families) that control the creation of ‘money’.
Only love , real love,for ourselves individually and collectively, can deflect or defeat this omnipotent group. Let’s forgive ourselves for fleeting lapses in to reactionary anger, and keep loving, keep expecting the positive outcome.
Try hard to forgive the ignorance and loss of critical thinking around us, and keep encouraging the love. ❤️
I’m convinced it will work, but please don’t harass me if I’m wrong. I’m only human.
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