Monday 10 July 2023

French riots and 2022 film 'Athena'

Anonymous comments -

French riots and 2022 film 'Athena'

Two well-known financial bloggers, Alex Krainer in Monaco and Tom Luongo in Florida, agree that

"The current explosion of violence in France bears all the hallmarks of a British-led color revolution"

One item these writers cite, is the 'coincidence', that the 2022 French-language Netflix film 'Athena' ... was arguably 'predictive programming' of the current riots and civil unrest. 

The film 'Athena' is also about a tragic death leading to riots and chaos amidst ethnic tensions in France.

'Athena' 2022 film poster, showing fiery civil disturbance and an arsonist, a picture exactly as we have been seeing on the streets of France


Life imitates fiction - film clip from 'Athena', street violence scene 3m20

It seems possible for those with the power to manipulate media platforms, to inflame tensions leading to violence ... was this done intentionally in France?

Although France's President Macron, formerly a Rothschild banker, has his own international elite connections, the above writers believe we are seeing factional fighting amongst the elites.

Macron has been 'going his own way' 

... continuing to be in dialogue with Putin 

...demurring from stoking tensions with China 

... talking about being independent of the US and UK 

... asking to be a part of the BRICS international 'alternative' to the West 

... so maybe Macron's France is now targeted?


France, like Russia and the USA, is one of the few truly 'independent' countries with near self-sufficiency in all 3 of:

- energy resources
- food production
- industry

Germany used to export electricity, but now with its nuclear plants closed, Germany buys electricity from nuclear-rich France. France is poised to be Europe's strongest country. So maybe now it needs to be knocked down a bit?

With strong censorship in France now, violence is reportedly muted but still continuing ... and, given that more have been killed and injured, there is concern violence in France may perhaps re-ignite for the traditional July 14th, 'Bastille Day'

Amidst the riots in recent days, Elon Musk began limiting Twitter viewing, even by registered users ... did he suspect or know what was afoot, and use his Twitter power to try to reduce tensions?


At 10 July 2023 at 15:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the covid vaccine rollout we were reminded of what Macron sponsor Jacques Attali wrote in a book in the early 1980s - "In the future ... to reduce the population ... we will find something or cause it, a pandemic ... a virus ... the fearful and the stupid will ... ask to be treated ... The selection of idiots will thus be done ... they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own."
Meme with quote
source verified by French police association

Now, Jacques Attali was recorded in a prank call by notorious Russians Vladimir Kouznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov aka 'Vovan and Lexus', pretending to be former Ukraine President Poroshenko. John Helmer summarises:

"Attali said he knew French President Emmanuel Macron well and that Macron was afraid the US would abandon the Ukrainians to save itself. There was the same fear among the Germans and British, Attali added.

"'The weak point is what happens in Washington ... a nightmare scenario. The US saying, well, enough is enough. We are not going to help Ukraine more. You have to go to negotiations ... There is no other way than a total win and to get rid of Putin … We have to take all risks for that.'"

Helmer comments: "This is the European allies’ last stand, their backs to the wall ... the rationale for desperate measures on the battlefield, and at the NATO summit on July 11."

also in English on the Attali call

Attali on video with subtitles


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