Sunday 5 May 2019



On 21 April 2019, hotels and churches were attacked in Sri lanka.

Five days before the attack, the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 'sent a letter to the Saudi Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Abdul Nasser al-Harethi'.

Special instructions from Saudi Arabia to Embassy on Easter Attack

Trump is best friends with the Saudis.

'The letter, signed by Saudi Foreign Minister Ibrahim bin Abdul Aziz al-Assaf, instructs the Ambassador to carry out the following steps.

1. 'Delete all documents, computer data and latest correspondence with domestic and foreign members and groups.

'Impose a curfew for the embassy personnel.

2. 'Inform all those related to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including counsellors, security forces and intelligence during the three coming days, especially on the Christian Easter Day, to avoid any presence in public and crowded places namely churches.

Special instructions from Saudi Arabia to Embassy on Easter Attack ...

Colombo's Central Bank Building was the site of a 1996 bomb blast, which killed at least 100.

"There were local news reports that 'two white men' were seen videotaping the bank building early in the a.m. and again later, after the explosion.

Sri Lanka's "Mossad Style" 9-11: Suspicious Video filming.

"On 8 Aug 1984, India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, condemned Sri Lankan President J.R. Jayewardene for bringing Mossad into Sri Lanka.

"Two months later, Sikh separatists gunned down Indira Gandhi...

"In 1987, a couple of years after the Israelis began training the Tamil terrorists, came the very first Tamil suicide bomber.

"Rajiv Gandhi used the Indian navy to completely shut down the Jewish arms trade in Sri Lanka.

"Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on 21 May 1991.

"In 1990, Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa ordered a government investigation of charges that Mossad was training both Sri Lankan and Tamil guerrilla forces.

"On May 1, 1993, Premadasa was assassinated in Colombo

"After May 2000, Israeli armaments and Israeli advisers began flooding into Sri Lanka

"Mossad recruited agents among Sri Lanka's large contingent of foreign workers in the Persian Gulf."

Sri Lanka's "Mossad Style" 9-11: Suspicious Video filming.

This photo shows the breakfast room at the Kingsbury Hotel at 08.16 in the morning, seconds before it was bombed.

Where is everyone?

The bomb went off at 08.17 am.

A man in a red T-shirt is suspected of closely watching the Easter Sunday bomber who attacked St Sebastian's Church, killing more than 100.

Is this the Sri Lanka bombers' handler? | Daily Mail Online

"The CCTV footage shows a man in a red t-shirt acting suspiciously...

"The alleged handler watches from behind a pillar, sending and receiving messages on his phone.

"The alleged bomber is seen checking his phone for new instructions."

'This suspect looks very subtle and professional,' the police inspector in charge of the investigation told MailOnline, on condition of anonymity.

Is this the Sri Lanka bombers' handler? | Daily Mail Online

The alleged bomber is being watched by spooky people (Indian or Sri Lankan intelligence?).

Mind controlled patsies?

Elliot Rodger (above) probably did not kill anyone.

Mohamed Atta and his friends did not bring down the Twin Towers.

Adam Lanza, Anders Breivik and Ajmal Kasab are innocent patsies.



On Friday 26 April 2019, Sri Lankan soldiers and police attacked a suspected 'hideout' in the coastal town of Sammanthurai, near Batticaloa - 200 miles from the capital Colombo.

Six children were among the 20 people killed.

Police claim that they found an ISIS flag at the attacked property.

Sammanthurai. 'ISIS is run by Mossad and its friends.'

Tony Ryals alerted us to 'the mysterious deaths' of the pregnant Fatima Ibrahim and her three children.

Fatima was the wife of Ilham Ibrahim, one of the alleged Sri Lankan bombers.

Ilham and Inshaf Ibrahim are the sons of Mohammed Yusuf Ibrahim, one of Sri Lanka's most successful spice traders and a frequent political candidate for a leftist party in Sri Lanka

'Fatima and her children were killed when police entered Fatima's home.'

Inshaf's brother-in-law Ashkhan Alawdeen said: "Inshaf said he was going to Zambia on Friday for work and went to the airport with my sister and their four children in a car."

Sri Lanka bombings - Pregnant bride killed 

There is a belief that the alleged terrorists are all moderate Muslims being framed by the Mossad.

Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, 'mind controlled patsy'.

The alleged Easter Sunday bomber Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, 36, studied at Kingston University in the UK.

Professor Julius Weinberg, who is Jewish, was the boss of Kingston University [1] when David Cameron criticized the university for hosting 'Muslim extremists'.

Professor Weinberg said he would not stop offering platforms to 'hate preachers'.

 UK university chief 

Professor Weinberg (left)

Asif Mohammed Hanif, who studied at Kingston, reportedly 'blew himself up at Mike's Place, a waterfront bar in Tel Aviv, in 2003.'

Kingston graduate Walla Abdel Rahman, from west London, 'joined the terror group al-Shabaab in Somalia in 2009.'

Former Kingston student Mohammed Yasar Gulzar was suspected of flying to Britain from Pakistan to help control a plot to blow up passenger jets.

Gulzar, from Birmingham, was a friend of Rashid Rauf, 'the fixer' for the London 7/7 bombers in 2005.

 UK university chief 

Rashid Rauf

Rauf 'was the mastermind of the London Tube bombings', which many people assume was the work of the security services.

Rauf was arrested in 2005 by British authorities in connection with the London 7/7 bombings, but quickly released.

Rashid was the 'terrorist mastermind' of the alleged plot to blow up at least 10 transatlantic airliners.

Rauf was jailed but escaped from custody.

Top British terror suspect escapes

We can assume that he works for Mossad and the CIA?

(Liquid Bomb Plot Central Figure was Twice Released by UK ...)

Ajmal Kasab

Mumbai Attacks suspect Ajmal Kasab was reportedly framed by Mossad and its friends.


Amara Majeed

Police in Sri Lanka wrongly identified Amara Majeed, an American citizen, as a suspect in the Easter Sunday bombing in Sri Lanka.

In 2015, Amara Majeed wrote to Donald Trump:

"With all due respect, Mr. Trump, you are a demagogue who is capitalizing on Americans' fear and paranoia."

US author of Donald Trump viral letter wrongly named as Sri Lankan bomber.

Mossad runs India?

There is a suspicion that the Sri Lankan police work for the CIA and Mossad.

"Some of the terrorists were under surveillance four months before the attacks, Prime Minster Ranil Wickremesingh told CNN."

Sri Lankan authorities have revised the death toll from Easter Sunday's string of bombings down to 253 people

Death toll in Sri Lanka bombings revised down to 253 

Remember the attack on tourists in Tunisia?

Retired Algerian Major General Abdelaziz Medjahed said that the attack on the hotels in Sousse is "a form of pressure exerted on Tunisia to get it to accept a US military base on its soil." 

Algérie patriotique.

"If there is an explosion in a public place, hotel, or shopping mall, you should know that it is the Tunisian special forces who planned it." 

Thus said El Hocine Khafi, a former official at the Ministry of Interior of Tunisia. 


Inshaf or an actor

Allegedly, wealthy brothers Inshaf and Ilham Ibrahim bombed the luxury Shangri-La and Cinnamon Grand hotels in Sri Lanka's Easter Sunday terror attack.

"The pair were widely considered to be moderate Muslims who did not hold extreme views."

"Neighbour Zulker Nain, 28, said: 'We have known the family for decades and have grown up with them. The parents were leaders in the community and much respected'."

Inshaf's brother-in-law, Mr Alawdeen, said of Inshaf: 'I never noticed anything different about him in recent months. He never mentioned Islamic State and never had extremist views.'

Chilling moment one of the Sri Lanka bomber brothers shuffles from ...

"A man believed to be Inshaf Ibrahim (pictured in baseball cap with rucksack) was captured on CCTV."

Above - This is supposed to be Inshaf!

Inshaf (pictured far right at a business awards), 38, lived with his wife and their four children in a £1.5million six-bed mansion on one of the poshest streets in Colombo

Is this Ilham?

This photo, taken from inside St Sebastian's Church in Negombo, shows the alleged bomber.

The photo looks carefully staged!

Jameel (Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed)

Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed was educated at the Royal Institute, an expensive international school in Colombo.

Reportedly, Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed studied aviation engineering at Kingston University in south-west London from 2006-07.

"After he did his postgraduate in Australia, Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed came back to Sri Lanka."

Allegedly, Jameel was mind-controlled in Australia.


Reportedly, Jameel was acquainted with the Australian called Neil Prakash, 'a Buddhist of Fijian and Cambodian descent'.

Prakash was a recruiter for ISIS, which is said to be run by the CIA and its friends.

Jameel was 'investigated' by the Joint Counter Terrorism Team in 2014, The Australian reported.

Sri Lakan suicide bomber who was radicalised in Australia was ...


Allegedly, Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed failed to detonate a bomb device at the Taj Samudra hotel in Sri Lanka.

Allegedly the device malfunctioned and went off at a small guesthouse, killing Jameel and one tourist.

Allegedly, Jameel's 'sister', Samsul Hidaya, has told MailOnline how Jameel became radicalised while living in Australia.


Samsul Hidaya said her once playful, cheeky brother lost his childhood innocence.


Abdul Lathief Jameel Mohamed, one of six siblings, was/is from a wealthy tea trading family. 

According to SHAMIR‏ @SHAMIRBAL  - 

"The Indian based RSS terror outfit is behind the attack in Srilanka."

The RSS is the Hindu nationalist organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.

Pakistan is suspicious of RSS and India's Prime Minister Modi.

World should unite against monster of terrorism: Malik

The 2008 Mumbai attackers were said to be 'Hindus' and 'White Men' ..


The alleged bomber is being watched.

The alleged bomber is being carefully photographed?

It looks very fake.

India's Prime Minister Modi and Netanyahu.

There is a belief that various spy services helped to carry out the Easter Sunday 2019 bombings in Sri Lanka.

"Why did the Sri Lanka bombers not bomb the Indian owned Taj Samudra hotel.

"The Indian media and even Indian politicians knew more about bombings than the local media and local authorities?"

Who Is The Mastermind Behind The Easter Sunday Massacre?

In October 2018, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena accused India's spy service (Research and Analysis Wing - RAW) of plotting his assassination.

Sri Lankan President Sirisena alleges that RAW is plotting his ...

False Flag attacks are not new.

In 1946, a Jewish bomber blew up the Jerusalem Railway station, killing 12 innocent people.


Moulvi Zahran Hashim, alleged mastermind of the Easter attacks, was educated in India and has made many trips to India. Sri Lanka bombings

The CIA and its friends know how to create 'suicide bombers'?

"The CIA experimented extensively with brainwashing during the 1950s and 1960s, honing techniques that could force someone to kill, then have no recollection afterward.

"Some 44 universities, 12 hospitals and three prisons helped out with the experiments."

The CIA tried mind control to create the perfect assassin - New York Post

Above, we see a seven-year-old Australian boy holding a severed head.

This suggests mind control. 


Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive.

It has been widely reported that the US military tortures American children as part of mind-control experiments.


Ten days before the bombings on Easter Sunday, a top Sri Lankan police official warned the security services that the National Thowheeth Jama’ath (NTJ) was planning attacks against churches. 

"No action was taken against the group."

These Attacks Could Target Catholic churches

The security services of very many countries, including Sri Lanka, are trained by Israel and the Pentagon.

The Sri Lankan military has received specialized training assistance from Israel and the United States and India.[19]

Israeli and Sri Lankan militaries meet in Sri Lanka.

In the period December 2018 - January 2019, Israelis from United Hatzalah were in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo to train local teams for mass-casualty incidents, including mega-terror attacks.

"The program, a joint effort of the American Jewish Committee and United Hatzalah, began in December 2018 and continued into January, with training programs in Sri Lanka.

"The team from Israel provided training to members of the military, police force, search and rescue units and the fire department in Sri Lanka."

How Israel helped Sri Lanka prepare mega-attacks

The group being blamed for the Sri Lankan church attacks is National Thowheeth Jama’ath (NTJ). 

NTJ reportedly trains in Chennai in Tamil Nadu – the same location where the Tamil Tigers had previously trained.

The Tamil Tigers were reportedly trained by Mossad and its friends.

"India stands to uniquely benefit from Sri Lanka’s turmoil not only in terms of internal electoral politics but in terms of weakening a Sri Lankan government that in spite of its allegedly pro-India Prime Minister maintains healthy and growing ties to China and Belt and Road. 

India's Prime Minister Modi, in Israel.

"Previous Indian false flag attacks have involved non-circumcised men (therefore not Muslims) participating in allegedly Islamist attacks.

"Previous false flag attacks in India allegedly involving Pakistanis were later exposed due to the fact that the “Pakistani” suspects could not speak Urdu or any other official Pakistani language but instead spoke in languages and vernaculars common only to India."

Sri Lankan Authorities May Have Fallen Into a Trap Set by a Foreign ...

A Bar Mitzvah in Surabaya, Indonesia. "The Dutch East Indies Company's main financiers were Jews (Isaac le Maire) and the majority of the executives were Jews." "Using a British passport a Mossad agent named Anthony Tingle arrived in Indonesia to help train Indonesian secret agents in the Special Intelligence Unit in Cipayung." Tel Aviv -Jakarta ... / Inside Indonesia's Intelligence Service

Both Indonesia and Sri Lanka have had lots of church and hotel bombings.

The CIA's Allen Pope during his trial in Jakarta, 28 December 1959.

The CIA secretly bombed Christians in Indonesia, in order to topple President Sukarno.

On 15 May 1958, a CIA plane bombed the Ambon marketplace, killing a large number of civilians on their way to church on Ascension Thursday.

Three days later, during another bombing run over Ambon, a CIA pilot, Allen Lawrence Pope, was shot down and captured.

Document:Indonesia 1957-58 .

The Inonesian military attacking a church. The USA's Admiral Dennis Blair 'lied' about church killings.

In 2002, Kopassus (the Indonesian military's special forces, who are close friends of Mossad), working with a Christian gang called Coker, carried out false flag attacks in Indonesia.

In the village of Soya, "22 houses were destroyed by fire, as well as the historic church of Soya built during Portuguese times and 12 people were killed.

"It is now clear that the attack was not the work of Muslim warriors as was thought at the time but an attack by a Christian militia gang together with Kopassus units." ... (aangirfan: The 'terrorism' is often linked to Christian gangsters ...)

Bali 2002.

Former Indonesian president, Abdurrahman Wahid said in 2005 of the Bali bombings:

"The orders to do this or that came from within our armed forces... There is not a single Islamic group ... that is not controlled by (Indonesian) intelligence."

Indonesia's intelligence services are said to work closely with the CIA and Mossad.

church bombings in Indonesia, on Christmas Eve 2000

38 church bombings, on Christmas Eve 2000, killed 19 people in 11 Indonesian cities.

The respected Indonesian newsweekly Tempo suggested that Indonesia's special forces, Kopassus, were linked to the bombings.


Kopassus has close ties to the Pentagon and Mossad.

Marriott Hotel, Jakarta. 

In 2003, the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta was hit.

"The US Embassy cancelled the booking of 10-20 rooms in that hotel... Hotel bosses said staff and guests had been evacuated before the blast."

After the bombing of a church in Surabaya, Indonesia, on 13 May 2018.

The church bombings in Surabaya, in 2018, were blamed on ISIS.

Above we see the FPI, which supports ISIS, being trained by the Indonesian military.

Donald Trump's close friend Fadli Zon.

There is a belief that Donald trump's close friend Fadli Zon may know quite a lot about the church bombings in Surabaya, on 13 May 2018, which have been blamed on ISIS.

Above, we see Fadli Zon (right) with the ISIS supporter Rizieq, boss of the ISIS-linked Islamic Defenders Front (FPI)

Above we see Rizieq (centre) and his close friend Bachtiar Nasir (right), the boss of the group reportedly sending supplies to the ISIS forces.

Both Rizieq and Nasir were educated in Saudi Arabia, which is said to be ruled by crypto-Jews.

Indonesian Aid Package for Aleppo terrorists / National Police to Investigate Supports for Syrian Terrorists

Former Indonesian general Prabowo and Fadli Zon. The top Indonesian generals have all been trained in the USA, and are said to run all the Islamist terrorist groups. Prabowo's late mother, Dora, was a Christian. Prabowo graduated from The American School in London. [9] Prabowo was trained at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning in the US. (General Prabowo and terror / PrabowoPrabowo is said to have worked for the USA's Defence Intelligence Agency. In the 1983 Kraras massacres in East Timor, about 300 people are believed to have been buried in mass graves after a series of executions that the locals say were carried out under General Prabowo.(Torture evidence mounts against Indonesian general )

Fadli Zon is a friend of former general Prabowo Subianto, who is close to the Pentagon and US security services.

Fadli Zon and General Prabowo are said to be helping ISIS.

Trump's Indonesian Allies In Bed With ISIS-Backed Militia

Second from left, Katharine Grace, the wife of Fadli Zon, with her family, in New York. 

Fadli Zon was educated in Texas, and at the London School of Economics, a recruiting ground for MI6 and its friends.

Pro-Jewish symbols are in full view in the Indonesian town of Manado. (NY Times photo).

Jewish communities inhabited major trading cities in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial rule, dealing in real estate and acting as mediators between colonial rulers and locals. 

"The lawyer for Carl Icahn's Freeport was videotaped not long ago at an ISIS ceremony, where he was one of two people presiding as a group of young men pledged allegiance to ISIS." TRUMP, CARL ICAHN AND ISIS IN INDONESIA - Daily Kos.

An estimated 1,100 Indonesians went to fight with Israel's ISIS forces in Syria.


Above, we see the Indonesian military training the friends of ISIS, the FPI.

International drug lord Freddy Budiman is said to finance ISIS in Indonesia.

Freddy is very friendly with certain members of the police and military in Indonesia.

Mabes Polri selidiki kabar gembong Narkoba jadi simpatisan ISIS.. / 4 facts about Freddy Budiman

The Chinese-Indonesian Hary Tanoe and Trump, both claiming to be Christians. Trump's Indonesian Business Partner Is Knee-Deep in Dirty Politics

Journalist Allan Nairn was told that funds for the Islamists "came from Donald Trump's billionaire business partner Hary Tanoe, who was repeatedly described ... by key movement figures as being among their most important supporters."


Why would Trump's Indonesian friends use ISIS to attack churches?



In Sri Lanka, there are rival factions dealing in drugs and weapons.

This leads to violence.

"According to investigators, C-4 explosives were used in the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka."

Investigators to Probe 'Overseas Links' as 8 Arrested Over Sri Lanka.

ISIS is said to have C-4 explosives.

ISIS is reportedly linked to a reported CIA-Mossad plan to create turmoil in parts of Asia.

"The Golden Horseshoe Caliphate spans from the western side of Indonesia to include Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka."

Islamic State training camp busted in Sri Lanka - Blitz


"An ISIS training camp in Sri Lanka has been connected directly to narcoterrorism."

"In Sri Lanka, Makandure Madush was an international drug and weapons trafficker."

Islamic State training camp busted in Sri Lanka - Blitz

Makandure Madush was arrested in Dubai in February 2019.


Mahinda Rajapaksa became Sri Lankan Prime Minister on October 29, 2018.

'Alex (left) and Anita Nicholson (second left) were killed in the blast at the Shangri-La hotel in Columbo.'

'A foreign intelligence agency reported that the NTJ (National Thowheeth Jama'ath) was planning to target prominent churches as well as the Indian high commission in Colombo...

'The NTJ is a small radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka which has no history of mass fatal attacks.'

'Sources in the Muslim community in Sri Lanka claim that the NTJ has publicly supported ISIS, which is said to be run by the Mossad, the CIA and NATO.

'The sources also say that Zahran Hashim, named in reports as one of the bombers, was NTJ's founder.'

Did ISIS help plot the carnage? / ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation. / Mossad in Sri Lanka 

70 percent of Sri Lankans are Buddhist, 13 per cent Hindu, 10 per cent Muslim, and seven per cent Christian.

On Easter Sunday 2019, in Sri Lanka, explosions ripped through three five-star hotels and three churches.

'Over 350 people were killed.'

The Sri Lankan authorities have revised the death toll from Easter Sunday's bombings down to 253 people

Death toll in Sri Lanka bombings revised down to 253 

The five-star hotels were the Shangri-La, the Cinnamon Grand and The Kingsbury.


The churches that were attacked were:

1. Zion Church in Batticaloa.

2. St Anthony's Shrine, a Catholic Church in Kochchikade, Colombo, targeted during Easter mass.

3. St Sebastian's Church in Negombo.

Shoes at St Anthony's Shrine church

Who has supported the terrorist Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka?

"According to accounts by retired officials of ... Mossad, the Israelis were simultaneously training the Sri Lanka Army and the Tigers, and providing arms to each.
"Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, told Indian Abroad news service in 1991 that the Tigers were trained in Israel in 1985."


"The British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services, was simultaneously training the Sri Lankan Army and the Tamil Tigers (LTTE).

"The Tamil Tigers were reported to be involved in trafficking heroin."


After 2007, China began sending large arms shipments to Sri Lanka.

According to Brahma Chellaney of the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi, India: "China’s arms sales (were) the decisive factor in ending the military stalemate in the Sri Lankan Civil War."


The USA wants China out of Sri Lanka.

India must kick China out of Sri Lanka, says William Avery Firstpost

In October 2011, The Economist wrote the following about Sri Lanka and China

"All of Sri Lanka's largest infrastructure projects - including highways, a coal-fired power station, a port and an airport - are funded through Chinese loans..."


Donald J. Trump(@realDonaldTrump)

"Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people and badly injured 600 more. We stand ready to help!" April 21, 2019

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At 21 April 2019 at 02:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Aang. Oddly enough, I'm off to Notre Dame Cathedral in about 30 minutes (not the one in Paris - in France nevertheless). Sorry, I digress.

To quote (again) from my comment of 15 March 2019:

"That said, the other upcoming day is of course Easter. So the Satanic Paedos (US, UK and Israel) would happily blow up Easter and blame it on the Muslims as a revenge attack".

Not satisfied with blowing up Notre Dame it looks as though a few bombings would perhaps just about satiate their foaming appetite for blood, misery and death.

Another opportunity to blame the Muslims. Although this time it could get serious. Their is a reasonably large Muslim minority in Sri Lanka and their have been events in recent history that have sparked serious disorder and bloodshed.

The Aluthgama incident occurred about 5 years ago.

The 2014 anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka were religious and ethnic riots in June 2014 in south-western Sri Lanka. Muslims and their property were attacked by Sinhalese Buddhists in the towns of Aluthgama, Beruwala and Dharga Town in Kalutara District. At least four people were killed and 80 injured. Hundreds were made homeless following attacks on homes, shops, factories, mosques and a nursery.10,000 people (8,000 Muslims and 2,000 Sinhalese) were displaced by the riots. The riots followed rallies by Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), a hard line Buddhist group. The BBS was widely blamed for inciting the riots but it has denied responsibility. The mainstream media in Sri Lanka censored news about the riots following orders from the Sri Lankan government.

My mate lives in Aluthgama and I have personally attended the mosque down that way. The BBS were a group bussed in from out of town to stir up ethnic tension and cause problems where none existed.

My mate is a Sinhalese Buddhist and ex-army. He advised "nobody in town knew any of agitators". The incident was blamed on a incident between a Muslim youth and a monk.

After the incident all those largely responsible were never seen again. What a surprise.

Of course, the Satanic Paedos have a long history of this type of activity and Sri Lanka has had well documented problems caused by its military, supported by the West.

A quick look at recent events also shows problems in 2018 in the town of Kandy. Kandy, the hotbed of mellowness, community cohesion and stability.

I'll read up on the 2018 events. Oddly enough, the mosque I attended in Kandy was thoroughly pleasant and utterly normal. Kandy is a great little town. Perhaps Sri Lanka could be used for their next 'civil war'.

For what it's worth - Happy Easter to those wishing to reflect on today.

Let's not let the Satanic Paedos divide mankind any further.

Peace to the humans.

At 21 April 2019 at 02:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly never old news:

At 21 April 2019 at 02:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Explosions leave massive casualties at Sri Lanka churches, hotels

At 21 April 2019 at 03:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In various speeches and articles, Swamy has expressed his admiration for, and solidarity with, the State of Israel and has credited its retaliatory capacity for its ability to survive as a nation in a hostile Arab environment. Swamy made pioneering efforts towards India's establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel.[110] In 1982, Swamy became the first Indian political leader to make a well-publicised trip to Israel, where he met with several important Israeli leaders such as Yitzhak Rabin and then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin. His efforts at normalising relations with Israel have borne fruit with both India as well as Israels decision, in 1992, to facilitate the building of embassies in their respective countries."

At 21 April 2019 at 04:34 , Blogger Anon said...

Subramanian Swamy is an Indian politician.

At 21 April 2019 at 05:46 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

Vince Bala Nathan,Sri Lanka Church bombings:

Staying up all night and doing news and other searches I came across the news of Sri Lanka Church and hotel bombings.And I asked myself, 'does Sri Lanka have any Muslims' ? Who are they going to pin this event on and why ?
Then I began to search Google news re Israel from the past hour as I often do to keep up on most recent news of say Libya,for instance,to get latest war news there,etc.Anyway,the Israel news search turned up an article on Israel's 3D heart research bragadocia and at the bottom of the article is a comment and it has NOTHING to do with the heart article but more with celebrating passover in Sri Lanka at the very same time the bombs have just gone off ! So I think to myself this guy of course is Israeli so he is in Sri Lanka but he doesn't know what has happened there because he is too busy celebrating passover there. But his alias in his post on the Israeli news website israeltoday is 'Word Of Power'as you can see below.
On the israeltoday website whose link is below you can see his reply which I post below and clicking his alias on that site reveals he is Vince Bala Nathan and he appears to be not a Jew but a Zionist Christian with a youtbe site that shows mainly third world or perhaps mainly Sri Lankan Christians all marching with Israeli flags.I also post his youtube site so anyone interested can take a look.How could he as a CHRISTIAN AND LIVING IN SRI LANKA BE POSTING ON AN ISRAELI NEWS ARTICLE ABOUT HEART RESEARCH WHEN HALF THE CHRISTIAN POPULATION IN SRI LANKA WAS JUST BLOWN AWAY AND HE - A LEADER OF A church - doesn't seem to notice !?

Israeli Scientists Print First 3D Living Heart
Israel Today-1 hour ago
Scientists at Tel Aviv University have printed the world's first 3D heart made of human tissue and biological molecules. Using tissues from the ..

Word of Power • an hour ago
"Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people." Deut 4: 6
May Elohim bless you Oh Israel! Blessings from Sri Lanka!

Vince Bala Nathan's Sri Lanka Zionist Christian youtube site:

At 21 April 2019 at 06:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still no word from this famous Sri Lankan associated with the criminal Bronfmans:

At 21 April 2019 at 06:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 21 April 2019 at 08:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bells ringing.... Israel Offers Assistance Following Bomb Attacks in Sri Lanka

At 21 April 2019 at 08:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some interesting links:

At 21 April 2019 at 08:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And 2 more links:

At 21 April 2019 at 12:54 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

I believe this is important or I wouldn't try and post it here a second time.Word Of Power is the youtube site where the Sri Lanka Zionist Christian march you posted originated from.Vincent Balanation or Bala Nation is person who made the video or hosts it on his youtube site. The comment r bible quote below posted to an israeltoday article titled ' Israeli Scientists Print First 3D Living Heart occured after the bombings and yet he doesn't even mention them ! 'Is his bible quote post really a message to someone about the unmentioned event or what ?

I think he must be at Zion Church in Batticaloa.You can use the time of his post to verify that he is posting his bible quote after the event and yet he doesn't even mention the bombings and as you can see is simply ecstatic about something..I guess he must have posted just before the Sri Lanka government cut off the internet as wellHe may have a Goa,India connection as well.

Word of Power • 7 hours ago

"Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people." Deut 4: 6

May Elohim bless you Oh Israel! Blessings from Sri Lanka!

At 21 April 2019 at 15:05 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Trump 'gaffe' that '138 MILLION people' were killed in Sri Lanka - was this 'gaffe' intentional?

Global media have joyfully carried the story of Donald Trump tweeting, "Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people ..."

Trump is frequently reported to be averse to reading and writing, and to prefer verbal summaries from Jared or Ivanka or other aides, and watch Murdoch Fox News

Although many Trump tweets certainly come from him, it is reported he dictates tweets to aides first, so other people are always involved ... and people are already suggesting the 'gaffe' was purposeful, to highlight 'terrorism'

This 'error gaffe' accelerated & multiplied the Sri Lanka story around the world, a 'bigger' story in some media than the killings themselves

And, however untrue, masses of people now have the idea of 'millions of Christians being killed, likely by Muslims' active in their minds


Hobbyist climbers had before proven that with modest skill and the right gear, amateurs can climb onto the Notre Dame roof, videos and photos of their exploits are in the media, e.g.:

If - perhaps after the EU Parliament elections in late May - the French authorities suddenly 'discover and confirm' that the Notre Dame fire was set by Islamists

Then the politics of Europe are changed forever. It is clear the French have a loaded gun in their hands, and the trigger can be pulled.

And the 'Muslim menace' has proven to be one of the most powerful themes able to affect the common mindset. We are perhaps seeing this theme deployed again very aggressively.


To much shock, Nigel Farage's new Brexit political party, after just two weeks, is already the leading party in Britain in some polls, bigger than Labour, Tories, and all others, and the Tories are imploding with the Brexit debacle

YouGov poll chart here

Farage, with his City of London banking ties, and his Brexit party, are perhaps more popular than anticipated with angry Britons

Is it possible that, in desperation this week, May and the Tories and Parliament will suddenly 'approve' the dodgy May-Merkel 'Brexit in name only' deal ... in order to cancel Britain voting in the late May EU Parliament election, and save the existing UK establishment?

At 21 April 2019 at 20:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tamils for Obama sent a letter to major international Jewish organizations in which the Tamil American organization cited ancient and modern connections between Jews and Tamils and suggested that they make common cause against problems and enemies they both face.

At 22 April 2019 at 01:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 22 April 2019 at 01:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 22 April 2019 at 02:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 22 April 2019 at 04:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

same old boring record

At 22 April 2019 at 04:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comments? All clear?

At 22 April 2019 at 08:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 22 April 2019 at 21:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brabanitan,

Yes, I also suspected the gaffe was intentional; public attention is hard to grab these days. It would be instructive to know which specific named individual "accidentally" made the mistake.

And of course the Americans make their usual generous offers of "help". Let me guess: Maybe Sri Lanka needs US naval patrols or a US base for anti-terrorism "protection".

As usual, instead of looking at the terrorist proxies, it's far more enlightening to look at the strategic aspects. You get an indication of this by looking at documents from the Atlantic Council and Brookings Institution that refer to Sri Lanka's place in global geoeconomics. For example, look at the map on page three of this document.

Of most particular interest is the Chinese port in Hambantota, which is an essential link in China's sea lines of communication --- part of the Chinese "string of pearls" strategy.

It is also of interest that tourism now forms about 12% of the Sri Lankan economy. I can imagine the capos of the Atlantic Council saying to Sri Lanka:

That's a real nice tourism industry you got there --- would be a pity if something was to happen to it.

This is a great opportunity for the Sri Lankan government to cease all imports of Israeli and US military weapons and high technology and buy from China and Russia instead.

Maybe the rest of the world needs to say likewise:

Nice weapons and tech industries you got there. Pity if we, all the world, just stopped buying from you all of a sudden. Yeah, that would be just a crying shame. Instead of ExxonMobil, Lockheed and Qualcomm, we'd have to buy PetroChina, MiG and Huawei. High time we got rid of our Microsoft dependence too, while we're at it.

As usual, it's all about the money. Money, power and control.

And innocent people in Sri Lanka, even small children --- like your own children --- suffer the terrible consequences of the mass-murdering billionaires' bloody games.

It is the international system of currency that determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things to day. And you have meddled with the primal forces of natural. And you will atone!

At 23 April 2019 at 00:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 April 2019 at 01:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 April 2019 at 02:51 , Blogger moh35 said...

Good job
Islamic-intelligence annonce les attentats en France et les services de sécurité français ne prennent aucune mesure pour protéger les populations.😕

At 23 April 2019 at 03:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 April 2019 at 03:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 April 2019 at 04:33 , Blogger Anon said...

23 April 2019 at 04:15

Jan Pieterzoom Coen was an early governor of the Dutch East Indies company....and a thoroughly unpleasant chap by all accounts.

His surname is an adaptation of "Cohen" there is no doubt about HIS ethnicity.
So JEWS have had a long presence in Indonesia and by now will have formed a hidden class of crypto Jews,just like in the West.
Their appearance may be sufficiently Indonesian to pass for a local....since Jews have been resident here for around 400 years.
So there may be a similar class of crypto Jews operating in Sri Lanka.(there were concentrations of Jews living in the very South of India....

So the reported collusion of Jews in this attack may not be as farfetched as you might imagine.

At 23 April 2019 at 06:52 , Blogger moh35 said...

Check this

At 23 April 2019 at 07:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laughs Aang. Really enjoyed the fake letter of the impending attack.

Any reason why the body of the letter appears to be written in Sinhalese and the header in block capital English.

I'll answer my own dumbass rhetorical question.......because it's fake.

It just gets worse and worse. They couldn't give a 'flying f$@#' about detail because the Goy are far too stupid to work anything out anything for themselves.

Interestingly the NTJ the alleged terror group no one has heard of, 'National' and 'Thowheeth' is an oxymoron. They are diametrics when considered in context.

Thowheeth is also a bad transliteration from Arabic (it is almost always Tawheed or Tawhid). So by definition the so called group can't even spell their own name and are clearly unaware of this.

'Tawheed' is the 1st article in Islam and it is the fundamental belief of Islam. It translates as 'oneness' and is the foundation of monotheism.

Perhaps someone should tell the NTJ and remind them that the 1st article is absolute and sacred and should not be mixed in with their nationalistic jingoism.

Maybe mankind may revert back to his original state and an awakening that 'bursts' the satanic bubble once and for all.

Peace to the humans

At 23 April 2019 at 07:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 April 2019 at 08:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 23 April 2019 at 13:18 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

The Batticaloa bombing was apparently in a protestant church which is what I suspected because few catholic churches,so far,use the word Zion to name their churches.It may or may not be the church Vincent BalaNathan or Bala Nathan raves from on his Word of Power youtube site.,Ganeshamoorthy Thirukumaran,the head preacher at Church of Zion who according to Al Jazeera lost a son in the explosion,does dress a lot like a catholic priest however.

Batticaloa, Sri Lanka - The blast rocked the Protestant Zion Church just before Easter mass was to begin. Some survivors said they thought the church's generator had caught fire and exploded.

It was only when they heard the news of a series of bombings in and near the capital, Colombo, on the western coast of Sri Lanka that they realised their church had come under attack.

Sunday's explosion in Batticaloa - about 300km east of Colombo - which authorities said was a suicide bombing, was the worst violence to hit the multiethnic city since the end of Sri Lanka's bloody civil war a decade ago.

At least 26 were killed and more than 100 wounded.

Among the dead was Pastor Ganeshamoorthy Thirukumaran's teenage son.

Sobbing inconsolably after laying his son's remains to rest on Monday, Thirumakaran said it was he who had welcomed the suspected attacker into the church.

He was not a familiar face at the church, said the pastor. But "I asked him to sit down and stepped outside the building. Moments later, the bomb exploded," he said.

Inside the church were some 300 worshippers, including Esther, who only gave her first name. The woman, who was in her 30s, said some members of the congregation "grew suspicious" of the newcomer and tried to walk him out of the church.

Then, a powerful explosion rocked the building, blowing out windows and covering worshippers inside with ash. The floor was littered with bodies and body parts. ..........

Many of the city's residents questioned why Batticaloa was the only location outside the capital to have been hit. There were also questions on why the Eastern church attacker had targeted a small Protestant congregation, while the others targeted Roman Catholic churches.

At 23 April 2019 at 15:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

False flag confirmed - IS has claimed responsibility.
Some of the tributes to the dead from 'friends' sound fake too.

At 23 April 2019 at 21:46 , Blogger Peter said...

Am I the only one who senses a real desperation from the powers that be? These Gladio style attacks emit a noxious "Hail Mary" aroma. The information war appears to be having an effect. Time to really keep up the pressure. Give 'em hell!!!

At 24 April 2019 at 01:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America

At 24 April 2019 at 01:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good info

At 24 April 2019 at 01:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, they are speeding it up, they are desperate for their time to come to rule over us entirely

At 24 April 2019 at 03:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

check this out:

At 24 April 2019 at 03:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same load of tripe:

At 24 April 2019 at 04:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The list:

At 24 April 2019 at 09:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As xpected:

At 24 April 2019 at 19:50 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

You probably already know this by now but I'll post it anyway.

Revealed: Student days of Sri Lanka bomb plotter at UK university hours ago
Revealed: Student days of Sri Lanka bomb plotter at UK university ... trips to the UK, according to a source at his family-owned spice trading ...
Was Sri Lanka suicide bomber radicalised in BRITAIN? Authorities ...
Daily Mail-11 hours ago

At 25 April 2019 at 01:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holding out for a hero, as usual. And as usual they link back to another terror attack (tying into the latest IRA media promotion). Come on guys, you have to freshen up the scripts!

At 25 April 2019 at 02:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

But is it?

At 25 April 2019 at 02:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sri Lanka spice tycoon suspected of helping sons in suicide attacks

At 25 April 2019 at 02:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 April 2019 at 03:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As fake as it can be:

At 25 April 2019 at 06:02 , Blogger mythra81 said...

maybe buddhist sri lanka is taking revenge for the vatican backed sri lankan civil war from the 80's using LTTE as a pawn [what i heard was sri lanka did not want to be a drugs/arms transit hub via US military presence in trincomalee for the criminal globalist mafia so tamil/sinhala issue was exacerbated from the 70's and eventually civil war]......also evangelical groups are fervently trying to convert hindus/buddhists in south asia

At 25 April 2019 at 08:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christopher Bollyn - Twitter feed

"Israeli Agent Provides Photos of ISIS Bombers in Sri Lanka

The Photos of the alleged bombers of Catholic churches and hotels in Sri Lanka are coming from an ISIS related entity called Amaq News Agency and are provided to the media by Rita Katz, an Israeli agent working out of Bethesda Maryland. Why is it that Amaq News Agency has no website and has to rely on the Israeli agent Rita Katz of Site Intelligence Group to distribute it's material to the media?"

At 25 April 2019 at 15:16 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

In quite the irony, re the Danish billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen whose 3 children were just killed in Sri Lanka -

His company Asos had just started marketing a line of 'fashion hijabs' and 'modest Islamic dress' for Muslim women

At 25 April 2019 at 15:59 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Ritz Katz had done a remarkable job in the past, of 'finding' fake bin Laden videos on the 'jihadi YouTubes' ... one of those bin Ladens was said by Veterans Today to be a Somali auto mechanic in Haifa, Israel, who agreed to act the part

At 25 April 2019 at 16:07 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

There are different media framings of Sri Lanka for two different types of Western audiences

In the more mainstream media - tied to globalist, pro-migration George Soros - there are entire media articles on the Sri Lanka attacks, which do not use the words 'Muslims' or 'Christians' or their cognates

Instead, articles say that 'militants' attacked 'Easter worshippers' ... and in general these media are letting the story lapse from sight

Below that major media radar, but still prominent in the rather right-wing media serving the third or so of Europe or Anglo peoples inclined to nationalism, anti-immigration - and tied to Netanyahu etc - there is a different theme, of

How so many thousands of Christians are being killed around the globe, how so many hundreds of churches are attacked each year ... and how the major media is ignoring this, plus using evasive language as they are doing re Sri Lanka

This split creating cognitive dissonance, and conflict within the Western populace itself, one side 'hiding the truth', the other 'creating hateful bigotry'


French language media is now beginning to trial-balloon the 'possibility' that the Notre Dame fire was 'caused by a renovation worker'

French people have it in mind, that renovation workers in Paris for large companies, are often Arab Muslims

At 25 April 2019 at 16:22 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Spooky Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, who earlier married into the Rothschild clan (!), has just visited Saudi Arabia - where Pakistan gets a lot of money - and then he made a very friendly visit to Iran, supposed bitter rival of Saudi Arabia, which just brutally executed a large number of Iran-tied Shia

This visit to Iran did not cause trouble for Imran Khan getting Saudi money? ... Is it possible that everything is fake, Iran vs Saudis too ... with Israel linked to everyone?

Imran Khan, head of government for 'Muslim nuclear power' Pakistan, had been married to UK socialite Jemima Khan née Goldsmith (Goldschmidt), a sister in law of the Rothschilds, her brother Ben wed Kate Rothschild, her father James Goldsmith a Rothschild cousin ... Jemima is still friendly with Imran, and is asked if she will 're-marry' him

Jemima Khan had earlier posted jail release funds for Israel-friendly pal of Netanyahu Julian Assange, who also has had Rothschild-linked lawyers, and Imran Khan has 'given info on al-Qaeda' to Assange & Wikileaks

Fake info on fake al-Qaeda to the fake Mossad-tied Wikileaks ... from a fake leader of Pakistan, a country with fake 'nuclear weapons'?

Imran Khan is said to have just admitted to Iran, that Pakistan's Balochistan province, was used for terrorism attacks against Iran

Balochistan is a region of both Pakistan & Iran, which could be its own country, Balochis somewhat like the Kurds ... also a US-Nato-Israeli staging area, it seems

Aangirfan and Henry Makow have both posted significant material asking questions about who and what is behind Iran's 'Shia Islamic regime' founded by the spooky intel-tied Khomeini

Brendon O'Connell has a new article on 'Iran-Israel Conflict is a Charade', Iran with its parliament meeting in a masonic pyramid

Iran - Pakistan - China - Russia - Israel - Saudi Arabia ... 'One Belt, One Road'?

At 26 April 2019 at 04:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Examination of the video footage reveals that there was no-one injured. A couple of guys in white shirts had marks indicating little cuts in the material but no bleeding. No dust settled in the clothing or hair of anyone. Lots of fake blood used on a couple of people but the real giveaway is that the floor had been swept clear in the central aisle of one of thew churches either that or the roof collapsed in an intelligent manner! So I think what happened was a smoke bomb was let off the church cleared of the legitimate congregation then a whole new congregation of 95% men poured in to rearrange furniture and pose for photographs.

At 26 April 2019 at 05:32 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Anti-Muslim riots have begun in Sri Lanka ... and even before the church massacres, as in Myanmar, Buddhist monks have been sometimes involved in anti-Islamic militancy

« In the town of Negombo, where an attack on a church during Easter services killed more than 100 people, gangs of Christian men moved from house to house, smashing windows, breaking down doors, dragging people into the streets, punching them in the face and then threatening to kill them, dozens of residents said. No deaths were reported, but many Muslims fear it is only a matter of time.

During the war years, many Muslim men rose up the ranks of the government’s intelligence services because they were known for their fluency in Sri Lanka’s three major languages — Sinhala, Tamil and English. »

It has long been part of South Asian life, when one ethnic / religious group feels its members have been violated by those of another group, by a rape or other serious crime -

People do not wait for the legal system to act, a mob assembles and takes matters into their own hands, and sometimes dozens or hundreds are dead ... Communities consider this necessary for survival

Filing complaints with police and expecting action from judicial prosecution, is often considered suicidal weakness in south Asia, given the very slow and very uncertain outcomes via the police ... who can often be bribed

In Britain sometimes, when South Asians have been arrested for grooming, sexual assaults etc ... it is reported that the arrested persons sometimes say, Britons obviously do not care about their daughters, because they do not personally attack accused assailants, but merely go to the police and meekly make statements ... Cultures are indeed different

At 26 April 2019 at 10:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia executed 37 people: Here is who they were

At 26 April 2019 at 10:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 26 April 2019 at 10:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic perhaps - caught red handed lying about measles.

Must watch. An NBC broadcast.

Peace to the humans

At 26 April 2019 at 12:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not about culture, its about stupidity. Criminal stupidity in some cases.

At 27 April 2019 at 03:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldnt rule out anything

At 27 April 2019 at 04:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again:

At 27 April 2019 at 05:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check it out:

At 27 April 2019 at 15:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weaponizing religion works! On FB one of my long term friends claims to be a retired MI6 agent. Currently he's been posting David Wood's anti Islam propaganda. Stoking the fire so to speak. Both claim to be Christians. As ISIS claims to be Muslim. Neither reflect the truth. ISIS captive exposed the fact that during his captivity there was not a Koran to be found amongst the so called seekers of a Muslim caliphate. Time to tone down the rhetoric and look at religion as a whole. The plan? Is it part of the conspiracy theorists idea to take down world religion as a whole? Robert Steele and a new FB friend's recent posts on Sri Lanka - and the attack on Islam since 9/11.

At 27 April 2019 at 16:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 27 April 2019 at 20:05 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

Speaking Of Chabad Lubavitch which Ias blooging about some years ago regarding their Agriprocessers scandal in Ioa and in fact the whole 'kosher' - now there is this shooting and I started searching chabad lubavitch mossad and came across very interesting aricle on the chabad lubavitch website.Ihighly recommend it and the interesting story of chabad lubavitch,mossad and tunisia.But also the U.S. government,etc.and Israels self given right to intervene in foreign governments and with their chabad lubavitch cult pals.I say cult because in fact they are whether the members were born Jewish byorthodo definition or not.Their belief in the founder of their cult being a or the messiah is certainly a heresy of judaism as much as if a Jew claimed jesus to be.
Just as I get reday to post this here news comes in that the 19 year shooter or alleged shooter at the California Chabad center just by chance has a 'manifesto' all written and ready .I wonder if he is supposed to be 'left wing nut' or a 'right wing nut' ?
I bet both Trump and Netanyahu are hoping for a left wing nut.

The first Lebanon War in 1982 was a unique war, during which the Israel Defense Forces reached Beirut and conquered it, causing the expulsion of the Palestinian forces from Lebanon.

PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and his men went to Tunisia and established their command there. At that time, there was a small community of about five thousand Jews in Tunisia.

After analyzing the facts, we in the Mossad came to the conclusion that, as a result these events, the Jews of Tunisia were in greater danger than before, and we felt that the time had come to evacuate this community to Israel.

Since the government of Israel was established, it has made it a policy to take responsibility for the fate of Jews living in foreign countries where they might be in danger. We feel that this is the responsibility of the State of Israel because it is the state of the Jewish nation. And since the State of Israel has the power and the ability to intervene overseas when needed, it has the right and the obligation to do so......

At 27 April 2019 at 21:43 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

It would be too funny if the writer of this news story got it right and the sheriff really did call the synagogue a mosque. Surprised the Chabad Lubavitchers didn't shoot him on principle.
And I kid you not,`'Trump praises guard for act' is the real titñe of the article.You can't make this stuff up.

Latest: Trump praises guard for act......

6:15 p.m.

President Donald Trump praised law enforcement’s “incredible response” to the attack at a synagogue near San Diego that left one dead and three wounded.

Trump, who was speaking at a Saturday rally in Wisconsin, singled out an off-duty Border Patrol agent “who returned fire.”

San Diego County Sheriff William Gore says the Border Patrol agent was working as a security guard and fired as the gunman was fleeing, hitting the getaway car.

Gore says there were indications that the attacker’s gun might have malfunctioned after firing inside the synagogue.

The sheriff says they’re investigating the attack as a possible hate crime.

The Chabad of Poway was worshipping on the last day of Passover, exactly six months since a shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue killed 11 people.


6 p.m.

Authorities say the rabbi of a synagogue near San Diego is one of the three people wounded in an attack that left a woman dead.

San Diego County Sheriff William Gore told reporters Saturday that there are indications 19-year-old John Earnest’s gun might have malfunctioned after firing numerous rounds at the mosque.

At 28 April 2019 at 00:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...
The wife of the main bad guy was said to have blown up the police, herself, and her children. Yet here we have the brother-in-law of the bad guy (who disapproved of him) saying that an officer had shown him photos of the wife and a child, saying they were among the survivors of the blasts at the safehouse. The whole thing is being maxe up as they go.

At 28 April 2019 at 01:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zio boys doing things in threes to say so: first, the New Zealand hoax (targetting Islam), secondly, the Sri Lanka one (targetting Xtianity) and now the San Diego foolery (targetting Judaism). Have fun!

At 28 April 2019 at 01:50 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Re shooting at the Chabad synagogue in San Diego suburb Poway, California, for which '19-year-old John T. Earnest' has been arrested

In the rather fake-sounding 'shooter manifesto' online, of which the local Sheriff says he is "checking the authenticity" - text here:

The manifesto author continues the same joke as in the 'Brenton Tarrant' manifesto, of tying the 'white identity terrorists' to one of the world's most popular YouTubers, the Swedish video game commenter PewDiePie with tens of millions of followers:

« I did not do this alone. I had the help of a man named Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. He was kind enough to plan and fund this whole operation - the sly bastard. Apparently, Pewdiepie hates Jews as much as Pajeets. Who would’ve known? »

And the author makes a pre-emptive move to dismiss criticism of possible fakery here:

« ... remember Robert Bowers, remember Brenton Tarrant ... and filter the schizos who will inevitably call this a ‘false flag’ ... »

The 'manifesto author', also claims to be the arsonist in a fire the previous month on 24 March at the nearby Dar-ul-Arqam mosque - Islamic Center of Escondido, California:

« Something to note, people grossly overestimate the police’s ability to solve ‘crimes’ such as ‘arson’ and ‘murder.’ ... I scorched a mosque in Escondido with gasoline a week after Brenton Tarrant’s sacrifice and they never found shit on me ... Also they didn’t report the message I spray-painted on the parking lot. I wrote ‘For Brenton Tarrant' ... It is so easy to ... get away with burning a synagogue (or mosque) to the ground if you’re smart about it. »

Curious that the USA off-duty Border Patrol policeman, who is said to have been in the synagogue with his gun, shooting back and thus saving many Jewish lives, did not hit the assailant with his gunfire

It is claimed that after the assailant fled the synagogue, he telephoned the police to give his own location along Interstate motorway 15, admitting that he was "involved in the shooting" ... As police came near, 'John T. Earnest' then "pulled over and jumped out of his vehicle with his hands up, surrendering to authorities".

May 1 is - Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day

At 28 April 2019 at 03:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problem, reaction, solution

At 28 April 2019 at 08:24 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

The woman Chabad Lubavitcher alleged to have died is also alleged to have died because she put herself between the rabbi and the shooter.And the good rabbi simply continues his sermon with her dead or dying on the floor ? How cold can you get ? Must have been a good sermon.

Rabbi Wounded in Synagogue Shooting Finished Sermon Before Going to Hospital
Chabad's Yisroel Goldstein, wounded in Poway attack, also served as police chaplain....

Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein is a rabbi with the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement, which emphasizes outreach and education to other Jews, and as chaplain tended to the “spiritual needs” of Jews on the force, according to the webpage

“He continued his speech,” Minoo Anvari, a congregant whose husband was inside the synagogue, told CNN. “We are strong. We are united. They can’t break us.”

Goldstein took the chaplain’s job in 2006; by that point, he’d already ministered to the Jews of San Diego’s Poway suburb for 20 years, since he left Brooklyn at age 24.

“I’m on a mission,” Goldstein said back in 2006. “This rabbi is not a business, not a career. It’s a mission. I’m a guy from Brooklyn sent out to do good in this part of the world, and try to bring people as much as possible back to the fold. And it’s going very well.”

Goldstein’s father was an important aide to the founder of the Lubavitch movement, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, according to the Daily News.

At 28 April 2019 at 08:49 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

I wish I could correct my typos but the links and quotes from articles says more than I can.Here's Israei government and Mossad acknowledgement of its ties to and with Chabad.

Posted on April 6, 2014

Chabad maps dont matter but what does matter is what Meir Dagan says on the Mossad Are there Lubavitcher chassidim serving in the Mossad? This candid question was presented to Meir Dagan, the former director of the national intelligence agency of Israel, during a private meeting in Jerusalem, on Tuesday. His reply:“You will be surprised to know how many haredim serve in the Mossad.” Dagan added that aside from the employment of chassidim in a professional capacity, the Chabad organization provides spiritual assistance at Mossad’s Central Command in Tel Aviv.

“The Chabad House in Minsk, (a city which) its Jewish history is known to all, became my home,” said Dagan who was born on a train between the Soviet Union and Poland during the Holocaust. “Rabbi Schneur Deitsch and his wife will remain forever engraved in my heart.” The Rebbe’s unknown ties to the head of the Mossad and their assistance to Chabad’s educational and outreach activities in the Former Soviet Union were mapped out in the Hebrew book “The Rebbe and the Mossad,”published in 1998. See Lubavitchers in the Israeli Mossad?

Later in 2014 the Israeli Parliament inadvertently exposed the Chabad Mossad link while passing a new Conscription law

On January 6, 2014, the new Conscription Law being prepared in the last year took an unexpected turn when a new type of numerus clausus was proposed. Busy in the Jewish Wars, the Knesset didn’t notice that it just had acknowledged that Chabad missionaries outside Israel work for the State.

A special Knesset committee decided yesterday on a third instance of special quotas.100 Ultra-Orthodox men per year will be given an exemption from army service.They will serve as Chabad emissaries overseas due to the national and diplomatic importance of this task.

Will this quota be part of the law’s final draft? It doesn’t matter. For the first time, the Knesset acknowledged that the Houses of Chabad are an integral part of the State. They will even double as military bases for these men! For the first time, the Knesset acknowledged that the Houses of Chabad are part of its intelligence gathering machine abroad; providing Mossad with safe-houses in foreign lands.

Chabad is intensely active in places visited by young Israelis who have ended their military service;Chabad has 4,000 people doing this job worldwide, including in countries which have complex relations with Israel, like India. See Mossad-Chabad Link Implied by Knesset Decision.

It has emerged that alleged Mossad spy and double agent known as Prisoner X Ben Zygier had a Chabad background Zygier died or more likely was “suicided” in an Israeli prison

Now a Islamophobic Scandinavian based blog run by a Jew called Tundra Tabloids (Unsubstantiated by mainstream news)says Finnish MP Pertti Salonen has opposed the grant of permission to open a Chabad House in Helsinki because Chabad has Mossad links .Here is the original Finnish article A Google Translation seems to confirm he is saying Chabad has Mossad links

Given the strange circumstances the Chabad House in Mumbai played in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks it just puts everything that happened in Mumbai on 26 November 2008 in a whole new light....

At 28 April 2019 at 10:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 28 April 2019 at 11:04 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

Her 'final good deed': Woman hailed as hero after taking bullets to protect rabbi during synagogue shooting.....

Authorities said Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, was killed at Chabad of Poway when a nursing student opened fire with an AR-style rifle. Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein suffered defensive wounds to his hands but survived the attack and then gave a sermon to the huddled congregation before going to the hospital, Audrey Jacobs, a friend, said in a Facebook post.

Kaye leaves behind a husband and adult daughter.

"Your final good deed was taking the bullets for Rabbi Mendel Goldstein to save his life," Jacobs wrote in a post she said had been approved by the other victims and their families. "Tragically the rabbi was still shot in the hand and he gave a sermon telling everyone to stay strong."

At 2 May 2019 at 22:05 , Anonymous Brabantian said...

Veterans Today devotes an article to linking to Aangirfan

At 3 May 2019 at 05:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Making of Suicide Bombers
People are always puzzled by the idea that ‘regular’ young people, educated, well settled, become ‘terrorists’ and suicide bombers.
London 7/7 was a prime example of well-respected young men with no history of radicalism becoming ‘suicide’ bombers. These were people who up to the point of the ‘suicide’ had been living happy lives, making plans for the future, studying, etc etc.
Sri Lanka is the newest case. But there have been many. Madrid 7/7 is another example.
Many hold the opinion that there are ‘hands’ behind this and that the bombers are innocent people who have been somehow under some kind of hypnotic mind control. But how does that explain the case as in London 7/7 where a ‘bomber’ was playing street cricket the night before the attack.
We must understand that these events, Sri lanka, Charlie Hebdo, etc etc. are planned with a high level of sophistication.
When a target and time for an attack is strategically selected, the search goes out for young Muslims who might be under the influence of ‘informants’ or infiltrators or even compromised Muslims who have been groomed or blackmailed.
The event is managed by a large expert team.
The Muslims are approached by some people who claim that they are from the Security Services and that they are looking for help in carrying out a ‘terrorism security exercise’.
They appeal to the Muslim’s sense of patriotism; they exploit their desire to demonstrate that they have the nation’s security at heart and their desire to show Muslims in a positive light. They may even be offered payment.
When the subjects agree to cooperate the grooming starts.
The ‘security guys’ explain to their new recruits that the ‘security exercise’ will involve role playing and that the event will simulate a terrorist attempt to carry out an attack. The objective is to test how well the security services respond to and handle this ‘threat’.
Each new play-terrorist has a handler.
Suicide videos are made.
Secrecy about the whole affair is most important, they are told.
The after-event “clean-up’ is planned. (Family members who may be aware of what is happening would be taken care of by raids which find them dead).
On the day of the attack the team is provided with all the trappings, communication equipment and back-packs with ‘fake’ explosives.
As the event unfolds the switches are pressed. (Usually simultaneously to ensure that a first explosion does not alert the other team members to the deception). Then BOOM.
The local security forces are dumbfounded. They do not realize what is happening. If any one of them starts to understand what is going on and steps out of line they are taken care of, as in the Hebdo attack and in Mumbai.
Politicians who realize what is happening are in fear.
The media frenzy starts.

At 5 May 2019 at 20:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The woman who supposedly blew herself up was the wife of the one of the sons of the big spice merchant, not the main bad guy preacher. No contradiction, just mystery.

At 6 May 2019 at 12:44 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

It appears that the wealthy Sri Lanka Muslim spice tycoon, politician and alleged father of terrorists Mohamed Ibrahim is still being held prisoner although I have not heard of any charges against him.It also appears he as at home with his son Fatima

Because Ilham used his real identification card when he checked into Shangri-La, the police quickly figured out who he was. Within hours, constables swarmed the Ibrahim mansion.

They were greeted at the door by a woman who then turned around and dashed up the stairs. It was Fatima, Ilham’s wife.

The Ibrahim mansion in Colombo. There, the police said, Ilham’s wife set off a bomb, killing herself, her three children and three officers.

At the top of the stairs in front of her three children, Fatima blew herself up, killing three police officers and all of the children, ages 5, 4 and nine months. Police officials said she might have been pregnant, too.

Mr. Ibrahim, the family patriarch, was handcuffed to a police officer and taken away......

Mr. Ibrahim remains in custody: Most of his associates say they believe he knew nothing about the suicide plot.


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