Monday, 30 July 2018


Sir Leon Brittan has Lithuanian Jewish origins.

Sir Greville Janner has Lithuanian Jewish origins.

The deputy-boss of MI6, Sir Peter Hayman, was reportedly Jewish (Heiman).

Daniel Robert Hayman avoids jail

Trump and Jewish leader Lauder.

Henry Makow‏ @HenryMakow

Satanic ritual murder? 

Dozens Of Children In Iowa Have Vanished In Lead Up To The Blood Moon Eclipse - John Watkins

Dozens of Children in Iowa have Vanished...

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of ant-semitism. Corbyn is partly Jewish.

Henry Makow‏ @HenryMakow

Jews ensuring Labour will be elected in UK. …

Jewish newspapers say Labour government would be ‘threat’ to Jewish life.

re. Netanyahu -- ever seen a more guilty look?

"A Rothschild ball 1972". The Rothschilds are alleged to be Satanists rather than Jews.

How we know the Banks rule


"The Banking Cartel - the World is indebted to them to the tune of $247 Trillion Dollars

"That is three times World GDP.

"This debt costs about $12 Trillion per year to service, which is about one-sixth of World GDP. 

"It is known that all this money ends up with the richest 10% of the people worldwide. 

"Even much worse: about a third of this money (about 4 Trillion) ends up with the richest 0,0032%. These are the people that control the Banks.

"Compare this to the income of the US Federal Government, which sits at a paltry $3 Trillion. 

"US Government debt to the Bank is about $21 Trillion, and US total debt (including households and corporations) is perhaps as high as $70 Trillion.

"Not only is the Government's income markedly lower than that of the Banking Cartel, it is dependent on them for money.

Trump with the wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild.

"These numbers are self-evident. They expose the true nature of power, and they also show how ridiculous it is to speak of 'economic growth' and 'wealthy countries'. 

"Obviously, the United States cannot be 'rich' when it has $70 Trillion (3,5 times GDP) in debt. 

"There will be wealthy people in the US, yes, but the country itself is poor and broke, as is also proven by the fact that 80% of Americans own nothing, and live paycheck to paycheck.

"Besides the obvious implications of the massive debt, it has been established that all the major Banks in the World (European, American, Chinese, Japanese) own each other

"They ARE a cartel. It's not speculation, it's a fact."


"Total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because it is in your life - is your responsibility. 

"In a literal sense the entire world is your creation."


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At 30 July 2018 at 02:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 30 July 2018 at 02:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dozens Of Children In Iowa Have Vanished In Lead Up To The Blood Moon Eclipse - John Watkins"

Panic inducing article, offers no real proofs, as some commenters rightly noticed. Talk about fake news and distraction

At 30 July 2018 at 02:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 July 2018 at 03:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 July 2018 at 03:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 July 2018 at 04:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 July 2018 at 10:13 , Blogger Anon said...

Anonymous 30 July 2018 at 09:44


RE The backgrounds of Janner and Brittan

Practitioners of some radical schools of Judaism – which conceive of Jewish exceptionalism in a racist fashion, promoting Ultra-Zionism and the second class status of non-Jews - are disproportionately linked to child abuse.

Practitioners of some radical schools of Protestant Millennial Christianity - which conceive of Protestant Christian and Jewish exceptionalism in a racist fashion, promoting "White America" or the “White Anglosphere” with "Jewish Israel" as the Chosen nations/races, and all others as second class - are disproportionately linked to child abuse.

Practitioners of some radical schools of Catholic Christianity - which conceive of Catholic exceptionalism in a chauvinistic fashion, promoting Papal infallibility and a hierarchy of spiritual importance that relegates non-Catholics, women, gays and children to second class status - are disproportionately linked to child abuse.

Practitioners of some radical schools of Islam - which conceive of Islamic exceptionalism in a racist fashion, with the Islamic world as the chosen nation/race, and all others as second class, while relegating women, gays and children to second class status - are disproportionately linked to child abuse.

Practitioners of some atheistic schools, and also some occult schools – which conceive that power and wealth signify fitness to rule, whereas relative weakness or poverty denote second class status and fitness to be oppressed – are disproportionately linked to child abuse.


It's vital for peace-loving humans to remember that the unseen rulers of the world promote the violent actions of intolerant radicals of ALL RELIGIONS AND -ISMS... the better to divide and rule the world.

At 30 July 2018 at 10:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shalom to you. 10 Shkelim has been sent to your account.

At 30 July 2018 at 11:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a surprise reading they are jewish.

At 30 July 2018 at 16:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robert Fisk: "I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers"

At 31 July 2018 at 00:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problems? Mental ones? Have u happened to read the comments to the so-called article?


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