Monday 15 May 2017


According to the dailymail:

"The Syrian government has been accused of carrying out mass killings of thousands of prisoners by the US government...

"The Trump administration claims the bodies of those killed were burned in a large crematorium attached to the Saydnaya prison complex outside the Syrian capital of Damascus."

Below, we see comments from readers of the Mail Online.

More Daily Mail farcical reporting. I'm so glad I don't pay to read this nonsense.

cool_php, Tucson, United States

As usual Daily Mail news has zero credibility.

David Whitmore, London is tan, United Kingdom

Strange how they can get such good aerial shots of Assad's installations but nothing of ISIS.
jules st john, swansea,

What a total load of crap - the buildings could be anything - are these the same people who decided about the WMDS in Iraq.


katz ro, Darko, United States,

So, are you stroking daesh (ISIS) because they make you hot or coz your scared and that will make them leave you alone in your twisted mind?

They are the ones that butchered raed and destroyed whole cities en masse. They are the ones that blew up priceless centuries old architecture and statuaries any grain of which would be worth more in powder than a single one of their polluted sounds. You were actively involved in helping create this situation it needs to be dealt with and not by you whoops sorry there is no reset

not 4 me, Åland Islands, 
They still havent proved Assad bombed those people - all speculation

Read more: dailymail.

The Daily Mail was founded by Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe (1865 – 1922) and his brother Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere  (1868 – 1940).

Below, is what we wrote earlier:

Lord Northcliffe (Alfred Harmsworth), who died in mysterious circumstances.

The newspaper owner Lord Northcliffe liked to cover certain things up.

Lord Northcliffe's private secretary was the gay spy Scott Moncrieff.

Lord Northcliffe, who was related to the Rothschilds through marriage, owned a number of newspapers including The Times and the Daily Mail.

Northcliffe is linked to the cabal that started World War I.

Beginning in 1913, Wellington House in London was at the centre of a plan to 'create' public opinion.

Sir Edward Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, installed Lord Northcliffe as its director. 

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

The operational staff of Wellington House consisted of Lord Northcliffe, Arnold Toynbee, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays (the nephew to Signund Freud).

Funding was provided by the Royal family, the Rothchilds (related to Lord Northcliffe by marriage) and the Rockefellers. 

Wellington House became the Tavistock Institute in 1921

Lord Northcliffe was a war monger, but he once published an article entitled The Jewish Peril.

In May 1920 Lord Northcliffe published an article in The Times about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The article was entitled The Jewish Peril.

In 1921 Northcliffe became ill.

He complained he was being poisoned

The Protocols.

In 1921, the Times changed its mind and produced a series of articles suggesting the Protocols was a forgery.

On 14 August 1922 Lord Northcliffe died, aged 57.

The cause of death stated was 'ulcerative endocarditis'..

The John JACOB Astor took over the Times in 1922.

The Times became very clearly pro-Zionist.

Harold Harmsworth with Hitler.

Lord Northcliffe was born Alfred Harmsworth.

Working alongside Alfred was his brother Harold Harmsworth, who becameLord Rothermere.

The Harmsworth newspapers championed the British Union of Fascists, many of whose leaders were actually Jewish.

John Beckett (British Union Director of Publications), Bill Leaper (Editor of the Blackshirt), Harold Soref (later Tory M.P. for Ormskirk), and the Jewish boxer Kid Lewis all supported Oswald Mosley and his fascist Blackshirts.

Rothermere wrote a Daily Mail editorial entitled "Hurrah for the Blackshirts", praising Oswald Mosley.

Rothermere visited and corresponded with Hitler. 

On 1 October 1938, Rothermere sent Hitler a telegram in support of Germany's invasion of the Sudetenland, and expressing the hope that 'Adolf the Great' would become a popular figure in Britain.


The owner of the Daily mail Lord Rothermere with Adolf Hitler.

"The Daily Mail supported Hitler and the Nazis prior to World War II and promoted fascism in the UK in the 1930s.

"Harold Sydney Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, counted himself as a friend of Mussolini and Adolf Hitler when he was proprietor of The Daily Mail. Prior to World War II, he praised Hitler publicly and privately, and met him personally in Germany.

"Letters show that Lord Rothermere congratulated Hitler on the annexation of Czechoslovakia and encouraged him to invade Romania.

"He also publicly supported the British Union of Fascists... In 1934 the paper ran the notorious headline, Hurrah for the Blackshirts."

The Daily Mail "provides a notoriously gratuitous display of scantily-clad celebrity pictures on the right sidebar of its website, also known as the “sidebar of shame,” and publishes highly sexualised imagery and even nude pictures itself.

It has run stories about teens in skimpy bikinis and has been accused of sexualising underage girls.

Its highly sexualised content is probably the reason it toppled the New York Times as the most visited newspaper site in the world.

Thus the crusade against porn is coming from a newspaper that has been accused of peddling ‘almost porn’.

Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is campaigning against the Human Rights Act.

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At 16 May 2017 at 00:11 , Blogger Rob Watson said...

Dear Aangirfan, When I was a young student in England. My father arranged with one of his colleagues, that his uncle Cecil Harmsworth King would interview me. With the view of joining one of his fleet street mastheads as a junior photographer.
This is all part of my personal history.

At 16 May 2017 at 02:17 , Anonymous Greg Bacon said...

If you know who is behind the Holocau$t™ FRAUD, then you'll know who is behind these lies about Assad burning Syrians in a non-existent crematorium. The Holocau$t™ LIES have worked so well, they thought they go back to that FRAUD and use it to destroy Syria.

At 16 May 2017 at 02:34 , Blogger Kaivey said...

The western media is pure propaganda. The US that flattened Afghanistan killings hundreds of thousands of people just to get Bin Laden and his gang who lived in the mountains. Most Afghanistan's had no idea why they were being bombed.

Afghanistan offered the US Bin Laden if they would put him on trial in an independent court, but the US had no evidence that Bin Laden was behind 9/11 so they refused.

Then the US destroyed Iraq, but it had no weapons of mass destruction like the UN inspectors said. Then the US caused the colour revolution in Libya and started another one in Syria. The US was behind the colour revolution in the Ukraine, started in a attempt to close down the Russian gas pipeline to Europe. Then the US started a war in Syria to get a Saudi pipeline to Europe which Assad said no to because he is allied with Russia.

If Russia did what the US has done can you imagine the outcry in the Western press? The West has surrounded Russia china with nuclear bombs and military bases. Russia only has two military bases outside of Russia while the US has hundreds.

Our media does not present the truth at all. It's Orwellian.

At 16 May 2017 at 03:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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