The village of Sonning was home to Uri Geller for 35 years. Theresa May lives in Sonning.
"Theresa May is set to call a snap vote on bombing Syria if she wins an election landslide."
"Theresa May is set to call a snap vote on bombing Syria if she wins an election landslide."
A Whitehall source, told the Sun: 'After the election, we will have a clear majority and we will push it through.'

Theresa May might want to hold her election before a possible big invasion of Syria or somewhere similar.
On 18 April 2017, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson likened Assad to a ‘monster’ that needs ‘decapitating’.
Johnson suggested Britain could join the US in future strikes on Syria.

On 18 April 2017, Theresa May's decision to hold a General Election boosted the Pound.
This could mean that Theresa May is going to go for a 'soft Brexit'?
BUT, according to the Daily Mail on 20 April 2017:
Theresa May's Conservative Party manifesto "is expected to commit the Conservatives to ending EU free movement and pulling out of both the single market and European Court of Justice."
According to the Daily Mail, Theresa May is committed to a 'hard Brexit'.
Tory manifesto will guarantee end of free movement.
A 'soft Brexit' might involve some form of membership of the European Union single market, in return for a degree of free movement of labour.
According to the Financial Times on 18 April 2017:
"The reaction in the currency market suggests investors are betting that in the event of a May victory, the prime minister will have a firmer hand when it comes to negotiating a soft Brexit in the face of hardline Tory Eurosceptics."

Average UK household debt a record.
There are dozens of Conservative seats which the the Liberal Democrats could win in the June 2017 election.
The Liberal Democrats are in favour of Soft Brexit.

Harry Dent
Theresa May might want to hold her election before a possible collapse in the stock markets.

Theresa May might want to hold her election before a possible big invasion of Syria or somewhere similar.
On 18 April 2017, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson likened Assad to a ‘monster’ that needs ‘decapitating’.
Johnson suggested Britain could join the US in future strikes on Syria.
There is to be a General Election in the UK on 8 June 2017.
The leaders of both the leading parties appear to be spooks?
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, is working for MI5 or Mossad?
Theresa May, the leader of the Conservative Party, is working for MI5 or Mossad?

Theresa May might want to hold her election before a possible big invasion of Syria or somewhere similar.
On 18 April 2017, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson likened Assad to a ‘monster’ that needs ‘decapitating’.
Johnson suggested Britain could join the US in future strikes on Syria.

On 18 April 2017, Theresa May's decision to hold a General Election boosted the Pound.
This could mean that Theresa May is going to go for a 'soft Brexit'?
BUT, according to the Daily Mail on 20 April 2017:
Theresa May's Conservative Party manifesto "is expected to commit the Conservatives to ending EU free movement and pulling out of both the single market and European Court of Justice."
According to the Daily Mail, Theresa May is committed to a 'hard Brexit'.
Tory manifesto will guarantee end of free movement.
A 'soft Brexit' might involve some form of membership of the European Union single market, in return for a degree of free movement of labour.
According to the Financial Times on 18 April 2017:
"The reaction in the currency market suggests investors are betting that in the event of a May victory, the prime minister will have a firmer hand when it comes to negotiating a soft Brexit in the face of hardline Tory Eurosceptics."

Average UK household debt a record.
There are dozens of Conservative seats which the the Liberal Democrats could win in the June 2017 election.
The Liberal Democrats are in favour of Soft Brexit.

Harry Dent
Theresa May might want to hold her election before a possible collapse in the stock markets.

Theresa May might want to hold her election before a possible big invasion of Syria or somewhere similar.
On 18 April 2017, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson likened Assad to a ‘monster’ that needs ‘decapitating’.
Johnson suggested Britain could join the US in future strikes on Syria.
There is to be a General Election in the UK on 8 June 2017.
The leaders of both the leading parties appear to be spooks?
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, is working for MI5 or Mossad?
Theresa May, the leader of the Conservative Party, is working for MI5 or Mossad?
The UK's Conservative Party is the main party of child abuse, reportedly.
The UK's Conservative Party is the main party of child abuse, reportedly.
Labels: Brexit, CIA, collapse, dictatorship, General Election, Jeremy Corbyn, MI5, Mossad, Soft, stock market, Syria, Theresa May, UK, war
Both are on the same side like so many others so what else is new?
Yup, you got that right!!
What's more, look at how cynical we are!!! This reminds me of that scene in the movie CLUE, where they discover yet another dead body and no one is surprised or horrified, they just tiredly walk away. I think people just need to stop voting, pull a George Carlin and do what exactly? No idea. You tell me.
Somehow some way, this election will be part of the effort to thwart the will of the people to exit the EU.
And as you say, 'the leaders of both parties appear to be spooks' so that should be no problem.
Is this an opening for Nigel Farage?
He seems to be great friends with Murdoch and Trump.
And what did the General reply?
There is no longer a place for parties in politics. All candidates should be independent, and their allegiance should be to the people who elected them, not to the Zionist bankers and corporations.
Is this possible? Yes
Is this probable? Not a hope.
I think Jeremy Corbyn just works for the Tories.
Deep State cleverly rushes to convince UK & USA voters that they still matter
In Britain, Deep State moves to
(1) In effect give UK voters a new Brexit referendum, 'anti-Brexit' Rothschild asset Jeremy Corbyn vs (nominally now) Brexit-implementing Theresa May ... win-win either way for Deep State
(2) Legitimise Theresa May after her dodgy original installation, where her opponents all dropped out etc after seemingly receiving Deep State orders
In USA, Deep State moves to
Convince betrayed-feeling Trump supporters, that Trump is cleverly manipulating the Deep State!
When Donald Trump did his war-crime illegal Syria missile strike after the false-flag chemical attack, Deep State Alt-Media tool Alex Jones of InfoWars, led the way in arguing Trump was only 'playing 3-D chess' (à la Star Trek) ... only pretending to be a war-monger to 'cleverly' manipulate his neo-cons
Alex Jones said Trump was only playing a game so he can go back to his focus on jobs, the economy, immigration, like his voters wanted
At first, Jones was laughed at ... Trump's voter base & internet support was in near-total revolt, with much hatred brewing toward Jews & Israel due to the obvious influence of Trump's Chabadnik son-in-law Jared Kushner
The Deep State has moved aggressively to 'fix' this voter revolt & now even Deep State media (Reuters, Wall Street Journal etc) is adopting Alex Jones' position ... and Trump's key internet support leaders also are falling now for the Trump-positive '3D chess' spin
It is noted that the Syria attack destroyed very little, Russia was warned in advance, tho perhaps 10 or so people were killed
It is now argued that when Trump dropped the Mother of All Bombs MOAB in Afghanistan - at times said to have killed over 1000 people including 500 Pakistanis - it is now argued this was a bomb in the middle of nowhere which destroyed very little
Most significantly, it is now said in Deep State media, that Trump's naval armada which was 'threatening attack upon North Korea' was actually headed to Australia, Trump had no attention of menacing global war & is co-ordinating very well with China
The Deep State media is telling us that Trump has been fooling the Deep State, he is not a war-monger at all
But obviously the Deep State is not & was never 'fooled' by 'clever Trump'
Yet Trump's voters are increasingly buying into the Alex Jones' and now Deep State media story that Trump has been 'very clever' ... and that Donald Trump is still their pro-jobs, pro-US-economy, America-first anti-immigration hero
Check out:
UK Election -- Distraction from Britain's Pedogate?
20 april The birthday of Adolf H. Founding Father of Askenazistan. (aka Talmudistan / Anne Frankenstein / Rotschildstein )
Check out:
By Matt Agorist - April 3, 2017
Theresa May hasn't decided to hold a general election....her scum bag masters have. She's just the puppet, the mouth piece. No one person makes a huge decision like that. This "General Election" is manufactured beforehand and all the parties know who will "win" in advance. Run along now Theresa, Jeremy and co. you've got a show to put on.
The sheep are waiting...
Same team as Common Purpose agent May. Watch Nigel flee when the EU military unification currently being engineered by traitor May & cohorts under cover of "brexit" is mentioned. Why will Farage not talk about this. US Campaign chief of May's campaign is Jim Messina Common Purpose agent !
Jim Messina, Obama's Enforcer | The Nation
30 Mar 2011 - “Common Purpose didn't make a move without talking to Jim,” says one progressive strategist. During the healthcare fight, Messina used his ...
Jim Messina Is a Perfect Choice to Be Obama's Campaign Manager ...
1 Apr 2011 - I first got to know Jim Messina right after the Democratic disaster in 2004 ... The same thing happened at a Common Purpose meeting where all ...
ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (OFA) - Discover the Networks
OFA's purpose, as outlined by President Obama himself at the group's inception, .... national chairman Jim Messina—asserting that OFA was “building a national advisory ... He cited the Common Purpose Project (CPP), a non-profit known for ...
So true...but this system will FALL, one sunny day.
Hey, General ERECTION is was written by mistake haha?
Nothing sexual ;-)
And yet n o b o d y above saw that...
Or maybe, for excited sheeples, election equals erection almost...orwellian, isn't it.
Greetings from France, most likely Rotschildian chicken will "win" this Sunday here.
Both they are like fingers of one hand, both candidats in this "demo crazy " elections just looking different, or two sides of one coin are they, sadly :-))
Ballot stuffing possible in France ?
Through "vote blanc" possibly.
re-branded CP/KPMG sedition project condoned by puppet May. May's election advisor Sir Lynton Crosby, AO is a Patron. Also linked to CP stateside is May's US advisor or is that handler Common Purpose agent Jim Messina.
Part of Patchwork
Quote May
Patchwork graduates are now working in some of our top government departments, from the Ministry of Defence to the Cabinet Office. They are on the campaign trail where Patchworkers have been hard at work on everything from the EU referendum to the London Mayoral elections. And it was a pleasure to host a group from The Patchwork Foundation at our recent party conference in Birmingham, proving that young people from any background can be at the heart of British politics.’
Siddiq Musa, KPMG Partner said: “We are delighted to sponsor these Patchwork Awards for the third year encouraging under represented communities to connect with the political process and celebrating those MPs from across the political divide who have really made a difference to inclusion. The work done by their volunteers and the time they commit will hopefully inspire young people in all communities to fulfil their true potential. How organisations work with, and within, their local communities is a critical part of inspiring young people. That’s why KPMG pioneered a School Leaver Programme, a Business Support Academy and also launched our 360 degree apprenticeship programme. We have committed ourselves to target ranges spanning across the four areas of gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation. Everyone has the right to feel safe from discrimination and bring their whole self to work, into Parliament or civic life so that they can fulfil their own potential and make a difference to business, our communities and to people’s lives and opportunities.”
Messages of support:
Theresa May, Prime Minister, Leader of the Conservative Party:
Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party:
lINKED TO May election advisor Cozby
Lets face it the EU is being a bitch for one reason and one reason alone, if the UK was a poor man that bitch would not blink if we said we were leaving her, but because the UK is a rich man, that bitch is mad as hell...she does not want to lose any of her hard won rich lovers, after all how else can she claim to be the most admired, beautiful and richest whore in the world.
Bit arguable when you see UK in 2015 was ranked #5 globally for size of GDP AFTER Germany: 1) USA, 2) China, 3) Japan, 4) Germany. Also Germany is running a huge current account surplus unlike UK.
The only real Brexit arguments are going to be about continued access for UK "financial services" in the EU i.e banking, insurance etc, mainly financing i.e. the alchemy of lending that which doesn't exist. May's controllers are hedging their position by working on enhanced access in other big markets like India, China; and you can guess the price will include more of our living space being given over to aliens.
More from the UK Column News, 3 May:
itzda (((Common Purpose)))
More from the LarouchePAC UK contingent on 'CP':
at 47m 7s UK Column News Friday 5 May on the subversion of UK Government by (((Common Purpose))), David Cameron's Bagel Society, Francis Maude's (((Behavioural Insights Team))), Patchwork.... Treason May's "Rules Based International Order" (and 'not the law of the jungle' per POTUS Busch) etc etc.
But then they go and spoil it all by plugging some shady characters at
Perhaps Angirfan was eating chinese when this piece was written.
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