Some comments on religion:

No More Myths5 January 2016 at 19:55
Avoiding the Abrahamic religions helps to cure anxiety.
"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."
— Thomas Paine, Age of Reason
The book of Genesis begins with two different and contradictory creation myths which were derived from Babylonian myths which were derived from Sumerian and other myths. ReadThe Pre-biblical Protagonists Behind Genesis' Eve: Shamhat and Inanna (Ishtar) of the Epic of Gilgamesh:
In a Nutshell Summary:
I understand Eden's Eve is a fictional character, a fusion of at least six different characters appearing in earlier Mesopotamian myths: (1) Shamhat/Ukhat of the Epic of Gilgamesh; (2) Inanna/Ishtar of the Dumuzi Myths; (3) Nin-Ti of Dilmun; (4) Gishzida, (5) Dumuzi, and (6) Adapa of the Adapa and the Southwind Myth. The focus here is Shamhat and Inanna.
There was no walking talking Yahweh, no Adam, no Eve, no talking snake, no magical fruit trees, no fall of man, and therefore no need for a savior, such as Jesus was alleged to be, to die for the remission of sins. Romans 5:12 (Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned) is false.
There are hundreds of contradictions in the Bible, as well as bogus prophecies, absurdities, and historical and scientific inaccuracies. The Bible is not the word of god, it is an anthology of falsehoods written to enrich and empower priests and rulers.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are built on faulty premises.
There is no shame in being human.

No More Myths6 January 2016 at 18:12
Consider the implications of the following verse–it was directed against his political/religious adversaries, but can be applied to Jeremiah’s own writings and to the entire corpus of judaic scripture:
Jeremiah 8 (NIV)
8 How can you say, “We are wise,
for we have the law of the LORD,”
when actually the lying pen of the scribes
has handled it falsely?
Much of the history of the jews can be traced to Egypt, e.g.:
“The names given to characters in the Biblical Exodus account are generic. They were deliberately chosen to represent historical persons both in the time of the first Moses (Auibre/Hammurabi of the Late Middle Kingdom) and the time of the second Moses (Akhenaten of the Amarna Period).”
“The Amarna tablets have generally been used to depict Akhenaten as apathetic toward the Egyptian empire, and preoccupied exclusively with religious reforms at home. Closer scrutiny of the Amarna letters, e.g., EA 256 from Mutbaal discussed in the introduction, indicates that he knew the proponents of the Habiru personally, and was either condoning their actions, or simply unwilling to suppress them. Another researcher has concluded that Akhenaten was in fact orchestrating the movement.(33)
"A letter from the Canaanite governor of Jerusalem, also among the Amarna tablets, expressed outrage after an Egyptian official had been murdered at Sile by Hebrews, and Akhenaten had done nothing about it (Exodus 2:11-14).(34) Early in Akhenaten’s reign, a letter to Egypt’s Syrian vassal Aziru reads, “… the king does not fail when he rages against all Canaan.” Later in Akhenaten’s reign, and presumably after the Habiru capture of Jerusalem, a letter to Aziru reads, “you know that the king does not wish to be hard with the land of Canaan.”
The tomb of a formerly unknown vizier of Akhenaten was discovered in 1989.(35) The name of this vizier, Aper-el is decidedly Semitic/Hebrew. It is not surprising then, that the repeated and pitiful pleas from Akhenaten’s Canaanite and Philistine vassals at Jerusalem and other cities in Palestine for help against the surging tide of Habiru elicited no assistance from Aper-el, or from Akhenaten’s other minister, Aye, the son of Yuya.”
“………. the most significant fact of all in establishing the identity of David is that the biblical account of his campaigns matches in precise detail the accounts of the battles fought by Tuthmosis III,, whose details are to be found inscribed in the Annals, a 223-line document at the granite holy of holies the king built after his Year 40 (1439 BCE) at Karnak (modern Luxor) in Upper Egypt, on the east bank of the Nile opposite the Valley of the kings.”
The "Ark of the Covenant":

No More Myths6 January 2016 at 19:23
Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld y de la Torre explains what we are up against:
"From my research I was able to establish that many if not most of the prophecies in the Hebrew Bible were failed prophecies...
I asked myself, how could people believe in a God that does NOT keep his word... I found myself having to reject the Bible as God's holy word. His prophets, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others had ALL issued false prophecies, that were NEVER fulfilled.
I wondered to myself how is it that millions of people in Judaism and Christianity have been able to believe that the Bible is "really God's word" when He has NOT vindicated His prophet's prophecies? It finally "dawned on me," what was going on: "the keepers of the faith," Rabbis and Christian priests, were "turning a blind eye" to the failed prophecies and _excusing them_ as intended for centuries or millennia into the future... So, Judaism and Christianity BOTH EMPLOY FLAWED METHODOLOGIES in order to perpetuate themselves...
It has finally dawned on me "why" people continue in a system of belief despite that system's so-called prophets have made 'false' or failed prophecies, apparently strong ties have been forged of fellowship and a "sense of belonging" that are so powerful one is reluctant to break these ties so one "abides" within the system instead of leaving it... There is a sense of comfort in staying with the known and discomfort or anxiety if one leaves the group to enter the great unknown in one's quest for "the Truth."
I was once naive enough to think that my articles exposing the failed prophecies of the Bible as revealing that the prophets, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc., were ALL FALSE PROPHETS would CONVINCE people (Christians and Jews) of the ERROR or their ways, that ALL of the Bible's prophets were False Prophets, ergo the Bible could not be God's holy word. But _NOW_ I realize that people are NOT going to give up "their cherished beliefs," for they find "comfort" in them, a "fellowship", a "networking" of friends and family, and MOST do NOT see ANY comfort in disavowing and exiting a religious establishment leaving all these cherished contacts behind "in a search for _The Truth_".
There is yet another reason why many are "reluctant" to question or investigate their faith: _FEAR_. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are TERRORIST RELIGIONS. Their growth and power is based on the employment of fear and terror and any who do not subscribe to their beliefs are subject to being persecuted, ostracized and held up to public ridicule, contempt, and disapproval (400 years ago dissidents were burned alive at the stake as heretics). It is a very "rare" soul that dares to stand up to persecution from the population at large that he/she lives amongst..."
"I titled this site "Bible Origins" because my PRIMARY INTEREST is in determining from an Anthropological viewpoint the Ancient Near Eastern motifs and concepts that existed BEFORE the Hebrews came into being and FROM WHICH they formed their beliefs about God and Man's relationship to him AND HOW THEY TRANSFORMED THESE CONCEPTS..."
Read more:
I can only hope that by bringing information like this to people's attention it will show them the absurdity of slaughtering each other in the name of a mythical god.
Labels: Abrahamic religions, religion
You have master's degree in education and therefore you are a reliable and authoritative source of scholarship on ancient historical, archaeological and literary controversies?
You literally believe that you have all the answers at your fingertips, that you can interpret and understand prophesy as well as evaluate its accuracy?
Nothing withstands your brilliant intellectual light, which reveals the truth and dispells millennia of darkness. How fortunate the world is to have you, since you can tell it who God really is and what to believe, yourself.
Sounds more like you are regurgitating Masonic claptrap, books which you irrationality choose to believe and put your faith in.
So you are espousing your own religion at the expense of all others, while decrying religious intolerance, and presenting shoddy scholarship while attacking ignorance and lies.
Tell me if you can make the world a better place, or inspire others to love each other this way?
At the risk of being labeled a "troll" tying to cause a "distraction", science today is also religious in nature, very much so. It started in the 16th century with those Freemasons who conjured-up their "Heliocentric" theory of the Universe. A theory that has hardly any real, solid science backing-it-up. A jew religious theory from satanic Babylon, straight out of the jew's/Freemason's satanic Qabalah. True and real Science backs-up a Geocentric Universe.
As a "Catholic" and as a "Truth Seeker" , Aangirfan, you may want to consider,
YouTube Search Terms :
"Malcolm Bowden + Geocentric Universe"
"Dr. Robert Sungenis + Geocentric Universe"
"The Importance of the Geocentric Universe" :
"The Science Mafia" :
Also consider,
From : Salvatore
There are many good points here but not this.”I can only hope that by bringing information like this to people's attention it will show them the absurdity of slaughtering each other in the name of a mythical god.” This is an infantile meme that does not stand up to ten seconds scrutiny. For one thing it is equally idiotic to slaughter people in the name of a nation state or for any other reason as it is to do so for religious reasons.
More than that if we look realistically at our recent history and at all wars throughout history we will see that wars are not fought for religion, nor for the nation, wars are fought for power and wealth and never serve the interests of the people who fight regardless of the supposed rationale.
Therefore, in order to convince their subjects to participate, demagogues will come up with whatever narrative they believe will motivate their population to fight, kill and die on their behalf.
Religion, the nation, race or whatever, it makes no real difference the specific lie that is used.. Wars that are fought supposedly for the nation are every bit the con job as religious wars but adherents to the blinkered view articulated here can never acknowledge this.
World War 2 for example was fought overwhelmingly by atheists but to condemn atheism on that basis would be childish nonsense and it would also be foolish to condemn the nation state in general simply because demagogues abused the idea to promote war.
I read the Christian Gospels over Christmas, there are many contradictions there, Jesus says “Love your enemies” but he does not always manage to live up to that. As far as it being a synthetic melange of histories woven together, I assume that is completely true. But that is irrelevant to me. It does not matter particularly whether or not Jesus was a real person or the son of god or any of that, the important thing is the content of the message he delivered and many of the things he said are positive and true.
The Golden Rule is an obvious example, it is not even a Christian invention, having been articulated by Confucius hundreds of years earlier. There are many good and valid and uncruel statements and sentiments in the Bible and it seems to me that the author here has conflated the genuine misdeeds of religious institutions, despicable and corrupt as they are, with the positive core ideas of monotheism that we are all connected and we all come from the same source and there are other planes of reality or realms beyond what we can see in the 3d physical world.
This is the idea that should not be discarded lightly in my opinion and the notion that we know exactly what is going on, understand reality entirely and there is nothing beyond our eyes is scientifically insupportable.
In case you can't tell, I think it is rank hypocrisy to preach this Masonic trash about "slaughtering each other in the name of a mythical god" after seeing the last hundred years of unmitigated bloodletting in the name of the Atheist Revolution, the racial state and preemptive war.
This is goes hand in hand with the feigned moral horror about Abraham's almost sacrifice of Isaac, which comes from a society where getting a Jewbortion is validated for almost any or no reason.
Actually, you are in effect carrying water for the NWO here, since we know that religious "clash of civilizations" is the given justification for WWIII in Masonic commentary. And that it is all a lie to justify the introduction of their illuminist religion.
So help them tear the house of God down so you can have your new Tower of Babel, where you can put your faith in man instead, and become gods yourselves.
The word religion is related to the Latin religāre, to tie or fasten (re- + ligāre = to bind) so religion is more about control than about God, or reality.
In his book "Old Path, White Clouds", Thich Nhat Hanh quotes the Buddha as saying: "My teaching is not a dogma or a doctrine, but no doubt some people will take it as such. I must state clearly that my teaching is a method to experience reality and not reality itself, just as a finger pointing at the moon is not the moon itself. A thinking person makes use of the finger to see the moon. A person who only looks at the finger and mistakes it for the moon will never see the real moon."
The true history of higher education in England is that the social sciences and philosophy were the fruit of the Jew Masonic "Enlightenment", but hard sciences were considered unimportant and unworthy of a gentleman's condescension.
This bias continues to this day, in that the social sciences are essentially stuck in the eighteenth century, trying to come up with a better Malthusian mousetrap while relying on a model of reality which is as obsolete as pure Newtonian mechanics is compared to quantum theory and relativity.
Hard science demolishes rational certainty and intellectual pompousity, but those advances have yet to reach the social sciences, where they still know everything by deducing it from illusionary axioms taken from Masonic religion. Here are your political scientists, sociologists and philosophers, together as ignorant of the nature of physics and matter as any stiff-collared Anglican presbyter.
Nobody said the bible was pretty. Well, maybe the church I was raised in... But anyone who reads the bible honestly can plainly see that the story is brutal and ugly, and maybe even depressing at times. How do you think God feels that his creation was taken over and trampled on by a "snake" in the grass who hates him and his creation a zillion times more than Thomas Paine can muster. You're on the wrong side of the equation Aanirfan. Put yourself in the shoes of one who created something beautiful and then had one of his own creations - Satan - turn on him and betray him like no one has ever betrayed anyone else in all of time. The fault is not His. The fault is the Satan's alone. Satan is a sick bastard whose only end is deservedly an enormous lake of lava. And you wouldn't even have known that if not for God's grace and giving YOU the bible to READ. Read better, and from the other side of the equation.
Wars are fought for power and wealth, and the dupes who fight them are not serving their own interests.
But religion is always a rallying cry to mobilize the masses of killers who do the deeds.
Religious people generally are more willing to fight for 'their' religion, than free thinking men who are not religious. Yes there are mercenaries, but the vast majority of soldiers are idealists, and religion is always in the mix.
God is good, religions are all corrupted and serve those who have taken them over.
I enjoyed this article and am highly surprised at the negative comments. Atheism is just common sense. Do all the naysayers also believe in Thor or Odin? There is no life after death, no soul, no jesus and no God. To think otherwise is sheer arrogance on mankind's part - whining 'but we are special' god said so. Just face up to reality and stop believing in an obvious fantasy.
Pulling back from the disputed and looking from the wider: What puts off/discourages more... abandonment to Christ? Intellectual qualms above might de/persuade but anyone with a truther-attitude, can read convincing alternatives to the above.
Those on the ‘outside’ of church carry little weight compared to insiders, ‘speaking on behalf of God’ and - the contention - Bible. Certain zealous ones lack wisdom, which ever-way you look, almost regardless of their interpretation. Do damage but don’t care. “It’s my duty...” they yodel.
I’m not saying I haven’t let the side down, let God down. But my respect is up and open to those not-believing. Therefore, avoiding the classic one-hit, stumbling-blocker. I understand why the church is quaking and declining. There’s some good, aloada bad - and a ton of mediocre.
I partly write to encourage any searching God-wise to re/consider Jesus. The other part, for Christians to wake and pray.
The popular put-offs, from my experience out and about is, church. Specifically, the meetings/getting together. This facilitator to a connection isn’t up and coming.
Sound asleep, politically mainstream, dull, optional, escapist... some darn ol’ trashy teaching (...and to re-mention, dull).
...‘nuff from me.
MI (motivational interviewing) teaches the value of ‘devil’s advocate’.
Tis that.
Let me explain something: I start with a romantic attraction to the Creation, loving each ray of light illuminating each hillside and tree and flowing brook, with longing and sadness. Because I know that Man is destroying all that makes life worth living, the sky, the water, the air and soil; and it cannot be stopped or avoided.
I see hope in Jesus Christ, because His gospel is a message of hope to the weary and downtrodden: that the pauper-king will lift up the Earth and Man to holiness and life, and overthrow the kingdom of the devils who torment us.
That is what it is about to me, embracing life and defying the power of death through love. Your rational mind should be sufficient to inform you that you have no rational hope in the future of Man. It gets uglier and uglier, and that is a fact.
The rational mind can still see the report of the supernatural from witnesses, and admitting that one doesn't know the limits of what is possible, one can believe these reports to some extent, if one has an open mind. And when the words of Jesus touch the heart, and the Spirit gives witness, there is good hope yet.
Michael K.: You have master's degree [sic] in education and therefore you are a reliable and authoritative source of scholarship on ancient historical, archaeological and literary controversies?
No More Myths: I don't have a master's degree in anything and don't need one to do my own research.
I was raised as a Christian and when I was a teenager I joined a radical Christian cult and lived for several years in their communes until I overcame their brainwashing and left in disgust. I started reading Bible criticism and realized what a scam the Bible is.
Michael K.: You literally believe that you have all the answers at your fingertips, that you can interpret and understand prophesy as well as evaluate its accuracy?
No More Myths: I don't believe I have all the answers, and no one else does either. Due to my research, I think I can interpret and understand biblical propaganda as well as anyone.
Michael K.: Nothing withstands your brilliant intellectual light, which reveals the truth and dispells [sic] millennia of darkness. How fortunate the world is to have you, since you can tell it who God really is and what to believe, yourself.
No More Myths: Thank you.
Michael K.: Sounds more like you are regurgitating Masonic claptrap, books which you irrationality [sic] choose to believe and put your faith in.
No More Myths: I do not espouse anything having to do with Masons, nor have I ever done so. Your libelous accusations are totally unfounded, and I don't put faith in anyone or anything.
You should read Rev. Robert Taylor's Lectures on Free Masonry:
The Devil's Pulpit:
by Taylor, Robert, 1784-1844
Published 1857
[Note: the rather unfortunate title of "The Devil's Pulpit" was not chosen by Taylor but by his publisher, sarcastically using an epithet hurled by one of Taylor's detractors. Robert had nothing to do with any sort of devil worship.]
Michael K.: So you are espousing your own religion at the expense of all others, while decrying religious intolerance, and presenting shoddy scholarship while attacking ignorance and lies.
No More Myths: I'm not espousing any religion, and the scholarship I present is of the highest quality.
Michael K.: Tell me if you can make the world a better place, or inspire others to love each other this way?
No More Myths: Maybe not, but I can try.
Thanks Anon!
In all the years that I have presented fact after fact, link after link on the internet, I have rarely received any acknowledgement or support [not that it matters to me].
My thanks go out to Kenny [R.I.P.] and the good folks at Aangirfan who have allowed me to comment.
May truth bring about a more peaceful world.
Religion is weaponized spirituality.
Why’s it a weapon? Humans do not create any system for nothing, so what was spirit made a weapon for?
Holding us to our place on this world and keeping ourselves employed.
From Ptahotep to Plato, “God” was an abstraction, the All at the end of the rainbow. (In Greek it comes out something like “Pantheos”,. the All-Father of the Norse, but these were only sum-ups, not considered useful for most humans.)
By putting the abstraction at the top, religion created a dangerous imbalance..
Think of it in practical terms: Over the last quarter century, metalworkers of all varieties have seen their jobs going to cheap foreign outsourcers. Why? The work of the nation IS the nation. But they were only “workers”. Had they been servitors of the Forge God (by whatever name) it would have been a hell of a lot harder to throw them out and make them redundant. It was a fine, practical look at why the Old Religion, used properly, would have made a huge difference and may have saved lives.
If you have no god of place and purpose, you will not survive. Christianity reconciled this once quite successfully, when the Roman Church used the old gods as Patron Saints. It can be made to work again.
Read it:
I am glad I seldom post on this blog cause on this one you got it seriously wrong. One day, if you are alive, you will see why, then again when you die, you will discover likewise. The Bible holds up if you are interested.
I concur, except here:
"you have no rational hope in the future of Man. It gets uglier and uglier, and that is a fact."
Hope in the future of Man is not irrational, when the idea of Apocalypse is perceived as an inner (or psychic) event.
Jung thought that the egocentric ego would inevitably break down at some poin and that more fully conscious, Self-oriented persona would emerge. This may be true of humanity as a whole.
At the end of the Kali Yuga, according to the Hindu Vedas, suffering humanity will find sudden relief, as, with inevitable force, the Satya Yuga (Era of Truth) sets in.
Parallels with Jesus’ teaching about the coming of the Son of Man are obvious (e.g. Matthew 24:42-43).
You're telling me to do precisely the opposite of what I tried to convey. I am WAY past that my friend. I've been to Pascal and Kierkegard and various others and back, and spent the past 28 years of my life thinking about these things. You have to read the bible from a believing point of view. Skepticism works to a degree. But if you really want to fly, you have to believe first. I'll try again though. Imagine you're an inter-dimensional being beyond any ordinary comprehension to the earth beings you have created. Another one of the beings you created to inhabit the higher dimensions you dwell in turns on you and fucks you royally. I mean, just betrays you beyond belief and possibly nearly trashes the entire amazing universe you built. You put it back together, because you're the builder. Of course you can do that. Everything seems normal again. You add beings who can finally relate to you and share your passion for creating and loving. Well, that sick bastard is not gone. He shows up and fucks things up again. Not cool right? What do you do? Of course you initiate a plan to fix things. Could take a while. And that asshole is still there trying his best to keep messing up the plan (incidentally including, but not limited to, suggesting the bible is a mess of contradictions). I will concur, however, that there are problems with the received text. There are errors in transmission and translation, contrary to what the kjv only people will tell you. And I submit, that this is one of the main reasons we're even having this discussion in 2016, and why there's islam and a thousand different denominations of Christians. Yet, my advice is the same. Read the bible better.
More reading material on the subject:
James R: I read the Christian Gospels over Christmas, there are many contradictions there...
No More Myths: Indeed —
Contradictions in the Bible
Easter Facts, Quotes and a Quiz For You!
James R: It does not matter particularly whether or not Jesus was a real person or the son of god or any of that, the important thing is the content of the message he delivered and many of the things he said are positive and true.
No More Myths:
50 reasons to be ashamed (and not a fan) of Jesus
James R: The Golden Rule is an obvious example, it is not even a Christian invention, having been articulated by Confucius hundreds of years earlier.
No More Myths:
"Nothing in the 'Christian message' was original. Brotherly love and compassion had been taught by the Stoics for centuries. The Christian faith was a vulgarised paganism, set to the theme of the Jewish prophets and debased by religious intolerance."
This comment has been removed by the author.
You speak the truth.The authors of this blogg are spiritually blind and they get very angry indeed when anyone dares to posts a defence of the Bible. In fact I am surprised they didnt just block your post or do what they usually do, which is to reply with a scathing personal attack. They are opposed to the Truth which is Jesus Christ. Pray for them.
Sin is actually very real. It is the burden of accumulated guilt and awareness of how we may have hurt others during our lives. And believe me, we've all done that. At one point in your life, under stress or in a moment of personal awareness, this becomes clear to you...... Since you are the one who hurt people and feels guilt you cannot absolve yourself and extinguish this sin..... That's what Jesus came to do...... Most people live their whole lives without becoming aware of the burden of unseen guilt and their conscience never troubles them...... if they are lucky they will see it while they have the sense to purify themselves....otherwise they take this burden of sin into the next world....and are lost in darkness.
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