Ronnie Cornwell (father of the UK spy John le Carré, aka David Cornwall) with Cliff Richard (right) at the Hungaria Club, Maidenhead. Both Ronnie Cornwall and Cliff Richard have been linked to the Kray Twins. dailymail
John le Carre (David Cornwall), in his memoir The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life, to be published in 2016, reveals that his father, Ronnie Cornwell, was a child abuser.
Ronnie used to fondle David in bed.

Cliff Richard with Winston Churchill's close friend Lord Boothby, who reportedly was supplied with boys by the Kray Twins.
Ronnie's father, Frank, was 'a staunch Baptist' and former mayor of Poole.
Ronnie was married to Olive whose family were 'narrow, strict and teetotal'.
Olive's father had been a Congregationalist minister and her brother had been a lay preacher and Liberal MP.
When David was five years old, Olive eloped with a business associate of Ronnie's.
Ronnie then started a relationship with Jean Gronow, who worked for the BBC.
Ronnie was a friend of the Kray Twins, gangsters who supplied boys to members of the elite.
Charlie Kray had a photo of Ronnie with an arm around each of the Kray Twins.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy is a spy novel by John le Carré (David Cornwall), featuring George Smiley.
British spy George Smiley hunts down an enemy agent hidden within the British security services.
The enemy agent turns out to be Bill Haydon, a respected colleague.

Author and spy John Le Carre, born David Cornwell.
John le Carré (David Cornwall) , the author of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, was himself a spy.
His father (Ronnie) was a con man.
(John le Carré interview - Telegraph)
Le Carre says of his father Ronnie: "He was a con man, a fraudster.
"He served four years for fraud, several of them in Wormwood Scrubs..."

The Kray Twins (TOP UK PEDOPHILE RINGS). In 1999, the (London) Daily Mail pointed out that the gangster Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, were "of Jewish... stock."
According to Le Carre (David Cornwall):
"When my sister, Charlotte, was researching her role in the film about the Krays she visited their mother.
"Mrs Kray showed her the family album and there was a photograph of our father with his arms around the Kray twins."
Le Carre joined the secret service at the age of 17.

Sir Maurice Oldfield of MI6
It is said that le Carré modeled the character of George Smiley on Sir Maurice Oldfield, a former head of British Intelligence, who physically resembled Smiley.
Le Carré and actor Alec Guinness lunched with Oldfield when Guinness was researching the role of Smiley, and several of Oldfield's mannerisms of dress and behaviour were adopted by the actor for his performance.
Kincora's Boys Home, in Northern Ireland, was reportedly used as a boy brothel by the UK security services.
The head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was reportedly observed by his Special Branch guards partaking of Kincora's facilities. (The troubles: Google Books Result)
Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Sir Anthony Blunt, several bishops, and an archbishop.

Anthony Blunt, British spy and alleged pedophile.
According to "The Biggest Secret of World War II": during World war II, Maurice Oldfield was arrested with the King’s brother, the Duke of Kent, Prince George, a boyfriend to Sir Anthony Blunt.
"A policeman rounded up what he thought were 3 drunken street whores, only to find they were ... the HIGHEST in the land...
"Maurice Oldfield and the Duke of Kent ... had links to Victor Rothschild.
"Rothschild was Churchill’s mentor; he made Churchill’s decisions."

Who was enemy agent Bill Haydon?
Bill Haydon is recruited as a spy while he is a student at Oxford University.
Haydon is apparently in love with fellow student Jim Prideaux.
Haydon's bisexuality is referred to in the novel.
Haydon is charming, witty, libidinous and somewhat aristocratic.
Top British spies who were reportedly enemy agents include:
Victor Rothschild
Kim Philby
Anthony Blunt
Roger Hollis
Donald Maclean
Guy Burgess

Victor Rothschild
There is a theory that all the top spies work for a certain Jewish and fascist elite.

John le Carré, former British spy, has written a spy novel entitled 'Our Kind of Traitor'.
The key character is Dima, whose money-laundering business is based in Switzerland.
Dima launders money for the Russian mafia, whom some call the Jewish Russian mafia.
Dima wants to retire to Britain.
He wants Britain's MI6 to arrange asylum in exchange for evidence incriminating his fellow bad guys who occupy top positions in Britain, Europe and America.
The top bad guy in the Russian mafia, the Prince, has killed Dima's ex-hooker wife.

John Le Carre, born David Cornwell
Le Carré alludes to the story of George Osborne, Peter Mandelson and Oleg Deripaska.
(Our kind of Traitor by John le Carré.)
He refers to conflict diamonds, illegal oil deals with Iran, fake medicines and the banks kept afloat by drugs money.
He refers to a crooked British MP, on a yacht in the Adriatic.
Are there traitors within the security services?

Marc Rich
In 2008, The London Evening Standard (That's Rich News) reported:
"Few recognised the avuncular American chuckling with Naomi Campbell at one of the summer's most spectacular parties in St Tropez...
"This was Marc Rich, one of the world's most secretive billionaires...
"Rich ... has emerged from the shadows, quitting his fortress-like home above Lake Lucerne in Switzerland...
"His house, in Meggen, Switzerland, is his stronghold...
"Rich employs an impressive corps of security people...
"Investigators in the United States claimed Rich's company was dealing with Iran during the US hostage crisis... They also believed he was dealing with other rogue states, including North Korea and Colonel Gaddafi's Libya.

Marc Rich (Marc Reich), a Jew originally from Belgium, fled the United States in 1983 to live in Switzerland while being prosecuted on charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis.
According to Newsmax (Marc Rich Helped KGB Create Hidden Government,), 31 March 2001:
"Marc Rich, the most-wanted fugitive pardoned by former PresidentClinton, was a key figure in the Communist Party and the KGB's creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."
Labels: Cliff Richard, David Cornwall, John Le Carre, Kray Twins, Marc Rich, Maurice Oldfield, Ronnie Cornwall, Rothschild, The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life
Alan Duncan MP used to work for Mossadnik Marc Rich
Lang is not the only person with a 'theory' about Marc Rich. In the course of researching this article, I heard from people who were convinced he was also in the pay of Mossad, the East German secret service, and the Russian mafia. Then there were the unsubstantiated claims that in the wake of the pardon scandal, the FBI was probing Rich's links to the millionaire Tory trade and industry spokesman Alan Duncan, who made a packet as a Rich oil trader in London during the Thatcherite 80s (Duncan admits working for Rich, but says the probe story is 'bilge'). Or the story about how Rich was en route from Switzerland to Finland and had to order his jet to reverse course at 20,000ft to avoid being arrested by the FBI at Helsinki airport; or the secret tunnel he built between the 'Dallas building' and the Glashof restaurant opposite so he could slip out to lunch without fear of being assassinated; or the time he was held hostage in Azerbaijan while his captors considered whether or not to sell him to the Russians (who were allegedly pissed off with Rich for nicking their reserves of gold and other precious metals), or the rumours that Rich had slipped in and out of Britain and the US on numerous occasions under false passports. The list goes on and on.
'He feels very sad, the way he's being treated,' says Avner Azulay, the former Mossad agent who is the director of Rich's charitable foundation in Tel Aviv. 'He really abhors this exposure.'
Marc Rich was born Marc Reich in Antwerp in 1934. His father David was a rag-and- bone man who eked out a living by peddling factory discards door to door. In the early 40s, like thousands of other impoverished Jews, they fled to America to escape the Nazis, settling in Kansas City, where they opened a jewellery store.
From the beginning, Rich's European-Jewish roots marked him out as different.
In 2013 Marc Rich (born Marcell David Reich) was laid to rest in quiet Israel ceremony.
The financial crimes and events that revolved around US efforts to destabilize the Russian ruble or the “Great Ruble Scam“ saw a very active Marc Rich through his mnay societies.
Italian investigators want to question Grigori Loutchansky, whose Nordex company has been linked with Mr. Rich.
Mr. Loutchansky, who has Israeli citizenship, is considered by law-enforcement authorities to be a major figure in the Russian organized-crime network, accused of having had a central role in the money- laundering operation uncovered by the "Spiderweb" operation.
- Glencore International AG
- Benex
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