Carole Kasir, who was allegedly murdered.
The media is trying to discredit certain whistleblowers who have claimed that top people visited the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London.
Currently the Daily Telegraph is trying to discredit the social worker Chris Fay, who was one of the people who repeated the allegations made by Carole Kasir and others.
Apparently, Fay was once jailed in connection with a financial fraud.
Chris Fay / Chris Fay 2
Fay says: 'My critics will say: "He is a convicted fraudster so why should we believe the other things (he says)."
'VIP child abuse ring’ accuser served time in prison for fraud - Telegraph
Chris Fay / Chris Fay 2
Fay says: 'My critics will say: "He is a convicted fraudster so why should we believe the other things (he says)."
'VIP child abuse ring’ accuser served time in prison for fraud - Telegraph
1. In 1982, a party at the Elm Guest House was raided by 60 officers from London police' Special Patrol Group, following which 12 boys gave evidence that they had been abused by men.
A young teenage rent boy was detained.
This rent boy had appeared in the BBC's Dr Who and in a Royal Command performance.

The police found whips, chains, ropes and pornographic films at Elm Guest House.
Carole Kasir was convicted of running a gay brothel.

2. Carole Kasir, who ran Elm Guest House from 1979 to 1982, was found dead in her flat in 1990, aged 47.
She also reportedly had a photo of Edward Heath at Elm Guest House.

Peter Hatton-Bornshin
As a child in the 1980s, Peter Hatton-Bornshin stayed at the local-government-run Grafton Close Children's Home.
He was forced to take part in drug-fuelled orgies at the Elm Guest House, orgies which involved top people.
When he was a little older, Peter was sent to Broadmoor mental hospital, where he died in mysterious circumstances.
3. The Sunday Mirror reported that an ex-cabinet minister was filmed at an Elm Guest House orgy and that the police have possession of the film.
The Mirror / Exaro News

Peter Hatton-Bornshin
As a child in the 1980s, Peter Hatton-Bornshin stayed at the local-government-run Grafton Close Children's Home.
He was forced to take part in drug-fuelled orgies at the Elm Guest House, orgies which involved top people.
When he was a little older, Peter was sent to Broadmoor mental hospital, where he died in mysterious circumstances.
The Mirror / Exaro News
4. "Police have taken boxes of documents from the London home of Mary Moss, who worked as an advocate for abused children at the now defunct National Association for Young People in Care.
"Mary Moss said the documents contained evidence that senior figures from a number of political parties had abused children at Elm Guest House and elsewhere."
Met investigates guesthouse child abuse claims
"Mary Moss said the documents contained evidence that senior figures from a number of political parties had abused children at Elm Guest House and elsewhere."
Met investigates guesthouse child abuse claims

Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken to Elm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill. ELM GUEST HOUSE
In 1982, John Rowe (of MI5) and Terry Dwyer reportedly persuaded Carole Kasir to change her Elm Guest House into a boy brothel.
In 1982, an advert for Elm Guest House was placed in Spartacus International Gay Magazine.
Reportedly some boys from Elm Guest House were taken by top people to Amsterdam.

The BBC's Grange Hill
5. At the Elm guest house child brothel in London, police officers reportedly had sex with underage boys.
Former child actor Lee Towsey has told a police investigation that, at the age of 16, he was sexually abused by various policemen at the brothel.
Lee Towsey acted in the BBC's Doctor Who and the BBC's Grange Hill.
According to Lee Towsey: Carole Kasir, the owner of the brothel, paid protection money to the police.
Lee Towsey slept with three people at the Elm Guest House.
Lee says: "They all turned out to be police."
Lee was threatened by the police.
He says: "They told me they could pick me up at any time and told me keep my mouth shut."
Lee was contacted by detectives from Operation Fernbridge in 2012.
He says: "They haven’t moved anything on."
Former child actor Lee Towsey has told a police investigation that, at the age of 16, he was sexually abused by various policemen at the brothel.
Lee Towsey acted in the BBC's Doctor Who and the BBC's Grange Hill.
According to Lee Towsey: Carole Kasir, the owner of the brothel, paid protection money to the police.
Lee Towsey slept with three people at the Elm Guest House.
Lee says: "They all turned out to be police."
Lee was threatened by the police.
He says: "They told me they could pick me up at any time and told me keep my mouth shut."
Lee was contacted by detectives from Operation Fernbridge in 2012.
He says: "They haven’t moved anything on."
Labels: Carole Kasir, Chris Fay, Elm Guest House, Heath, John Rowe, Lee Towsey, Leon Brittan, Mary Moss, Peter Hatton-Bornshin
It seems the elite Jews are attempting to close down the investigation.As usual they introduce smear tactics in order to discredit witnesses.All this demonstrates just how vitaly important it is to control the media....which is why the internet is proving to be a major problem for these sick lying fiends.....
Off topic or is it ?
Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American porn industry
Nathan Abrams | Winter 2004 - Number 196
A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.
Smut peddlers
Jewish activity in the porn industry divides into two (sometimes overlapping) groups: pornographers and performers. Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography. Many erotica dealers in the book trade between 1890 and 1940 were immigrant Jews of German origin. According to Jay A. Gertzman, author of Bookleggers and Smuthounds:The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), ‘Jews were prominent in the distribution of gallantiana [fiction on erotic themes and books of dirty jokes and ballads], avant-garde sexually explicit novels, sex pulps, sexology, and flagitious materials’.
In the postwar era, America’s most notorious pornographer was Reuben Sturman, the ‘Walt Disney of Porn’. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country.
I honestly believe that part of this all encompassing, demoralizing, degrading, corrupt environment we have all been exposed to has intentionally created circumstances in our lives where we have the potential to be judged to some degree by the powers that be for some inequity or another, as a shield for their plausible deniability, just as effective as the antisemitic cloak. Society has spent a pretty penny trying to convince us of personal 'responsibility' for our failings while at the same time avoiding the ubiquity of their influences. Another true message that the Christian Jesus who gave us this message that EVERYONE is a sinner rings true once again, just because a man has a transgression under his belt does not mean that he does not have something worthwhile to say and should not be believed. People place too much emphasis on prior conviction and seem to conveniently forget when it's not their turn under the spotlight that we all have something we'd rather hide about our lives.
The heat is on.
Yeah Akhal it is a sign of weakness not of strength on their part.
TYPICAL smear to divert
Author Jilly Cooper is a most interesting woman:
In 1984, Jilly Cooper included a passage about Elm Guest House child abuse 'activities' in her novel 'The Common Years'.
Yet Cooper insists she believed conversations about paedophilia occurring at the Elm Guest House were "just gross hyperbole".
In 2006 Jilly Cooper wrote AGAIN about child abuse, a paedophile ring and child murder in her novel 'Wicked'.
One reviewer describes the paedophilic content of 'Wicked', by Jilly Cooper, as "beyond wicked -- depraved"
ELM GUEST HOUSE: Mary Moss Leaked Documents (authenticity unverified)
"However, there have been very many whistleblowers on the Elm Guest House boy brothel, and it is unlikely that they are all lying."
It would seem that individuals with first-hand knowledge of what occurred at the Elm Guest House, Dolphin Square and other sites of organised child abuse are being 'taken out' one way or another. Not only whistleblowers and investigators, but perpetrators, too.
Individuals are being 'taken out' in various ways.
The LUCKY individuals are the subject of elaborate Psy Op ploys, involving the police, mass media and key 'performers' in public office. The Psy Ops are designed to elicit sympathy for the Accused from sections of the public, and/or plant 'seeds of doubt' among viewers and readers as to the Accused's actual guilt.
The LUCKY ones arguably include Lord Alistair McAlpine, Leon Brittan, Harvey Proctor and Cliff 'Kitty' Richard, among others. It has been suggested by many that we, the public, ought to feel 'sorry' for these 'victims' because they have endured 'witch hunts' and 'mistreatment'.
(2) As for the UNLUCKY individuals? Some are handed long prison sentences following well-reported trials (for the benefit of the home audience). Others are forced into early retirement, have their reputations destroyed, or in some cases are even murdered to guarantee their silence.
'UNLUCKY' individuals include murdered observers such as Carol Kasir, and murdered whistleblowers such as Bulic Forsythe and an unnamed Lambeth caretaker.
Dozens of child victims have been murdered to ensure they cannot speak out against their abusers.
In Jersey, investigators Lenny Harper and Stuart Syvret were vilified.
Meanwhile, some of the 'lesser' paedophiles are 'sacrificed' to the public, so that instead of being murdered, they are handed (relatively) long prison sentences.
Via media and parliament, the public is encourage to pour out all its hate and scorn onto these criminals, who essentially function as lightning rods to safely dissipate public anger. This way, the public will not question why the more 'senior' paedophiles remain free and at large, being more-or-less placated by the 'tough justice' meted out to (relatively) low-level trash.
What we have seen in recent weeks, months and years is the ptb 'picking off' and 'taking out' witnesses, whistleblowers and perpetrators, one by one.
Yes, a very worthwhile comment; the NWO Zionists and their lackeys use pornography as a political weapon to 'degrade and control'. As Henry Makow so rightly pointed out:
"The Illuminati know that real men supported by loyal wives will defend their families and ensure that their children have a wholesome future. Better to turn these men and women into sex addicts who betray their families for a cheap transitory thrill". The main aim then being to break up the family unit.
Take a look at this disturbing article from the Zionist owned Daily Mirror, openly inviting women to get hooked on porn :
Why, of course - "how much easier it will be to create a police state if people are enslaved".
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