Member of the Piers Gaveston society.
Something fishy going on in Copenhagen?
As the UK's Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph continue their campaign to discredit child abuse whistleblowers, Troy @Snowfaked tweets:
Fuck you @MailOnline Fuck you @Telegraph Lying evil spineless scumpeddllers
So let us look at some events from the past.
Child murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, who had friends in high places.
The child murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley had powerful friends.
Ian Brady was befriended by Sir Jimmy Savile.
Myra Hindley was befriended by Lord David Astor, a former editor of the Observer, and by Lord Longford, a former cabinet minister who took a great interest in pornography.
Astor and Longford plotted to get Hindley released from prison.
Myra Hindley's relationship with Lord Longford
Some people believe that Hindley has secretly been released from prison, although the official story is that she is dead.
Michael Horgan
Michael Horgan organised and filmed "satanic-themed orgies" at which children were raped.
Horgan organised satanic torture and child abuse orgies on Saddleworth Moor, where child killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley had buried their victims.

Saddleworth Moor, where some of Brady and Hindley's victims were buried. Photo by Parrot of Doom
Sir Cyril Smith was a close friend of Sir Jimmy Savile, friend of the Royal Family, the military and Israel.
Pervert Member of the UK Parliament Sir Cyril Smith was pals with a satanic child sex monster
Horgan's step-son Michael Roberts says he was only six when he was sexually abused by 29-stone Sir Cyril Smith.
Ian Brady
'Moors Murderer' Ian Brady worked as an 'enforcer' for top Glasgow crime boss Arthur Thompson.
He worked for MI5.
"They then told him he could pretty much start the drugs trade in Glasgow."
Arthur Thompson was an associate of the Kray twins.
The Kray twins reportedly ran a pedophile ring for top people.
A Kray Twin and a boy who died young.
Brady and Hindley's child killings took place in the North of England, near Manchester.
But, Ian Brady "implies he may have ... buried bodies at the Campsie Fells near Glasgow.
In his letters, Ian Brady "drops in the names of the Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, who terrorised London’s east end in the 1950s and 60s."
Moors Murderer Ian Brady brags of Scottish gangland links.
Brady and Hindley's child killings took place in the North of England, near Manchester.
But, Ian Brady "implies he may have ... buried bodies at the Campsie Fells near Glasgow.
In his letters, Ian Brady "drops in the names of the Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, who terrorised London’s east end in the 1950s and 60s."
Moors Murderer Ian Brady brags of Scottish gangland links.

Lord Longford.
In the 1970s, Lord Longford, friend of Hindley, compiled a self-funded report into pornography.
Lord Longford invited Sir Jimmy Savile, the Bishop of Leicester and Cliff Richard to join him on a wide-ranging tour of sex industry establishments, including strip clubs in Copenhagen.
Cliff Richard, Jimmy Savile, Lord Longford, Myra Hindley

The Longford Report, in 1972, was a best-seller.
It contained a long account of sex and sadism in a boys' boarding school:
‘Sometimes the prefects did a lot of the whipping; at other times they made the third-year boys do it as well, or the second-year boys whip the first years and the first years whip each other.’
Moors Murderer Myra Hindley, 60, reportedly died in a hospital in 2002.
No family members attended her 'hasty' cremation service.
At the inquest there were no protesters, friends or relatives.
Her medical records were filed under a false name: Christine Charlton.
Her death certificate has never been published.

Only a very light coffin for Hindley.
"A primary school nurse was driving through a country lane about six weeks after Myra Hindley was supposedly pronounced dead. It was night time and the nurse’s car was suddenly hit in the back by another vehicle.
"The woman driver who hit her got out of her car and came to talk to the nurse.
"The nurse looked carefully, recognised the woman as Myra Hindley and said: 'Oh my God you’re Myra Hindley.'
"The woman burst into tears and replied 'you can’t say that, you can’t say that' and drove off hurriedly.

"The nurse however, noted the registration number of the car and upon returning home called the police. She recounted what had happened, telling them that it was 'Myra Hindley' at the wheel of the other car.
"The police visited the nurse the following day but rather than assist her with noting an accident, they scared and intimidated her.
"They asked her to withdraw the accident claim and report, and suggested instead that the incident had 'never happened'.

John Kilbride - victim of Brady...
"The primary school nurse was just a normal, law-abiding person and by now she was very scared although still certain of her facts - that even though Myra Hindley was believed by the world to be dead - it had been her driving the car that had hit her.
"Regardless of her story, the police continued to intimidate the nurse and she was frightened into taking any further action.
"However, unknown to the police, the nurse had reported the incident to a friend of the family who had in turn passed it on to a school friend who was a local journalist.
"The journalist took the story to a major tabloid paper who was at first very interested but the following day told his fellow journalist that the story of Hindley being alive 'had to be buried'.

Friends in high places.
"Within a day or so, orders from 'the top' were given to publish a story on how the 'ashes of Myra Hindley had been found.'
"That story made all the papers in February 2003 and threw many off the scent. Now, to all intent and purposes, Hindley was proven to be dead because her ashes had been found on the very Moors where children had been killed.
"What is interesting is that the car incident happened six miles away from the residence of the priest that converted Myra Hindley to Catholicism and who later committed burial rites on her.
"What is further interesting is the location of a convent very close by. Is Myra Hindley in that convent living a clandestine life away from society?
"Not satisfied with the tale of ashes being discovered and believing the story of the nurse, the journalist called Lord Longford’s son and informed him that the ashes of Myra Hindley had been found. The journalist taped the conversation. The words from Longford’s son echoed in the journalists ears:
" 'If you believe that you believe anything' ".
According to Myra Hindley's diary, she and Ian Brady were regular visitors to the New Elizabethan Ballroom, in Manchester.
They attended at least one of the many sessions hosted by the resident DJ, Jimmy Savile.
"On Boxing Day, 1964, Brady and Hindley made an audio recording as they bound, gagged and photographed Lesley Ann Downey before they killed her."
Ian Brady became Jimmy Savile's friend.
Savile was also acquainted with Ronnie Kray and Peter Sutcliffe.
Peter Sutcliffe committing one of 'his' murders just opposite Jimmy Savile's penthouse in Leeds, and another in Savile Park in Halifax.
Savile was also acquainted with Ronnie Kray and Peter Sutcliffe.
Peter Sutcliffe committing one of 'his' murders just opposite Jimmy Savile's penthouse in Leeds, and another in Savile Park in Halifax.
Anonymous writes:
The priest who befriended Myra Hindley was Fr. Fred White.
During the 1990s, White ran a group called The School for Prophets which met regularly in North Kent, in the Blue Bell Hill area (near Cookham Wood prison where Hindley was held) to discuss occultism, witchcraft, neopaganism, shamanism and similar topics.
White's bishop didn't seem to mind.
The School was frequented by local bohemian types.
The School was frequented by local bohemian types.
Loosely associated with the group was a young man who wrote poetry but made a living as a rent boy working Hampstead Heath.
This young man had adopted Hindley as his muse and conducted a long correspondance with her (excerpts were at one point posted online on a North Kent message board used by the same bohemian crowd).
In the letters quoted Hindley pontificated how killing had been her means of asserting her "ontological and existential freedoms" (very different from her whining apologies in her parole applications).
It seemed entirely lost on her that it had also resulted in a jail term.
North Kent and the Medway Towns are within the Catholic Diocese of Southwark, under the tender care of Archbishop Peter Smith.
North Kent and the Medway Towns are within the Catholic Diocese of Southwark, under the tender care of Archbishop Peter Smith.
Earlier this year, Smith was named in a trial where it emerged he had spent decades covering up for the prolific abuses of convicted paedophile priest Fr. Tony McSweeney.
Smith remains in his post, and neither the police nor the Vatican have shown any concerns over him.
A parish priest in Medway was hastily moved on a year or two ago by Peter Smith, after the priest's chief altar boy cum live-in personal assistant, (who had been about to take up a diocese-sponsored seminary place to train for the priesthood himself!), was jailed for molesting a young child.
A parish priest in Medway was hastily moved on a year or two ago by Peter Smith, after the priest's chief altar boy cum live-in personal assistant, (who had been about to take up a diocese-sponsored seminary place to train for the priesthood himself!), was jailed for molesting a young child.
The parish's Safeguarding Officer, a disgraced former local counciller, who had shared office space within the presbytery for several years with this young man, seemed to have noticed nothing amiss.
Or perhaps said safeguarding role involved protecting the church and the perpetrators against the vulnerable.
Meantime a second convicted paedophile had been on the same parish's payroll working as a handyman and gardener.
Many thanks to all the people who provided the links for this post.

Labels: Cliff Richard, Ian Brady, Jimmy Savile, Kray Twins, Lord Astor, Michael Horgan, Myra Hindley
Was Peter Sutcliffe related to Beatles' Stuart Sutcliffe whose death cause is still disputed nowadays?
The priest who befriended Myra Hindley was Fr. Fred White. During the 1990s, White ran a group called The School for Prophets which met regularly in North Kent, in the Blue Bell Hill area (near Cookham Wood prison where Hindley was held) to discuss occultism, witchcraft, neopaganism, shamanism and similar topics. White's bishop didn't seem to mind.
The School was frequented by local bohemian types. Loosely associated with the group was a young man who wrote poetry but made a living as a rent boy working Hampstead Heath. This young man had adopted Hindley as his muse and conducted a long correspondance with her (excerpts were at one point posted online on a North Kent message board used by the same bohemian crowd). In the letters quoted Hindley pontificated how killing had been her means of asserting her "ontological and existential freedoms" (very different from her whining apologies in her parole applications). It seemed entirely lost on her that it had also resulted in a jail term).
North Kent and the Medway Towns are within the Catholic Diocese of Southwark, under the tender care of Archbishop Peter Smith. Earlier this year, Smith was named in a trial where it emerged he had spent decades covering up for the prolific abuses of convicted paedophile priest Fr. Tony McSweeney. Smith remains in his post, and neither the police nor the Vatican have shown any concerns over him.
A parish priest in Medway was hastily moved on a year or two ago by Peter Smith, after the priest's chief altar boy cum live-in personal assistant, (who had been about to take up a diocese-sponsored seminary place to train for the priesthood himself!), was jailed for molesting a young child. The parish's Safeguarding Officer, a disgraced former local counciller, who had shared office space within the presbytery for several years with this young man, seemed to have noticed nothing amiss. Or perhaps said safeguarding role involved protecting the church and the perpetrators against the vulnerable. Meantime a second convicted paedophile had been on the same parish's payroll working as a handyman and gardener.
When I read the name Sutcliffe the same thing went through my mind.If they are related,they're not telling.
The boy in the photo with Reggie is alive, Peter Gillett was 'adopted'by Reggie while in prison
The boy in the photo is BRAD LANE. He is not to be confused with PETER GILLETT.
Unfortunately for those who have the name, Sutcliffe is a fairly common name in the north of England.
The problem with newspapers is that there were/are 5 Operation Ore fat cats in the media protected by Prime Minister Tony Blair
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