Friday 6 March 2015



1. A bisexual sadist who liked sex with children.

2. An agent of the CIA

3. The father of Obama.

Reportedly, Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama, appeared in porn mags.

The UK's Daily Telegraph reported that Davis was into sado-masochism, and that he and his wife seduced a 13 year old girl:

"Mr Davis would cruise in Hawaii parks looking for couples or female tourists to have sex with.

"He derived sexual gratification from bondage, simulated rape and being flogged and urinated on."

Left - Mark Davis, son of Frank Davis; right - Barack Obama

The film, 'Dreams From My Real Father' claims that Davis photographed Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, and sold the photos to magazines such as 'Bizarre Life', 'Exotique', and 'Secret Pleasures'.

Reportedly, Obama adopted Davis's outlook on sexual matters.

Davis mentored Obama for as many as eight years, before Obama left Hawaii to attend college. 

Obama wrote a poem about 'Pop.' 

It has lines about stains and smells on shorts.

Above, Barack Obama displays around his neck the strange symbol of the stick man with inverted arms turned downwards. It denotes evil and death.[25]


Above, Michelle Obama wears the abnormal Pagan Cross. It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler’s SS troops as a sign of pagan mysticism.[26]

Malia Obama

The CIA's brainwashing of children used Nazi scientists.

CIA brainwashing

“Well, if they were choosing the best and brightest, maybe they figured these kids would one day rise to important positions in the society, and they wanted to gain long-term control over them, so they would be under their thumb, so they could tap them at will — a way of controlling the future society.” Testimony of MK ULTRA Child Victim, March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation [36]

In 1960, Dr. William Thetford (above) along with a David Saunders headed the CIA's MK-ULTRA brainwashing Subproject 130.

During the 1950s, Mengele (above) moved freely around the USA. Mengele helped develop the CIA's mind control programmes, which involved the extreme torture of children.

Obama and Oprah may have come out of Dr. Thetford’s 1960 Subproject 130.

Above, recently discovered family photograph of the Dunhams (Obama's mother's family) during the early 1950s in Beirut, Lebanon.

In 1953, Stanley Armour, Madelyn Dunham along with Ann Stanley was stationed in Beirut with Dr. Thetford, most likely as deep cover CIA agents.[50]

In Hawaii, lurking behind the scenes during Obama's most impressionistic years was the infamous MK ULTRA British Godfather and Mind Control Expert, Dr. Gregory Bateson.

Stanley Armour, Madelyn and Stanley Ann Dunham may have been deep cover CIA agents involved in Mind Control Programs, with Psychologist Dr. William Thetford.


Obama and Frank Davis, reportedly Obama's real father.

Reportedly, Obama's grandfather, Stanley Armour, turned Obama over to Davis at age 10 or 1.

For seven years, Obama had a “father-son” relationship with Davis, who confessed to being an underground pedophile practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities; voyeurism (paraphilia), exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape, sadomasochism, and bondage.[72]

Davis’ most likely role in Obama’s preteen years (9-13) was as a special 'MONARCH' (CIA brainwashing) handler and programmer.

Davis may have been a FBI/CIA asset since 1948 in Seattle.

Operation Monarch involved using severe electro-shock trauma, sexual abuse, and other sadistic methods designed to split the subject’s mind into alternate personalities.


Above, Obama on the shoulders of a man with an uncanny likeness to NASA Astronaut Air Force Captain Virgil (Gus) Grissom, Master Mason.

Gus Grissom and NASA Astronaut U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (33rdDegree Mason) were directly involved in a secret MK ULTRA-NASA mind control program, SPACE KIDS.[80]

On January 27, 1967, Grissom was killed in a suspicious space capsule fire. Before his body was cold, federal agents invaded his home and seized Grissom’s personal records and diary.[81]

January 1, 1968, Obama relocated to Jakarta, Indonesia.

Above, 'the pagan mystic and occulted mass murderer' General Suharto of Indonesia. 

In March 1968, the CIA backed general took power and instituted a 'New Order' in Indonesia.[83]

Around one million Indonesians were murdered as a result of the CIA coup in Indonesia.

The CIA gave Suharto lists of people who were to be killed.

Obama's mother worked for CIA front organisations.

Larry Sinclair alleges a drug and sex encounter with Obama in November 1998.

Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, is reportedly a Pagan “Handmaiden of Santeria” in the White House.[93]

On election night, November 4, 2008, Michelle Obama appeared in a ('Satanic') red and black dress at Grant Park in Chicago.[97]

Below, Malia is dressed in a pool of red, the Blood Sacrifice. Sasha (Alexandra the Great) was dressed in black for a funeral, the Luciferian sacrifice.

Much more here: "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA." 


In Jakarta, we see the statue of Obama with a butterfly, a symbol used by the CIA in mind control operations.

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo is Indonesia's Obama.

"Let's talk. To Asep's mother."

Sekolah BISA is a school for slum kids run by the British School Jakarta.

Here we see butterflies and owls at Sekolah BISA


The North Jakarta Court is scheduled to start the trial of a former teacher at St. Monica’s Playgroup in Sunter, North Jakarta, on Wednesday that involves the alleged sexual abuse of a two-and-a-half-year-old child.

North Jakarta Court kicks off child sexual abuse - Jakarta Post-3 Mar 2015


Another alleged child victim testified today at a trial for a Canadian teacher accused of sexually abusing three students at an international school in Indonesia.

Another alleged child victim testifies at trial of Canadian teacher in Indonesia - January 6, 2015



aangirfan: THE REAL OBAMA?


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    At 6 March 2015 at 13:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    At 6 March 2015 at 13:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    About the Mengele photo: the one on the right is a composite - with hat added - the one on the left is genuine. Reportedly, 'His residency in Montreal during 1962, suspected to work in setting up MKULTRA experiments at the Alan Memorial branch of McGill University in Canada was later covered up by the Des Chenes Commission. However, there are many eyewitness accounts.'

    Monsignor Krunoslav Draganovic and the involvement in Paperclipping the Nazis entering post-war USA

    “Bill” Cosby, or William Henry Cosby, Jr. (born July 12, 1937) as a young U.S. Naval Hospital Corpsman was transferred to Bethesda Naval Hospital. The Bethesda Naval Hospital is the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), formerly known as the National Naval Medical Center located in the community of Bethesda, Maryland, near the headquarters of the National Institutes of Health.

    The BSCTs, pronounced “biscuits”, or Behavioral Science Consultation Teams are really the MIL side of Tavistock Institute and differences are getting thinner and thinner.

    "enhanced interrogation" of detainees in the "war on terror" is a breach of medical ethics.

    At 6 March 2015 at 13:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    At 6 March 2015 at 13:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    At 6 March 2015 at 13:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Details of the decision to be judicially reviewed

    The decision of 'no crime confirmed' by Barnet Police.

    Aspects of Lolita:

    At 6 March 2015 at 15:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Accept - Wanna Be Free

    Young girl in a darkened room, crying all alone
    Forced upon by her captors, so far from her home
    While in another country, a rich man counts his take
    He cares not for the lives he ruins
    Why can't we make a world where there's

    No more
    Human trafficking
    No more
    Hunger and lies
    No more
    Crime and poverty

    If we would heed the cries and unbind the ties
    We all wanna be free
    Break the barricades, open prison gates
    We all wanna be free
    Tear down the wall, we want it all
    We all wanna be free
    If we all stand together
    We're all gonna be free

    In the slums of LA, a man with a habit dies
    Needle still hanging in his arms
    Nobody cares of cries
    And in a foreign country, a rich man counts his take
    No remorse for the life he ruins
    Why can't we make a world where there's

    No more
    Gangs murdering
    No more
    Pushers and lies
    No more
    Crime and poverty

    If we could heed the cries and rebind the ties
    We all wanna be free
    Break the barricades, open prison gates
    We all wanna be free
    Tear down the wall, we want it all
    We all wanna be free
    If we all stand together
    We're all gonna be free

    At 6 March 2015 at 15:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The CIA is Wall Street, and drug money is king.

    At 6 March 2015 at 18:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OK Britains Porton Down was the base for child experimentation going on for some years, this started under Churchill's fostering of occult experiments
    and under the bath masonic tutoring with lord moran went deeply into mind splitting of kids under torture, this was documented by friends of dr Stephen ward and the reason he was murdered. Tony Blair gave charitable status money to continue this in a secret ward of a major London hospital, before sending masses of info to Haifa in Israel and shredding masses of documents. Britain has dirty hands here

    At 7 March 2015 at 06:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    CIA is low ranks masons.
    Wall Street is Rosicrucian Elite.
    CIA gets international biz with years and years of blackmailing, while a CEO gets 'things done' with a single blackberry call.

    At 7 March 2015 at 07:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    In the photo of an eight or nine year old Obama, his mother, and her second (?) husband, the Indonesian officer, who is the white infant on her lap? I have seen this picture many times on the net, but no one asks who the baby is. Did Obama have a younger sibling? If so, where is it?

    At 7 March 2015 at 10:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yes, he did. Her name is Maya Soetoro-Ng.

    At 7 March 2015 at 12:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    In defense of FMD... there was the encounter with the 13 year old girl, by her initiative, but "liked sex with children" would be an overstatement:

    "An agent of the CIA" is probably inaccurate (however, see comments of FMD's son in above, who did do intelligence work). It is possible however that as a known communist he was targeted by a CIA, by a honeypot being none other than Obama's grandma....

    At 7 March 2015 at 20:22 , Blogger WXXX said...

    For a review of Davis's Sex Rebel: Black...

    Although there was the encounter with the 13 year old girl, by her initiative, "liked sex with children" would be an overstatement. In the book, he clearly prefers women of sexually peaking in their 30s.

    "An agent of the CIA" is probably inaccurate (however, see comments of FMD's son in above, who did do intelligence work, particularly in disinfo analysis - It is possible however that as a known communist FMD was targeted by the CIA, by a honeypot being none other than Obama's grandma....

    As for the FMD is BHO's daddy claim, Joel Gilbert is a very able and entertaining docu film-maker, but consider some of his other work in checking his credibility...

    At 7 March 2015 at 22:12 , Blogger Anon said...

    I am pretty sure that Davis was 1000% CIA and 100% keen on deviant sex with kids.

    At 8 March 2015 at 20:41 , Blogger molly said...

    The nazi love of money and control is their downfall. It has led to a backlash among the many who cannot be mind controlled. I might put Obama in that category. When he first went into office in '08, his entire administration was clinton retreads. After all, hillary was the chosen one. These nuts are so blinded by their greed and power from the last few decades in the US of total power....they cannot grasp that all their plans are backfiring. The opposites theme that they so dearly love..shock and awe/no child left behind has turned on them.Every evil plan they devise is working for their opposition. US

    At 16 April 2015 at 01:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Unearthed video confirms identity of mentor Frank Marshall Davis



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