In the UK, Lawyer Tasnime Akunjee (above) is being got at by the Daily Mail's PAUL BRACCHI and CHRIS GREENWOOD.
Akunjee has said that the alleged killer of soldier Lee Rigby, Michael Adebolajo, was 'created' by the security services.
Akunjee has blamed the authorities for allowing jihadi schoolgirls to travel to Syria in order to join ISIS.
Paul Bracchi apparently does not believe that the Lee Rigby 'false flag' was organised by the Western security services.
Paul Bracchi apparently does not believe that ISIS is run by the Western security services.

According to Bracchi, Akunjee has given evidence to Members of Parliament "with his latest clients: the families of the three girls from Tower Hamlets, East London, who fled the UK to join Islamic State.
"Mr Akunjee denounced the authorities for allowing Kadiza Sultana, 16, and 15‑year-olds Shamima Begum and Amira Abase to leave Britain and reach Syria after going missing in December.
"He castigated the police for failing to inform their parents that a school friend had vanished in similar circumstances a few weeks earlier."
Paul Bracchi is the journalist who allegedly 'smeared' Ella Draper. (The Mail has not told us that - according to Ella Draper and friends: 1. Child abuse videos are made in Hampstead and at various locations in North London. 2. Members of the gang film, edit, translate and sell the movies around Europe, Russia, Ukraine and the USA. Medical reports suggest that Ella's children have been sodomised.)
Bracchi writes: "Mr Akunjee's nauseating performance before MPs closely echoed preposterous claims made by 'human rights group' Cage last week that MI5 was responsible for radicalising Mohammed Emwazi, the IS butcher known to the world as Jihadi John."
Bracchi apparently believes the official story on ISIS.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
Our last post about Paul Bracchi was removed by Google.
Labels: Akunjee, Hampstead, ISIS, Lee Rigby, Paul Bracchi
Aang, this is an interesting mag cover. "Attitude" is a a British gay lifestyle magazine. It doesnt mean it covers only gay issues. But look, David Beckham's name is on the cover and right under this caption, its another one about a Royal caught in a gay brothel scandal. Theres no such thing as coincidence....
AdEBOLAjo, was 'created' by the security services.
Chris Spivey has written on the possibility that Lee Rigby's death was a fake. Bracchi obviously pushes the story that the death did occur. The Establishment also claims this.
Have posted twice but get 'server not found' despite good connexion.
GREAT post thanks
Thanks for the info on 'server not found'!
- Aangirfan
Many thanks, as always.
- Aangirfan
Hello Aangirfan, sorry to spam.
The crime scene indicates it was a fake death.
Women walking past a knife wielding man nonchalantly (yes literally right beside him.)
The initial reports went from beheading to stabbed (people were analyzing lack of blood splatter, also why did some "random woman" goes over to comfort a beheaded man...)
Didn't EBOLA have a gun vest on lol?
He sure didn't have any blood on his clothes.
One of the papers (mail perhaps?) actually increased the saturation on one of the "blood stained hands" images.
For God Sake, they must be getting worse (inbreeding catching up quicker now) which bodes well for humans who just want to live life in peace, sure disagreements will arise but we are far more civilized than these reprobates.
I would like to state for the record:
On David Icke they are currently trying to snare Ella as being part of the cult with Araya/Abe... NO NO NO.
Araya not to be trusted, saw this coming..
If Ricky Dearman had killed Ella Draper on the day where he knelt on her skull, would he have gotten away with it?
As it is implied she was in two consecutive relationships with cult members (to which she bore three children) does one really expect there is not some kind of ownership of Ella by the cult? Would they so easily let her go? Or would they impose someone new to take the reigns.
Something to think about. These cults operate in ways which are most peculiar, enemies of your enemies appear but are not enemies of your enemies at all, just another one to ensnare you again.
When Abe said "stars of the show" in the latest video - the term used to describe a specific child in the cult earlier, does it strike you he is sowing seeds of doubt deliberately in people's minds? Just a thought.
I know what I saw on that little girls face when she said "don't mention my name" as one who killed the babies, it was pure fear/shock - observe her lips pull down very specifically, she was there, no alter to protect the psyche, no dissonance in that moment, the post traumatic shock was there on her face as the unfiltered realization and confrontation of the horror of her participation.
I just found this (follow up from my above comment regarding Belinda)
truth says:
If the Establishment have issued a Police State order against Terence Patrick Ewing – “since 1990 has been banned by the courts from taking legal action against anyone without the courts consent” , then he is a man they fear because he is a danger to them.
They are also now calling the innocent Abraham and Ella child abusers now, while the real abusers are protected by THEM – and using NLP common purpose controlling techniques in the third and final police interviews to get the children to retract their statements with the police interview qiving them hand signals.
Hi Aang, I'm sure you've been asked this before but have you thought about moving over to Wordpress? I'd be interested to know why you are sticking with Google when they continue to censure your hard work. I have a blog with Google that I will now spend hours relocating to Wordpress because of the outrageous way Google are treating you. What the hell happened the the whole "Jes Suis Charlie" crap? Freedom of speech my arse!
The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children
This scholarly article fully supports the claims being made against the alleged abusers of the Hampstead children. That is to say, the term witch hunt was deliberately used to divert/conceal evidence etc
Steven Pinker explains why Jews make up 37% of the ivy league student body: "we are superior to you genetically"
"anti-semitic comments will not be approved."
Worth noting, Pinker was recommended for his position at Harvard by Steven Jay Gould. Also has his standard politics: vehemently opposed to white nationalism but simultaneously passionately supportive of Israel and a "Jewish state". Good friends with accused child molester, OJ Simpson attorney, and Israeli-bag-man, Alan Dershowitz.
Remembering the West Hampstead ‘holy man’ and his cult of women http://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/heritage/remembering_the_west_hampstead_holy_man_and_his_cult_of_women_1_4005083
chris spivey did a good piece on both screaming lord sutch and the lee rigby hoax, he was attacked virulently by the usual suspects, when ever a good article hits a nerve you get the usual accusations, of hes a homosexual a child abuser etc. here at the kent freedom movement we found one man was behind a lot of it, a crackpot UFO chaser called elis taylor.
I have a Wordpress blog, but it cannot be found on Google search.
- Aangirfan
I researched these false journalists and found that they are involved in government propaganda that involves the destruction of the NHS and the events in the middle east backing Israeli garbage
Paul Bracchi:
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