The Russian mother of Alisa and Gabriel, Mrs Draper, was once married to a Mr Draper with whom she has one son.
Mrs Draper then became acquainted with Richard Dearman and they produced Alisa and Gabriel.
The following are Extracts from an article entitled Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
By Sott Editors - Sott.net - 9 Feb 2015
"According to Ms. Draper, Mr. Dearman was sexually deviant, abusive and behaved violently towards her and their children during their relationship.
"Mr. Dearman was eventually asked to leave the family home in 2007.
"Over the next few years however he continued to stalk the children, showing up at their school or at the store and, on several occasions, breaking into Ms. Draper's home.
"Between 2006 and 2010 the police were called out 5 times and 3 reports filed over Mr. Dearman's abuse.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
"Ms. Draper has testified:
"Mr Dearman ... The only game he seemed to play was the "tickling game".
"I wasn't happy about this since it always led to some kind of abuse...
"They would scream for him to stop...
"James (son of Mr Draper) started to dislike Mr Dearman. Mr Dearman responded with humiliating remarks and attempted to discipline James in strange ways.
"James (son of Mr Draper) started to dislike Mr Dearman. Mr Dearman responded with humiliating remarks and attempted to discipline James in strange ways.
"For example, he would lock him up, while I was at work or shopping, and he would give him a bucket to pee and poo...
"He also harassed me sexually, pressuring me to have anal sex with him.
"He also harassed me sexually, pressuring me to have anal sex with him.
"He then bought a gigantic artificial penis suggesting for me to use.
"On many occasions he attempted to get me to watch online pornography.
"I objected to his perverted sexual attempts, threw the sex toy in the bin and asked Mr Dearman to pick his stuff he had in my house and not to come there again. (2007)
"I objected to his perverted sexual attempts, threw the sex toy in the bin and asked Mr Dearman to pick his stuff he had in my house and not to come there again. (2007)
"However, he came to school to 'surprise' the children and often stalked us, showing up from nowhere: in the park, or on the way to school and in shops...
"Several times he broke in through the garden door. On one of such occasions he was violent and humiliated my mother by screaming and hitting her. He ran away before I dialed the police.
"Since stalking continued, I applied for an Emergency Court Order; and a Non-Molestation Order was granted for a month initially and then extended for 8 months while proceedings for contact were going on.
"I sent Alisa to Russia to stay with my parents. Unfortunately her passport ran out and she ended up staying slightly longer than anticipated.
"A week after my application, his solicitors applied for a Prohibited Steps Order since he claimed that I was trying to take the children out of the country. This was dismissed and there is currently no such Order in place.
"Mr Dearman also made an application for contact. This was eventually granted in spite of my concerns for the children's safety. He started to see them regularly: every Saturday from 10am to 6pm...
"Alisa and Gabriel were frequently getting sick during contact. Many times they vomited while in his care or after they came back home. Sometimes they developed headaches and stomach aches...
"On one occasion Alisa developed high fever and hardly moved. I contacted the emergency doctor's line...
"Not only were the children returning sick or becoming sick shortly after, each time they were coming back in a terrible emotional and psychological state. A lot of Mondays or first part of the school week were missed as a result and affected the children's education."
"Several times he broke in through the garden door. On one of such occasions he was violent and humiliated my mother by screaming and hitting her. He ran away before I dialed the police.
"Since stalking continued, I applied for an Emergency Court Order; and a Non-Molestation Order was granted for a month initially and then extended for 8 months while proceedings for contact were going on.
"I sent Alisa to Russia to stay with my parents. Unfortunately her passport ran out and she ended up staying slightly longer than anticipated.
"A week after my application, his solicitors applied for a Prohibited Steps Order since he claimed that I was trying to take the children out of the country. This was dismissed and there is currently no such Order in place.
"Mr Dearman also made an application for contact. This was eventually granted in spite of my concerns for the children's safety. He started to see them regularly: every Saturday from 10am to 6pm...
"Alisa and Gabriel were frequently getting sick during contact. Many times they vomited while in his care or after they came back home. Sometimes they developed headaches and stomach aches...
"On one occasion Alisa developed high fever and hardly moved. I contacted the emergency doctor's line...
"Not only were the children returning sick or becoming sick shortly after, each time they were coming back in a terrible emotional and psychological state. A lot of Mondays or first part of the school week were missed as a result and affected the children's education."

During the summer of 2014, Ms. Draper's new partner, Mr. Christie, caught the children sexually touching not only themselves but a pet dog.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
This discovery led to a series of exchanges between Mr. Christie and the two children that he video-taped, where the children gave a shocking and very detailed description of horrific sexual abuse and child sacrifice at the hands of their father and, according to the children, many members of staff at the Christchurch Primary School in Hampstead that they attended.
The children also implicated other parents, attorneys, doctors, the school nurse and employees of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service(Cafcass), an English governmental body set up to safeguard and promote the welfare of children involved in family court proceedings.
In the tapes, Gabriel and Alisa display a highly abnormal awareness of adult sexual activity and give detailed descriptions of alleged distinguishing marks on the genitals of their alleged abusers.
In one segment Alisa describes how her father, Richard Dearman, held his hand on hers and "because we're not so strong, because the spine is there, my father, RD, holds our hand and cuts off the babies head, and if his hand is on it he wipes off his fingerprints".
The full series of videos can be viewed here.
In early September 2014, Ms. Draper informed Barnet police of the testimony of the children and provided them with the video-taped evidence.
A police inquiry began and the children were interviewed.
A police medical examination was ordered that confirmed that the children had been sexually abused, with serious injuries to the inside of rectum area noted.
A hair sample analysis was also conducted to determine if the children had ingested any drugs, although Ms. Draper claims the results of the test were never revealed to her.
On September 11th Gabriel and Alisa were taken into protective custody and six days later Ms. Draper was informed that both children had retracted their allegations against their abusers.
Barnet police then closed the case on the basis of this retraction and that other allegations made by the children (including claims of secret abuse rooms in both the school and a local McDonald's restaurant) were false.
It appears that the police inquiry concluded that the allegations were fabricated and that the children had probably been coached by Mr. Christie (the man heard in the videos).
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places

A witness statement by retired police constable K. Wilson, who apparently had access to parts of the police report, is generally critical of the overall investigation:
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
The two children are now in the custody of child welfare. Their mother is allowed to see them once every two weeks while their father is allowed to see them once a week. Between September and December 2014, three family court hearings were held with both of the children's parents arguing their case. A 12-day fact-finding hearing is scheduled to start on February 16th at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The hearing will be held in secret.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places

In Context
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
...According to the police report they have been sexually abused, and that abuse has taken place in a country (the UK) where there is long-standing culture of sexual abuse of children, including by people in positions of power and influence.
A 1990 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children document, which was the subject of London Times newspaper story by Libby Jukes and Richard Duce, titled "NSPCC says ritual child abuse is rife" found that, of 66 child protection teams in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 14 teams had received reports of ritual abuse from children and seven of them were working directly with children who had been ritually abused, sometimes in groups of 20.
Peter McKelvie, a former UK local authority child protection chief, recently blew the whistle on what he said is a VIP pedophile ring that has been abusing children for 65 years and included at least 20 high-profile members of the British Establishment, including people linked to the Royal family. McKelvie told the BBC:
Then there was the notorious Elm guest house in SW London where the rich and influential came to abuse and murder young boys in the 1970s and 80s. One confirmed visitor through the front door was Cyril Smith, a jovial 406-pound Liberal MP. Private Eye investigative magazine has suggested that Special Branch, the UK's national security police, halted police inquiries into Smith in the 1970s to prevent the collapse of the Liberal-Labour coalition government.
Following his death last month, former British Home Secretary Leon Brittan has been accused by Labour MP Tom Watson of "multiple child rape" at the guest house. Watson claims to have spoken to two people abused by Brittan. In October 2012, Watson told the House of Commons that police should "investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful pedophile network linked to Parliament and Number 10."
Two journalists - the former news editor of the Surrey Comet and the former editor of the Bury Messenger - both stated in November 2014 that during the 1980s they had been served with D-notices, or warnings from the government not to publish material that might damage national security, in response to their investigations into pedophile politicians at the guest house.
A victim of the same Westminster pedophile ring recently came forward with his account of child abuse at the hands of the elite:
Gabriel and Alisa's father, Ricky Dearman, is accused of sexual and physical abuse of both her and her children.
If true, the above statement by "Nick" that it was his father that handed him over to the Westminster pedophile network may provide a clue to the reality behind the apparently outlandish stories of Gabriel and Alisa.
One would imagine that pedophile politicians would, at this stage, take great care to ensure that their depraved predilections remained secret.
This might involve deliberate attempts to manipulate and confuse the horribly traumatized children and "coach" them on a cover story that no one would believe because core aspects of the story could be easily disproved...
There are countless stories like the story of Alisa and Gabriel. Most remain unknown to the general public, and many (perhaps most) have resulted in a serious miscarriage of justice...
Regardless of the results of the hearing on Feb. 16th, they are, and will remain the victims.Like so many other children around the world.
Continued here: Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
This discovery led to a series of exchanges between Mr. Christie and the two children that he video-taped, where the children gave a shocking and very detailed description of horrific sexual abuse and child sacrifice at the hands of their father and, according to the children, many members of staff at the Christchurch Primary School in Hampstead that they attended.
The children also implicated other parents, attorneys, doctors, the school nurse and employees of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service(Cafcass), an English governmental body set up to safeguard and promote the welfare of children involved in family court proceedings.
In the tapes, Gabriel and Alisa display a highly abnormal awareness of adult sexual activity and give detailed descriptions of alleged distinguishing marks on the genitals of their alleged abusers.
In one segment Alisa describes how her father, Richard Dearman, held his hand on hers and "because we're not so strong, because the spine is there, my father, RD, holds our hand and cuts off the babies head, and if his hand is on it he wipes off his fingerprints".
The full series of videos can be viewed here.
In early September 2014, Ms. Draper informed Barnet police of the testimony of the children and provided them with the video-taped evidence.
A police inquiry began and the children were interviewed.
A police medical examination was ordered that confirmed that the children had been sexually abused, with serious injuries to the inside of rectum area noted.
A hair sample analysis was also conducted to determine if the children had ingested any drugs, although Ms. Draper claims the results of the test were never revealed to her.
On September 11th Gabriel and Alisa were taken into protective custody and six days later Ms. Draper was informed that both children had retracted their allegations against their abusers.
Barnet police then closed the case on the basis of this retraction and that other allegations made by the children (including claims of secret abuse rooms in both the school and a local McDonald's restaurant) were false.
It appears that the police inquiry concluded that the allegations were fabricated and that the children had probably been coached by Mr. Christie (the man heard in the videos).
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places

A witness statement by retired police constable K. Wilson, who apparently had access to parts of the police report, is generally critical of the overall investigation:
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
The two children are now in the custody of child welfare. Their mother is allowed to see them once every two weeks while their father is allowed to see them once a week. Between September and December 2014, three family court hearings were held with both of the children's parents arguing their case. A 12-day fact-finding hearing is scheduled to start on February 16th at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The hearing will be held in secret.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places

In Context
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
...According to the police report they have been sexually abused, and that abuse has taken place in a country (the UK) where there is long-standing culture of sexual abuse of children, including by people in positions of power and influence.
A 1990 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children document, which was the subject of London Times newspaper story by Libby Jukes and Richard Duce, titled "NSPCC says ritual child abuse is rife" found that, of 66 child protection teams in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 14 teams had received reports of ritual abuse from children and seven of them were working directly with children who had been ritually abused, sometimes in groups of 20.
Peter McKelvie, a former UK local authority child protection chief, recently blew the whistle on what he said is a VIP pedophile ring that has been abusing children for 65 years and included at least 20 high-profile members of the British Establishment, including people linked to the Royal family. McKelvie told the BBC:
Then there was the notorious Elm guest house in SW London where the rich and influential came to abuse and murder young boys in the 1970s and 80s. One confirmed visitor through the front door was Cyril Smith, a jovial 406-pound Liberal MP. Private Eye investigative magazine has suggested that Special Branch, the UK's national security police, halted police inquiries into Smith in the 1970s to prevent the collapse of the Liberal-Labour coalition government.
Following his death last month, former British Home Secretary Leon Brittan has been accused by Labour MP Tom Watson of "multiple child rape" at the guest house. Watson claims to have spoken to two people abused by Brittan. In October 2012, Watson told the House of Commons that police should "investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful pedophile network linked to Parliament and Number 10."
Two journalists - the former news editor of the Surrey Comet and the former editor of the Bury Messenger - both stated in November 2014 that during the 1980s they had been served with D-notices, or warnings from the government not to publish material that might damage national security, in response to their investigations into pedophile politicians at the guest house.
A victim of the same Westminster pedophile ring recently came forward with his account of child abuse at the hands of the elite:
Gabriel and Alisa's father, Ricky Dearman, is accused of sexual and physical abuse of both her and her children.
If true, the above statement by "Nick" that it was his father that handed him over to the Westminster pedophile network may provide a clue to the reality behind the apparently outlandish stories of Gabriel and Alisa.
One would imagine that pedophile politicians would, at this stage, take great care to ensure that their depraved predilections remained secret.
This might involve deliberate attempts to manipulate and confuse the horribly traumatized children and "coach" them on a cover story that no one would believe because core aspects of the story could be easily disproved...
There are countless stories like the story of Alisa and Gabriel. Most remain unknown to the general public, and many (perhaps most) have resulted in a serious miscarriage of justice...
Regardless of the results of the hearing on Feb. 16th, they are, and will remain the victims.Like so many other children around the world.
Continued here: Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
Labels: Alisa, Barnet, Draper, Gabriel, Hampstead, Ricky Dearman, sott.net
Mohammed Tuaiman. See that boy's face. See him old before his years, yet holding his sister protectively. That is the face of sincerity and goodness.
It is wrong for the 'death machines' to kill.
That is Nazionism; out of control; out of its mind; using the USA and anywhere for its psychopathy.
Terrorism. What is it? It is the 'love of money' and control, abusing children most because they have no vote, they have no money.
Israhell was founded in lies, deceit, conceit and the money control power of the AshkeNAZI Ratchild City of London.
Remember that.
Israhell's own founders boasted that they made modern terrorism, and they boast that they control CONgress.
End the Fed. End the Wars. Stop the Talmud. Stop the Ratchild City of London.
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i have dealt with a case that has loads of simularities and made many blogs and videos on
'A complete overview of the Paedophile 'Care' system in Britain '
Is anyone able to get on Araya Soma's Facebook page today? She is the friend of Ella Draper's that posted Ella's testimonial, and the list of cult members, along with contact information. I tried to view her page today, but a message came up saying it no longer exists.
I've just managed to load it up with no problems
This must be related to the case but is from 2012 where the convicted teacher is backed by parents of children from the same school in court!
Stoke Mandeville doctor Michael Salmon jailed for rape and sex assaults
justice done
Well, not so easy: you got to find achaced version on a search engine.
I got the missng facebook link from twitter and found the cached page with complete names.
Please take down any mention of Alisa and Gabriel Dearman, their family or the school's names. There is an injunction banning any publication of their case or their identities for their own protection. By publicising the identities of these poor children, you are also guilty of abusing them.
why should the names be removed ???? witness's are coming forward now and the evidence is piling up Canada There is no escaping this !
Justice will be done !
i was banned then banned again from Fb as as a result....am banned for another week , this time for a totally normal post they just take the piss, am gona move to seen.is
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