Simon Harris has links to some of the top people, such as Sir George Young (above) who has links to Sir Jimmy Savile.

Troy (Snowfaked) on Twitter.
Was Simon Harris working for the UK security services?
In the 1980's, Simon Harris sexually abused boys at Shebbear College, a private boarding school in Devon in the UK.

SHEBBEAR COLLEGE EXPEDITION TO NEPAL 1987. Simon C.D. Harris. Departs July 1, A 240-km trek for 16-18 year olds around the Annapurna Massif and across the Thorung La Pass {5379m}. Medical aid and school exchange projects in Kathmandu. Troy (Snowfaked) on Twitter.
Simon Harris sexually abused boys at Shebbear College but he was not prosecuted by the police.
However, Simon Harris was placed on the sex offenders' register for life.
And Simon harris was issued with a Foreign Travel Order - which bans sex offenders from travelling abroad.

The UK military's internment camp in Gilgil.
Between the early 1990s and the spring of 2013, Simon Harris spent six months a year in the Kenyan town of Gilgil.
Gilgil has military bases. Gilgil has links to 'false flag terrorism'. The US military has had plans to operate in Gilgil.
Two soldiers have been jailed for looting, says KDF (Terror unit probes Gilgil private school / A Kenyan School training TERRORISTS)

Simon Harris ran a charity called VAE, which helped arrange teaching placements in Kenya for British gap-year students.
Many charities are fronts for the security services.
In Kenya, Simon Harris raped 'thousands' of street children.
Some of the children were threatened by Simon Harris with death.
In 2004, Dan Ndiritu, who runs a Kenyan charity, Restart, reported Harris to the Kenyan police.
In 2013, a street child spoke about Harris's abuse to Channel 4 documentary-makers who were filming in Gilgil.
The authorities were eventually forced to put Simon Harris on trial in the UK.

One of Harris's victims, who gave evidence from Kenya via Skype, died in mysterious circumstances during the trial.
Michael Kamondia died on 7 December 2014, just days before the jury retired to consider their verdicts.
In December 2014, Simon Harris was found guilty of the sexual assault of children in Kenya.

Michael Adebolajo in Kenya. Reportedly he was working for MI5/MI6.
Kenya is a place of great interest to MI5 and MI6.
Was Simon Harris working for the UK security services?
How was Harris able to travel freely to Kenya?
Why was Harris unmonitored by West Mercia Police and social services, in spite of being on the sex offenders register?
Read more: http://www.dailymail

"It was 2001. I was just 19 and having elected to take a 'gap year' ... I'd decided to spend 6 months of it teaching in Kenya.
"Harris met us with some of his people and we drove to The Green House in two Landrovers.."
Fish and Chips: Kenya 2001: A Prologue.

Harambee Schools Kenya
Newsletter July 2003
Duke of Richmond [Charles Gordon-Lennox]
Lord Luce
Lord Howell of Guildford
Baroness Cumberlege
Sir George Young
Sir Anthony Evans
Sir John James
David Ashwanden
Rob Breare
Clifford Dann
Simon Harris
Will Snell
Many thanks to Troy (Snowfaked) on Twitter.

Simon Harris ran a charity called VAE, which helped arrange teaching placements in Kenya for British gap-year students.
Many charities are fronts for the security services.
In Kenya, Simon Harris raped 'thousands' of street children.
Some of the children were threatened by Simon Harris with death.
In 2004, Dan Ndiritu, who runs a Kenyan charity, Restart, reported Harris to the Kenyan police.
In 2013, a street child spoke about Harris's abuse to Channel 4 documentary-makers who were filming in Gilgil.
The authorities were eventually forced to put Simon Harris on trial in the UK.

One of Harris's victims, who gave evidence from Kenya via Skype, died in mysterious circumstances during the trial.
Michael Kamondia died on 7 December 2014, just days before the jury retired to consider their verdicts.
In December 2014, Simon Harris was found guilty of the sexual assault of children in Kenya.

Michael Adebolajo in Kenya. Reportedly he was working for MI5/MI6.
Kenya is a place of great interest to MI5 and MI6.
Was Simon Harris working for the UK security services?
How was Harris able to travel freely to Kenya?
Why was Harris unmonitored by West Mercia Police and social services, in spite of being on the sex offenders register?
Read more: http://www.dailymail

"It was 2001. I was just 19 and having elected to take a 'gap year' ... I'd decided to spend 6 months of it teaching in Kenya.
"Harris met us with some of his people and we drove to The Green House in two Landrovers.."
Fish and Chips: Kenya 2001: A Prologue.

Harambee Schools Kenya
Newsletter July 2003
Duke of Richmond [Charles Gordon-Lennox]
Lord Luce
Lord Howell of Guildford
Baroness Cumberlege
Sir George Young
Sir Anthony Evans
Sir John James
David Ashwanden
Rob Breare
Clifford Dann
Simon Harris
Will Snell
Labels: Adebolajo, Channel 4, charity, Child Abuse, Gilgil, Jimmy Savile, Kenya, MI5, MI6, Michael Kamondia, Shebbear College, Simon Harris, Sir George Young, VAE, West Mercia
In W W II an employee of marks and spenser flora solomons, who was close to Kim Philbys wife and both were communist agents running messages for the jewish underground,
Flora told MI5 that Sir Anthony blunt was running bum-boy parties for her boss, she was upset at young boys being used in this way
I bloody knew it!!!! I KNEW there was more to him than meets the eye. Thanks, aangirfan for all you do.
Many thanks!
- Aangirfan
4News - 15 July 2013
Charity chief in court on Kenya child sex charges
Minutes from Trustees Meeting
d. HSK Gill, said that a search on Eburru had been done in London and an organization called "Harambee Schools in Kenya" had come up. Gill said that she had contacted Simon Harris who lived in Gilgil and had arranged to meet him on Thursday. Evans said that Mr. Harris had come to see him in 2003 and had suggested that the secondary school was placed in the wrong area. He had not heard from him again.
VAE Volunteer Teachers Kenya - HSK
The newsletter for ex-VAEs - August 2007
As the permanent fundraising element of HSK, Clifford Dann must be the world authority on completing trust applications. His work, in collaboration with the Duke of Richmond, includes
writing countless letters, organizing functions and events, and short-arming dignitaries to part with their cash. The result is a stream of donations entering HSK’s coffers and allowing school construction to proceed through the ebb and flow of other fundraising projects.
Clifford Dann is a retired chartered surveyor, and is a past president of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy. His interest in Kenya was started by a visit to Kibera slum in 1996. He has been involved in fundraising for many years, and was appointed MBE in 2005 for services to charity. He brings expertise to HSK on building proposals, bursaries and raising funds, particularly from the corporate world and charitable trusts.
Simon Harris first visited Gilgil Country Club in 1984 and has been to or in Kenya ever since. He did not want to take Peter King on safari so found him a job in Komothai, where he transformed the school. The Green House is now home to a huge family of waifs and strays as well as a sizeable permanent staff. He spends his time going round schools imparting valuable advice that is rarely heeded, but the influence of VAEs is improving the standards and thought patterns in the schools we work with.
Peter King (PK) remembers the pre-Kenya days of VAE where men with big beards lost all the children but really enjoyed their time in the pub. He was ‘saved’ by Harris in 1995 and spent a blissful time at Komothai achieving little save the building of random walls. After graduating (just) he joined the Royal Engineers, hoping to build more walls, but spent 7 years in revolting places. He now runs a cycle courier fleet. In Kenya he is called rain god, as his appearance always precedes a downpour.
Asperger and ASD UK Online Forum - 18 March 2007
David Matthew Baker
EDIT: It is a small world. I don't suppose he knows someone called Ihogo N'Dungu then who works at Lereshwa Secondary or possibly if his relations are the other side an N'droge (not sure on the spelling) who works for a M'zungu called Simon Harris. (Simon Harris is the person who was incharge of the scheme I was voluntary teaching through. Quite a few people around Langa Langa knew me (I was refered to as N'dungu's M'zungu by a lot of the children). It was 2004 when I was last out there. The teacher live in an old M'zungu built building off towards the left (and top end) of Langa Langa when coming in from Gilgil. He has now moved down to a new building near the road. The scheme I was out with is called VAE Kenya. Though the bit for building schools is know as HSK (Harambee Schools Kenya). There was also another organisation head by Col. Harry Vialou-Clark called the Langa Langa scholarship fund that helped less able students through schools. He also did charitable work to build schools. Ihogo's family live further along the road from the school so are local too. Met his mum, dad, brothers and one of his sisters when I was out there. I stayed with his sister in Huruma in Nairobi on a few occasions too. (I think that is the right suberb anyway. I know the local taxi drivers didn't like going there. Was near the edge of one of the slums.) Kenya is a great place though and well worth a visit.
Derby Telegraph - June 29, 2013
Students raises £20k for hall at Kenyan school
Colonel Harry Vialou Clark, a retired Army officer, and his wife, Alison, received a cheque for £19,588 from the school during an assembly.
VAE Kenya
Since 1981 VAE has been challenging young people to experience more of the world and to develop themselves. We now live and work in Kenya, where we offer students and graduates (both recent and older) the opportunity to volunteer as teachers in poor, rural schools.
Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Privately Held
Company Size
1-10 employees
VAE Kenya posted on CIA front "Action Without Borders" website 2011
Kenya 2001
The first day:
Wow. This place is amazing.
We got into Nairobi just after 9pm last night. Harris met us with some of his people and we drove to The Green House in two Landrovers (smokers and non-smokers). The roads gradually got worse and worse - the ones from Gilgil to The Green House take the piss.
Last night was spent getting suitably bladdered on Kenyan lager.
Today began with football and the realisation of how high up we are! We had lunch followed by Swahili lessons. Lucus, the teacher, was a good laugh, but I couldn't help wondering whether he'd nick our stuff after.
It felt so weird going into Gilgil. Everyone just stopped and stared - I felt really vunerable. We soon picked up a gaggle of street kids. These guys are awesome, but I'm really glad we were with one of Harris' guys.
We went for a bit of a walk, just now, to try and find the hot-springs. Needless to say we didn't find the springs but we did find lots of children screaming "'Ow are you"!! And we also met the drunk school-watchman.
Harambee Schools Kenya
Newsletter July 2003
Duke of Richmond [Charles Gordon-Lennox]
Lord Luce
Lord Howell of Guildford
Baroness Cumberlege
Sir George Young
Sir Anthony Evans
Sir John James
David Ashwanden
Rob Breare
Clifford Dann
Simon Harris
Will Snell
Apr 11 2008
An epic 6000 mile charity cycle ride to Kenya!
The ride will raise funds for the charity ‘Harambee Schools Kenya’ (HSK)
For more information about the rally and details of how to become involved see the website at
Peter King, an ex-Army officer and coordinator of the rally...
“Even before the recent troubles, the rally was essential to raise funds and awareness for these deprived schools and their pupils. Now, this money is urgently needed to support thousands of displaced refugees, offering education in overcrowded, but keenly attended, classrooms”.
Simon Harris, Kenya-based trustee of the HSK says:
“This ride, with its focus on Kenyan education, could not be more timely- every penny raised will go directly and immediately into the projects. And to have an event like this arriving in Kenya has already caused something of a stir. We look forward to welcoming the riders with a wash and a well-earned drink!”
Whoa. In 15 minutes the newsletter got taken down from site. Talk about getting spied on in real time! Wish I saved it.
Scanned backup
Harambee Schools Kenya July 2004 Newsletter
Editor: Simon Harris
Simon Harris
Director at VAE Kenya
Hereford, United KingdomLeisure, Travel & Tourism
VAE Kenya
1981 – Present (33 years)
Social enterprise which provides placements for Volunteer Teachers (gap-year, graduate or older) to poor, rural schools around the town of Gilgil in Kenya.
Base, offices and accommodation in Kenya.
Provide support and advice for researchers and academics.
Unique in having access to all sectors of society.
Queen's College, Taunton
BA, Classics
1971 – 1977
University of Cambridge
University of Southampton
Ngumo Secondary School BOG
Gilgil High School BOG
Chairman of CBO (Gilgil Trust)
Well done Snowfaked and everyone else!
- Aangirfan.
VAE Teachers Kenya 2007
Contact: Simon CD Harris
The Geographical Magazine, Volume 59 1987 Page 152
[S]HEBBEAR COLLEGE EXPEDITION TO MEPAL 1987. Simon C.D. Harris [17]. Departs July 1, A 240-km trek for 16-18 year olds around the Annapurna Massif and across the Thorung La Pass {5379m}. Medical aid and school exchange projects in Kathmandu.
[Simon Harris was age 27 in 1987, not 17, but this is the same who abused boys at Shebbear College.
Was this an advertisement to paedophiles?]
You're most welcome Aangirfan.
Here's a complete scan of page from Geographical magazine advertising Simon CD Harris 1987 Shebbear College Nepal Expedition
The Geographical Magazine Guide to the World of Expeditions
Simon Harris buddy Col. Vialou Clark's Langalanga Scholarship Kenya
Patron: The Earl of Carnarvon
Vice Patrons:
The Rt Hon Lord Luce KG GCVO PC DL
The Rt Hon Lord Howell of Guildford PC
The Rt Hon Sir George Young Bt MP
Will Snell - Harambee Schools Kenya
Jun 03 2007
Will Snell spent a gap year teaching English in Kenya and went on to co-found a UK charity, Harambee Schools Kenya (HSK), while at university. Since then he has worked in a variety of roles across the voluntary sector and now works for the UK Department for International Development, co-ordinating policy work on reconstruction in Iraq. He plans to set up a social business pairing up large companies in the UK with small businesses in Kenya...
"From a student in your gap year to chairman of a charity organisation working in Africa: describe your journey"
I think that setting up HSK was in part a response to a psychological need to retain some kind of link to that experience. The friend that I set it up with had also been teaching at a school in the same part of Kenya, with the same gap year organization (VAE Kenya)... HSK grew over the following years, we broadened our scope to include fundraising from the general public, both in the UK and the US, as well as people with connections to the area through the VAE gap year scheme. Certainly, the changing attitude of the Kenyan government to education has helped; since 2002 we have enjoyed a much closer relationship, which has helped us a great deal.
"HSK works in conjunction with the Kenyan government to quote “ensure that our work is aligned to the strategic direction of education policy in Kenya” "
...In most cases we have been lucky to work with some vary committed and talented people who have done a great deal to help. This includes Members of Parliament, district education officials, and in particular officials within the local communities where the schools are based...
Back to school for Lizzie
Saturday, December 29, 2001
A YOUNG Woodbridge woman is preparing to travel to darkest Africa where she hopes to brighten up the lives of schoolchildren.
Lizzie Grubb, 18, of Orchard Close, will leave Britain on January 10 to spend six months in Kenya working for a charity which supplies the country's woefully under-funded education system with volunteer teachers from around Europe.
The former Farlingaye High School pupil has taken a gap year after finishing her A-levels in the summer and is anxious to help out at the school in a small village called Gilgil, between Nairobi and Mount Kenya.
She will be joined by 13 other volunteers and will teach many different subjects on behalf of the ****French charity**** VAE Kenya.
Anyone wanting to donate and help Lizzie make a difference in Kenya can transfer money to her Barclay's Bank account number 60657816, sort code 209807.
To contribute to the VAE Kenya charity visit their website at
Harambee Schools Kenya was founded on 14 May 1999 by Rob Breare and
Will Snell, two Oxford undergraduates. Both had spent time between
school and university teaching in impoverished rural schools in the
central highlands of Kenya with an organisation called VAE Kenya...
...HSK was thus founded with the intention of raising money in the UK,
the USA and worldwide...
... Most importantly, we have a reliable and trusted
team of staff in Kenya who work for us on a part-time basis when
projects are in progress. They include a Project Manager, a Site
Manager, and ***a Photographer***...
...Our two sister organisations, VAE Kenya and the
Langalanga Scholarship Fund...
...We recruit students, ex-VAE volunteer teachers
and volunteers from around the world to raise funds and awareness of
our activities.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Teaching in Kenya
For some time, I've been considering returning to Kenya to teach whenever the next opportunity arises. However, having to pay £1000s to a gap-year company (not mentioning any names i-to-i) when none of this money is passed onto the school just seems ridiculous. Especially when said companies 'services' are decidedly mediocre. So I've been looking around for a different way of finding a teaching placements, and these guys really struck a chord with me:
VAE Kenya
So often, companies descriptions of placements are complete fantasies, "fantastic children, warm welcoming teachers etc". The fact is, if everything was that great, they wouldn't need volunteers. That's why it made me so happy to see this description of a school on VAE's site:
"Komothai, although the first school we ever sent volunteers to, is still the least well organised, partly due to having had three Headmasters in the past five years, and partially to having a well ensconsed body of teaching staff who are resistant to change.... It is the only school in the area with an operating library. It has been given many books, yet its standards are appalling, and it has been given hundreds of trees and still looks like a building site"
Thats exactly what my placement was like, except it was a new headteacher EVERY year.
So it seems to me that this company puts volunteers where they're really needed, and doesn't charge you a fortune to finance their new office in ***Islington.*** Nice Work.
Gilgil Trust
Stapehill Road
BH21 7ND Wimborne
August 4th 2013
Director of Public Prosecution Keriako Tobiko wants Fr Kizito charged with sodomy
Father Kizito has defended himself against the accusations saying they were instigated by former employees who want to take over his Koinonia Community Trust, an organisation that helps bright kids from poor families with scholarships.
Its properties, including a radio station, several children homes, a school and a guesthouse are valued at more than Sh500 million.
Meanwhile, a Briton who ran a charity mission in Gilgil was charged in the UK with molesting two boys under his care. Simon Harris, 54, was charged with three offences against two children between 2003 and 2013.
Harris was a director of VAE, a charity which places gap year students and post-graduates from the UK in poor, rural schools. He also ran an organisation called the ***Gilgil Trust***, that helps young street children in Kenya.
Flora Nichol CV
I am a very keen photographer and filmmaker. I have solely produced, filmed and edited documentaries and corporate films in the UK and Kenya with my personal filming equipment and editing facilities.
I am a trustee for The Gilgil Trust, a charity based in Kenya. Along with four others we set this charity up to aid street children in rural Kenya. I took on this responsibility following a six-month period where I taught in a rural Primary school in The Great Rift Valley in 2005. Whilst teaching in Kenya, I was involved in extra curriculum activities and I also set up a library for the benefit of staff, pupils and the local community.§id=edid=&edlabel=ETBG&mydateHid=30-12-2008&pubname=Economic+Times+-+Bangalore&edname=&articleid=Ar00500&publabel=ET
The Economic Times of India
What is the role of a social organisation in your business model
A social organisation is the most important component of our business model and acts as our agent. It can be anybody a non-governmental organization, a microfinance institution, rural technology centers or even contract farming companies. These organizations do a due diligence on the lender and the borrower,after which they enter into a legal agreement. Currently, the organizations with whom we have tied up are SOS childrens village, Centre for Urban and Rural development society (CURD), *****Gilgil Trust***** and Vidyanikethan Trust.
Gilgil and its environs is the place where the Happy Valley set lived.
Nowadays Gilgil is located in the Highlands of Kenya about 200 miles from Nairobi on the main road. Gilgil is Kikuyu Land where alot of Kikuyu people live too (and a few Maasai) - it is near the Towns of Nakuru and Lake Nakuru but it actual fact it is closer to Naivasha and Lake Naivasha. The great mountain range the Abaderes is located near to this area too. It is in the heartlands of Kenya.
****Oh i forget - Lord Delamere, also lives down the road from Gilgil. He was in the newspaper recently for shooting someone on his land. This is the second time that this happened he shot and killed someone before - the first time he got off though...****
The place has two or three seasons - the long hot season the windy season and the wet. It is very mountainous going up to about 14,000 feet.
The Happy Valley set also liked to play golf and drink 'sundowners' (G & T's - for the quinine - it prevents malaria) at the ***Gilgil County Golf Club. It is still running and it is still a whites only Club.***
Nowadays, the whites who live around Lake Naivasha go to the club which is famous for its Sunday Roast (usually there are a bunch of people to play Tennis there.
Also the local English Preparatory School teachers like to drink there on a Friday night. ***So do the chaps from V.A.E***
There is a swimming pool inside Pembroke School which recently first admitted it's first black pupil.
The children like playing cricket, rugby, horseriding, tennis and of course swimming.
There are also boda boda bicycle riders who will cycle you on the back of their bicycle (which has a useful seat welded to the back of it) for 30 bob (30p stirling). They will cycle to the local town called Gilgil, they won't cycle any further.
Gilgil is a small dusty sweltering little scap of a place.
There tracks of the railroad run past the Gilgil club and towards Gilgil.
Gilgil is also near a another town called Langalanga - (meaning racing car - its a onomatopaic word). There used to be a great race track there but now there's just a great thick wedge of black tarmac which surprisingly doesn't melt.
***The Army base for the Northern Command in Kenya is based there. The Army sometimes arrests and tortures people there. Usually with electric car batteries. Very nasty.***
A friend of a friend of mine had been arrested on the assumption that he had stabbed someone in Gilgil town. My aquentance was going to the Army Police station to bring his friend food, because they wouldn't feed you in there.
At another point, when I was in Gilgil - I nearly got beaten to death by a mob of people for forgetting to pay the bus driver 20 bob (Kenyan shillingi) 20p. That was another hairy point.
***The place is full of danger under the surface.***
***But the Tennis Courts at the Club are fun. And the beer is niiiice and cold.***,_5th_Baron_Delamere
Hugh Cholmondeley, 5th Baron Delamere
The Honourable Hugh George Cholmondeley from birth until 1979, is a British peer. He is a well-known figure in the evolution and development of post-colonial Kenya. He owns the vast Soysambu Ranch in Kenya.
Lord Delamere was the eldest son of The 4th Baron Delamere, whom he succeeded as baron in 1979. His mother was Phyllis Anne Montagu Douglas Scott, granddaughter of both The 6th Duke of Buccleuch and The 7th Duke of Rutland. Hugh Delamere (as he is known to family and friends) is an indirect descendant of Sir Robert Walpole, the first Prime Minister of Great Britain.
In this period, the Cholmondeley family continued to own land in Cheshire, and to have other holdings in the United Kingdom; but the former baronial seat of Vale Royal Abbey was sold in 1947. Lord Delamere has lived, worked and invested most of his life in building modern Kenya. He continues to own the vast Soysambu Ranch in Kenya.
Guardian 8 July 2008
Cholmondeley case: Kenya aristocrat claims cover-up at murder trial
The scion of Kenya's most famous white settler family yesterday denied murdering a poacher and said that he covered up for his rally driver friend who had also fired his weapon at the crime scene.
Thomas Cholmondeley, heir to the 5th Baron Delamere, was speaking at the start of his defence case at Nairobi high court. He has been held in Kamiti maximum security prison since May 2006, when he was arrested for the murder of Robert Njoya on his family's 58,000-acre Soysambu estate in the Rift Valley.
At the time, Cholmondeley told police that he had accidentally shot Njoya with a hunting rifle while aiming for the poachers' dogs, which had charged him. But yesterday, before a packed court, Cholmondeley insisted that he had not fired the fatal bullet.
"Up to now I cannot see how I could have shot that person [Njoya]," said Cholmondeley, 40, who was dressed in a dark blue suit and maroon tie. While stopping short of accusing his friend Carl "Flash" Tundo, a white Kenyan farmer and rally driver, of killing Njoya, Cholmondeley told the court that Tundo had also fired his pistol that fateful evening.
"I did not mention this in my statement to the police because that night [May 10 2006] in the cells Flash was really upset and tearful. He asked me not to mention it for fears that he would get into trouble."
Tundo, who has already been cross-examined as part of the prosecution case, denies having a gun at the scene. If Cholmondeley is acquitted, Tundo could in theory be charged with murder.
The drawn-out case has attracted huge coverage and debate in Kenya. The Delameres are the best-known white family in the country, and though their land holdings are dwarfed by those of the elite Kenyan political dynasties, they are big enough to cause jealousy and resentment. Even before the Njoya shooting, Cholmondeley was the object of some notoriety, having avoided prosecution for killing an undercover wildlife inspector at Soysambu in 2005 after the attorney general threw out the case.
Cholmondeley's girlfriend, Sally Dudmesh, was in court yesterday, as were several of his friends. In the front row sat Cholmondeley's parents, Lady and Lord Delamere, who had with him a murder mystery novel called The Hand of Strange Children. Behind him, wearing a white dress and a green scarf over her head, sat Njoya's wife, Sarah.
The prosecution has accused Cholmondeley of shooting Njoya from behind to punish him for poaching, and of tampering with the crime scene...
The name Delamere has been synonymous with white Kenya for more than a century. Thomas Cholmondeley's great-grandfather Hugh, the third Baron Delamere, was a British peer who moved to Kenya in 1901. He soon acquired 100,000 acres in the Rift Valley - many Maasai leaders today regard the deal as theft - and soon became the unofficial leader of the white settlers. A staunch proponent of British supremacy, he also led a colourful personal life. He is reported to have vaulted his horse over the dining room tables in Nairobi's Norfolk hotel, and was a founder of the debauched Happy Valley set that scandalised Kenya. Following his death in 1931, Delamere's widow, Gwladys, became the first female mayor of Nairobi. After independence, Delamere's heirs decided to stay on in the country, taking Kenyan citizenship. While some of the family's traditions remained - sons, including Thomas, were shipped off to Eton - their role in and influence over Kenyan life have diminished significantly
May 21 2013
Delameres divide Sh5bn estate in succession plan to heirs
[Not expecting any trouble are they?]
(i) one Ali, a water seller in Arua Municipality, who was allegedly tortured in the dreaded Gilgil Military barracks, and died a few days afterwards;
Licensed to kill: The world of Kenya’s elite forces
The Gilgil Barracks, located about a kilometre from Gilgil town, is home to the special operators. And, to join the happy little family here, you have to be outstanding in the military field. Members of these elite units are picked from the best of the best after pass outs, and immediately start being tested for endurance, stress management and ingenuity.
The Rangers Strike Force takes 63 days to train while the training for Special Forces lasts for six months. One of the major differences between the two is that Rangers are trained by Americans and the Special Forces by the British.
Contrary to what many think, the Special Forces are not a rapid deployment unit; the secret of their success is intensive preparation. They are well versed with details about power grids, water supplies, crops, the economy, roads and local politics. They plan, debate, and rehearse both combat and follow-on operations.
During training, the Rangers spend three weeks in Isiolo, a similar amount of time in the high-altitude Mount Kenya region, then move to the humid coastal military base at Manda Bay.
They train alongside such crack units such as Britain’s Special Air Service (SAS), Sayaret Matkal of the Israel Defence Force (IDF) and US Rangers.
Some of the training activities can traumatise even the bravest. According to KDF sources, they are trained to continue fighting without retreat while remaining flexible even under the harshest conditions.
Their training entails lessons in survival, exposing the men to pressure and suffering while making them masters of disguise, deceit and sabotage.
The special operators are also on to counter-terrorism; urban, desert, mountain and bush combat; and the handling of a wide range of weapons, from light infantry arms to heavy artillery.
A number of those serving in Somalia have received training from the US 3rd Special Forces Group on weapons and tactics, first aid, hostage rescue operations, map reading and navigation, field craft, humanitarian operations, VIP escort and protection, swimming and self-defence.
Kenya’s Special Forces are also being trained by the British Marine Commandos on Counter-Insurgency Operations (COIN), Operations in Built Up Areas (OBUA) and sniper training, which includes stalking, marksmanship in long-range shooting, observation skills in scanning and searching, camouflage and concealment, gathering information from Observation Posts (OPs) and counter sniper drills.
Others are taken to various places around the world, including in Belize, a country on the northeastern coast of Central America on the Caribbean formerly under British control, where they conduct intelligence gathering, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance in a jungle environment.
“In 2003, at the request of the Kenya Ministry of Defence, the United States began to assist in the development of military units capable of responding to cross-border security challenges,” a cable sent from Nairobi to Washington reads.
“The development of the land-based force has been focused on two types of units; conventional army infantry and an elite Kenya Army Special Operations Force/Rangers Strike Force.”
The US is using permanently attached personnel from its Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAF) to train RSF. In 2005, US Special Forces conducted basic infantry training through several Joint Combined Exercise Training events with approximately 99 RSF soldiers.
Initial plans included establishing a 900-man KSOF Battalion at Gilgil by September 2011 but everything has not gone to plan because of the Somali incursion.
The suspect now says that two men left behind some phones for repair but he does not remember them,” said Gilgil OCPD Serah Kok.
“We have one suspect in custody and we are investigating the source of the phones before taking further action,” said Naivasha DCIO Martin Mbaya. Gilgil town has several army barracks and some soldiers there were involved in the Westgate rescue operations.
[Last paragraph no longer on website article]
Dame Alun Roberts CH @ciabaudo
Telegraph and Mail tried to rubbish Ted Heath inquiry by citing criminologist Rachel Hoskins.
Rachel Hoskins used to be Richard Hoskins as recently as March of 2016
Richard Hoskins was head of Religious Studies at Shebbear College
Richard Hoskins is patron of the Build Africa charity
Richard's wife, Faith Warner, was one of the first girls to attend Shebbear College.
He invited actor Joseph Fiennes to Shebbear College.
Joseph Fiennes' brother Ralph Fiennes is in Jeffrey Epstein's black book
The Fiennes are related to Prince Charles
Fiennes is an eighth cousin of Charles, Prince of Wales, and a third cousin of adventurer Ranulph Fiennes and author William Fiennes. His siblings are actor Ralph Fiennes
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