George Junius Stinney, Jr.,1929 - 1944.
George Stinney was 14 years old when he was executed - the youngest person executed in the United States in the 20th Century.
In a South Carolina prison, guards walked the 14-year-old boy, bible tucked under his arm, to the electric chair.
At 5' 1" and 95 pounds, the straps didn’t fit, and an electrode was too big for his leg.
The switch was pulled.
Tears streamed from George's eyes.
George's confession was coerced, and, he was in fact innocent.
A fifteen year old White girl, Evelyn Roberson, who had a grudge against George Stinney, claimed that George had made a private confession to his grandmother.
There are problems about this:
1. How did the girl find out about the alleged private conversation between George and his grandmother?
2. Why was the grandmother not called to give evidence at the trial?
3. Why was there no mention at the trial of the alleged confession to the grandmother?
George Stinney was 14 years old when he was executed - the youngest person executed in the United States in the 20th Century.
In a South Carolina prison, guards walked the 14-year-old boy, bible tucked under his arm, to the electric chair.
At 5' 1" and 95 pounds, the straps didn’t fit, and an electrode was too big for his leg.
The switch was pulled.
Tears streamed from George's eyes.
George's confession was coerced, and, he was in fact innocent.
In March 1944, in South Carolina, Betty June Binnicker, age 11, and Mary Emma Thames, age 8, were out riding their bicycles looking for flowers.
As they passed the Stinney property, they asked young George Stinney and his sister, Katherine, if they knew where to find "maypops", a type of flower.
When the girls did not return, search parties were organized.
The bodies of the girls were found the next morning in a ditch. Both had suffered severe head wounds.
George Stinney had joined the search party and he told someone that he had talked to the girls on the day of their murder.
As he and his sister had been the last persons to admit seeing the girls alive, George Stinney was arrested a few hours after their bodies were discovered.
Allegedly George Stinney made a confession, but, no written record of the confession has been found.
The defense called no witnesses and never filed an appeal. No one challenged the sheriff’s recollection of the confession.
Three witnesses were called for the prosecution: the man who discovered the bodies and the two doctors who performed the post mortem.
There was no cross-examination of the witnesses.
There is no transcript of the trial.
South Carolina attorney Steve McKenzie believes George Junius Stinney was innocent because there was no physical evidence tying him to the murders.
"And it was said by the family that there was a deathbed confession."
Frierson said that the real murderer came from a prominent white family.
A member, or members of that family, had served on the initial coroner’s inquest jury which had recommended that George Stinney be prosecuted.
The youngest person ever sentenced to death in the U.S. was Native American James Arcene for his alleged role in a robbery and murder allegedly committed when he was 10-years-old.
When the girls did not return, search parties were organized.
The bodies of the girls were found the next morning in a ditch. Both had suffered severe head wounds.
George Stinney had joined the search party and he told someone that he had talked to the girls on the day of their murder.
As he and his sister had been the last persons to admit seeing the girls alive, George Stinney was arrested a few hours after their bodies were discovered.
George Stinney was a suspect simply because he mentioned he had seen the girls earlier in the day.

George Stinney's father, who had helped look for the girls, was fired immediately from the sawmill where he worked, and ordered to leave his home.
His family was told to leave town prior to the trial.
George Stinney was interrogated by several white police officers in a locked room.
Within an hour, a deputy announced that Stinney had confessed to the crime.

George Stinney's father, who had helped look for the girls, was fired immediately from the sawmill where he worked, and ordered to leave his home.
His family was told to leave town prior to the trial.
George Stinney was interrogated by several white police officers in a locked room.
Allegedly George Stinney made a confession, but, no written record of the confession has been found.
The defense called no witnesses and never filed an appeal. No one challenged the sheriff’s recollection of the confession.
Three witnesses were called for the prosecution: the man who discovered the bodies and the two doctors who performed the post mortem.
There was no cross-examination of the witnesses.
There is no transcript of the trial.
South Carolina attorney Steve McKenzie believes George Junius Stinney was innocent because there was no physical evidence tying him to the murders.

A South Carolina mansion
George Frierson, who has researched the case stated in interviews that "there has been a person that has been named as being the culprit, who is now deceased.
Frierson said that the real murderer came from a prominent white family.
The youngest person ever sentenced to death in the U.S. was Native American James Arcene for his alleged role in a robbery and murder allegedly committed when he was 10-years-old.
George Junius Stinney, Jr.,1929 - 1944.
A fifteen year old White girl, Evelyn Roberson, who had a grudge against George Stinney, claimed that George had made a private confession to his grandmother.
There are problems about this:
1. How did the girl find out about the alleged private conversation between George and his grandmother?
2. Why was the grandmother not called to give evidence at the trial?
3. Why was there no mention at the trial of the alleged confession to the grandmother?
White Christian America is deeply sick.
Americans Are Basically OK With CIA Torture Methods.
lee cresswell comments:
"In your world Aang it would seem that all the evil in this world can be squarely pinned on to the white, Christian, heterosexual establishment elite...something which is absolutely laughable."
"In your world Aang it would seem that all the evil in this world can be squarely pinned on to the white, Christian, heterosexual establishment elite...something which is absolutely laughable."
So, no sympathy from Lee Cresswell for George Stinney.
And a total lack of understanding by Lee Cresswell of this blog.
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Aangirfan has now had over 16 million page views.
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Labels: Carolina, execution, George Stinney, USA
White Christian America as with the Vatican are both under Jewish controllers who have ensured that disordered characters run Christian organizations in the West...maybe throughout the world, who can say? Dont believe it? Just look at the openly displayed Jew power in the USA, UK, France,Germany, Australia, Canada etc etc
Horrible story. Kids are imprisoned today in America on false statements and/or confessions. As are adults. It is insanely stupid and self-defeating to talk to cops/detectives/prosecutors/investigators in America. If you are an American you need to educate yourself for your own sake and that of your friends and family. A good place to begin is with this video featuring a law professor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc
In your world Aang it would seem that all the evil in this world can be squarely pinned on to the white, Christian, heterosexual establishment elite...something which is absolutely laughable. Easy target granted....;-)
The elite are mostly ethnic ashkenazis who call themselves jews (not white).
They are also mostly homosexual and/or pedophile (not heterosexual).
And lastly the religion that hold the temperal power in this material world is satanism (which is Christianity's polar opposite).
Granted these people have long since infiltrated Christianity on masse...in order to corrupt the message and make ALL Christians look bad by association.
But you Aang should judge the tree by the fruits. If a group of people commit evil then they are by definition satanically inspired...regardless of whether they call themselves Christians or not....or anything else for that matter.
Sigh. Even if he didn't kill those girls, what difference is a new trial going to make now, especially since he was executed some 69 years ago? And 70 years after the trial, how is he likely to get any more of a fair hearing (fair to both sides) than he did in 1943, given that most witnesses are long since dead?
Unfortunately there comes a time when you have to put things like this aside and just say that the passage of time and witnesses has made it impossible to come up with a definitive answer. It would be wonderful to be able to solve every cold case, but that's unlikely ever to become possible.
Anything to show racist White people were.
IF the black kid had nothing to do with the murders, no one would ever even arrest him. Because that means the real murderer would get away.
If one does not like law enforcement and the courts, well, that is OK. But they (the law) are not a bunch of idiots who would let somebody get away. Or so I say. Of course, I know there are lurid examples to the contrary.
We have some rotten media and liberal trouble makers in America. Surely there has to be a few million in this for the attorneys and the kid's relatives.
They are all nuts crazy.
We get occasional comments from ignorant, racist and semi-literate White conservatives.
Are you making excuses for the racist, white Christian murderers?
Of course George did not kill those girls. It sounds as if you are one of those racists who defend the torture and murder of innocents.
I used to visit patients in a certain institution for the insane.
Of the patients I was introduced to, 100% had fundamentalist Christian backgrounds.
You claim to be a Christian, but come across as lacking in charity.
What sympathy do you have for poor George?
You are either a Troll, or a very bad example of a 'Christian'.
Many thanks.
You are the only person so far to have produced a comment showing some sympathy for poor George.
The other comments appear to be mainly from people lacking in human decency.
Seems to be a lot of trolls on here today Aang.I always read your blog and have never commented before but what the hell is wrong with people!? And as for what difference it makes....it will clear the poor kids name if nothing else.
Many thanks for your wise comment.
- Aangirfan.
How do u like it?
i agree with you Aang but whats with your links to TruTube TV?all i could find on their site was racist and predjudice material.Have you seen it and why is it linked to your site? Bit confused why you have it listed,cheers x
I'l remove TruTube. Many thanks.
Amazed at some of the comments on here today.
Any news on Coleman, Aang? I have left a comment on his site but it has been awaiting moderation for some time. Do you know if he's OK?
Yeah, I really don't comprehend the vitriol spewed against blacks/'mexicans' (I use quotes because many ignorant Americans think all brown skinned people are Mexican) or any other race of people.
My Irish forefathers were run off their own land and considered to be wholly inferior to their british counterparts. When the irish were left with no choice but to migrate to Britain there they were held in contempt. That's not at all different from today in that (for instance) Mexicans have had their livelihoods decimated by NAFTA and many have no choice but to come North if they wish to survive. But I'm supposed to believe they're bad people for doing so??
And now that I'm in 21st century America I should look down my nose at others like Cromwell (curse be upon him) did? Should I adopt the bigoted beliefs of my enemies? Will that make me a better man? A better warrior against tyranny, against the jewish anti-human mindset?
No, I don't think so.
For what it's worth I stand with my brothers of all walks of life against the enemy shared (even if that enemy is unknown to the majority, it is shared nonetheless) by all life on this planet. The enemy is formidable to say the least. So why weaken our cause by separating ourselves by race in an effort to prove some grand notion that "I'm more special than the other guy..." Funny how that thinking is perfectly in line with that believed by those who consider themselves 'chosen'...
Oh dear God, some of the worst are those who use the bullshit 'liberal' v 'conservative' canard, like the anon above.
Yeah, if America only were 100% Rush Limbo styled 'conservative' just think what a great place it would be....
Oh, and to this thought: "IF the black kid had nothing to do with the murders, no one would ever arrest him. Because that means the real murderer would get away."
Ask yourself this, anon: what if the real murderer had the power to arrest the 'black kid'? Or what if the real murderer was in a position of authority to sway the investigation? What if the real culprit were protected do to his/her familial ties to positions of power? You are FAR too trusting of the Just Us System. Hopefully your faith in it doesn't cause you great harm at a later date.
My threshold is high, having viewed endless vids about CIA torture, snuff movies, SRA and all the rest of it but this one brought tears to my eyes - that poor innocent victim.
Excellent comment!
Many thanks.
I totally agree with K Patrick Ryan. Thank heavens for an intelligent comment from a kindly human being.
No word on Coleman.
Perhaps he was sickened by the trolls like Lee Cresswell?
Well said. Exactly my feelings.
The trolls have no feelings.
Thanks for your reply.
The sick satanic elite who run this world HATE Christianity too and are working very hard to turn people away from the message of salvation.
You do the maths.
By the way; Aleister Crowley came from a fundementalist Christian background too.
Should we blame Christianity for what he became??
According to your logic; maybe we should.;-)
What happened to my other comment? The one where I categorically condemned the evil people who execute that little boy. Why was 'nt that posted?
Many thanks Danny!
- Aangirfan
A fifteen year old White girl, Evelyn Roberson, who had a grudge against George Stinney, claimed that George had made a private confession to his grandmother.
There are problems about this:
1. How did the girl find out about the alleged private conversation between George and his grandmother?
2. Why was the grandmother not called to give evidence at the trial?
3. Why was there no mention at the trial of the alleged confession to the grandmother?
I don't know what is worse, killing an innocent young man or folks with no compassion or empathy that must think it is funny.
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