Turkey's evil prosecutors want a long jail sentence for a 13-year-old boy.
The boy is accused of taking part in a protest against the deaths of 300 people in the Soma mine explosion in May 2014.
Prosecutors demand up to three years in jail for 13-year-old

Turkish teen Belkin Evlan died after sustaining a head injury in anti-government protests. He was hit in the head by what is believed to be a police gas canister.
Turkey has been a strong ally of Israel and the USA, and played a part in the events of 9 11.
Lots of False Flag terrorism was organised by the CIA and Turkey's generals in past decades.
However, when the CIA put Recep Erdogan into power as Prime Minister of Turkey, his government prosecuted certain military leaders for planning acts of terrorism aimed at toppling his government.
Reportedly, Erdogan may have prosecuted the innocent ones.
On 18 June 2014, an Istanbul court ordered the release of 230 people, mostly army officers convicted on apparently dodgy evidence of trying to overthrow Erdogan.
Turkey's prime minister - The Economist
Sarah Rainsford
On 4 February 2008, we were shocked when the BBC's news website had an item entitled: 'Deep state plot' Coup rumours about rogue security officials set Turkey abuzz
The BBC's Sarah Rainsford refered to the fascist gang known as Ergenekon, (which has been a tool of the CIA.)
This gang had allegedly been plotting to topple the Turkish government.
Now, why would the BBC reveal information about the 'deep state' carrying out acts of terrorism?
We can only presume that the BBC was part of the plot to boost 'Islamist' Prime Minister Ergenekon and hit certain anti-semitic generals who were being too nationalist (too keen to keep in with Russia rather than the USA).
This was a time when the CIA was using Moslems, rather than fascists, for more of its Gladio-style terror false flag operations.

It is suspected that the brains behind the original prosecutions of the army officers was Erdogan's former ally Fethullah Gulen.
Erdogan has recently been purging government institutions of supporters of his former ally Fethullah Gulen.
Gulen is a Moslem cleric who lives in Pennsylvania.
Gulen is alleged to work for the CIA and to be financed by the heroin trade.
Reportedly, Turkish military leaders military leaders planned acts of terrorism which were to be blamed on al-Qaeda.
In 2007, a Turkish court sentenced seven 'suspected al-Qaida militants' to life in prison for the November 2003 bombings in Istanbul, which hit the British consulate, the HSBC bank and two synagogues.
The defendants included Syrian Loa'i al-Saqa, also known as Luai Sakra .
"The attacks served to strengthen the Anglo-American military axis and the legitimacy of Bush's 'War on terrorism.'"

Sakra, part of the 9 11 plot
Turkey has been a strong ally of Israel and the USA, and played a part in the events of 9 11.
Lots of False Flag terrorism was organised by the CIA and Turkey's generals in past decades.

However, when the CIA put Recep Erdogan into power as Prime Minister of Turkey, his government prosecuted certain military leaders for planning acts of terrorism aimed at toppling his government.
Reportedly, Erdogan may have prosecuted the innocent ones.
On 18 June 2014, an Istanbul court ordered the release of 230 people, mostly army officers convicted on apparently dodgy evidence of trying to overthrow Erdogan.
Turkey's prime minister - The Economist

Sarah Rainsford
On 4 February 2008, we were shocked when the BBC's news website had an item entitled: 'Deep state plot' Coup rumours about rogue security officials set Turkey abuzz
The BBC's Sarah Rainsford refered to the fascist gang known as Ergenekon, (which has been a tool of the CIA.)
This gang had allegedly been plotting to topple the Turkish government.
Now, why would the BBC reveal information about the 'deep state' carrying out acts of terrorism?
We can only presume that the BBC was part of the plot to boost 'Islamist' Prime Minister Ergenekon and hit certain anti-semitic generals who were being too nationalist (too keen to keep in with Russia rather than the USA).
This was a time when the CIA was using Moslems, rather than fascists, for more of its Gladio-style terror false flag operations.

It is suspected that the brains behind the original prosecutions of the army officers was Erdogan's former ally Fethullah Gulen.
Erdogan has recently been purging government institutions of supporters of his former ally Fethullah Gulen.
Gulen is a Moslem cleric who lives in Pennsylvania.
Gulen is alleged to work for the CIA and to be financed by the heroin trade.

Diktator Erdogan.
Prime Minister Erdogan, perhaps having fallen out with the CIA, is now trying to be friends with the Turkish military.
Prime Minister Erdogan is said to be a corrupt billionaire.

Prime Minister Erdogan, perhaps having fallen out with the CIA, is now trying to be friends with the Turkish military.
Prime Minister Erdogan is said to be a corrupt billionaire.

Turkey's military, whose wiretapping equipment is reportedly used by Israel to spy on Turks. Website for this image
And Erdogan is said to be secretly Jewish.

And Erdogan is said to be secretly Jewish.

Let's look at some past history.
Reportedly, Turkish military leaders military leaders planned acts of terrorism which were to be blamed on al-Qaeda.
(Newly exposed coup planned to turn the clock back to 1923 )
Ergenekon is the secret CIA-linked fascist organisation in Turkey which from time to time commits acts of terrorism and which from time to time carries out fascist coups.
Ergenekon is linked to the Turkish military.
Turkish and other media have reported that Mossad has supported Ergenekon.
Ergenekon is the secret CIA-linked fascist organisation in Turkey which from time to time commits acts of terrorism and which from time to time carries out fascist coups.
Ergenekon is linked to the Turkish military.
Turkish and other media have reported that Mossad has supported Ergenekon.
Did Turkey and Israel work together to sabotage the Gaza Convoy which was attacked on 31 May 2010?
Reportedly the CIA supports Ergenekon.
Reportedly the CIA supports Ergenekon.
(aangirfan: Gladio-style terror in Istanbul, New York, Jakarta ... )
Ergenekon has been linked to heroin smuggling from Afghanistan through Turkey.
Ergenekon has been linked to heroin smuggling from Afghanistan through Turkey.
(Deep State Coup Averted in Turkey - by Christopher Deliso )
Back in January 2010, we learnt that elements of the Turkish military, linked to Ergenekon, allegedly devised Operation Cage as part of its plans to topple the Turkish government.
Back in January 2010, we learnt that elements of the Turkish military, linked to Ergenekon, allegedly devised Operation Cage as part of its plans to topple the Turkish government.
(Cage probe deepens with Poyrazköy indictment)
Operation Cage reportedly included the idea of killing children by detonating explosives during school field trips to military museums.

Operation Cage reportedly included the idea of killing children by detonating explosives during school field trips to military museums.

General Firtina, attache in Washington in 1991. The Middle East Report concluded in 1998 that probably the greatest strategic move in the Clinton years was "The Ankara Pact"- an alliance between the Turkish military and the USA and Israel. (Turkey, Drugs, Faustian Alliances & Sibel Edmonds)
A suitcase of documents 'reveals Operation Sledgehammer, the 2003 plan for acts of terrorism and a Turkish coup'.

Reportedly Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan has been an asset of the CIA
Many top military people were named in the Sledgehammer documents.
If the documents are to be believed, the Turkish military planned to down a Turkish aircraft, and blame the attack on Greece.
'The idea was to create the nationalist unity needed for a coup.'
If the documents are to be believed, the military planned to detonate bombs in mosques.
The main Sledgehammer document discusses how to take advantage of the chaos after co-ordinated attacks in large cities, especially Istanbul.
This was written several months before attacks against the British consulate, the HSBC bank and synagogues in Istanbul.
The Sledgehammer documents reveal that Stadiums were to be prepared for mass detentions.

Many top military people were named in the Sledgehammer documents.
If the documents are to be believed, the Turkish military planned to down a Turkish aircraft, and blame the attack on Greece.
'The idea was to create the nationalist unity needed for a coup.'
If the documents are to be believed, the military planned to detonate bombs in mosques.
The main Sledgehammer document discusses how to take advantage of the chaos after co-ordinated attacks in large cities, especially Istanbul.
This was written several months before attacks against the British consulate, the HSBC bank and synagogues in Istanbul.
The Sledgehammer documents reveal that Stadiums were to be prepared for mass detentions.

In 2007, a Turkish court sentenced seven 'suspected al-Qaida militants' to life in prison for the November 2003 bombings in Istanbul, which hit the British consulate, the HSBC bank and two synagogues.
The defendants included Syrian Loa'i al-Saqa, also known as Luai Sakra .
( Al-Qaida suspects on trial for Istanbul bombings give final ...)

Sakra, part of the 9 11 plot
The British Consul General Roger Short was killed by the bomb as he was entering the consulate building.

Sakra, part of the 9 11 plot
The British Consul General Roger Short was killed by the bomb as he was entering the consulate building.
Press reports confirmed that he had cancelled an appointment at the last minute and "if he had gone to his appointment, he would have been alive."
According to Michel Chossudovsky, at globalresearch, "The attacks created conditions for Turkey's participation in the war on terrorism.
According to Michel Chossudovsky, at globalresearch, "The attacks created conditions for Turkey's participation in the war on terrorism.
"The attacks served to strengthen the Anglo-American military axis and the legitimacy of Bush's 'War on terrorism.'"

Sakra, part of the 9 11 plot
Ercan Gun, at the Gulen linked TODAY'S ZAMAN, 15 August 2005, reported on the Syrian 'Al Qaeda Militant' Luai Sakra (Saqa) who was arrested for organizing the double bomb attacks in Istanbul on 15-23 November 2003.
Sakra 'has confessed to Turkish police that he provided the attackers of 9 11 with passports'.

Sakra 'claims that he knew Muhammad Ata'.
Sakra 'claims he drinks alcohol and does not pray'.
Sakra reportedly said: “I was one of the people who knew the perpetrators of September 11, and knew the time and plan before the attacks. I also participated in the preparations for the attacks to WTI and Pentagon. I provided money and passports.”
Reportedly, some of the passports, which Sakra claimed to have provided himself, were found in the ruins of World Trade Centre I.

Ercan Gun wonders if Al-Qaeda is a Secret Service operation.
Sakra was interrogated for 4 days at the Istanbul Anti-Terror Department Headquarters. Reportedly this has provided some important information.
According to Ercan Gun, Turkish intelligence specialists now believe:
1. Al-Qaeda is the name of a secret service operation.
2. Al Qaeda is linked to a strategy of tension.
3. Sakra, the fifth most senior man in al-Qaeda, was offered employment by the CIA.
The CIA gave him a large sum of money.
The CIA claimed it eventually lost contact with Sakra.
The Turkish security service MIT caught Sakra in Turkey and interrogated him.
Terrorism: Top al Qaeda operative, Sakra, 'worked for the CIA'.

Sakra 'has confessed to Turkish police that he provided the attackers of 9 11 with passports'.

Sakra 'claims that he knew Muhammad Ata'.
Sakra 'claims he drinks alcohol and does not pray'.
Sakra reportedly said: “I was one of the people who knew the perpetrators of September 11, and knew the time and plan before the attacks. I also participated in the preparations for the attacks to WTI and Pentagon. I provided money and passports.”
Reportedly, some of the passports, which Sakra claimed to have provided himself, were found in the ruins of World Trade Centre I.

Ercan Gun wonders if Al-Qaeda is a Secret Service operation.
Sakra was interrogated for 4 days at the Istanbul Anti-Terror Department Headquarters. Reportedly this has provided some important information.
According to Ercan Gun, Turkish intelligence specialists now believe:
1. Al-Qaeda is the name of a secret service operation.
2. Al Qaeda is linked to a strategy of tension.
3. Sakra, the fifth most senior man in al-Qaeda, was offered employment by the CIA.
The CIA gave him a large sum of money.
The CIA claimed it eventually lost contact with Sakra.
The Turkish security service MIT caught Sakra in Turkey and interrogated him.
Terrorism: Top al Qaeda operative, Sakra, 'worked for the CIA'.

Currently, the Turks are fed up with their prime minister's support for Israel's attack on Syria.
Prof. Dr. Umit Ozdag has stated that:
"The US aims to establish a federal Turkey instead of unitary Turkish state".
(Nationalist Prof. Ozdag: The US is Behind the Ergenekon Operation)

Reportedly, one of the aims of the CIA's attack on Syria - is the break up of Turkey.
And Lebanon and Iraq.

Turkey today.
And Lebanon and Iraq.

Turkey today.
"Turkey has been slated to be weakened and divided - just as the US, NATO, and Israel have envisaged in their project to create a new 'Middle East.'"
Prof. Dr. Umit Ozdag has stated that:
"The US aims to establish a federal Turkey instead of unitary Turkish state".
(Nationalist Prof. Ozdag: The US is Behind the Ergenekon Operation)
The following is from Voltaire: - 'The Push to ignite a Turkish civil war through a Syrian quagmire'
Turkey itself is a major target for destabilization, upheaval, and finally balkanization through its participation in the US-led siege against Syria... - 'The Push to ignite a Turkish civil war through a Syrian quagmire'
Turkey itself is a major target for destabilization, upheaval, and finally balkanization through its participation in the US-led siege against Syria...
Istanbul Turkey by Nevit Dilmen
If the Syrian state collapses, neighbouring Turkey will be the biggest loser...
Erdogan has managed to single-handedly alienate Russia and three of Turkey’s most important neighbours...
On Turkey’s eastern flank tensions are building between it and both Iraq and Iran...

There is also growing resentment amongst the citizens of Turkey about Erdogan’s cooperation with the US, NATO, Israel, and the Arab dictatorships - like Qatar and Saudi Arabia - against the Syrians and others.
The majority of Turkish citizens oppose Turkish ties to Israel, the hosting of NATO facilities in Turkey, the missile shield project, and cooperation with the US in the Middle East...
Segments of the Turkish military are at odds with the Turkish government and the military itself is divided over Turkish foreign policy.
Erdogan does not even trust half of Turkey’s own military leaders and has arrested forty of them for planning to overthrow him...

Turkey’s minorities constitute at the very minimum one-third of the country.
A significant proportion of Turkey’s minority communities have ties to Syria, Iraq, or Iran.
The Kurds and other similar Iranic peoples alone form about 25% of Turkey’s population, which means one out of four Turkish citizens are of Kurdish and Iranic stock.
Other ethnic minorities include Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Azerbaijanis, Bulgarians, and Greeks...
Anywhere from 20% to 30% or more of the Turkish population may be categorized as Shiite Muslims, which includes Alevis, Alawites, and Twelvers.
Civil war in Turkey is a real possibility...
The US-led siege on Syria intends to create chaos across the entire Middle East and ignite multiple regional conflicts. Violence and conflict from Syria is intended to consume Lebanon and Iraq too...

Today - Big trouble in Turkey.
Currently, the UK Foreign Office website reads:
"Demonstrations are taking place in Istanbul and in other cities across Turkey, including Ankara."

Turkey's prime minister Erdogan (right) supports Israel's attack on Syria.
For many years, all the generals in Turkey seemed to be friends with Israel and the Pentagon.
Reportedly, the Turkish generals of the 'fascist' group known as Ergenekon were happy to carry out acts of 'false flag' terrorism on behalf of the CIA.
(Nationalist Prof. Ozdag: The US is Behind the Ergenekon Operation)
And reportedly the Turkish generals were happy to topple Turkish governments that Israel and the Pentagon did not like.
The Turkish Generals were linked to the CIA's Gladio.

Turkish model Aysun Kayacı. Author Haluk Özözlü (
In January 2009, a report in Turkish Weekly suggested that some Ergenekon generals had turned against Israel and the USA.
(Ergenekon's Foreign Policy Guide)
According to a writer in Turkish Weekly:
"Most of the Ergenekon members are anti-Semitic.
"They claim that the MOSSAD has played a very dirty role in Turkish politics and aimed to divide the country into poles."

US/NATO terrorists.
The Ergenekon plot was exposed when the CIA switched its allegiance to the Islamists.
(Ergenekon probe is heating up, with the interrogation of a general and an admiral)
The Pentagon and CIA are now using Gladio B
Gladio B makes use of Islamists more than Turkish generals.
Currently, the CIA is said to control Turkey using its asset Fethullah Gulen, and his Islamist Gulen Movement.

Les Costumes Populaires De La Turquie, taken by French photographer Pascal Sebah at the universal exposition in Vienna, 1873.
The military are said to be split into two factions.
There are those who see the value of having links with neighbours Russia and Iran and those who oppose this.
The latter faction want to keep close to Israel, the USA and Europe.
Israel fears a nuclear armed Turkey.
(Israel warns Greece: Turkey will soon become nuke power /Russia says ready to help Turkey build nuclear power plant)
If the Syrian state collapses, neighbouring Turkey will be the biggest loser...
Erdogan has managed to single-handedly alienate Russia and three of Turkey’s most important neighbours...
On Turkey’s eastern flank tensions are building between it and both Iraq and Iran...
There is also growing resentment amongst the citizens of Turkey about Erdogan’s cooperation with the US, NATO, Israel, and the Arab dictatorships - like Qatar and Saudi Arabia - against the Syrians and others.
The majority of Turkish citizens oppose Turkish ties to Israel, the hosting of NATO facilities in Turkey, the missile shield project, and cooperation with the US in the Middle East...
Segments of the Turkish military are at odds with the Turkish government and the military itself is divided over Turkish foreign policy.
Erdogan does not even trust half of Turkey’s own military leaders and has arrested forty of them for planning to overthrow him...
Turkey’s minorities constitute at the very minimum one-third of the country.
A significant proportion of Turkey’s minority communities have ties to Syria, Iraq, or Iran.
The Kurds and other similar Iranic peoples alone form about 25% of Turkey’s population, which means one out of four Turkish citizens are of Kurdish and Iranic stock.
Other ethnic minorities include Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Azerbaijanis, Bulgarians, and Greeks...
Anywhere from 20% to 30% or more of the Turkish population may be categorized as Shiite Muslims, which includes Alevis, Alawites, and Twelvers.
Civil war in Turkey is a real possibility...
The US-led siege on Syria intends to create chaos across the entire Middle East and ignite multiple regional conflicts. Violence and conflict from Syria is intended to consume Lebanon and Iraq too...

Today - Big trouble in Turkey.
Currently, the UK Foreign Office website reads:
"Demonstrations are taking place in Istanbul and in other cities across Turkey, including Ankara."

Turkey's prime minister Erdogan (right) supports Israel's attack on Syria.
For many years, all the generals in Turkey seemed to be friends with Israel and the Pentagon.
Reportedly, the Turkish generals of the 'fascist' group known as Ergenekon were happy to carry out acts of 'false flag' terrorism on behalf of the CIA.
(Nationalist Prof. Ozdag: The US is Behind the Ergenekon Operation)
And reportedly the Turkish generals were happy to topple Turkish governments that Israel and the Pentagon did not like.
The Turkish Generals were linked to the CIA's Gladio.

Turkish model Aysun Kayacı. Author Haluk Özözlü (
In January 2009, a report in Turkish Weekly suggested that some Ergenekon generals had turned against Israel and the USA.
(Ergenekon's Foreign Policy Guide)
According to a writer in Turkish Weekly:
"Most of the Ergenekon members are anti-Semitic.
"They claim that the MOSSAD has played a very dirty role in Turkish politics and aimed to divide the country into poles."
US/NATO terrorists.
The Ergenekon plot was exposed when the CIA switched its allegiance to the Islamists.
(Ergenekon probe is heating up, with the interrogation of a general and an admiral)
The Pentagon and CIA are now using Gladio B
Gladio B makes use of Islamists more than Turkish generals.
Currently, the CIA is said to control Turkey using its asset Fethullah Gulen, and his Islamist Gulen Movement.

Les Costumes Populaires De La Turquie, taken by French photographer Pascal Sebah at the universal exposition in Vienna, 1873.
The military are said to be split into two factions.
There are those who see the value of having links with neighbours Russia and Iran and those who oppose this.
The latter faction want to keep close to Israel, the USA and Europe.
Israel fears a nuclear armed Turkey.
(Israel warns Greece: Turkey will soon become nuke power /Russia says ready to help Turkey build nuclear power plant)
The 'Deep State' aims to keep the elites in power.
According to peter Dale Scott (The "Deep State" behind U.S. democracy [Voltaire Network]): "The term 'Deep State' comes from Turkey.
"They invented it after the wreck of a speeding Mercedes in 1996 in which the passengers were:
A Member of Parliament,
A beauty queen,
A local senior police captain, And an important drug trafficker in Turkey who was also the head of a criminal paramilitary organization - the Grey Wolves - that went around killing people.
"And it became very obvious in Turkey that there were a covert relationship between the police ... and these people who committed crimes on behalf of the state...
"The 'Deep State' is... a parallel secret government, organized by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military against threats from intellectuals, religious groups, and occasionally the constitutional government."
According to peter Dale Scott (The "Deep State" behind U.S. democracy [Voltaire Network]): "The term 'Deep State' comes from Turkey.
"They invented it after the wreck of a speeding Mercedes in 1996 in which the passengers were:
A Member of Parliament,
A beauty queen,
A local senior police captain, And an important drug trafficker in Turkey who was also the head of a criminal paramilitary organization - the Grey Wolves - that went around killing people.
"And it became very obvious in Turkey that there were a covert relationship between the police ... and these people who committed crimes on behalf of the state...
"The 'Deep State' is... a parallel secret government, organized by the intelligence and security apparatus, financed by drugs, and engaging in illicit violence, to protect the status and interests of the military against threats from intellectuals, religious groups, and occasionally the constitutional government."

The 1980 Bologna Bombing was blamed on agents of the CIA and NATO, working for Operation Gladio.
Operation Gladio involved “the strategy of tension”.
Operation Gladio involved “the strategy of tension”.
The strategy involved getting right-wing terrorists to carry out terrorist attacks in Europe and in Turkey.
Operation Gladio was reportedly organised by Nato and the CIA.
"The CONTRA-GUERRILLAS, which were the GLADIO organisation in Turkey, were set up from the 1950s onwards and played a significant part in fascist governments during the modern history of Turkey, irrespective of whether these had a veneer of parliamentary democracy or were an overt military junta."
"Utilizing the fascist and ultra-nationalist National Action Party and its youth wing, the Gray Wolves, the Turkish 'Stay Behind' also resulted in the type of right-wing terror program and destabilization effort that it did in Italy."
"The CONTRA-GUERRILLAS, which were the GLADIO organisation in Turkey, were set up from the 1950s onwards and played a significant part in fascist governments during the modern history of Turkey, irrespective of whether these had a veneer of parliamentary democracy or were an overt military junta."
"Utilizing the fascist and ultra-nationalist National Action Party and its youth wing, the Gray Wolves, the Turkish 'Stay Behind' also resulted in the type of right-wing terror program and destabilization effort that it did in Italy."

Website for this image
Here are some more pieces of the jigsaw:
When the Islamist prime minister Necemettin Erbakan took power in 1996, the Turkish military, quickly eased him out of power.
In elections for the Turkish parliament on November 3, 2002, a new party formed out of a banned Islamic movement - the Justice and Development Party (AKP) - won 35 percent of the popular vote and 363 of the 550 seats.This may have worried the Pentagon, Israel, the Turkish military and the Turkish drugs industry.
According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, intelligence cooperation between the Mossad and the Turkish security service, MIT, "was enshrined in a 12-clause agreement that was signed during a 1993 visit to Israel by then-Turkish foreign minister Hikmat Chetin".
Soon after, according to the London-based newsletter Foreign Report, a large Mossad operation was established in Turkey, with Mossad agents based in both Istanbul and Ankara.
Turkish Top Military Brass meets Wolfowitz one day before Istanbul Attacks
The two Istanbul attacks respectively on the HSBC in the financial district and on the British Consulate were, according to media reports "timed to coincide with President George Bush's state visit to London."
The attacks took place one day following the completion of the annual Turkish-US Joint Defense Group meeting (17-19 November 2003).
The British Consul General Roger Short, was killed by the bomb as he was entering the consulate building. Press reports confirmed that he had cancelled an appointment at the last minute and "if he had gone to his appointment, he would have been alive."
The attacks create conditions for Turkey's participation in the war on terrorism.
The attacks serve to strengthen the Anglo-American military axis and the legitimacy of Bush's "War on terrorism."
The Istanbul bombings also serve to uphold the shaky legitimacy of Prime Minister Tony Blair in the face of mounting political opposition to Britain's' participation in the US led war.
Michel Chossudovsky, 11/21/03
"A Turkish daily close to the ruling justice and development party quoted Turkish intelligence sources as saying that the Mossad had established the organization that launched the two attacks on 15th November, 2003."
Turkey is a major refining and transit point for the flow of heroin from Southwest Asia to Western Europe.
Kendal Nezan, writing for Le Monde Diplomatique, has reported that MIT and the Turkish National Police force were actively supporting the trade in illicit drugs not only for fun and profit, but out of desperation...
"According to the daily Hürriyet, Turkey's heroin trafficking brought in $25 billion in 1995 and $37.5 billion in 1996 . . . Only criminal networks working in close cooperation with the police and the army could possibly organize trafficking on such a scale. Drug barons have stated publicly, on Turkish television and in the West, that they have been working under the protection of the Turkish government and to its financial benefit. The traffickers themselves travel on diplomatic passports. The drugs are even transported by military helicopter from the Iranian border."
The Middle East Report concluded in 1998 that probably the greatest strategic move in the Clinton post-Cold War years is what could be called "The Ankara Pact"—an alliance between the US, Turkey, and Israel that essentially circumvents and bottles up the Arab countries.
Earlier in 1998, Israeli, Turkish and American military forces engaged in exercises in the Mediterranean, according to Reuters and Agencie France Press. "'[These exercises] signal to the radical states in the region that there is a strong alliance between Israel, Turkey and the United States which they must fear."
Reports also indicated that the CIA and Pentagon intelligence organizations had regularly chaired meetings of Turkish and Israeli officers in Tel Aviv for years.
aangirfan: Turkey, terror bombs, the CIA and Mossad
Here are some more pieces of the jigsaw:
When the Islamist prime minister Necemettin Erbakan took power in 1996, the Turkish military, quickly eased him out of power.
In elections for the Turkish parliament on November 3, 2002, a new party formed out of a banned Islamic movement - the Justice and Development Party (AKP) - won 35 percent of the popular vote and 363 of the 550 seats.This may have worried the Pentagon, Israel, the Turkish military and the Turkish drugs industry.
According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, intelligence cooperation between the Mossad and the Turkish security service, MIT, "was enshrined in a 12-clause agreement that was signed during a 1993 visit to Israel by then-Turkish foreign minister Hikmat Chetin".
Soon after, according to the London-based newsletter Foreign Report, a large Mossad operation was established in Turkey, with Mossad agents based in both Istanbul and Ankara.
Turkish Top Military Brass meets Wolfowitz one day before Istanbul Attacks
The two Istanbul attacks respectively on the HSBC in the financial district and on the British Consulate were, according to media reports "timed to coincide with President George Bush's state visit to London."
The attacks took place one day following the completion of the annual Turkish-US Joint Defense Group meeting (17-19 November 2003).
The British Consul General Roger Short, was killed by the bomb as he was entering the consulate building. Press reports confirmed that he had cancelled an appointment at the last minute and "if he had gone to his appointment, he would have been alive."
The attacks create conditions for Turkey's participation in the war on terrorism.
The attacks serve to strengthen the Anglo-American military axis and the legitimacy of Bush's "War on terrorism."
The Istanbul bombings also serve to uphold the shaky legitimacy of Prime Minister Tony Blair in the face of mounting political opposition to Britain's' participation in the US led war.
Michel Chossudovsky, 11/21/03
"A Turkish daily close to the ruling justice and development party quoted Turkish intelligence sources as saying that the Mossad had established the organization that launched the two attacks on 15th November, 2003."
Turkey is a major refining and transit point for the flow of heroin from Southwest Asia to Western Europe.
Kendal Nezan, writing for Le Monde Diplomatique, has reported that MIT and the Turkish National Police force were actively supporting the trade in illicit drugs not only for fun and profit, but out of desperation...
"According to the daily Hürriyet, Turkey's heroin trafficking brought in $25 billion in 1995 and $37.5 billion in 1996 . . . Only criminal networks working in close cooperation with the police and the army could possibly organize trafficking on such a scale. Drug barons have stated publicly, on Turkish television and in the West, that they have been working under the protection of the Turkish government and to its financial benefit. The traffickers themselves travel on diplomatic passports. The drugs are even transported by military helicopter from the Iranian border."
The Middle East Report concluded in 1998 that probably the greatest strategic move in the Clinton post-Cold War years is what could be called "The Ankara Pact"—an alliance between the US, Turkey, and Israel that essentially circumvents and bottles up the Arab countries.
Earlier in 1998, Israeli, Turkish and American military forces engaged in exercises in the Mediterranean, according to Reuters and Agencie France Press. "'[These exercises] signal to the radical states in the region that there is a strong alliance between Israel, Turkey and the United States which they must fear."
Reports also indicated that the CIA and Pentagon intelligence organizations had regularly chaired meetings of Turkish and Israeli officers in Tel Aviv for years.
aangirfan: Turkey, terror bombs, the CIA and Mossad
Labels: CIA, Deep State, Erdogan, Ergenekon, Gladio, Gulen, Kurds, Mossad, Sakra, Sledgehammer, Turkey
OpEdNews Op Eds 9/10/2011
Smoking Gun: US Government Role in Arab Spring
By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall
Arabesque American
by Ahmed Bensaada
(Michel Brule May 2011)
In tracking down sources for an upcoming presentation on the antiglobalization movement, I have come across a little gem called Arabesque Americaine by French Canadian author Ahmed Bensaada. The full title is Arabesque Americaine: Le role des Etats-Unis dans les revoltes de la rue arabe -- translated American Arabesque: the Role of the US in the Revolts in the Arab Streets.
I have been increasingly skeptical of the authenticity of the "Arab Spring" revolutions -- especially in Egypt (where the outcome is a military junta) and Libya (which, like Iraq , has been bombed back to the Middle Ages). Last February, a few blogs mentioned a 2009 meeting between Hillary Clinton and one of Egypt 's (presumably) US funded pro-democracy groups. Then the English alternative media and blogosphere went all quiet on the issue.
Arabesque Americaine leaves absolutely no doubt that the "Arab Spring" -- like the earlier "color revolutions" in eastern Europe -- were almost certainly destabilization/regime change operations, funded and orchestrated by the CIA, State Department, historic CIA-funded foundations -- and last, but not least, Google.
Bensaada's 120-page book provides a carefully researched and referenced account of each of the foundations that are "exporting democracy" to MENA (the Middle East and North Africa ), along with an exact accounting of the millions of dollars given to each country in 2009 and the specific groups the funds went to.
My favorite chapter was the one describing the role these foundations, the State Department, and Google have played in training young MENA activists in the use of social media (e.g. Facebook and Twitter). I was particularly interested in the free access and training they provide international youth activists on TOR, a special software designed to evade government surveillance (which, under the Patriot Act, is illegal in the US ).
Are the Jewish people of America believing in God or the guy in the red suit not( Santa) the society has become a sewage as described by Putin it's morality in tatters Gods wrath is destroying the nation their disbelief in Chistianity has been forced upon them. God help once beautiful America.
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