Tuesday 1 July 2014


How are school kids treated today? MICHAEL, JIMMY

1. It sometimes seems that the elite are responsible for the sad state of some of our schools.

"Justice David Collins ruled that the Hastings school was wrong to suspend Lucan Battison, saying his disobedience wasn't serious enough to warrant a suspension."

NZ school disappointed at hair ruling.

Children copy their parents.

2. "One of the main reasons so many teachers leave after three to four years in the profession - is noisy and disruptive classrooms.

"Australian classrooms were ranked 34th out of 65 countries in a recent OECD survey that asked 15-year-old students to describe the levels of noise and disorder, the time it takes them to start working, whether they are able to work uninterrupted and whether they listen to the teacher.

"It found Australian classrooms, compared with those in places that achieve the best results in international tests, such as South Korea, Singapore, Japan and Shanghai, are noisier and more disruptive and more time is wasted as teachers try to establish control."

The lost art of discipline | The Australian

3. A study, by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, questioned more than 100,000 teachers across 34 countries.

The study found that in secondary schools in England unruly pupils are 'ruining four in every ten lessons'.

Teachers in England spend an average of seven minutes in every lesson dealing with incidents of disorder.

Teachers in England are verbally abused and intimidated more often than in nearly all other countries.

In England, the level of disruption was the fifth highest among the countries studied.

Teachers in England taught the most children described as having special educational needs

Read more: http://www.dailymail. / OECD: chattering, badly behaved students

4. Black pupils have achieved the biggest rise in test and exam results of any ethnic group including whites.

A report has found that social deprivation and the low aspirations of parents have caused low achievement among white, working-class pupils in England.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.


5. The best behaved school pupils are in Asian countries, such as Thailand, Singapore, China and Korea.

OECD educationtoday.

However, a headmaster once told us that if you take a child from one of these Asian countries and put them into a bad school in England or Australia, it may not be too long before that child starts to behave badly.


One More Proof that the US is Controlled by the Dark Side.


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At 27 June 2014 at 12:05 , Blogger shirlz007 said...

Could all this paedophile, institutionalised child abuse and Jimmy Saville stuff...

(that has been broadcast around the world... paedophilia, necrophilia, murder... anyone and anything it would seem)

and the calls for a national 'all encompassing investigation', be a carefully orchestrated psy-op on the British public to bring in a National Police Force?
Concentrate more police powers under one organisation? Greater powers in Intelligence gathering and sharing?

(If it is, Im partly responsible)... considering the possibility. :/

'' Sir Peter Fahy, of Greater Manchester Police, warned weaknesses in the system meant such failings could happen again.

The report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabularly (HMIC) - which was commissioned by the home secretary to find out how much police knew about Savile before he was exposed as a sex offender in 2012 - also warned that failures to share intelligence on a prolific offender could happen again.

Sir Peter warned that having 43 separate police forces in England and Wales and no national headquarters for policing made achieving consistent national standards "all the more difficult".

"We can continue to criticise individual members of staff for individual failings but this ignores the complexity of these issues and the way that our system of criminal justice affects the victims of sexual offences," he said.

"There is little public support for a national police force as is being created in Scotland but while localism has many strengths it does make it more difficult when cases cross boundaries and when we are trying to achieve national standards."



At 27 June 2014 at 13:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mississippi Tea Party Leader Commits Suicide After Arrest In Senate Campaign Scandal



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