Monday 21 April 2014


Seated bottom right - Prince William's 'adviser' Sir David Manning.

Sir David Manning witnessed the attack on the Twin Towers on 9 11 and is one of the top members of the elite.

Manning is reported to be a member of the 'Committee of 300', a secretive body that is said to pull the strings behind the scenes.

Committee of 300 Member List

Sir David Manning is Jewish and appears to be an éminence grise behind the British royal family.

As Sir David Manning flew over Staten Island, he saw smoke coming from the World Trade Center. 

New Statesman | NS Profile - David Manning

Manning, at the suggestion of the Queen, was appointed as senior adviser to Prince William.

"Sir David has a desk, if he needs it, at St James's Palace, but he is always on the end of the phone if his expertise is required." 

(The Queen insists on a 'wise man' for Prince William at start of first tour)

Second from left, Sir David Manning (British ambassador to the USA)

Sir David Manning is one of the people who pulls the strings behind the scenes.

1. Sir David Manning, who is Jewish, was in Washington meeting Richard Armitage around the time of 9 11. (US State Department, September 10, 2001).

Some conspiracy theorists might speculate that Manning was one of the planners of 9 11.

Manning was UK ambassador to Israel between 1995 and 1998, foreign policy adviser to Blair from 2001 to 2003 and UK ambassador to the USA from 2003 to 2007.

2. Manning helped plan the Iraq War, and memos have revealed how he knew Blair had promised to go to war with Bush a year before the conflict. (Tony Blair's Iraq adviser Mail Online)

Manning (left)

3. Manning is one of the people who wanted the Bank of Scotland to be taken over by an English bank.

Sir David Manning is on the board of Lloyds bank.

4. On 16 November 2008, we learnt that Manning, won a £50000 U.S. defence job (Mail Online)

Manning has been given a senior post with U.S.-owned arms company Lockheed.

Lockheed earns large sums from the Ministry of Defence.

5. Manning has joined a shadowy UK intelligence firm set up by former spies.

Manning is on the advisory board of Hakluyt, a private intelligence firm partly staffed by former MI6 officers. (Hakluyt set up by former MI6 agents spied on campaign groups for ...)

Hakluyt was set up by former MI6 agents in 1995.

The firm once spied on environmental campaign groups such as Greenpeace on behalf of oil companies.

The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, is a group alleged to have been founded by the British aristocracy in 1727.[1]

Former British MI6 intelligence officer John Coleman's book, The Conspirators Hierarchy, the Committee of 300,[6] details what Coleman claims is his first-hand information on this group.

Among the reported members of the Committee of 300 in recent times:

Committee of 300 Member List

Abramovich, Roman
Albert II, former King of Belgium
Andreotti, Giulio

Andrew, Duke of York
Astor, William Waldorf
Ballmer, Steve (Former boss of Microsoft)

Balls, Ed
Barroso, José Manuel
Beatrix of the Netherlands

Berlusconi, Silvio
Bernake, Ben
Blair, Tony

Bloomberg, Michael
Bronfman, Charles and Edgar
Brzezinski, Zbigniew

Buffet, Warren
Bush, George HW
Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden

Carney, Mark
Chan, Norman (Chinese banker and official)
Charles, Prince of Wales

Chiaie, Stefano Delle (Operation Gladio and P2)
Clark, Wesley
Clarke, Kenneth

Clegg, Nick
Clinton, Bill
Cohen, Abby Joseph (Goldman Sachs)

Darling, Alistair
Davignon, Étienne
Davis, David

de Rothschild, Benjamin
de Rothschild, David René
de Rothschild, Evelyn
de Rothschild, Leopold

Deripaska, Oleg
Draghi, Mario
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom

FitzGerald, Niall
Friso, Prince of Orange-Nassau
Gates, Bill

Geithner, Timothy
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al

William Hague and Sir Jimmy Savile.

Greenspan, Alan
Hague, William
Harald V, King of Norway

Harper, Stephen
Juan Carlos, King of Spain
Kerry, John

Kissinger, Henry
Lieberman, Joe
Loong, Lee Hsien (Prime Minister of Singapore)

Mandelson, Peter
Manning, Sir David
Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark

Miliband, David
Miliband, Ed
Mittal, Lakshmi

Murdoch, Rupert
Oppenheimer, Nicky
Osborne, George

Patten, Chris (Chairman BBC)
Peres, Shimon
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Powell, Colin
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm
Robinson, Mary (Former president of Ireland)

Rockefeller, David Jr.
Rockefeller, David Sr.
Rockefeller, Nicholas

Rubin, Robert
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Sassoon, Isaac
Sassoon, James

Sir John Sawers, spy chief.

Sawers, Sir Robert John (Boss of MI6)
Soros, George
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique

Straw, Jack
Thompson, Mark (CEO New York Times)
Van Rompuy, Herman (President of the European Council)

von Habsburg, Otto
Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin, Sultan of Brunei
Warburg, Max

William Prince of Wales
Williams, Shirley
Woolsey, R. James Jr.

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At 21 April 2014 at 02:37 , Blogger James R said...

Extremely interesting Aangirfan, thanks. The link ti the New Statesman didn't seem to work, but I found the article.
. I couldn't find any article that related to Mr. Manning's meeting at the State Department prior to September 11th, 2001 unfortunately as that link did not seem to work either.

At 21 April 2014 at 03:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant Aangirfan

Like any 'family' tree, you show the connections

not unlike malignant melanoma, which travels under the surface

without any signs or symptoms

and when it (the melanoma) appears on the surface

well, only one real cure

cut it out.

If caught early.

Thank you again and again for shining your lights
exposing the realities
that are so insidiously 'travelling' below the surface of our superficial lives.

May the Force be with us all, in destroying the carcinogens of the murderous, deceptive, predatory cells of the human 'family'.

At 21 April 2014 at 03:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Friesian? Scandinavian?


Reminds me of Karl Rove's offices in Sweden
while Sweden is pursuing Assange
holed up in the Ecuador Embassy in UK

and now a EU parliamentarian (Iceland) is looking at sending Assange to Ecuador, since Ny has spent 4 years chasing Assange with nil result.

Sick Society.

At 21 April 2014 at 03:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 21 April 2014 at 04:38 , Blogger dognamedblue said...

off topic:
for links that open new windows but don't appear
all you need do is hit "refresh" and the links should/will open for you

At 21 April 2014 at 05:20 , Blogger shirlz007 said...

Committee of 299... Leopold de Rothschild snuffed it in 2012

At 21 April 2014 at 05:41 , Blogger shirlz007 said...

This is exactly what I was told about, and I was told that '13 men' control it all from the top (whether these '13 men' are contained within the list or not)...

when you look at the names, you realise their 'Western Civilisation', their real people, who appear in public and ARE human (not shapeshifitng lizards)... these people can be got at!
People like Putin and numerous other powerful world leaders are not listed...

You have to remember though, Dr John Coleman is former MI6 himself (once MI6, always MI6)

At 21 April 2014 at 13:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in a pub in westminster the other night - just near Vauxhall Bridge - over hearing some guys who were talking about having a go getting even with all these criminals the first opportunity they get. Mi5 and Mi6 are close by. I wonder if they can protect those buildings from thousands and thousands of angry people?? I also wonder where those people would go after they have finished there: Buck House? Parliament? Golders Green? Tel Aviv?

Just wondering...

At 21 April 2014 at 21:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hullo Aang,

Following on from Shirlz above, I have to say that 300 is far too unwieldy a number to run... well, anything really. Without disputing the existence of the 300 I think it would make more sense to view them as a brains trust kind of thing. A proper committee is only ever going to be a dozen or so people. And even then those dozen will have a chairman or president, someone to act as first amongst equals, a final arbiter.

The brains trust of 300 is not without function. I suspect it's there to bash out ideas which the committee will then consider or to otherwise act as a sounding board for ideas the committee has already. I expect it also exists in order to have everyone on board, which is to say, ensure that those people who are actually going to execute the committee's programmes feel like they're having an input and are appreciated.

But as for deciding what gets done there's no way you'd leave that in the hands of hundreds of people. I'd call it a recipe of how not to get things done.

Also I'm entirely convinced we're ruled by some variety of bloodline aristocracy. There is no way known that the top level of this thing functions on purely meritocratic principles. The 300, such as it is, smells of meritocracy to me. They cannot be the top level.

As to whether the dozen in the top steering committee (as it were) are also amongst the 300 is unknowable. I expect some are. I also expect some would be entirely unknown to pretty much everyone, members of the 300 included. There are many ways to maintain anonymity.

Did I mention how glad I am that you're back?

very good etc. etc.


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