Oh no!

"A sell-off of Internet and technology stocks that started on Wall Street spread around the globe on Monday, 7 April 2014...
"Mainstays of the Internet economy such as Google ... were hammered on Friday.... The technology-heavy Nasdaq had its biggest one-day drop since February."
Tech stock sell-off

Google and Facebook would like to control everything.
Google wants you to have just one account.
This account will have your medical records, a photo of you and your house, and details of the state of your marriage?
This will allow you to be controlled.
But, Google and facebook could get into in trouble - like Lehman Bros, Enron, Worldcom, Freddie Mac, Bernie Madoff Securities and many more.
Just imagine if people stop clicking on the adverts, or if people find something better to log into.

Astra Taylor, in her book The People’s Platform, warns against the growing power of Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon.
(The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age, by Astra Taylor, Fourth Estate, RRP£12.99/Metropolitan Books, RRP$27)
Google receives about a quarter of all North American internet traffic.
Google and has bought more than 100 start-ups that could have grown into rivals.
One in seven people on the planet is on Facebook.
40 per cent of US bandwidth in the evenings is consumed by viewers of Netflix.
'The People's Platform', by Astra Taylor
These companies, controlled by the elite, are not on our side.
They are there to screw us.
Evgeny Morozov has pointed out that digital technologies provide regimes with a powerful surveillance tool.
'The People's Platform', by Astra Taylor

The internet is now designed to control us.
Astra Taylor points out that the internet tends "toward monopoly", thus reinforcing the feudal system.
A growing number of people now hate Google.
There have been protests on the streets of San Francisco; and there has been outrage at allegations that Google cooperated with NSA, the evil US National Security Agency.
Google now tries to restrict the content that we see.
Google brings us results that others have clicked on most.
That means porn and mediocrity.
Labels: CIA, Eggers, Facebook, Google, Internet, Mossad, NSA, The Circle, The People's Platform
Found you.
Ten thousand thanks to a special commentor at the Tap Blog for letting at least me know where and how to find you Aangirfan. I was actually suffering withdrawal symptoms…
Me too!
Me too! :-)
And me...
And me too :-)
Would it help if a 'g' were added to the URL?
Dear Barrie,
I am reluctant to alter the URL, as that might get me locked out again!
Google, Face-book, as well as perhaps even AMAZON, are increasingly only promoting the ELITE AGENDA, as the following article by Natural News, which I just put on my website(26/10/15) clearly shows:-
I have also read similar things about FACE-BOOK recently.
I,as an author, am also now very concerned about AMAZON, because if AMAZON is also completely controlled by the ELITE, then surely they are not going to allow books like mine, that talk against the ELITE, from being widely sold, as I have found with my new book "OUT OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT", (PAPER-BACK
KINDLE,which I put on AMAZON in OCTOBER 2014 and again on October 8th 2015 through my publisher.
It doesn't make any sense that all of the reviews on Amazon for my book were mostly 5 star and yet so few copies were sold either on KINDLE or as a paper-back during the past year.
Quite honestly I think I could sell many more copies than Amazon has during the past year. So I will try a new tactic and start to sell my book directly through my website as well as undercut Amazon's prices, as I want everyone to be able to afford to read my book, which is an expose of the ILLUMINATI and about CORRUPTION in POLITICS and ECONOMICS and all of its associated LINKS. You can contact me, Steve, at:-
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