Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Apprentice Trailer #1 (2024)


New 2024 movie about the early days of Donald Trump and his grooming by Jewish political kingmaker Roy Cohn

Iranian-Danish film-maker Ali Abbasi, has just released a remarkable film about the Roy Cohn - Donald Trump relationship, based on material by Roy Cohn's cousin, David Marcus

Actor Sebastian Stan is quite compelling as the young Donald Trump. Many see the film as quite good, tho Trump supporters seem to be swarming with negative comments.

Here is the trailer, in English, the film title 'The Apprentice' -


Striking art picturing Trump and Cohn in poster for the film

Article -
'How my odious cousin Roy Cohn was responsible for creating Donald Trump - and me ... The Apprentice is a chillingly accurate film'

IMDB page on film

Revealed by fire - The Grayzone live

Sunday 13 October 2024

J.S. Bach: Allemande from Partita No. 2 for unaccompanied violin

Yoga Flow -

Saturday 12 October 2024

What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 2)

Friday 11 October 2024

A Resurrection of the Austro-Hungarian Empire? - Part 21 of the Anglo-Am...

Occult Gala - LIES WIDE SHUT




The prophet Muhammad's mother was Aminah, who claimed to be descended from Abraham, and who was reportedly Jewish.

The original Kaaba was at some point dedicated to Hubal, a Nabatean deity, and contained 360 idols. According to Ibn Ishaq, an early biographer of Muhammad, the Ka'aba was itself previously addressed as a female deity.[18] Circumambulation was often performed naked by male pilgrims,[19] and linked to ancient fertility rites.[20]

When the prophet Muhammad was born, the people of Saudi Arabia were a mixture of Jews, Christians and idol-worshippers.

Muhammad, as a merchant, came into contact with many Jewish merchants and landowners.

Muhammad decided to reject idol-worship and adopt the Jewish religion.

Safiyah, one of Muhammad's Jewish wives.

Two of Prophet Muhammad's wives were Jewish.

"Muhammad clearly saw himself as part of the Jewish tradition. …

"Islam was a radical call back to the basic values of the Torah and even talmudic stories."

Muhammad bio

The Dome of the Rock marks the spot from which Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven.[92]

Muhammad regarded himself as the last prophet of the Jewish-Christian tradition.

The Koran is based mainly on the Old Testament.

Muhammad required that his followers were kosher.

Muhammad required that his followers keep the fast of Yom Kippur.

Muhammad required that his followers be circumcised.

Muhammad required that his followers pray facing Jerusalem. 

The Prophet Mohammed, a Jewish Messiah.

Muhammad only fell out with the Jews when they refused to accept him as their prophet.

Joseph Smith

Muhammad said that God had spoken to him through the angel Gabriel.

Muhammad is a bit like Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon branch of Christianity.

Joseph Smith claimed that he was spoken to by an angel who directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed with a Judeo-Christian history of an ancient American civilization.

Ali, one of the members of Mohammed's family reportedly had an affair with Mohammed.

Mohamed's closest friend was Zaid, his male slave.

Mohamed's first wife was Khadija. She was was aged forty at the time of their marriage and 'well past her youth'. Mohamed was about fifteen years younger.

Handsome fifteen year old Zaid was the wedding gift given by Khadija to Mohamed.

Mohamed and Zaid became very close friends.

Zaid's family found their son and tried to rescue him.

Zaid told his family that he wanted to stay with Mohamed. Zaid said: "I would not choose any man in preference to Mohamed. He is to me both a father and a mother."

Mohamed said: "Zaid is my heir and I am his."

Muhammad's youngest wife Aisha believed that if Zaid had not died, Mohamed would have made Zaid his successor.

Later in his life, Mohamed spent a lot of time with Zaid's son, Usama ibn Zaid.


A group of people from Mecca plotted to kill Mohamed. When the murderers burst into Mohamed's room they found Mohamed's 23 year old cousin, Ali, lying on Mohamed's bed. Mohamed had escaped.

Ali was a handsome youth. Mohamed said that "Looking upon Ali is worship," and that "Ali would appear (even) to the dwellers of paradise as a morning star."

Reportedly, one historian wrote of Mohamed: "He often made (Ali) sleep by his side, and Ali enjoyed the warmth of Muhammad's body and inhaled the holy fragrance of his breath."

Mohamed, reportedly, said: 'Ali and I, fourteen thousand years before the creation of mankind, were one light. When Allah created Adam, he split this light into two, one of which I am and the other is Ali." (Salman)

We have read the Koran and we have lived in a Moslem country.

Nona: Prophet Mohamed / Gay Moslems

Skeptic's Annotated Quran - Skeptic's Annotated Bible.




It is possible that Muhammad lived from c. 570 - 632 AD, and that his religion was one of peace and tolerance.

It is possible that Islam was relatively obscure until it was hijacked by Abd al Malik ibn Marwan, the Arab Emperor from 685 - 705AD.

Abd al Malik ibn Marwan may have turned Islam into the official religion of his warlike empire.

It could be argued that Christianity was a religion of peace and tolerance until it got hijacked by the Roman Empire.

Did the growing Arab Empire decide to adopt and alter Islam?

The official story is that Muhammad died in 632 AD.

In 661 AD, Muawiyah I became the leader of the Arab Empire.

No mention of Muhammad or Islam can be found in any of Muawiyah's inscriptions, coins, or documents.

Islam: The Untold Story.

"There is no mention of Muhammad anywhere in stones, script, monuments, or other sources from the Middle East during his actual lifetime."

Was Caliph Abd Al-Malik the real creator and the prophet?

Apart from 'a single ambiguous reference in the Koran', there is no mention of Mecca in any datable text for a century after 'Muhammed's death'.

Islam: The Untold Story.

In the Koran, 'Muhammad' addresses farmers and agriculturalists while his opponents are described as keeping cattle and growing olives and vines.

The home environment described by 'Muhammad' as having farmers and agriculturalists could be in the Negev desert in Southern Israel.

There was no agriculture in Mecca.

Islam: The Untold Story.

Under the reign of the Arab Emperor Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Mecca may have been erroneously portrayed as Muhammad's home, in order to provide Islam with Arabian origins.

Abd al Malik ibn Marwan, the Arab Emperor from 685 - 705AD, may have been the inventor of the warlike form of Islam.

Was Caliph Abd Al-Malik the real creator and the prophet?

In 2012, the historian Tom Holland produced a TV documentary for the UK's Channel 4 which said:

1. There is little evidence to support the 'official' story of Muhammad.

2. There are questions about when the Koran was written.

3. Mecca may not have been the birthplace of Muhammad.

Holland asked why it took several decades after the death of Muhammad for his name to appear on surviving documents or artifacts.

Holland claimed that much of the story of Muhammad was developed some time after the death of Muhammad.

Islam - The Untold Story - on Vimeo.

The Search for Muhammad: Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan.

Empires in 600 AD.

The map above shows various empires in the year 600 AD.

Boundaries continually shifted.

For example, in 613, there was a 'Jewish revolt' against the Byzantine Empire.

In 614, Persian and Jewish forces temporarily captured Jerusalem. 

23 years later, the Arabs conquered Syria and Jerusalem.

According to "A Response to Channel 4′s 'Islam: The Untold Story' ":

1. Early Christian chronicles in the seventh century elaborate on the origins of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and some of the laws practised by the early Muslims. 

In the documentary Holland admits the existence of these Christian narratives, but seems to dismiss their validity without justification. 

Below are some examples of these chronicles:

Doctrina Jacobi written in 635 CE

A document called Doctrina Jacobi written only two years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) clearly mentions that a prophet had appeared amongst the Arabs:

"I, Abraham, went off to Sykamina and referred the matter to an old man very well-versed in the Scriptures. I asked him: 'What is your view, master and teacher, of the prophet who has appeared among the Saracens'.

The questions is: who was this prophet among Arabs?


1. Doctrina Jacobi was apparently written sometime between 634 and 640.[1][2]

2. It makes no mention of 'Muhammad' or of Islam.

Sira - biographies of Muhammad.

2. A record of the Arab conquest of Syria written in 637 CE, just 5 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), clearly mentions him by name. 

"…and in January, they took the word for their lives did the sons of Emesa, and many villages were ruined with killing by the Arabs of Mụhammad and a great number of people were killed and captives were taken from Galilee as far as Bēth."


1. The text above is a much faded note added to a manuscript.

This note appears to have been written soon after the battle of Gabitha (636 CE).

The actual date is not known.

The fragmentary nature of this note has resulted in scholars advising caution.

Dated Texts.

2. Even in the 7th Century AD Muhammad was a very common name.

3. Sebeos, Bishop of the Bagratunis (Writing c.660 AD)

An early seventh century account of Islam comes from Sebeos who was a bishop of the House of Bagratunis. From this chronicle, there are indications that he lived through many of the events he relates. As for Muhammad (upon whom be peace), he had the following to say:

"At that time a certain man from along those same sons of Ismael, whose name was Mahmet [i.e., Mụhammad], a merchant, as if by God's command appeared to them as a preacher [and] the path of truth."


1. There are doubts about whether or not the above was actually written by Sebeos.

2. It is only assumed that Sebeos wrote the account and that it is only assumed that it was written in the 660s AD.

Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation.

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Mon, Jan 30
A video defending Ahok, who was jailed . Now released.

In Indonesia, the so called Islamist leaders are all fakes? 

Firza Husein - adulterous sex with ISIS LINKED FPI LEADER.

Above left, we see Shafa Sabila Fadli, the daughter of Fadli Zon.

Fadli Zon is Donald Trump's main political friend in Indonesia.

Fadli Zon (right) with the ISIS supporter Rizieq, boss of the ISIS-linked Islamic Defenders Front (FPI)

Fadli Zon is "one of the key backers of the ISIS-linked coup movement which aims to put Trump's friends into power in Indonesia."

Trump's Indonesian Allies In Bed With ISIS-Backed Militia

Former general Prabowo and Fadli Zon. (Prabowo is the Minister of Defence)

Fadli Zon "is the right-hand man of Indonesia's most notorious mass-murdering general, Prabowo Subianto".

Trump's Indonesian Allies In Bed With ISIS-Backed Militia

Prabowo a very close friend of the Pentagon and Mossad.

Second from left, Katharine Grace, the wife of Fadli Zon, with her family, in New York. 

Fadli Zon was educated in Texas, and at the London School of Economics, a recruiting ground for MI6 and its friends.

Indonesian children forced to join ISIS may have their organs removed?

Indonesian police see Indonesian kids in ISIS video

The Indonesian police have investigated an ISIS video which shows Indonesian children using weapons and burning Indonesian passports.

ISIS video showing children with Indonesian passports.

It is believed that Trump's friends in Indonesia are using the ISIS-linked Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) to try to put themselves into power.

The CIA, Mossad and the Indonesian military apparently have a history of mind-controlling children and using them as sex slaves and terrorists?


There is a belief that the CIA and Mossad control Indonesia by using child abuse rings, mind control and false flag terrorism.


Indonesia's military and business elites have very close ties to Israel and Mossad.


Habib Hasan

In Indonesia, the Islamist leader Habib Hasan (Habib Hasan bin Ja'far Assegaf) was accused of sexually abusing underage boys.

Habib Hasan is a friend of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) which is linked to ISIS.

PressReader - The Jakarta Post.

The Police had the testimony of the boys and evidence in the form of recorded conversations and chats conducted by Habib Hasan and victims made through the Internet or mobile phone media. [4]

Rizieq, boss of the FPI, which is linked to ISIS.

There is a belief that Mossad and its friends control some of the top Islamists through sexual blackmail.

The video shows that supplies from Indonesia have reached the terrorists in Syria.

The ISIS forces in Syria have been receiving supplies from an Indonesian group (IHR) linked to the people trying to put Trump's friends into power in Indonesia.

Above we see Rizieq (centre)  and his close friend Bachtiar Nasir (right), the boss of the group reportedly sending supplies to the ISIS forces.

Both Rizieq and Nasir were educated in Saudi Arabia, which is alleged to be ruled by crypto-Jews.

Indonesian Aid Package for Aleppo terrorists / National Police to Investigate Supports for Syrian Terrorists

The Indonesian children above have been recruited to ISIS.

Mossad has a large base in Indonesia, and the Indonesian generals work closely with the CIA and Mossad who want recruits for their ISIS forces.

This is Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, also known as Habib Rizieq, who has 'Arab' origins. He has been linked to pornography. His father was interested in boy scouts.

Above, we see Rizieq, the leader of the ISIS-linked group (FPI), which is said to be trying to put Trump's friends into power in Indonesia.


Habib Rizieq has lots of money, which may or may not come from wealthy friends of Israel?


Above, we see Rizieq's home and his Moslem boarding school, in the hills near Bogor and Jakarta.

Rizieq's base is right next to the training area belonging to West Java's Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob).

Normally, in Indonesia, the mad Islamists are housed and trained right next to police or military bases.

The Indonesian military (TNI) training the ISIS-linked Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which is led by Rizieq.

The ISIS-linked groups have been trained by the Indonesian military, whose generals have been trained in the USA, and who are friends with Mossad.

Above, we see Indonesia's President Joko, a moderate.

Trump's friends are apparently trying to topple Joko.


Above we see Ahok, as a child.

Trump's Indonesian friends have had Ahok sent to jail.

Ahok is a Christian and an ally of Joko.

Ahok was unpopular with the Indonesian military and with the top Islamists because he closed down their money-making playground - the red-light district of Kalijodo.

Above, we see ISIS in Jakarta.

These people are believed to be gangsters (preman) and soldiers (TNI) dressed up to look like militants.

The rioters of May 1998, when the CIA toppled President Suharto, were gangsters and soldiers, dressed up to look like students and poor people.

Rizieq Shihab, the leader of the ISIS-linked gang, has been linked to the child above and to pornography.

Who is the child above?

"Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Mochamad Iriawan has stated his opinion that smartphone chats containing pornographic material and believed to have taken place between Islam Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab and Firza Husein, a treason suspect, are authentic."

Police believe steamy chats between Rizieq, Firza authentic

"Police earlier this year summoned Firza for questioning after screenshots of what appears to be steamy WhatsApp chats between Rizieq and Firza were uploaded to the internet.
"Firza was a coordinator of the Solidaritas Sahabat Cendana foundation, which is connected to the family of former president Soeharto."

Rizieq Shihab - crypto-Jew?

Rizieq Shihab is the boss of the ISIS linked group which Donald Trump's friends have been using to try to put themselves into power.

Rizieq Shihab is the founder[2] and the mastermind behind the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which is said to be run by certain generals.

Rizieq - what is his sexuality?

Rizieq set up the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) on 17 August 1998, just after the CIA's toppling of President Suharto. 

Reportedly, the FPI has been used by certain generals to extract money from certain nightspots.

"Rizieq was jailed for seven months in 2003 for inciting his young, white-shirted followers, who often would hide their faces bandit-style behind handkerchiefs, to attack nightspots in Jakarta with clubs and stones."[13] 

The FPI is allied to al Qaeda and ISIS 'which are run by the CIA and its friends.'

Above, we see Rizieq and his close friend Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong.

There was a sexual abuse case linked to the family of the pastor.

Kasus Hukum Istri Pendeta Gilbert Lumoindong Dihentikan - Translate this page.

Pastor Gilbert is now in the USA.

CIA Infiltration into Churches Today.


Rizieq likes young lads.

"Ralph Boyce, while US ambassador in Jakarta, used the services of two known local procurers of child prostitutes and sex slaves."


Trump's pals have handed ISIS a victory.

One of the people above is Abdelhamid Abaaoud, suspected of being the 'mastermind' of the Friday 13th attack in Paris. One of the people above (the one on the right) is a gentleman living in Tel Aviv, in Israel. PARIS TERRORISTS


Millions, worldwide, have turned out to protest the jailing of the Christian politician Ahok by Trump's ISIS-linked pals.

Above we see Indonesians opposed to Trump's 'mafia' pals.

Supporters of Ahok, the former Christian governor of Jakarta.

Donald Trump's Islamo-Fascist-Crypto-Jewish-Mafia friends in Indonesia have jailed the innocent Christian politician called Ahok.


Ahok was the highly popular governor of Jakarta.

Supporters of Ahok, the Christian.

All the non-fascist, non-mind-controlled world hates Trump, a 'German Jew', with links to the Mafia.


Most Indonesians are fun-loving, moderate, friendly people.

They do not want their country taken over by Soros, Trump and his Mossad pals



Indonesia is being got at by the CIA and Mossad, just like every other moderate Moslem country.

Above we see Indonesians protesting about the rise of Trump's Islamo-fascist friends in Indonesia.

Tommy Suharto. 

Who are the people said to be promoting the mad Islamists in Indonesia?


1. Tommy Suharto.

'Billionaire playboy' Tommy Suharto is said to be linked to the narcotics trade in Indonesia.

His mother was born a Christian.

His father, former President Suharto, is rumoured to have Chinese origins.

Above, we see the American educated Anies Baswedan (left) with Tommy Suharto (right), the son of the late President Suharto, who was put into power by the CIA in the mid 1960s.

In 2002, Tommy was sentenced to 15 years jail for paying two hitmen to kill a Supreme Court judge who had convicted him of graft.

Rumour has it that Tommy got a 'body double' to serve his time in prison.

Rumour has it that Tommy's mother was shot dead by one of the Suharto sons.

Tommy Suharto's financial contributions to the Islamists were affirmed by retired General Kivlan Zein


Hary Tanoe.

2. Hary Tanoe, Trump's main Indonesian business partner.

Billionaire Tanoe is a Christian with Chinese origins.

Journalist Allan Nairn was told that funds for the Islamists "came from Donald Trump's billionaire business partner Hary Tanoe, who was repeatedly described ... by key movement figures as being among their most important supporters."

"The supporters of the FPI (ISIS linked Islamists) see Hary, who is a Christian, as being a bridge between Trump and Gen. Prabowo."



3. Former General Prabowo Subianto.

Prabowo's late mother, Dora, was a Christian.

Prabowo graduated from The American School in London. [9]

Prabowo was trained at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning in the US. 

Prabowo is said to have worked for the USA's Defence Intelligence Agency.

Domingos Guterres, from East Timor, claims General Prabowo personally carried out acts of torture.

In the 1983 Kraras massacres in East Timor, about 300 people are believed to have been buried in mass graves after a series of executions that the locals say were carried out under General Prabowo. 

(Torture evidence mounts against Indonesian general )

Prabowo and a Thai 'girl'.

According to sources, former Indonesian Special Forces boss Prabowo Subianto, who hopes to become President of Indonesia, often takes commercial flights to Bangkok to visit a Thai 'girlfriend'.


Didiet Prabowo. 

Prabowo Subianto's son is called Didiet (also Didit, Didier). 

Didiet is said to be transgender.

Didiet grew up in Boston and now lives in Paris, as a designer..itoday.

Rizieq Shihab - crypto-Jew?

4. Rizieq Shihab

Rizieq Shihab was educated at the Bethel Christian Middle School in Petamburan.

Rizieq Shihab may or may not be working for the CIA, Mossad or Saudi intelligence.

Rizieq Shihab is the founder[2] and the mastermind behind the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which is said to be run by certain generals, such as Pentagon friend General Wiranto.

Rizieq claims to be an Arab Indonesian.

"Considered by neighbors to be a troublesome youth with a penchant for getting into fighting, his family sent Rizieq to Saudi Arabia in 1990 to continue his study at King Saud University."

5. Indonesia's military

Indonesia's military has been training the Islamist FPI which is allied to ISIS.

Indonesia's top generals have been trained in the USA. "Their wives shop in New York. Their children are educated at American colleges."

The CIA put the generals into power in the mid-1960s. Around one million opponents of the CIA were then murdered.

6. Fadli Zon - Donald Trump's main political friend in Indonesia.

Mad Islamists in Jakarta, or, a gay pride march? Jakarta's Christian governor Ahok jailed

The CIA, Mossad and Saudi intelligence have been holding a party in Jakarta, in Indonesia?

Ahok - a Christian Chinese-Indonesian.

Ahok was the Christian candidate standing for re-election as Jakarta Governor in the recent election.

He was opposed by candidates linked to certain generals who are alleged to be in bed with the CIA and Mossad.

Various well fed Islamists took to the streets on 4 November 2016. Prabowo allowed his supporters to join the Nov. 4 Protest

Former general Yudhoyono, another friend of the Pentagon, denied organising the protests against Ahok.

Yudhoyono Denies Mobilizing Protest Against Ahok

Wiranto - East Timor.

Ahok has been verbally attacked by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), which is closely linked to the Pentagon's golden boy General Wiranto.

General Yudhoyono is another of the Pentagon's golden boys.

General Yudhoyono is married to Christian Herrawati, who was educated at the Christian University of Indonesia

Christian Herrawati's father was a commander of the notorious Kopassus special forces regiment.

Kopassus works closely with Mossad.

Anies Baswedan

Ahok was defeated for the governorship of Jakarta by Anies Baswedan.

Baswedan holds a PhD in Political Science from Northern Illinois University, and a Master of Public Policy degree in International Security and Economic Policy from University of Maryland School of Public Policy.

Anies (left)

US magazine Foreign Policy named Anies Baswedan as one of the top 100 public intellectuals in the world in May 2008 [1] and the World Economic Forum included him in the 2009 Young Global Leaders.

Anies Baswedan ran as a candidate of the party headed by General Prabowo Subianto.


The battle is between the Zionist-Nazi-Islamofascist-Mafia guys and the good people.


The US government should stop supporting the gangsters in Indonesia.



Above, we see Perth, Australia.

Supporters of Ahok.

Why did Trump's pals want Ahok jailed?

Because Trump's pals do not like to see a Christian being popular and successful.


In 2013, General Wiranto's youngest son, Rizky Nur Zainal, died in mysterious circumstances in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Robert Finnegan was editor of the Jakarta Post at the time of the first Bali Bomb.

Finnegan clashed with Ralph Boyce, the then U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, and got sacked. Reportedly, Finnegan had produced evidence linking the Bali Bombing to the security services.

The Bali Bomb, Ralph Boyce and Robert Finnegan

"Finnegan said that while he was with the Jakarta Post, he became aware that Boyce, while ambassador in Jakarta, used the services of two known local procurers of child prostitutes and sex slaves.

"They were both Indonesian nationals, one was a CIA asset operating as a businessman and the other was a journalist."


A parade by banci.

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