Saturday 7 September 2024

UK journalist under house arrest on terrorism charges

Anonymous has left a new comment -

This woman's MP needs to ask seriously trenchant questions in Parliament and Yvette Cooper needs to be ... if she tries to block in any way. 

This monstrous behaviour is all on Starmer and Cooper, Lammy and the Minister of Defence.


Anonymous comments - 

Hereford is the home of where the SAS are trained. Quite possible that these yobs were SAS.....



Vote rigging to help Nazis into power?



Sep 5
Palantir CEO Alex Karp who’s company’s data-mining software helps the IDF killing machine to select targets including 18,000 innocent children… says we need to scrap the 1st Amendment to target antisemitism in America…


Whitney Webb

This is proof that no matter who wins in November, both candidates will move to criminalize criticism of the state of Israel as antisemitism, the 1st amendment be damned. Karp backs Kamala and Biden's top intel chief (who will probably stay on for Kamala) has major ties to Palantir.

For Trump, he is backed by several Palantir execs and co-founders and has vowed to criminalize nonviolent protests against Israeli policies and wars. Under Trump, US govt contracts w Palantir exploded and Biden/Kamala also expanded its influence even more. Criminalizing criticism of a foreign nation that is currently committing genocide w the use of Palantir's AI is so dangerous to the 1st amendment, you think more in the "free speech" camp would call it out, esp w de facto CIA front Palantir being so involved on both sides, but alas, free speech for most, incl its loudest supposed advocates, seems to be only for the speech they want to hear.



At 7 September 2024 at 02:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering events like this, and the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France -

Mikhail Zygar, exile from Russia in Berlin:

"Russian propaganda ... broadcasts the message that everywhere is the same, and the rules in Europe are no different from those in Russia. There is no freedom of speech or fair trial anywhere - so if there’s no difference, why leave Russia? Here [in Russia], at least, everything is familiar and our own.

"Over the past two years, this has become the most effective thesis of Russian propaganda within the country: democracy does not exist in nature; all countries are equally corrupt, courts are biased everywhere, the media are deceitful, and human rights are a joke everywhere."

John Helmer:

"In the propaganda war of the US and NATO allies against Russia, freedom of speech cannot be exercised on either side"

At 7 September 2024 at 04:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 7 September 2024 at 05:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UK animals clearly learning from Israeli psychopaths.

At 7 September 2024 at 05:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hereford is the home of where the SAS are trained. Quite possible that these yobs were SAS.....

At 7 September 2024 at 07:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 7 September 2024 at 07:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 7 September 2024 at 08:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 7 September 2024 at 08:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 7 September 2024 at 08:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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