Friday 6 September 2024

SFi003 - Rebekah Roth exposes israeli involvement in Sept 11 attacks

Anonymous said...

Writers frequently use pseudonyms for protection.

I've viewed numerous videos of hers & found so much 'new' information. 

The only thing she had wrong was what level the Israeli 'art students" (Mossad) were on. It was level 92 WTC 1 North Tower. I have a self confession with 14 photos. Same level Rothschild's Credit Agricole was on prior to 9/11. None of their staff died. The tenant next to them on level 92 - Carr Futures - all died. 

Re: Rebekah Roth 'outed' by Mike Adams, Health Ranger & Natural News. Do your research on this former scientologist, on the CIA's payroll - then read his article about Rebekah Roth & laugh. BTW he's banned by META etc.



At 5 September 2024 at 22:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She took 911 Truthers by storm. Until she was found to be a voice over artist- not a flight attendant. Her info may be accurate- but why lie?

At 5 September 2024 at 23:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fair amount of comments in the comments section raising questions about Rebekah Roths integrity and questioning her background too.

Still, she clearly raises concerns that others have voiced for a long time. At the 26.30 there is a Freudian Slip about 'bring in the studio'.

At 6 September 2024 at 00:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fat fingers again, sorry

'bring in the studio' should be 'being in the studio'.

At 6 September 2024 at 01:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard hitting Kamala Harris interview. Nah, it's a JP spoof.

At 6 September 2024 at 05:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr John Campbell with peer reviewed materials proving that Nano Structures are present and visible under RAMON microscopy.

G.O (graphene) present and other self assembling materials.

Conspiracy Realists 1 - Clownworld 0

At 6 September 2024 at 13:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...
UK journalist under house arrest after Mossad style raid & Mother,s Ashes desecrated..just for reporting about Palestine

At 6 September 2024 at 16:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Writers frequently use pseudonyms for protection. I've viewed numerous videos of hers & found so much 'new' information. The only thing she had wrong was what level the Israeli 'art students" (Mossad) were on. It was level 92 WTC 1 North Tower. I have a self confession with 14 photos. Same level Rothschild's Credit Agricole was on prior to 9/11. None of their staff died. The tenant next to them on level 92 - Carr Futures - all died. Re: Rebekah Roth 'outed' by Mike Adams, Health Ranger & Natural News. Do your research on this former scientologist, on the CIA's payroll - then read his article about Rebekah Roth & laugh. BTW he's banned by META etc.

At 6 September 2024 at 23:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didnt like Mike Adams, but his stance on Gaza redeemed him a great deal. Most of his fellow MAM ilk are out of the closet now w their rancid Zionism. Didnt know he did scientology. Hmmm

At 7 September 2024 at 15:02 , Anonymous Godom said...

I read Mike Adams article and proves absolutely nothing. Very vague writing and accusations. I think Rebekah or whoever she calls herself, is only cashing in writing about something that most people already knew. Nothing new here. Her name is very Kosher.


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