Tuesday 3 September 2024

Trump's Israel Advisor . Trump Calls for Increased Immigration

Trump's Israel Advisor: We're Gonna Annex the West Bank and Make America Pay For It


At 3 September 2024 at 23:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you need more people if AI is taking over people's functions? You need fewer people.....if you need more people, you need less AI. It is a zero sum game....

At 4 September 2024 at 01:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% agreed. Trumpenomics at work.

At 4 September 2024 at 16:26 , Blogger Suma said...

Let mass immigrants are taking over and ruining the values on the expense of Americans ،🤩 smh.... Bring more Hindus baby

At 5 September 2024 at 04:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No candidate offered to the people is permitted to bring solutions to problems caused by their predecessor/colleague. Instead, they bring different problems, which the next candidate will seize upon as a means to be elected, knowing full well that no solution is permitted to be implemented which contravenes the terms of the overall agenda all parties and all candidates are secretly sworn to further. All parties are just temporally useful and theatrical aspects of the same single organization.


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