Friday 6 September 2024

SFi003 - Rebekah Roth exposes israeli involvement in Sept 11 attacks

Anonymous said...

Writers frequently use pseudonyms for protection.

I've viewed numerous videos of hers & found so much 'new' information. 

The only thing she had wrong was what level the Israeli 'art students" (Mossad) were on. It was level 92 WTC 1 North Tower. I have a self confession with 14 photos. Same level Rothschild's Credit Agricole was on prior to 9/11. None of their staff died. The tenant next to them on level 92 - Carr Futures - all died. 

Re: Rebekah Roth 'outed' by Mike Adams, Health Ranger & Natural News. Do your research on this former scientologist, on the CIA's payroll - then read his article about Rebekah Roth & laugh. BTW he's banned by META etc.



  1. She took 911 Truthers by storm. Until she was found to be a voice over artist- not a flight attendant. Her info may be accurate- but why lie?

  2. A fair amount of comments in the comments section raising questions about Rebekah Roths integrity and questioning her background too.

    Still, she clearly raises concerns that others have voiced for a long time. At the 26.30 there is a Freudian Slip about 'bring in the studio'.

    1. Fat fingers again, sorry

      'bring in the studio' should be 'being in the studio'.


    Hard hitting Kamala Harris interview. Nah, it's a JP spoof.


    Dr John Campbell with peer reviewed materials proving that Nano Structures are present and visible under RAMON microscopy.

    G.O (graphene) present and other self assembling materials.

    Conspiracy Realists 1 - Clownworld 0

    UK journalist under house arrest after Mossad style raid & Mother,s Ashes desecrated..just for reporting about Palestine

  6. Writers frequently use pseudonyms for protection. I've viewed numerous videos of hers & found so much 'new' information. The only thing she had wrong was what level the Israeli 'art students" (Mossad) were on. It was level 92 WTC 1 North Tower. I have a self confession with 14 photos. Same level Rothschild's Credit Agricole was on prior to 9/11. None of their staff died. The tenant next to them on level 92 - Carr Futures - all died. Re: Rebekah Roth 'outed' by Mike Adams, Health Ranger & Natural News. Do your research on this former scientologist, on the CIA's payroll - then read his article about Rebekah Roth & laugh. BTW he's banned by META etc.

  7. Didnt like Mike Adams, but his stance on Gaza redeemed him a great deal. Most of his fellow MAM ilk are out of the closet now w their rancid Zionism. Didnt know he did scientology. Hmmm

  8. I read Mike Adams article and proves absolutely nothing. Very vague writing and accusations. I think Rebekah or whoever she calls herself, is only cashing in writing about something that most people already knew. Nothing new here. Her name is very Kosher.
