Sunday 8 September 2024

'Plot to jail Alex Salmond' involved government advisors, ex-SNP minister claims

How do you rig events in Scotland?

'Police last week confirmed they are investigating the Scottish Government’s head of Cabinet, Parliament and Governance, James Hynd, over claims he gave false statements under oath to the Salmond inquiry.'

Aangirfan trusts Fergus.



At 9 September 2024 at 01:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Our Angels' doing an excellent job of 'caring' for the most vulnerable in Essex it seems. Thousands dead allegedly at the hands of the NHS monsters doing what the do best.

Murdering the mentally ill, mutilating children with 'trans-surgery' and DNR-ing anyone with a wrinkle on their brow (over 50s). Let's not forget the COVID Care Homes either.

Looks like Aktion T4 and the Nazis in our hospitals are doing a great job. If they are operating on commission (which it appears to be) then it looks as though their pay rise is great value for money.

Aktion T4 was a Nazi extermination program that targeted individuals with disabilities, mental illnesses, and other conditions deemed "unworthy of life." (For those that are unaware.) The program was initiated in 1939 and ran until 1941, though killings continued in some regions after its official end - it never ended though or so it would appear.

The program involved the systematic murder of tens of thousands of people (that we know about). It was presented as a medical procedure (sound familiar)? The program was rooted in Nazi ideology and the elimination of "undesirable" elements of society.

The killings were carried out at specialised centres, such as Hadamar, Grafeneck, and Hartheim (we call the centres vaccination centres and of course, hospitals).

The program was a horrific violation of human rights and a stain on the history of medicine (only because they got caught). It is essential to remember that Aktion T4 was policy and to realise the implications when examining the chapter unfolding in places like Essex.

Just another day in Clownworld. No doubt the enquiry will end and 'lessons will be learned '.

At 9 September 2024 at 10:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Climate change affects all of us. We're one big family after all.


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