Tuesday 10 September 2024

Adolf Eichmann ~ Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi

Eichman and a body double.

Adolf Eichmann

"Eichmann had Jewish friends, was employed by Jews as an oil and kerosene salesman, had Jewish relatives by marriage."

(A portrait of Eichmann as an ordinary man - The New York Times)

In 1939, Adolf Eichmann desribed himself as a Zionist.

(Adolf Eichmann was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi)

Adolph Eichmann went to Palestine in 1937 to negotiate a homeland for the Jews.

Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes, states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish.

Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews.

Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. (eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional)


Israel was alerted to Eichmann's presence in Argentina in 1957, by Fritz Bauer, a Jewish prosecutor in Germany.

Bauer had been tipped off by Lothar Hermann, a Jew in Argentina, whose daughter, Sylvia, had become friends with Eichmann's son.

Bauer alerted the Israeli authorities.

But Mossad closed the case!

"Only when Bauer insisted did Isser Harel, director of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, dispatch an agent to Argentina to verify the claim.

"Even then there was a delay of four months - in the 1950s the Israeli security... devoted not a single officer exclusively to the business of Nazi hunting."

The Mossad agent met Hermann and insisted on being given fingerprint and identity card evidence; this was not possible.

Mossad closed the case for a second time.

Eichmann in South America.

According to author Paul Bogdanor, in his book Kasztner's Crime:

A Jew called Rudolph Kasztner helped Hitler's Third Reich murder almost half-a-million Jewish men, women and children.

Kasztner helped Eichmann to deport almost 8000,000 'ordinary' Jews to Auschwitz.


The original Eichmann?




The Cabal that tries to run the world is said to be Zionist and fascist.


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