When there is civil unrest in the West, more often than not it is planned & executed by the state.

When there is civil unrest in the West, more often than not it is planned & executed by the state. In the EU, they use agents in a disguise called Black Bloc, in the US they are disguised as Antifa. In the UK they are disguised as "Far Right". In the end it is always the state. The problem is that hot headed people love violence & join in.
A key to the violence is the perception of 'two-tier policing', as the chair of UK Police Commissioners herself says, in quote below
A perception, backed by some videos, is -
migrant-heritage young men in the street, even with cudgels or knives - dealt with cautiously
white young men in the street, with weapons or not - dealt with roughly
Combine economic despair, with a sense people have of not being protected or treated fairly by police and authorities, and a feeling grows that one must fight, now or never ... there is a point that government threats merely fan the flames
Police Commissioner Donna Jones, chair of the UK Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC):
"The announcement of the Prime Minister’s new Violent Crime Units have led to an accusation of 'two tier policing', which has enflamed protestors who state they are battling to protect Britain’s sovereignty, identity and to stop illegal immigration.
The only way to stem the tide of violent disorder, is to acknowledge what is causing it.
Arresting people, or creating violent disorder units, is treating the symptom and not the cause.
The questions these people want answering;
What is the Government’s solution to mass uncontrolled immigration?
How are the new Labour government going to uphold and build on British values?
This is the biggest challenge facing Sir Kier Starmer’s government, and it's bitten quickly."
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