Saturday 6 July 2024

Lowkey EXPOSES The Israel Lobby


At 6 July 2024 at 08:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jewish historian Barnaby Raine exposes Keir Starmer ‘as a racist antisemite’

At 6 July 2024 at 09:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Victoria Starmer: Mossad honeytrap?

A contributor to Craig Murray’s blog highlights the surprisingly large age gap between Keir Starmer and his wife (who used to work for Margaret Hodge’s husband) — and a question this inevitably raises.

Victoria Starmer, nee Alexander, is Jewish, and thought to be a radical Zionist like her father before her, and her previous employer the Hodges, the radical Zionist co-founders of New Labour.

Victoria Starmer is ‘aged 49 or 50’

Sir Keir is a full 11-12 years older than his wife, being 61 years of age.

Given the large age difference and Victoria’s putative Zionist/Mossad background, could she be more than ‘merely’ Mossad-aligned, and in fact be a Mossad honeytrap?

Now functioning as her husband’s handler in Number 10?

At 6 July 2024 at 11:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3000% Increase in child deaths.

At 6 July 2024 at 12:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mammography concerns.

At 6 July 2024 at 13:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 13:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 13:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 14:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 15:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

President Biden’s physician met with Parkinson’s disease specialist in White House

“A top Washington DC neurologist had a meeting with President Biden’s personal doctor at the White House earlier this year, visitor logs [show].

“Dr. Kevin Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease expert at Walter Reed Medical Center, met with Dr. Kevin O’Connor, and two others at the White House residence clinic on Jan. 17, according to the records …

“Since Biden’s health is O’Connor’s primary responsibility, it is highly probable the meeting was about the commander in chief, according to Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Tx), the doctor for both Presidents Obama and Trump.

“‘It’s highly likely they were talking about Biden’, Jackson [said]

“‘He should only be [regularly] treating the president and the first family’.

“O’Connor has been Biden’s official physician since he took office …

“‘I believe he and Jill Biden have led the cover up. Kevin O’Connor is like a son to Jill Biden — she loves him …,’ [said Jackson.]

“‘Kevin O’Connor was in that job on day one of the Biden administration because they knew they could trust Kevin to say and do anything that needed to be said or done and cover up whatever needed to be covered up …’”

At 6 July 2024 at 19:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starmer turns to Alan Milburn to drive through NHS reform

“Labour are set to bring back Sir Tony Blair’s health secretary Alan Milburn to help reform the NHS, in a sign that the private sector … will be at the heart of their plans …

“… [It] is understood that [Milburn] has already been advising the Health Secretary Wes Streeting and his team in recent weeks …

“During his time as health secretary from 1999 to 2003, Mr Milburn, who was seen as an ally of Sir Tony … introduced … a more prominent role for the private sector within the health service …”

Citing the need to "spend more time with my family" Alan Milburn suddenly and abruptly resigned as one of Tony Blair’s ministers in June 2003, coinciding with the Mossad engineered invasion of Iraq — and a mere few months after a list of suspected paedophiles assembled by Operation Ore had been leaked to the press.

Operation Ore was a UK nationwide police operation that sought to identify the users of a website peddling child pornography.

There is no evidence that Alan Milburn was among the politicians flagged as a person of interest by Operation Ore detectives, prompting his bizarrely abrupt resignation.

Alan Milburn has previously served on the board of Policy Network and Communications (Sept 2006-Apr 2008), which in an earlier period counted among its directors Jeffrey Epstein’s two very close friend and business partners: Lord Peter Mandelson (Nov 2001-Oct 2004), and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild (Nov 2001-Oct 2002).

It has been speculated, never definitively proven, that Epstein, Mandelson, the de Rothschilds and Ghislaine Maxwell — supported by ‘Mossad’s’ Mega Group and possibly other Rothschilds, etc. — conspired and colluded to ensnare VIPs — including world presidents, prime ministers, royalty and corporate titans like Bill Gates — in a Mossad-aligned pedophilic sextortion scheme to cement silence and complicity around Mossad’s alleged 9 11 false flag atrocity and subsequent ‘war on terror’ false flags and genocides.

The Zionist agenda being — or so it is alleged — ‘a New (Zionist) American Century’ with two pillars: Eastern Jerusalem — undergirded in its ceaseless expansion by its top colony, the United States of America. The lesser Jer-USA-lem.

America, the lesser Jer-USA-lem, to continue supplying funding, armaments, military muscle/cannon fodder, and on occasion human sacrifices.

It has been speculated — though this is again entirely unproven and without evidence — that the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, Peter Mandelson, Lynn de Rothschild and Ghislaine Maxwell, et al., would *themselves* have been subjected to sustained trauma when they were kids — and later observed abusing others — by way of grooming and controlling them to eventually become overseers in the same/similar ongoing sextortion and torture blackmail schemes.

It is speculated that this multigenerational cycle of abuse (abused-abuser-abused-abuser, ad infinitum) characterizes top Zionist families aligned to the cult and Mossad.

Whether Alan Milburn was and remains ‘entrapped’ or enmeshed in the putative Mossad sexual (pedophilic) blackmail operation can only be a matter for speculation, since no known evidence exists that Mr. Milburn is guilty of any crime whatsoever.

At 6 July 2024 at 20:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ex-Foreign Secretary David Miliband poised for shock return as ambassador to US, say insiders

“[A] Westminster insider said: ‘Sir Keir Starmer has been thinking about putting David Miliband in as US ambassador.

“‘He already lives in America and has lots of connections* …’”

David Miliband’s “connections” notably include the Trilateral Commission, on which he served alongside Jeffrey Epstein,

and Lord Mandelson,

and Sir Keir Starmer,

and David Rockefeller,

And Dr Henry Kissinger.

Oh yes, David Miliband and Keir Starmer do indeed both have excellent “connections”.

At 6 July 2024 at 20:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The political situation in the UK is now so incredibly dangerous that every able-bodied person in a financial and personal position to do so would be well advised to consider their emigration options.

Formulate your emergency emigration plans now, in case the very worst happens, and happens even sooner than expected.

There really is no telling when the next cataclysmic pandemic event, genocidal terror false flag, catastrophic Net Zero order, mass wealth confiscation, internet shutdown, or other full scale assaults on human rights will be sprung by the Starmer-Mandelson-Blair Mossad-Trilateralist-WEF regime now installed in Number 10.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to make your contingency plans — the writing is plainly on the wall now.

At 6 July 2024 at 20:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is the 19th Anniversary of the 7/7 London false flag massacre

Tavistock Square memorials:

At 6 July 2024 at 21:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel bombs school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza, kills 16


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