Kosher Nostra UK?

Anonymous -
Britain is ... a poor country with some very rich people.
More than a third of people in Britain spend over half their income on rent, 80% spent over a third.
Millions of younger people now exist in precarity around housing, forced into overly expensive privately rented accommodation with no hope of affording a home.
Although Britain has many wealthy, the average person is not very well off compared to other developed countries ... the lowest-earning bracket of households in Britain were 20% worse off than their counterparts in Slovenia.
Britain's economy is highly London-centric. Without the capital, the UK would be poorer per head than [the USA's poorest state] Mississippi.'
More than a third of people in Britain spend over half their income on rent, 80% spent over a third.
Millions of younger people now exist in precarity around housing, forced into overly expensive privately rented accommodation with no hope of affording a home.
Although Britain has many wealthy, the average person is not very well off compared to other developed countries ... the lowest-earning bracket of households in Britain were 20% worse off than their counterparts in Slovenia.
Britain's economy is highly London-centric. Without the capital, the UK would be poorer per head than [the USA's poorest state] Mississippi.'
'In his book Rentier Capitalism, the economic geographer Brett Christophers showed that the main effects of Thatcherite-era reforms were to open up new income streams to rentiers that had little or no productive effects. The pattern since then has been the privileging of rentier accumulation over investment in productive economic activity. The share of UK GDP coming from manufacturing was 32% in 1973, today it is under 9%. The UK today is producing a lot of money, but not much else.' ...
'Thatcher’s government privatised vast quantities of public assets and deregulated financial markets, which allowed for a massive growth in interest-bearing credit (household debt increased from 37% to 70% of GDP under Thatcher).' ...
But while countries like Norway invested large oil discoveries into long-term investments like sovereign wealth funds, Thatcher’s government used it to fund cuts in the higher rates of income tax. One economist estimated that had the 3% of national income that was being generated from oil and gas extraction been invested in ultra-safe assets, it would conservatively have been valued £450bn by 2008. Instead, this money was used to fund a great cash giveaway for the highest earners in British society, much of which was then invested back into property assets and used to inflate the housing market, rather than stimulate real economic growth...
From 1950 to 1970, Britain’s share of the world’s manufacturing fell from 25% to 10%. While this has often been presented as an inevitable feature of modernisation, in the same period Germany grew its share from 7% to 20%.[5] The key difference is that in Germany, monetary policies have consciously been set to favour the growth of industry, whereas Britain has treated industrial interests as subordinate to finance and banking...'
'Many heavy hitters within the British economy are being sold to American capital. Blackrock has just finalised a deal to acquire the UK-based data provider Preqin for $3.2 billion...
'But it has long been well-known that the City of London is just an outpost of Wall Street. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the City has waned in importance with more and more British companies being listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Now the financialised British economy is being actively weaponised against the country to asset-strip its companies and place them under American ownership...'
'In 2010, the demographer David Coleman produced an analysis which forecast White Britons becoming a minority by 2066. Since immigration has expanded greatly since then, this figure can likely be revised forward...'
'Police now solve fewer than 3% of burglaries. Most criminals have little chance of ever facing punishment in the UK...
'We now know that British police and state institutions ignored and helped conceal the greatest child sexual abuse scandal in British history, with a series of pedophile “grooming gangs” ... ignored for years...'
They say he's of Azeri and Kurdish extraction, but the termination "ian" from his family name is typically Armenian:
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