Saturday 6 July 2024

Kate Forbes - BAP


Kate Forbes, Deputy First Minister of Scotland; and Scottish National Party MSP

She joined the British American Project in 2023.[159]


At 6 July 2024 at 01:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate also studied at the University of Edinburgh, where she gained a Master of Science in Diaspora and Migration History in 2013.

At 6 July 2024 at 03:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 03:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 03:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 03:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again with the Lucy Letby distraction:

At 6 July 2024 at 03:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 6 July 2024 at 05:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The British-American Project (N.B. There’s also a Delaware US based entity: The British-American Project Inc.)

Nick Butler, Fabian Society, Chatham House

Lord George Robertson, Ditchley Foundation

Alan Mendoza, Henry Jackson Society
Julia Streets, Children in Crisis

Peter Mandelson, Keir Starmer’s advisor
Wendy Alexander, former MSP
Lord Richard Dannatt, Iraq War
Mark Durken, former MP, WEF Global Leaders of Tomorrow
Julie Etchingham, ITV
Richard Fisher, Trilateral Commission
Allan Golston, Gates Foundation
Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve
Steve Hilton, David Cameron’s director of strategy
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London
Laura Kuenssberg, BBC
Philip Lader, Ditchley Foundation
Jamie Lowther Pinkerton, Duke & Duchess of Cambridge
Bronwen Maddox, Ditchley Foundation
Ed Miliband MP
Senator George Mitchell
Rabbi Julia Neuberger
Jeremy Paxman, BBC
Trevor Phillips, Sky News
Jonathan Powell, Blair’s chief of staff
Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Ditchley Foundation

At 6 July 2024 at 05:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord Peter Carrington, Ditchley Foundation
Dr Geoff Mulgan, Ditchley Foundation

Rushanara Ali MP
Simon Duffy, Manchester Metropolitan University
Sir John Sawers, Ditchley Foundation
Lady Elizabeth Symons, Ditchley Foundation
Paul Wolfowitz, Iraq War

Douglas Alexander MP
Belma Ambrose, Global Counsel 
George Brock, Ditchley Foundation
Lord David Lipsey, Fabian Society
Lord Chris Smith, Fabian Society
Colonel Bob Stewart, former MP
Lord Adair Turner, WEF Global Leaders of Tomorrow
Lord David Willetts, Ditchley Foundation

Sean Anstee, Manchester Metropolitan University

At 6 July 2024 at 05:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, you’re not imagining things.

A great many of those affiliated with the British American Project are also members of 1 or more of:

Trilateral Commission
World Economic Forum
Fabian Society
Chatham House
The Ditchley Foundation
Upper echelons of a U.K. and U.S. political parties
BBC / ITV / Sky top broadcasters


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