Thursday 16 May 2024

Ausralia - If you're seeing this, I'm in jail.


At 16 May 2024 at 10:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I SMELL ANOTHER DAMAGE CONTROL AND A PUBLC LYNCHING DETERRENT PSYOP LIKE THE ONE WITH ASSANGE TO WARN ANY REAL POTENTIAL WHISTLE-BLOWERS NOT TO REVEAL CLASSIFIED INFORMATION "I did not break my oath to the people of Australia and the soldiers that keep us safe," he said on Tuesday ahead of his sentencing, addressing a crowd of supporters which included relatives of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and fellow whistleblower Jeff Morris.

At 16 May 2024 at 12:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 May 2024 at 12:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 May 2024 at 12:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 May 2024 at 12:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 May 2024 at 12:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 16 May 2024 at 13:12 , Anonymous Angelina said...

The holocaust -shifting the blame
The Best documentary that you will ever see Enjoy!

At 16 May 2024 at 14:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having been a long time supporter of David's, attending several of his personal presentations (one with Julian Assange's father) - it is hoped his legal team can appeal successfully. However, David had said that he faced a possible life time in jail. It he is out in 2 and a half that is not too bad. The prosecution's legal team, his lawyer told us, comprised of mostly Americans. Could his appeal include the fact that as per the Nuremburg Trials findings 'duty' is questionable. Trish McDonald (for the prosecution) said David's duty was to 'follow orders'. 'Following Orders' is the LAST thing a soldier should do if war crimes are being committed. International Law takes precedence over 'orders' - SS criminals quote: "we SS men were not supposed to think about these things; it never even occurred to us. . . . We were all so trained to obey orders without even thinking that the thought of disobeying an order would simply never have occurred to anybody." The judges at Nuremberg rejected the “following orders” defense. They said that when an individual follows an order that is illegal under international law, he is responsible for that choice. (link 'overflow' however evidence here ) Additional link:

At 16 May 2024 at 16:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Afghanistan panel suggests military top brass be held 'accountable' for command failures over alleged war crimes. In short: An independent panel has warned a lack of accountability from Australia's military top brass over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan has led to "anger and bitter resentment" from troops and veterans.
The panel said it disagreed with the landmark 2020 Brereton inquiry's view that some responsibility for the "murder" of 39 Afghan prisoners and civilians could not fall on the most senior officers.
What's next? Defence Minister Richard Marles is still considering recommendations on the stripping of honours and awards for senior figures over the alleged crimes that occurred under their command.
Serving and former defence chiefs, including Governor General David Hurley, are facing fresh calls to take responsibility for command failures which may have led to alleged war crimes in Afghanistan under their watch.

A report from an independent panel appointed to oversee the landmark Brereton inquiry has finally been released, warning that a lack of accountability from Australia's military top brass has generated "anger and bitter resentment" among troops and veterans.


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