Wednesday 15 May 2024

World Central Kitchen

Argyll from Crinan to Mull to Dunoon

Unknown commented on "Info Lib"

These charity organizations, as you have illustrated before many times Aangirfan, alway seem to have ulterior motives. 

Regarding the World Central Kitchen I still find it particularly odd that 7 of his volunteers were killed by the IDF all in different locations as if they were indeed being targeted. 

What did Israel know about the World Central Kitchen? 

As I have stated here before Andres was discussed in various threads in voat pizzagate which is almost impossible to relocate after voats closing. 

As I mentioned before he was honored as one of the most influential in Washington DC the same time James Alefantis was named as well. He has raised millions in charity and fed millions but why do I still get this very creepy feeling about this charity?

"In 2022, WCK took in $519 million in grants and donations.[29] Early 2023 Andrés collaborated with the US government and he worked with the United States Department of State as a member of the “American Culinary Corps”, a partnership with the James Beard Foundation.[34]

"Since it was founded, the NGO has organized meals in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Zambia, Peru, Cuba, Uganda, Cambodia,[2] and in Poland on the border of Ukraine.[31] It has provided aid and meals in the United States and Puerto Rico and has helped during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States."

He's always there in certain... Clinton Cartel areas.



At 15 May 2024 at 09:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jewish illusionist David Copperfield accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women

A total of 16 women have accused Copperfield of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior spanning decades.

More than half said they were teenagers at the time.

At 15 May 2024 at 09:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shiksas, Sheygetses, Goyim

“Shiksa is an often disparaging … term for a gentile woman or girl …

“The equivalent term for a non-Jewish male … is shegetz …

“The etymology of the word shiksa is partly derived from the Hebrew term שקץ shekets, meaning ‘abomination’, ‘impure’, or ‘object of loathing’ …

“In 2009 The Big Bang Theory episode ‘The Jiminy Conjecture’, the Jewish Howard Wolowitz [explains] the term Shiksa:

“‘We don't pray *to* them — we prey *on* them …’”

“Nahma Nadich, deputy director of the Jewish Community Relations of Greater Boston writes: ‘[I] see goy as a slur … never used in the presence of a non-Jew …’”

“The twelfth century Jewish scholar Maimonides defines ‘goy’ … as a worshipper of idolatry …”

At 15 May 2024 at 12:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 May 2024 at 12:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 May 2024 at 13:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 May 2024 at 13:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 15 May 2024 at 14:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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